The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1893, Image 3

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    W. 8. Attorney,McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
Wilber H. Kosecrans, Flora M. llosecrans,
Heorge W. Burton anti Andrew E. Harvey,
partners doing business under the firm name
of Burton & Harvey, Justin A. Wilcox,
Charles A. Clark and Mr?. Charles A. Clark,
bis wife, whose first name is to plaintilf un
known, Citizens Bank of McCook, a corpor
ation, and S. H. Colvin, defendants,will take
notice that J. Walter King, trustee, plaintilf
herein, has liled his petition in the district
court of lied Willow comity, Nebraska,
against, said defendants, the object and pray
er of which are to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed October 2, 1880, by the defend
ants Willai 11. itoseernns and Flora M. Ito-m
crans to the plaintilf, upon the following de
scribed real estate situated in tile county of
Ked Willow and state of Nebraska towit:
Tlie north half of li e northwest quarter, the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
ami tlie northeast quarter ot the southwest
quarter of section number twenty-one (21) in
township number four (4) north, range num
ber twenty-nine (29) west, to secure the pay
meutof their eleven certain promissory notes,
one for #500.00 due September 24tli, 1891, and
ten notes for #17.50 each, the first of said ten
notes maturing March 1st, 1887, and one ma
turing every six months thereafter, until the
maturity ot tlie last of said ten notes, matur
ing September 1st, 1891. That, there is now
due upon said notes and mortgage, including
taxes on said premises paid by plaintilf, tlie
sum of #057.11, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum from Sept
ember first, 1889, ami plaintilf prays fora de
cree that tlie defendants tie required to pay
the same, or tiiat said premises may be sold
to satisfy said amount.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, July '!, 1892.
Dated this 20tli day of May, 1892.
J. Waltku King, Trustee, l’laintilf.
By W. S. Morlan, bis attorney.
First publication May 20, 1892.—4ts.
W. s., Attoi I)t-y, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
Henry Voges, Mary Voges. George VV.
Burton and Andrew Ji. ilarvey, partners
doing business under tile linn inline of Burton
& Harvey, Anna Golfer, AJoses Golfer and
Anna Golfer as executors of the last will and
testament of Thomas < 'oiler, deceased, Clias.
Notlmagel and Mrs. Charles Notlmagel, his
wife, whose first name is to plaintiff unknown,
William E. Bollings and W. J. Neill, defen
dants, will take notice that Kate A. E.Chapin,
plaintiff herein, lias tiled her petition in the
district court of Bed Willow county, Nehras
ka, against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a' certain
mortgage executed October Glh. 1880. by the
defendants llenry Voges and Mary Voges to
the plaintiff upon the following described
real estate towit: The northeast quarter of
section number twelve [12J in township num
ber two |2] north, range liumbe* twenty-nine
[29] west, in Bed Willow county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of their eleven certain
promissory notes, one principal note for
§600.00 due September 13th, 1891, and ten
coupon interest notes for §21.00 each, one of
said notes maturing March first, 1887, and
one every six months thereafter, until the
maturity of the last of saiil ten coupon inter
est notes, maturing September first., 1S91.
There is now hue on said notes and mort
gage, including taxes on said premises paid
by plaintiff, the sum of §775.29, with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from March first, 1889, and plaintiff prays for
a decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy said amount.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, J uly 3,1893.
Dated this 24tli day of May, 1893.
Kate A. L. Chapin, Plaintiff.
By W. S. Morlan, her attorney.
First publication May 26, 1893.—4ts.
W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
Stillwell Conner, Mrs. Stillwell Conner,his
wife, whose first name is to the plaintiff un
known, and George VV. Burton and Andrew
E. Harvey, partners doing business under the
firm name of Burton it Harvey, defendants,
will take notice that Josiah G. Adams, as
administrator of the estate of Palmer South
worth, deceased, plaintiff herein, lias liled bis
petition in the district court of Bed Willow
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
tiie object ana prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed July 3rd,
1887, by the defendant Stillwell Conner to
one Palmer Soutbwortli, now deceased, upon
the following described real estate towit:
The northeast quarter of section number one
(1) in township number two (2) north, range
number twenty-eight (28) west, in Bed Willow
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of
liis eleven promissory notes, one principal
note for §600.00 due April 21st, 1892, and ten
coupon interest notes for §24.00 each, the
first one of said ten coupon interest notes
maturing October first, 18S7, and one of said
notes maturing every six months thereafter,
until the maturity of the last of said ten
notes, maturing April first, 1892. That there
is now due on said notes and mortgage,
including taxes on said premises paid by the
plaintiff, the sum of §S56.97, vvitli interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from October first, 1S87, and plaintiff prays
for a decree that the defendants be required
to pay the same, or that said premises may
be sold to satisfy said amount, with interest
and costs of suit.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, July 3d, 1893.
