The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1893, Image 4

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    pc J§tCoo&
Arthur Burnam, who is con
nected with Reid, Murdcqjc & Co. of
Chicago, drops his oldtime friend
F. H. Spearman of our city the fol
lowing excerpt from a Chicago
newspaper, which is sufficiently
valuable to occupy space in The
Tribune, and is withal mighty in
teresting reading,
It is now about a year since the
representative Democrats of the
country assembled in Chicago, and,
among other things, made a fierce
onslaught upon the financial and
business policy of the party then
in power. At that time the country
was eminently prosperous. From
one end of the land to the other all
interests were thrifty. Wages were
high and everybody had employ
ment. The manufactories of the
country were running at full head;
farmers were getting good prices
for good crops; the banks were ac
commodating, and commercial
paper was paid when due with a
uniformity which made times good
in every respect. Those harsh
croakings made no perceptible dif
ference with any branch of busi
ness. Everything continued to
■ move along prosperously all
through the campaign.
The result of the election was a
surprise to the, business interests
of the country, but the people were
not disposed to magnify its im
portance. They generally assumed
that it did not matter much, except
to the politicians, who was Presi
dent or which party was given con
trol of public affairs. Seven months
have elapsed since the election, and
three months since the inaugurat
ion. Nothing has been done of a
definite nature by the administrat
ion to disturb the prosperity that
prevailed under Republican rule,
but it is perfecty evident that a
check has been put upon the thrift
which prevailed under Harrison.
The truth is that the business
men of the country wondered, and
are still wondering, what the people
meant by taking the reins of au
thority out of the hands of the
party under which everything was
moving so satisfactorily. As long
as this state of mind continues the
general tendency will be to extraor
dinary caution. Merchants will g®
light in their purchases, manufac
turers will tend to light runs, and
the banks will be rigid in the cur
tailment of credits. This general
tightening up cau only be explain
ed on the ground that when a
country which is in the midst of
prosperity makes a change in the
government the people accept it as
a signal for putting on the brakes.
It is to be remembered that the
issues joined in the last National
campaign were business issues.
This was true to a remarkable de
gree, and it is only natural that
the business men should inquire
diligently into the meaning of the
change. It is to be regreted that
Mr. Cleveland did not call both
houses of Congress together at the
beginning of his administration.
Had he done so the suspense would
have been over by this time, prob
ably. Business can adjust itself
to almost anything, provided only
the element of uncertainty is elimi
nated. It is uncertainty which is
peculiarly paralyzing in its effect
upon all which comes under the
head of legitimate enterprise and
commercial confidence.
It is certainly very amusing to
note tlie different opinions being
expressed concerning the Nebraska
exhibit at the fair. Some laud it
to the heavens. Others curse it to
the profoundest depths of hades.
The Tribune is constrained to
observe that there seems to be
more or less method in their mab
ness. The opinions vary too widely
to be valuable or trustworthy.
It has required a great deal of
“kicking” to accomplish what we
have done as a nation. It will re
quire considerable “kicking” to
undo 8ome things that we have not
done wisely. It mu$t be borne in
mind that “kicking” necessarily
implies something to be kicked,
and as a general rule it is seldom
that anything gets kicked that
doesn’t deserve it.
Hon. James E. North of Col
umbus succeeds Peters as collector
of internal revenue for Nebraska
and the Dakotas.
“The Shermau law cannot be re
pealed by the next congress unlese
it is substituted by free coinage of
silver in some form. They may
put more silver in the dollar, buf
free coinage will be insisted upon
as a condition to the repeal of tht
Sherman law.”—Senator Mander
The lieutenant governor of Kan
sas is at the head of a movement
that contemplates an organization
of 80,000 members to boycott the
World’s fair on account of high
railroad rates. If successful the
boycott would scarcely injure the
fair, but it would keep $1,000,000
of Kansas money in Kansas.
