The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1893, Image 2

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On another page of this paper
will be found a complete report of
the condition of crops and of busi
ness in nearly every county of Ne
braska, secured through the com
mercial agency of It. G. Dunn &
Co. Pains have been taken to
make this report reflect with per
fect accuracy the state of affairs
found by trustworthy reporters,
and we believe that it may be re
lied upon as a fair and conseiwative
statement in every instance.
Business is of course dull as a
rule. There is no more reason for
this stagnation in the country
towns than there is for the depres
sion in the cities, but it exists and
under the circumstances nothing
else could be expected. The mer
chants are running as close to
shore as possible, the banks are
reefing in on all sides, and all peo
ple are limiting their expenditures
and preparing for a long period of
dull times.
But aside from the depression
which comes from the unsatisfact
ory financial condition of the coun
try, the prospects for business in
Nebraska are most favorable. Our
prospect are of course based up®n
wheat and oats and corn and live
stock, and these reports show that
the outlook is entirely encourag
ing. The acreage is larger than
last year and the growing crops
seem to be on the whole in better
"Wheat and oats will of course
produce less than last season. Both
were put back early in the season
by insufficient moisture, and a con
siderable acreage was plowed over
to make way for corn. The gener
al estimate is that in spite of these
unfavorable conditions the crop
will net from one-lialf to three
fourths of the average. Corn is
king this year and promises to
rule with more potency than ever
before. Tho acreage has been in
creased by fully 33 per cent. The
stand is good, the plants are strong
and healthy, and are making a
phenomenal growth under the in
fluence of the warm June sunshine.
If nothing occurs to retard this
growth the yield will be the larg
est we have known for years; and
that of course means good times for
the state.—Journal.
General Alger’s sensible talk
on the pension business will com
mend itself to every thinking man
in the country. Instead of blast
ing the administration with sever
al kinds of palsy, as did the his
toric Fairchild, he candidly admits
that he has seen nothing that in
dicates a hostile feeling to the
veterans of the union who are en
titled to pensions. Alger does
not hesitate tc declare himself in
favor of a complete investigation
of the pension rolls. When Grand
Army veterans as eminent as Gen
eral Alger talk in this vein there
is but little excuse for the frenzy
of the politicians who are declaring
so vociferously against pension
A Methodist church down in
Ohio has passed an order abolish
ing the old apostolic custom of
passing around the cup at commun
ion, and providing “individual
glasses” for communicants. The
plea is that modern science has
shown that promiscuous drinking
out of one tumbler is in the
highest degree unwholesome and
liable to spread germ diseases.
Nothing hereafter will be common
about the communion in the church
but the decanter.
Out of 400,000 immigrants who
came to the United States in the
past twelve months, but 4,155, or
about 1 per cent, have found homes
in the south, The west still affords
the greatest attraction to men and
women who come to America to win
free homes for themselves by un
remitting toil.
Novelties in Ladies’Outing Costumes
At this season of the year when so
many ladies are planning their prospect
ive trips to the country,the question nat
urally arises in regard to ar* appropri
ate traveling costume, which experience
teaches is an indispensable garment for
every woman tourist to possess. More
over, a well ordered wardrobe presuppos
es in addition, an outing costume. The
selection of the latter is a problem of no
mean importance, for it consists in find
ing a model both stylish and comfort
able and which may, at the same time
prove a judicious economy. On the
other hand lovers of out-door pastimes
are m quest of novel designs for garden
parties and tennis custume, while for
those who prefer our fashionable water
ing resorts, a bathing suit is of course,
de rigueur. Now since all the above es
sentials of a summer outfit follow the
dictate of Fashion and since there is
nowadays, as much style in a bathing or
tennis suit as in a traveling or outing
costume, one is obliged to conform to
the current modes. The McDowell
Fashion Magazines are precisely calcu
lated to give the desired information on
these matters, for they contain the best
and largest variety of new models direct
from Paris. “La Mode de Paris” and
“Paris Album of Fashion” each cost
$3.50 per annum, or 35 cents a copy.
