The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1893, Image 6

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    To Our Advertisers.
You are entitled to have your display
advertisements changed once a month
at the regular price. Changes more
frequent will be charged extra accord
ing to the amount of composition.
Local advertisements may be changed
every week at usual price.
Copy fur new advertisements and for
changes of regular advertisements must
be in this office by Wednesday of each
week to insure prompt insertion.
Notice of discontinuance of any dis
play advertisement must be given not
later than Wednesday. Local adver
tisements may be discontinued at any
time before Thursday evening.
A strict observance of these necessary
rules is respectfully requested.
The Publisher.
January 1, 1803.
A Blacksmith Saves the Life of
a Little Girl.—Minnie Carney, of
Lytle City, Iowa, was perhaps as near
leaving this world as any one can be,
and recover. She was sick with cholera
morbus; completely exhausted and un
conscious. The physicians in consulta
tion decided the case was hopeless and
beyond their control.—Chas. J. New
comb, a blacksmith, walked four miles
through the darkness and storm, to get
a remedy he had himself used and
which lie firmly believed would cure
her. That medicine was Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy.
He obtained part of a bottle with which
he hastily returned and gave the little
sufferer a half teaspoonful, which re
lieved her and consciousneess gradually
returned. The medicine was given in
broken doses and in a short time she
was well. He is positive that it saved
her life, and has others in that vicinity.
For sale by McConnell & Co.
There are people who claim to be
praying for the salvation of the whole
world, who never go to prayer meeting
in rainy weather.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumplion, Coughs and Colds, upon
this condition. If you are afflicted with
a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed giving it a fair trial, and
experience no benefit, you may return
the bottle and have your money refund
ed. We could not make this offer did
we not know that Dr. King’s New Dis
covery could be relied on. It never
disappoints. Trial bottles free at Mc
Millen’s drugstore Large size 50 cents
and $1.
The nation has no better friend than
a mother who teaches her child to pray.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Electric
Bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
natives—containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of Stomach,
Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Constipation
and drive Malaria from the system.
Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle
or the money will be refunded. Price
only 50 cents per bottle. For sale by
A. McMillen.
When a church member goes to a
circus, his light for good goes clear out.
Corns and bunions may be removed
by paring them down closely as possible
without drawing blood; then soak them
in warm water to soften them, and ap
ply Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice
daily, rubbing them vigorously for ten
minutes at each application. A corn
plaster should be worn for a few days
to protect them from the shoes. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm
is all that can be desired. For sale by
McConnell & Co.
Scrubbing a pig with soap will not
take the love of mud out of its heart.
My customers have been using Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy for several
years and will have no other kind. The
reason is because it can always be de
pended upon, is quick in its actions and
perfectly safe. —Dr. R. L. St. John,
Howland, Mo. For sale by McConnell
& Co. _
Find a man who has no hobby, and
you find one who is not happy.
A gentleman under forty years of age
whose hair was rapidly becoming thin
and gray, began the use of Ayer’s Hair
Vigor, and in six months his hair was
restored to its natural color, and even
more than its former growth and rich
There two ways of telling a goose; by
its gabble and its walk.
A good live paper every Tuesday
and Friday, is what you get in The
Semi-Weekly Journal for one dol
lar. The Tribune and Journal both
one year for $2.50.
God is robbed whenever one man gives
another light weight.
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
The Old Reliable Sells & Rent!row's
Many of our older readers will recall
the name of the well-known establish
ment, that exhibits in our city Wednes
day, June 21st, with pleasure. With
many of them it brings vividly to ir.tnd
the first elephant they ever saw. There
is a whole sermon in the career of this
show. It proves that when any concern
becomes known as an honestly conduct
ed one, and fulfills its promises to the
public, that it succeeds, and the busi
ness flourishes and becomes a fixture,
to be handed down from generation to
generation. It proves also the truth of
the old proverb that “Honesty is the
best policy.” The career of Sells &
Rentfrow’s show from 18R0 to the pres
ent time has been one of continued
success. And the proprietors deserve
it. They have always given the public
the worth of their money. In these
days of humbug it is really refreshing
to be able to speak in terms of praise
of an amusement enterprise. This year
the managers promise a .new surprise
in the shape of the largest elephant
on earth. The largest creature that
breaths the breath of life. This will
be indeed a great curiosity. The whole
show is said to be exceptionally good,
and we will miss our guess if their tents
aie not packed on the day of exhibition.
As this will be the only big show to
visit this section this year, we advise
all our readers to be sure and see it.
Skirts are Decreasing in Width.