Josiah G. Adams, Administrator,
By W. S. Morlan, his attorney. Plaintiff.
First publication May 26, 1893.—4ts.
W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
Edgar R. Byars, George W. Burton and
Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business
uuder the firm name of Burton & tlar7ey, R.
M. Snavely and Sarah R. Suavely, his wife,
defendants, will take notice that Lucian H.
Chidsey, as administrator of the estate of
Cornelia W. Clark, deceased, plaintiff herein,
has filed his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
January 6th, 1S86, by the defendant Edgar R.
Byars to the said Cornelia W. Clark upon
the following described real estate namely:
The east half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion number nineteen (19) in township num
ber one (1) north, range number twenty-eight
(28) west, in Red Willow county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of his eleven certain
promissory notes, one principal note for
3200.00 due November 30,1S90, and ten cou
pon interest notes for 58.00 each, the first note
of said series of ten coupon interest notes
maturity May first, 1SS6, and one note matu
ring every six months thereafter, until the
maturing of the last of said coupon interest
notes, maturing November first, 1890. That
there is now due the plaintiff, as the admin
istrator of the estate of the said Cornelia W.
Clark, deceased, upon said notes and mort
gage, tlie sum of 5249.39, with interest thereon
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from
May 1. 1889, and plaintiff prays for a decree
that tlie defendants be required to pay the
same, or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy said amount and costs of suit.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, July 3,1S93.
Dated this 23d day of May, 1893.
Lucian H. Chidsey, Administrator,
By W. S. Morlan. his attorney. Plaintiff.
First publication May 26, 1893.—4ts.
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter,
Salt Kbeum, Scald Head. Old Chronic SoreB,
Fever Sores. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and
soothing. Hundreds of cases hnve been cured
by it after ail other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M.Cbeuery. Nov.20-lyear.
Buckingham’s Dye for the whiskers
can be applied when a home,and is uni
formly successful in coloring a brown or
black. Hence its great popularity
W. 8. Moklan, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
Alexander M. Smmnton, .Jessie AI. Siinon
ton, (ieorge \V. Hinton and Andrew i£. llar
vev, pin liters doing business under tlie linn
name of Hnrton dr Harvey, Elmira Smith,
H. Ooodrfeli, Jr., Airs. J. H. (ioodrieb, Jr.,
iiis wile, whose first name is in plaintitl un
known, Edwaid 11. Uurclits, Elizabetli Hur
ehes, Alexis Halter aipi J. W. Dolan, defen
dants, will take notice that John AI. Hoies,
plaintitl herein, lias filed Ills petition in the
district court of lied Willow county, Neb
raska, against said defendants, tlie object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed November lath, 1886, by
the defendants Alexander AI. Simoutou and
Jessie AI. Siuiontoii to the plaintiff, upon the
following described real estate tinvit: The
northwest quarter of section nil in her eight
een (!SJ in township number one (1) north,
range number thirty (30) west, in lied Willow
county, Nebraska, to secure their eleven
promissory notes, one note for $400.00 due
November lltli, 1891, and ten coupon inter
est notes of $10.00 each, the first note of said
series of ten interest coupon notes maturing
May 1st, 1887, and one note maturing every
six months thereafter until the maturity of
the last note of said series of ten notes mat
uring November 1st, 1891; that, there is now
due the plaintiff on said notes and mortgage
the sum of $485.73, with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent per annum from May
1st, 1890; that the defendants be required to
pay said amount and interest or that said
premises be sold to satisfy Hie amount found
due and costs of suit.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, July 3, 1893.
Dated this 23d of May, 1893.
John M. Hoies, Plaintiff.
Hy W. S. Mm Ian, bis attorney.
First publication May 28, i893.—4ts.