“The French Dressmaker” is $3.00 a
year, or 30 cents a copy. “La Mode”
costs only $1.50 per annum, or 15 cents
a copy. All these magazines include
much more valuable information besides.
They can be subscribed for or purchas
ed at any newsdealer, or by applying
directly to Messrs. A McDowell & Co.,
4 West 14th Street, New York.
The figures presented by Secretary
Morton of the Agricultural department
will be disappointing to those who have
believed that the system of meat in
spection established by congress some
thing over two years ago would have
the tendency to increase exports of those
products to Germany and France. Mr.
Morton has no hesitancy in asserting
that the experiment has been a failure
in so far as practical results are con
cerned. The United States is sending
less pork to Germany now than she did
before the inspection law went into
effect. In the ten months ending April
1,1892, the exports of pork to Germany
amounted to 4,881,160 pounds, while for
the corresponding ten months ending
April 1, 1893, the exports to the same
country amounted to 644,900 pounds.
Possibly this decline in the export of
hog products may be due to the high
price of pork.
Which will you do, smile and make
others happy, or be crabbed and make
everybody around you miserable? You
can live among flowers and singing birds
or in a mire surrounded by fogs and
frogs. The amount of happiness you
can produce is incalculable, if you will
only show a smiling face, a kind heart
and speak pleasant words. On the oth
er hand sour looks, cross words and
tearful disposition, you can make hun
dreds unhappy almost beyond endur
ance. Which will you do? Wear a
pleasant countenance, let joy beam in
your eve, and love glow in your fore
head. There is no joy so great as that
which springs from a kind act or pleas
ant deed, and you can feel it at night
when you rest, and at morning when you
rise and throughout the day when about
your daily business
Of sixty physicians, representing all
schools and using the Amick cure for
consumption, interviewed in New York
City, Monday, thirty-two agreed with
Amick that the dacillus microbe is
produced by the disease, and twenty
eiget while admiting Amick’s treatment
is the only successful one believed
with Kock that the bacillus is the cause.
Dr. W. Amick when shown the above
said I will continue sending test med
icines to these and all other doctors for
each new patient until all realize their
success could not come from any false
One man will find an item in the paper
and because it interests him, will say it
is not half long enough, while another
will skip this identical article altogether,
after reading its heading, discover that
the subject does not concern him or his
interests, and will probably wonder why
such stuff is printed at all. Thus itgoes
day after day, and no man knows better
than the editor the difficulty of always
finding something to print that will in
terest all classes of his readers.
Both One Year For $1.50.
For a short time only, we can offer the Great Twiee-n-Week
State Journal, and the McCook Tribune for only $1.50. The State
Journal gives two complete papers each week, one on Tuesday and
one on Friday—104 papers a year—giving the most complete na
tional and state news and market reports while fresh. It is almost as
good as a daily. This offer applies only to persons who are not now
subscribers to The State Journal. Our old subscribers can take ad
vantage of this great offer by paying up arrearages and renewing.
Come in and get a sample copy of the State Journal and give us your
order, as this is a special offer and will not last long.
The cures which are being effected
by Drs. Starkey & Paleu, 1529 Arch
St., Philadelphia, Pa., in Consumption,
Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheu
matism, and all chronic diseases by
their compound Oxygen Treatment is
indeed marvelous.
If you area sufferer from any disease
which your physician has failed to cure,
write for information about this treat
ment, and their book of two hundred
pages, giving a history of Compound
Oxygen, its nature and effects with nu
merous testimonials from patients, to
whom you may refer for still further
information, will be promptly sent,
without charge.
This book aside from its great merit
as a medical work, giving as it does,
the result of years of study and experi
ence, you will find a very interesting
5129 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
120 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal.
Please mention this paper.
The temple of Y'psambul in.Nubia is
cut from a solid rock, and its entrance
is guarded by four statues, each Go feet
high, 25 feet across the sholders, the
face 7 leet long, the ear over 3 feet.