It must be remembered that
while the commercial agencies re
port a general feeling of uncertain
ty in the business condition of the
country, trade is very fair in the
Missouri valley, and there will be
no “hard times” here in • case the
crop prospects continue as good as
they are at present. There is every
reason to believe that the yield of
corn in Nebraska this year will be
Capital is evidently beginning
to understand the significance of
the popular hostility to trusts. The
unfruitful results of the efforts of
several of these combines to bor
row money last week so indicate.
Stocks of these corporations that a
few weeks ago were “gilt-edged”
receive now little or no considera
tion. No one can long violate a
.natural law with impunity, and
these trusts exist in violation of
the natural law of trade as surely
as of the ethical code and legal
statutes. Their imminent condi
tion merely again illustrates the
truth of the trite adage that the
mills of the gods grind slowly, but
they grind exceedingly fine. Icha
bod is written on their charters—
their day has departed.
The legislature of Michigan has
repealed the famous law whereby
presidential electors were selected
by congressional districts. The
constitution of the United States,
however, provides that the states
shall appoint electors in such man
ner as their respective legislature
may direct. The suggestion has
frequently been made in view of the
“Michiganization” process, and be
cause in some of the states these
electors were chosen by the legis
lature themselves, that the consti
tution should be so amended as to
require presidential electors chosen
in a uniform manner throughout
the union. Whatever may have
been the objectionable features of
the Michigan law its fatal defect
was that the method was not univ
Lolo Rogers is visiting her brother
Allen Rogers and wife.
Two more weeks of school and then
the kids will all be happy.
Quite a warm breeze struck this part
of the moral vineyard, Sunday.
J. B. Russell was on our streets,
Tuesday, on business. Guy Russell ac
companied him.
Minnie Whittaker of the city spent
Saturday and Sunday in the park, the
guest of Alma Felton.
Children’s day was celebrated by
the Sunday school. The Allam quartette
furnishing the music.
County Superintendent T. H Bayston
was on our streets, Tuesday, visiting
the schools in this corner of the county.
The Tuttle boys are back from their
trip to-Missouri, they say that Red
Willow county is the proper place to
Marion Walters of Lebanon spent
Saturday and Sunday at Harry Wade’s,
the guest of his old time friend S. W.
The many friends of Geo. W. Roper,
in this community extend their heart
felt sympathy to him and his family in
their sad bereavement.
To the young lady who thinks the
Prospect Park items sound so green,
we would just say that a great many
green things grow in Nebraska.
Quite an exciting runaway ocourred
here, Tuesday. Harry Wade was driv
ing Charlie Boatman’s team to an Eli
cultivator, when in turning around the
team beoame frightened and jumped
upsetting the Eli which struck their
heels and away they went. After tak
ing Harry around awhile the Eli righted
itself when he soon stopped them. The
Eli was slightly damaged and both
team and driver were out of breath.
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world—
1500 employees,capacity 2000
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case—the
Ask your jewelerforpamphlet.
—call at—
For First-Class
Laundry Work.
McCook, ... Nebraska.
No marriage licenses for nine days.
We will soon have a full fledged band
Prof. Wm. Valentine was in our city
Indianola will celebrate with races,
at the fair grounds.
Miss May Powell has been visiting on
the Beaver this week.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn had business in
the county court Wednesday.
The company in charge of the fair
grounds are improving the track.
Mrs. J. H. Goodrich is very sick at
the home of her mother Mrs. Bishop.
Rev. Lisle is expected home this week
and will occupy his pulpit next Sunday
C. A. Donnor is having a barn built
on his place, recently bought of T. S.
S. R. Smith went to Omaha Tuesday
eveing to attend Grand Lodge A. F.
and A. M.
J. W. Dolan, wife and three sons
left on Tuesday morning’s train for
World’s fair.
J. J. Wilson has sold his buiness to a
gentieman Irom Colorado, J. J. expects
to go farther west.
W. G. Black and wife left Friday last
for a visit in Iowa and W. G. will alse
take in the world’s fair.
County superintendent has been vis
iting schools in the extreme south west
corner of the county this week.
County commissioners are in session
this week. If the assessor has made
you too rich now is the time to get same
cut down.