The crinoline craze has run a very
brief and rapid course, and it is pleasant
to record that already are decreasing in
width. Many women who experimented
with the crinoline interlining havefound
it so stiff, unwieldy, and heavy, that
they have sent their gowns back to their
dressmakers to have the crinoline re
moved. The double and triple skirts, or
the effect of these simulated by trimming
should be avoided by short or stout
women; for them vertical lines of trim
ming are chosen, or the garniture is
confined to the bottom of the gown.—
From “Review of Fashions,” in Demo
rest’s Family Magazine for July.
Happy days and restful nights result
from using Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It so
regulates all the bodily functions and
strengthens the nervous system that
worry and fatigue are comparatively un
known and life is truely enjoyed. It is
certainly a most wonderful medicine.
There is no easy place anywhere on
earth for a lazy man.
Karl’s Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the Complexion and cures Constipa
tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
by A. McMillen. J 26-lyr.
The wren has a sweeter song than the
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di
ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem
edy is the first medicine I have ever
found that would do me any good.” Price
50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen.
A fool carries his name in his mouth.
37 men wanted at McConnell & Co.’s
drug store next Monday morning, to buy
a bottle of Haller’s Barb Wire Liniment,
it is absolutely guaranteed.
How would you like to be a kangaroo,
or be able to jump like one, but you’ve
got piles so bad you can’t. Use Haller’s
Australian Salve and you’ll get there.
Sold by McConnell & Co.
Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure is for sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25
cents. Children love it. A. McMillen,
Money to Loan.
On farm or city property at four
per cent, for five years or 2-and-one
half per cent, for ten years. Principal
payable on installments.
I. T. Benjamin.
Cook quickest
and best.
They are a
necessity, .
lighten lubor K
and improve 17
the flavor J\
ofthe food i *
, • M (
W. C. LaTOURETTF Agent, McCook, or j
Majestic Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. I
* -- . ■
The wolf of the winter wind ia swift.
And hearts are still and cheeks are pale
When wo hear his howl in the ghostly drift
As he rushes past on a phantom trail.
And all the night we huddle and fear.
For we know that his path is the path of
And the flames burn low when his steps are
And the dim hut reeks with his grave cold
Tho fawn of the wind of the spring ia shy.
Her light feet rustle the sere, white grass.
The trees are roused as she races by.
In the pattering rain we hear her pass.
And tho bow unstrung we cast aside
While we winnow the golden, hoarded maize.
And tho earth awakes with a thrill of pride
To deck her Loauty for festal days.
The hawk of the summer wind is proud;
She circles high at the throne of the sun.
When the storm is fierce her scream is loud,
And the scorching glance of her eye we shun.
And oftentimes when the noon is bright
A silence falls on the choirs of song.
And the partridge shrinks in a wild affright
Where a searching shadow swings along.
The hound of the autumn wind is slow;
He loves to bask in the heat and sleep
When the sun through the drowsy hazo bends
And frosts from the bills through the star
light creep.
But oftentimes ho starts in his dreams
When the howl of the winter wolf draws
Then lazily rolls in the gold warm beams
While the flocking birds to the south drift by.
—P. McArthur in Youth’s Companion.
This varnished dancing pump was
slipped off the foot of an exquisite young
man at a reception at one of the leading
salons of Paris. My eminently correct
readers need not turn up their aristocratic
noses at the vulgar lack of delicacy be
trayed by my exquisite young man. Let
him among you who does not adore a
dainty foot cast the first stone.
Octave Latournelle—that is my ex
quisite young man’s name—was not only
a perfect dancer. He possessed not only
two very nimble legs, but two very nim
ble hands, whereof the adroitness was
the admiration of all his friends. Indeed
the most expert conjurer would not have
been ashanuVl to own him for a pupil.
At his word of command watches passed
from one pocket to another, gold coins
vanished into thin air, flowers grew upon
him as if on a magical bush—he drew
them forth from his pockets, his sleeves,
his waistcoat, his cravat, in quantities
sufficient to decorate the corsages of all
the ladies present, and this after having,
by way of preamble, turned his pockets
inside out, rolled up his sleeves and
opened his waistcoat. In a word, he was
the enchanter of the best drawing rooms
and the spoiled child of the ladies.
Perhaps, rather than the spoiled child,
he considered himself the petted dar
ling. At any rate he was in love, and he
made that fact known with the audacity
that often gives success.
The object of his adoration was the
young wife of General Pascalon—it is
only the husband’s rank that restrains
me from mentioning the disparity of
their ages. But all generals have young
wives, which is only another proof that
the truly brave do not recoil from dan
gers of any kind. It is traditional in
cases of this kind that the husband
should be jealous, but General Pascalon
was not so. But if he was not an Othel
lo neither was he a fool.