A Blacksmith Saves the Life of
a Little Girl.—Minnie Carney, of
Lytle City, Iowa, was perhaps as near
leaving this world as any one can be,
and recover. She was sick with cholera,
morbus; completely exhausted and un
conscious. The physicians in consulta
tion decided the case was hopeless and
beyond their control.—Chas. J. New
comb, a blacksmith, walked four miles
through the darkness and storm, to get
a remedy he had himself used and
which he firmly believed would cure I
her. That medicine was Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
He obtained part of a bottle with which
he hastily returned and gave the little
sufferer a half teaspoonful, which re
lieved her and consciousneess gradually
returned. The medicine was given in
broken doses and in a short time she
was well. He is positive that it saved
her life, and has others in that vicinity.
For sale by McConnell & Co.
The tracks of the great Atlantic liners
between the United States and Great
Britain are as accurately made out and
followed as if they were built on land.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon
this condition. If you are afflicted with
a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed giving it a fair trial, and
experience no benefit, you may return
the bottle and have your money refund
ed. We could not make this offer did
we not know that Dr. King’s New Dis
covery could be relied on. It never
disappoints. Trial bottles free at Mc
Millen’s drugstore. Large size 50 cents
and Si.
The state capital of Texas is the
largest state building in the United
States and the seventh in size among the
buildings of the world.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Electric
Bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
natives—containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of Stomach,
Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Constipation
and drive Malaria from the system.
Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle
or the money will be refunded. Price
only 50 cents per bottle. For sale by
A. McMillen.
My customers have been using Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy for several
years and will have no other kind. The
reason is because it can always be de
pended upon, is quick in its actions and
perfectly safe. — Db. R. L. St. John,
Howland, Mo. For sale by McConnell
& Co.
How it Happened.
The following remarkable event in a lady's
life will interest the reader; “Foralong time I
had a terrible pain at my heart, which flut
tered almost incessantly. I had no appet ite
and could not sleep. I would be compelled
to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stom
ach until I thought every minute would be
my last. There was a feeling of oppression
about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a
full breath. I couldn’t sweep a room with
out sitting down and resting; but, thank
God, by the help of New Heart Cure all that
is past and I feel like another woman. Be
fore using the New Heart Cure I had taken
ditferent so-called remedies and been treated
by doctors without any benefit until I was
hoth discouraged and disgusted. Sly husband
bought me a bottle of Dr. Miles’ New Heart
Cure, and am happy to say I never regretted
it, as I now have a splendid appetite and
sleep well. I weighed 125 pounds when I be
gan taking the remedy, and now I weigh 130!4.
Its effect In my caso has been truly marvel
ous. It far surpasses any other medicine I
have ever taken or any benefit I ever re
ceived from physicians.”—Mrs. Harry Starr,
l’ottsville, Pa., October 12,1S92.
Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold on a posi
tive guarantee by all druggists, or by the Dr.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of
price, SI per bottle, six bottles 85, express pre
paid. Tliis great discovery by an eminent
specialist in heart disease, contains neither
opiates nor dangerous drugs.
Buck ten's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap
ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles or
no pay required. It is -guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents a box. For
sale by A. McMillen. | 23-lyr.
In order to collect a pound of clover
honey 3,750,000 bees must deprive 62,
000 clover blossoms of their nectar.
37 men wanted at McConnell & Co.’s
drug store next Monday morning, to buy
a bottle of Haller's Barb Wire Liniment,
it is absolutely guaranteed.
The United States is the first nation
in the world’s history to have three cities
of over one million each.
Humphreys’ Specifics Nos. Ten and
sixteen speedily and permanently cure
malaria and bilious fever. Price 25
cents each at all drug stores.
There are 30,000 acres of watermelons
in Georgia that will soon be ready for
shipment to the north.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
The biggest army in the world is the
Russian. Great Britain has the biggest
VV hat's the difference between a
good boy and an elephant? Why, good
boys take Haller's Sure Cure Cough
Syrup and elephants don’t. For sale
by McConnell & Co.
Shiloh’s \ italizer is what you need
for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow
Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar
anteed to give you satisfaction. Price
15 cents. Sold by A. McMillen
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di
ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem
edy is the first medicine I have ever
found that would do me any good.” Price
50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen.
Cook quickest
tiTicI best.