The little son ot Andy Lord reported
as one of the children burned by phos
phorus last week is still alive, but the
chances are slim for his recovery.
We-are sorry to note that our old
friends Sanford Richards and wife have
decided to leave, he could not find a
business opening hear to suit him.
We are glad to note that Mr. J. H.
Short who has been confined to the
house far some weeks with lung trouble
is improving and able to be out a little.
Geo. Hill is attending the state en
campment of S. of V. at West Point,
Neb., this week, and we arc proud to
state that George is State Inspector of
the above order.
The Daughters of Veterans are pre
paring a Columbian Festival for this
Thursday evening. They have an abun
dance of strawberries and ice cream and
expect to have a food time.
A card from H. \V. Keyes dated at
Chicago, discloses the fact that himself
and wife are having a good time in the
great city, and says that the exhibition
is much grander than he expected.
The Board of Insanity had a queer
case for consideration this week, and as
near as ihe facts can be learned, there
has been trouble among the neighbors of
Joseph Morris and his family, and for
fear Mr. M. wonld have them arrested
they had him and his son Martin both
brought before the board on the charge
of insanity, who after examining many
witnesses, discharged them.
As my supplementary letter did not
reach you in time for publication last
week, will say that both Harry and Ray
Roper died on Friday. The funeral was
held at the M. E. church on Saturday
mornibg conducted by Rev. J. M. Mann,
of Bartley assisted by Rev. C. D. Gear
hart. The church was crowded to its
utmost, many persons not being able to
gain admittance. The little ones were
buried ;in one grave beside their mother,
who left them when only mere babes.
Mr. Roper and family have the sympathy
of all m^heir affliction.
>11 II III I I I t I »
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Observed Dickens’ well
known character, Mr. .
Thomas Gadgrind, and
it is well enough for us
to confine ourselves, as a
generul thing, to such
statements, unless we are
poets. Just now let us
direct your attention to
the fact that we are mak
ing lower prices than
ever on
and that we are selling
the best $2.50 Shoe in
the market.
0-i Uj tyzucj S-fco^e.
Medicines, Perfumes,
Stationery, Paints, Oils,
Lamps, Etc.
213 Main Avenue, McCook, Nebraska.
...The Smart...
Photograph Gallery,
Over the Famous Clothing- Co.
This is the place to get anything
in the photograph line. All photos
made with the beautiful Celluloid
Finish. Pictures made from size
of a locket to life size. Old pic
tures enlarged iu crayon or water
colors. Our crayon work canuot
be excelled. Call and see samples.
Viewing of farms and residences.
Constant supply of picture frames
of the latest patterns always on
hand, at reasonable prices. Our
aim will be to please everybody
and we guarantee strictly first-class
work. Cloudy weather no disad
McCook, Neb.
E^”Noble, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
1 seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Thin Coats and Vests,
Straw Hats, Neckwear,
Lightweight Underwear,
Negligee & Dress Shirts,
Hosiery of all Grades.
A complete assortment of the latest
novelties in the above lines and at
Popular Prices.
McCook, Nebraska. JONAS ENGEL,
■ i
A good slice of tlie earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact
you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices and
don’t neglect to snap a few of these
Great Bargains.
Here are a few which we offer this week just
for a starter:
[M q 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur
nished complete with spring, hinges, hook qi Ar\
and knob, only. v 1.H-U
[\Jq 2 A ^First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-inch ^ QQ
[\Iq Q A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three
nu, piy, an immense bargain, per foot only —
IMn A California Lawn Sprinklers, always were o an
liU. sold at from $2.50 to $3.00, now olily. £..UU
We are sole agents for the following lines and otfer
great inducements in them:
Jewel Leonard Banquet
Gasoline Cleanable Stoves
Stoves. Refrigerators, and Ranges.
The Finest on Beautifully carved—great All fire-backed—war
earth. variety—low prices. ranted 20 years.
Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire, Best in the World.
Our Stock is one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call
and look us over.
W. C. LaTocrette, Propr.