Trusting in the loyalty of his young
wife, he cherished no illusions. He en
joyed many a Palais Royal farce—with
his wife by his side more often than not,
which was imprudent perhaps—but he
also escorted her to balls, never plead
ing his age as an excuse, and waited pa
tiently for her till after the cotillon,
and to all appearances his wife was quite
Perhaps she was so. But there were
plenty of young fellows who would look
down at you from the high superiority
of their 25 years if you ventured to ex
press such an idea and say:
“With an old fellow like thatl Really
you are too refreshing.”
The general was not to be laughed at.
He knew his danger, not only before all
the world had seen it, but before any one
else suspected it, and he saved his honor
like a man of intelligence—which indeed
he could have done in no other way.
And this brings us down at last to the
varnished slipper of the exquisite young
I have said that the affair took place
in the midst of a reception. Dancing
was going on in the larger rooms. The
general was chatting with some of the
older guests in a small room adjoining
the one set out with card tables. He
happened to glance carelessly toward
the players and started suddenly in sur
“Bless me, said he, putting up his
glasses, ‘ ‘there’s my wife at a whist table.
I certainly thought she was waltzing or
polkaing or something, and there she
is playing whist. She must be very
tired, for she never plays cards and is
always dancing. I shall have to scold
her,” he added, with a laugh, “for in
dulging herself so much in her favorite
pleasure that she has to do penance at
the card table,” and he strolled leisurely
toward the players.
A jostle knocking his glasses from his
eyes as he reaohed the whist table, he
stooped to pick them up and saw be
neath the table a slipper, a patent leath
er pump, from which its tenant had es
caped, and now, shod only in fine black
silk hose, was pushed against the little
foot of the general's wife. But he also
noticed that the latter constantly avoided
the foot that so persistently pursued her
“Hum,” said the general, taking in
the situation at a glance, “the fortress
is attacked, but it is well defended. I
have arrived just in time.” Then, smil
ing calmly as if he had seen nothing,
leaning over his wife’s chair, questioning
amj advising her play, he devoted him
selt to a feat that would have furnished
a dramatist with an irresistibly comic
theme, considering the difficulties of the
situation. The general had undertaken
to draw toward him with the tip of his
boot the abandoned slipper, provoking
every instant sudden jerks from jostled
feet, protestations from disturbed play
ers, astonished looks from those who
could see the extraordinary movements
I of his leg and the remonstrance from
; hi a wife:
“Mv dear, what makes you knock my
j chair ubouc so: You arc giving me a
•At this moment the mistress of the
house came up to ask Latouruelle if he
would net perform some of his amusinj
“Certainly: l shall be delighted,” ho
answered nervously, preoccupied as ho
was by the extraordinary movements of
the general, who stooped down just then
as if to pick up something and immedi
ately got up and left the group.
“Well, sir,” said the lady, “give me
your arm, and I will introduce you.
Your audience is growing impatient.”
“Certainly, madame. in just one mo
ment,” said Latournelle, feeling with
his foot for his slipper, and so recom
mencing the remarkable jig executed by
the general a few moments before. Now
the other players laughed outright—
which they had not dared to do the first
time. And the mistress of the house
stood there, surprised at being kept
waiting so long and wondering how
much longer her escort would keep her
in that attitude. Impatient ladies came
in shoals to add their solicitations to
those of their hostess.
Our young man positively had to get
out of the predicament some how. He
did get out of it, but with only one shoe,
for he also had stooped down and dis
covered the disappearance of the mis
guided slipper, aud he marveled in deep
anxiety liow he was going to explain such
a state of affairs.
llis oue shod toot provoked general
hilarity, then delighted applause and
cries of “It's a trick! It’s some trick!”
The petted darling of the ladies smiled
a weak smile and stammered:
“Yes, ladies, it is a trick.”
Applause, accompanied by a general
clapping of hands, greeted this an
nouncement, while Latournelle kept say
ing to himself:
“Oh, yes, it’s a great trick, but some
one has played it on me, and I don’t find
it so very funny. If I only knew who it
was”—then, struck with an idea: “Heav
ens! If it could be the general—his sin
gular performance just now—and I saw
him stoop down—if it was really he, it
would be a pretty uncomfortable joke on
me. How can 1 make sure?”
As he escorted the lady through the
room he tried to get near the general.
He managed to do so, and with the back
of his hand he cautiously knocked
against the pocket of the general’s coat
which he suspected contained the slip
per. There was nothing there! He tried
to sound the other pocket, but a slight
move on the general’s part carried him
out of reach. To touch it, it was neces
sary to pass around on the side whore it
“Where in the world are you taking
me?” demanded the lady on his arm.