They uro a
necessity, ,
lighten labor
and improve |
tho flavor I' j
«.l the bed ._ * ,
Don't lot -VI )
anotacr \ ! V
kind. '\ (\ IjT
W. «. LaTOURETTf Agent, McCook, or
Wajestic ftfifgr. Co.. St. Louis.
Dp. Hathaway,
(Regular Graduate.)
rise loading Specialist of tlie United States
in Ills Uine.
Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Diseases.
\<>ung and
Middle Aged
Men: Remark
able results have
followed my
treatment. Many
YEARS of var
ied and success
ENCE in the use
of curative meth
ods that I alono
Sown and control
=for all disorders
fof M E N. who
shave weak or un
Ideveloped or dis
[eased organs, or
| who are suffering
[from errors of
'youth and excess
or who are nerv
ous and IMPO
Ti-iis r, ' n0 scorn or tneir ieuows ana me con
tempt of friends and companions, leads me to
GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos
f^TKEMEMBEK, that there is hope for
YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE
VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at
on :e.
Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments; a wonderful treatment.
Catarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
sypiiillo. The most rapid, safe and effective
treatment. A complete euro guaranteed.
M:in Diseases of all kinds"cured where many
Others have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
few days. Quick, sure and safe. This includes
dust and Gonorrhoea.
1. Free consultation at the office or by mail.
2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis.
3. That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience, and a
.specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment
A home treatment can be given in a majority
of cases.
Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. 2 for Women.
No. 3 for Skin Disease*.
Send lCc for G4-page Reference Book for Men
and Women.
All correspondence answered promptly. Bus
iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment
sent free from observation. Refer to banks in St.
Joseph and business men. Address or call on
Corner 6th and Edmond Sts.. St. Joseph. Me*
nothing new when we state that it pays to engage
in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi
ness, that returns a profit for every day’s work.
Such is the business we offer the working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our instructions
faithfully the making of 8300.00 a month.
Every one who takes hold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
can be no question about it; others now at work
are doin" it, and you, reader, can do the same.
This is the best paying business that you have
ever had the chance to secure. You will make a
grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once.
If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you
will directly find yourself in a most prosperous
business, at which’ you can surely make and save
large sums of money. The results of only a few
hours’ work will often equal a week’s wages.
Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it
makes no difference, — do as we tell you, and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why lot write to-day for
full particulars, free ? E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box No. 420, Augusta, 31 e.
It is an agreeable La native for the Bowels;
can he made into a Tea for use in one minute.
Price 25c., 50c. and if l.uO per package.
'ZWft WJf jf% An Elegant toilet Powder
S%. W SLi.^ lor tac Teeth and Breath-25c.
For sale by McMillcn, Druggist.
ifili $S*
‘ i K
I Onr PERFECTION SYRINGE free with every bottl®.
Cures GONORREKEA and GLEF.T in Om to Fuoa days
Sold by oil DRUGGISTS. Sent to tor Addreos for fl.00.‘
AF'ULLYFFfy ON . . . F03,
V.'ork Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the
morning, new vines inserted evening of
f'Aine day. Teeth tilled without pain, latest
method. Finest parlors in the west. Paxton
- S3.3. W. BAILEY,
i ranee. OMAHA.-NEB. 3
| ► Hftll os a pood Photo, a while ( new or old i Silk Uand-j
► kerchief, with a P. O. or L\preaa flone* Order for «l, J
► Bnd we will 1* holograph I he pie lure on I be al 11. Beautl-l
L ful effect. PERSIA NEXT picture. WILL SOT FADE or]
l i / WASH out, I ml a forever, evrybodj'
[ j'r&y/l PHOTO h»l»r..«.,Ow«.,
k . . *TUDIO3l3.5l-l7S.ISfh.0MAHAn
I Will Avoid Qnnekft
Frauds ftnil llogua Medical
SnatltntcJ by going to th«
Old, Jfcclljabl©
KANSAS *c"l" Y .‘"MO.
A Regular drnduatein
Medicine. Over 26 year*
DTactlce—Vi in Chicago. 4
Established 18S5.