\V. S. Molt la n. Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
E. F. Kopp, defendant, will take notice
that, the .Sandwich Enterprise Company, a
corporation duly organized under tile lawsof
Hie slate of Illinois, plaintiff herein, lias tiled
its petition in tliedistricteourtol KetlWillow
county, Nebraska, against said defendant,
tiie object and prayer of which are to obtain
judgment against said defendant for tliesmn
of §103 57 with interest thereon at the rate of
ten percent per annum from the first day of
April, 1803.for goods and inerclimlise sold and
delivered by llie plaintiff' t.> the defendant at
bis special instance and request. That on
tiie 7tli day of April, 1893, an order of attach
ment was issued out of the district court of
said county, in said action, for the sum of
31(52.57. That the property of the defendant
consisting of the following described real es
tate towit: the west ball of tiie southwest
quarter of section number three (3) in town
ship number three (3) north, range mimher
thirty (30) west, in Red Willow county, Neb
raska, lias been attached under said order.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, July 3, 1893.
Sandwich Enterprise Company,
Ey Cobb & Harvey and Plaintiff.
W. S. Morlan, its attorneys.
First publication May 2(5,1S93.—4ts.
J. E. Kelley, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Publication Notice.
In the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska. J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, vs.
Sarah E. Gerver. Lizzie Coleman, Wilson Cole
man. her husbaud, Emma Fuller. William Ful
ler. her husband, Dellie Hanlein and Henry
Hanlein, her husband. May Gerver. Minnie
Gerver, Sarah Allen and William Allen, her
husband, and Wesley Gerver, defendants.
To Wilson Coleman. Lizzie Coleman, Henry
Hanlein, Dellie Hanlein and William Fuller,
non-resident defendants.
You will take notice that on the 8th day of
May A. I). 1893, J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff,
tiled his petition in the district court of Red
Willow county. Nebraska, the object and
prayerof which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by .lames S. Gerver and Sarah
E. Gerver to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Cor
poration, and duly assigned to the piaintiff
herein, upon the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 25. township 1,
north of range 30. westof the 6th P. Min Red
Willow county, Netiraska; said mortgage be
ing dated April flrst. 1888, and due April first.
1693. upon which there is now due the sum of
$199.80, and interest thereon at the rate of ten
per centum per annum from May first, 1893.
Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and
sale of said premises: that the defendants he
foreclosed and barred of all title, lien or other
interests in said premises, and for deficiency
judgment and equitable relief. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1893.
Dated May 8th, 1893.
J. L. MOORE, Trustee, Plaintiff.
Ry J. E. Kelley, his attorney.
First publication May 19.1893.-4ts.
Land Office at McCook, Ned., I
May 31, 1893. ,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final homestead proof in supportof his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook, Neb., on Sat
urday. July 15, 1893, viz:
who made H. E. No. 8942 for the southeast
quarter of section 3. in township 1, north of
range 30, west of the 6th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Edward F. Duffer, Richard M. Wade.
John H. Wade and Andrew Anderson all of
McCook, Neb. J. P. Lindsay, ltegsiter.
Was a famous beauty; coming down to
the present time vve find a clear com
plexion, as essential to correct beauty.
Haller’s Sarsaparilla and Burdock Com
pound will produce a beautiful clear
skin. For salp by McConnell & Co.
Humphreys’ Specifics Nos. Ten and
sixteen speedily and permanently cure
malaria and bilious fever. Price 25
cents each at all drug stores.
! The Nervous System the Seat
of Life and Mind. Recent
Wonderful Discoveries.
No mystery has ever compared with that of
! human life. Itbasbeen tho leading subject
of professional research and study In all ages.
But notwithstanding this fact it is not gener
any Known
that the seat
of life la loca
ted in the up
per part of the
spinal cord,
near the base
of the brain,
und so sensi
tive is t h 1 r
portionof the
nervous sys
tem that even
the prick of a
needle will
cause Instant
Recent discoveries have demonstrated that
all the organs of the body are under tho con
trol of the nerve centers, located In or near
the base of the brain, and that when theso aro
deranged the organs which they supply with
nerve fluid are also deranged. When it is re
mombered that a serious Injury to tho spinal
cord will cause paralysis of the body below
the injured point, because tho nerve force is
prevented by tho injury from reaching the
Baralyzed portion, it wiu be understood how
:te derangement of the nerve centers will
cause the derangement of the various organs
which they supply with nerve force.