“Why—er—to the head of the room,”
and as he was now on the right side of
the general he wanted to try the other
pocket. Here was a new obstacle that
he had not foreseen. The fact that the
lady had the arm nearest the general
made any attempt at exploration impos
sible. He offered the other on the pre
text of an old wound which was paining
him and was able at last to repeat his
former tactics. This time he was satis
fied. “It’s there!” he murmured, and he
did not enjoy the reflection that the hus
band of his adored one had discovered
his maneuvers under the table.
“Well, I’m in a pretty mess,” he con
Everybody had crowded into the room,
there was an expectant hush, and all
were on tiptoe: for the promised trick.
There was no way to retreat.
“Here goes,” said the imprudent lover.
“I must take the plunge, come what
may.” And he plunged.
“Ladies,” he said, “I have lost my slip
per. I have not got it concealed about
my person; my pockets are empty”—he
turned them inside out—“nor is it in my
coat”—he held it open—‘ ‘nor in my waist
coat”—he unbuttoned it—“nor in my
sleeves”—and he turned them up to his
elbows. “You see, ladies, I have noth
ing in my hands or my pockets. I must
find out, then, where the lost article is.
Nothing is more simple. I have only to
make a slight cabalistic calculation.”
With this he covered his face with his
hands and assumed an attitude of pro
found cogitation. Then, without re
moving his hands, he counted: “One,
two, three, four, five. My slipper,” he
cried, “is in the left pocket of the sixth
person to my right.”
This person was the general.
“Not bad!” the latter exclaimed un
der his breath, and in obedience to the
universal cries of “Search yourself,
search yourself, general,” he drew the
slipper from the pocket indicated.
A storm of applause was evoked by the
brilliant success of the trick. Then, aft
er much whispering, several voices
cried, “Oh, the general is his confeder
“Yes, yes, came a chorus of voices;
“he's a confederate.”
The conjurer protested.
“Do it again, then!” some one demand
ed, and everybody took up the cry: “Yes,
yes! Do it again!”
“Oh,” said a lady, “the general has
just been whispering to M. Latournelle.”
And the cry went up again that he was
a confederate.
The general affirmed that he was in no
sense furthering the conjurer's devices.
“But you were just now whispering
with him,*’ insisted the witnesses of the
“The exact truth is this, ladies: You
asked the conjurer to repeat his per
formance. I just this moment told him
that it was one of those tricks that should
not be tried a second time. Did I not,
sir?” said the general significantly.
“Precisely, general, and I shall fol
low your advice,” replied Latournelle.
“It shall not be repeated.”
And it never was.—Translated For Ar
gonaut From the French of Jules Moi
naux by L. S. Vassault.
“Do you believe the rain falls alike on
the just and the unjust?”
“Nixie! The unjust swipe the umbrel
Sweetheart’s F ace
I -mat's my wife’s you know—wears
a cheerful, iife-is-worth-living expres
I sion, ever since 1 presented her a box of
She is always recommending Kirk's
soaps to her friends—says she is
through with experiments—has just
what she needed to make labor easy,
and ensure perfectly clean clothes.
She knows what she’s talking about—
don’t forget it.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Bosky Diamond Tar Soap mUs&RSSs*
Dp. Hathaway,
(Regular Graduate.)
The loading Specialist of tlie United States
in Ills L.ine.
Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Diseases.
Young: and
Middle Aged
Men: Remark
able results have
followed my
treatment. Many
YEARS of var
ied and success
ENCE in the use
of curative metli
^ ods that I alone
pown and control
llfor all disorders
(of M E N. who
phave weak or un
adeveloped or dis
pensed organs, or
pwho are suffering
Isfrom errors of
i^youth and excess
or who are nerv
ous and IMPO
Ti'-iiN r, tne scorn or tneir reiiows ana tne con
tempt of friends and companions, lead3 me to
GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos
that there is hope for
YOU- Consult no other, as you may WASTE
VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at
Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments; a wonderful treatment.
Catarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
syphilis. The most rapid, safe and effective
treatment A complete cure guaranteed.
Skin Diseases of all kinds cured where many
Others have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
few days. Quick, sure and safe. This includes
Gleet and Gonorrhoea.
1. Free consultation at the office or by mail
2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis,
i That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience, and a
specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment
A home treatment can be given in a majority
cf cases.
Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. 2 'or Women.
No. 3 for Skin Diseases.
Send 10c for 64-page Reference Bock for Men
and Women.
Ail correspondence answered promptly. Bus
iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment
sent, iree from observation. Refer to banks in St.