’ll fcji| tbe oi.nwr in auk.
Authorised by tho Htuto to ‘ru»t.^„r!J"!p’N,tr,nnT
and “Special Diseases.”Seminal
Losses), Sexual Debility (loss ok
Nervous Debility. Poisoned eto
Inga of every kind. Urinary and Kidney
Cures 4J.lurlii.leed or Money '
Charles I,ow. Thousands of oasea cured
every year. Experience Is imiiortaut. No met
cury or Injurious mcdiolno used. No timo lost
from business. Patients at u distnneo treated by
mall and express. Medicines sent everywhere free
from gnzo or breaksuo. State your s®'"2
for terms. Consultation freo and confidential, per
tonally or by letter. ^xrttCM'uru boo
KIIBIIC full of descriptive pictures, sent
llUUn sealed in plain envelope for fio. In
atamp*. N. D.-Tbl* book contains buckets at d
useful knowledge which should ho trad by every
male from 15 to 45 Joars ofsec-snd kept u nder
lock and key. FREE MUSEUM 4>F ANAT
OMY replete with a thousand Interesting speci
mens, Including the celebrated French M aulkla
Which alone coat over ftiUO. i’or Men Only.
for any case this treatment falls to §
Cure or help. Greatest discovery in J
annals of medicine. Ono dose givesfn£OSfhJ^ A
relief: a few doses removes fever and
pain in Joints; Cure completed in
few days. Send statement of case with stamp fot
Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in
private’practice ami for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single Specific
a special cure for the disease named.
They cure without drugging, purging or reducing
the system, and are infaci and deed the .Sovereign
ItcmcdicM of the World.
list or numbers. cures. prick*.
1—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25
S-WorniN) Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3— Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.25
5— Dysentery,Griping, Colic.25
6— Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.25
7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. .25
8— Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceaclio.25
9— Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertigo. .25
10— Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation .25
11— Suppressed or Pniuful Periods. .25
12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods.25
13— Croup, laryngitis, Hoarseness.25
14— Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions. .25
15— Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains .25
16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague... .25
17— Piles, Blind or Bleeding.25
18— Ophthalmy, Sore or Weak Eyes.25
19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
20— Whooping Cough.25
21— Asthma, Oppressed Breathing.25
22— Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing .25
23— Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swelling .25
24— General Debility, Physical Weakness ,25
25— Dropsy, and Scanty Secretions. .25
26— Sea-Sickness, Sickness from Riding .25
27— Kidney Diseases.25
29— Sore Mouth, or Canker.25
30— Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25
31— Painful Periods.25
34— Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat.. .25
35— Chronic Congestions & Eruptions. .25
28— Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak
ness, or Involuntary Discharges.1.00
32— Diseasesof the Heart,Palpitation 1.00
33— Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus’ Dance... 1.00
Sold by brugfdatft, or Bent post-paid on receipt of price.
Pr. Humphreys' Manual (144 paices.i mailed free.
IIinPlIHKYS’ BED. €0., 111*113 William St., New York.
For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding;
Fistula In Ano: Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum.
The relief Is immediate—the cure certain.
8old by Druggists, or sent poet-paid on receipt of price.
liCfiPJIKKYb* BHD. CO., 111*118 William St., NEW YORK
! Ripans Tabules. I
: I
: Ripans Tabules are com- !
| pounded from a prescription t
♦ widely used by the best medi- *
: cal authorities and are pre- ♦
| sented in a form that is be- :
t coming the fashion every- j
; where.
t Ripans Tabules act gently •
{ but promptly upon the liver, :
l stomach and intestines; cure j
: dyspepsia, habitual constipa- ♦
i tion, offensive breath and head- :
l ache. One tabule taken at the :
t first symptom of indigestion, j
: biliousness, dizziness, distress ;
! after eating, or depression of :
: spirits, will surely and quickly *
j remove the whole difficulty. :
: Ripans Tabules may be ob- *
: tained of nearest druggist.
: Ripans Tabules , i
• are easy to take, :
: quick to act, and :
: save many a doc:
: tor’s bill. :
Failing eyesight
Oregon Kidney Tea.