Joseph and business men. Address or call on
* d. N. HATHAWAY, Ma D.f
Corner 6th and Edmond Sts.. St. Joseph, M*
nothing new when we state that it pays to engage
in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant-busi
ness, that returns a profit for every day’s work.
Such is the business we offer the working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our instructions
faithfully the making of $300.00 a month.
Every one who takes hold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
can be no question about it; others now at work
are doiii* it, and you, reader, can do the same.
This is tne best paying business that you have
ever liad the chance to secure. You will make a
grave mistake if you fail to give it u trial at once.
Jf you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you
will directly find yourself in a most prosperous
business, at which you can surely make and save
large sums of money. The results of only a few
hours’ work will often equal a week’s wages.
Whether you are old or voting, man or woman, it
makes no difference, — do as we tell you, and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why hot write to-day for
full particulars, free ? E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box No. 4*40, Augusta, Me.
«s swm
It is an agreeable Laxative lor the Bowels;
can be made into a Tea for use ia one minute.
Price Lie., 50o. ami f l.nOper package.
An Elegant Toilet Powder
jfSLV lor theTceth and Breath—25c.
For sale by McMillen, Druggist.
Our PEBFCCTION SYRINGE fro» irith .very toltts.
Cures GONORRHCEA and GI-EET la 0:<s to Funs days*
Sold by oil DRUGGISTS. Senttoeny Addreaa fbr >1.00.*
A FULL fecfd’oN . . . ior5
Worliiluaranteed. Teeth extracted in the
morning:, new ones inserted evening: of
same day. Teeth filled without pain, latest
method. Finest parlors in the west. Paxton •
trance. oMaHa. - - - i-fB, ’ |
► Jlai I us a good Photo, n white i now or old; Silk lland-d
k krreMef, with n P. O. or Expr?** Money Order for g 1, J
i and we will Photozraph the picture on the t>ilk. Heautl-L
i ful effect. PERMANENT picture. WILL SOT FADE orjl
l / / WASH out, ln-slt forever, evrjbodw^l
; * delighted. „
k studio 3'3-5i-i7S.' 5th-0IIAHAj|
I Will Avoid Qimckn
Frauds Rnd Bogin Medical
Institute* by go&nff to ILq
Old. Meltable
A Regular Qradvateln
Medicine. Over 26 yeari
practice—12 in Chicago.
J£stabli8hed 18 f»5.
w KJ " •”* the olbest in ack,
„nd LOSOE8T 5.0 C A T E O.
Authorized by tfcoHtnto to troat CliTonlc, Nervous
and “Special Discuses,’*Seminal Weakness, tNioire
losses), Sexual Debility ilossos* 8bxual powe it k
Nervous Debility. Poisoned Blood, Ulcers mid Swell
Ingsof every kind. Urinary and Kidney Discuses eto.
Cures Ouaruuteed or Money Refunded,
Churges Low. Thousands of cases cured
every year. Kxperlence ia important. No mer
cury or Injurious medicine used. No tued lost
from business. Patients at a distance treated by
mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free
from gaze or breakage. Stato your can® and Bend
for terms. Consultation free and conlidential, per
■onallyorbyletter. For particularsaoo
nilAtf FOB BOTH HEXI.8—FtIPnprCi
KIIIIK fun of descriptive pictures, sent
kiwis sealed In plain envelope for fc. In
•Umpa. N. B.—Thia book contains SECKKTB a> d
useful knowledgo which should bo read by overy
male from 15 to 45 years of age—and kept under
lock and key. FREE MUSEUM OF ANAT
OMY replete with a thousand Interesting upecl
mena, Including the celebrated French Manlkla
which alone cost ovor (01X1. For Men Only.
tor any case this treatment fails to
eure or help. Greatest discovery in
innnls of medicine. One dose gives
/relief; a few doses removes fever and
pain in joints; Cure completed In u1
few days, fiend statement of case with stamp foi
Dr. HuniphrcyM* Specifics are sclent 111 calty and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single .Specific
a special cure for the disease named.
They cure without drugging, purg ng or reducing
the system,and are in fuel and Cecil the (Sovereign
Keiuediea of the World.
LIST nr numbers. cures. prices.
1— Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25
2— Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3— Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults. .25
5— Dysentery, Grfplng, Bilious Colic.25
6— Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.25
7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. .25
8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceachc.25
0—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo. .25
10— Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation .25
11— Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25
12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods.25
13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hourseness.25
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15— Rlieuinutisin, or Rheumatic Pains .25
16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Aguo... .25
17— Piles, Blind or Bleeding.25
18— Oplithnlmy, Sore or Weak Eyes.25
10—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
20— Whooping Cough.25
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