Two-thirds of chronic diseases aro duo to
the Imperfect action of the nerve centers at
the base of the brain, not from a derange
ment primarily originating in the organ it
60lf. The great mlstako of physicians in
treating these diseases is that they treat the
organ rather than the nerve centers which
are tho cause of the trouble.
Dr. Franklin Miles, the celebrated spe
cialist,has profoundly studied this subject for
over 20years, and has mado many important
discoveries in connection with it, chief among
them being the facts contained in the above
statement, and that the ordinary methods of
treatment are wrong. All headache, dizzi
ness, dullness, contusion, pressure, blues,
mania, melancholy, insanity, epilepsy, St.
Vitus dance, etc., aro nervous diseases no
matter how caused. The wonderful success of
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is duo to the
fact that it is based on the foregoing principle.
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine Is sola by
all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent
direct by Dn. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
Ind„ on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, six
bottles for S3, express prepaid. It contains
neither opiates nor dangerous drugs.
The cures which arc being effected
by Drs. Starkey & I’.ih-n, 10211 Arch
St., Philadelphia, Pa., in Consumption,
Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheu
matism, and all chronic diseases by
their compound Oxygen Treatment is
indeed marvelous.
It you area sufferer from any disease
wliieli your physician lias failed to cure,
write for information about this treat
ment, and their hook of two hundred
pages, giving a history of Compound
Oxygen, its nature and effects with nu
merous testimonials Irom patieuLs, to
■whom you may refer for still further
information, will ije promptly sent,
without charge.
This book aside from its great merit
as a medical work, giving as it does,
the result of years of study and experi
ence, you will find a very interesting
5129 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
120 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal.
Please mention this paper.
Buckien’s Arnica Salve. salve in the world for cuts,
tores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap
ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles or
no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents a box. For
sale by A. MeMillen. | 23-lyr.
All churches have some members who
talk too much.
\Ye are printing $he date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to Tiie Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and vou will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
Every man is a hypocrite who prays
one way and lives another.
What’s the difference between a
good boy and an elephant? Why, good
boys take Haller’s Sure Cure Cough
Syrup and elephants don’t. For sale
by McConnell & Co.
Nothing will do more to improve the
looks than sunshine in the heart.
Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need
for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow
Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar
anteed to give you satisfaction. Price
75 cents. Sold by A. MeMillen
Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera
Morbus and all Bowel Complaints.
PRICE, 35c., SGCo, and $1.00 A BOTTZJB.
18 to 60 inches high; Pickets 254 and cables 654 inches apart. These pickets are made of a
plurality of wires, making them stronger, tougher and will stand more rough usage than any
Jleket made of a single wire five times its weight. Our STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD
54 Inches wide has no equal for a barbless Held fence. Sold by hardware and implement
dealers. Write for circulars.
X3B KATiB FENCE CO., DeUitlb, m.
The Citizens Bank of McCook.
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital, $50,000
General Banking Business.
Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts draw*
directly on principal cities in Europe, Xazes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FRANKLIN, President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Prea.
A. O. EBERT, Cashier.
The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National Bank, New York CKj.
Tfie Hrst JVatioual fSauft.
GEORGE HOCKNEl L, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President.
j n
Now is the time,.... ~
This is the place....
We Have Added Clothing....
And Sell Boys’ and ens’.... * *
SUITS AT FROM $1.50 TO $18.
Large Line of..... *
Buy a Hat of Us and.
We Will Give You a. * *
Ticket to the World’s Fair
Rockford No. 101 Hose 85c per Dozen.
In 10 doz. lots and upwards Tic per doz.
.Coates Thread 50c per dozen.
22 LB.S N.O. SUGAR $1.00.
....Al! Other....
As Low as any House in the City.
i >
ft Semi-Weekly Slate Journal
Both One Year For $1.50.
For a short time only, we can offer the Great Twice-a-Week
State Journal, and the McCook Tribune for only $1.50. The State
Journal gives two complete papers each week, one on Tuesday and
one on Friday—104 papers a year—giving the most complete na
tional and state news and market reports while fresh. It is almost as
good as a daily. This offer applies only to persons who are not now
subscribers to The State Journal. Our old subscribers can take ad
vantage of this great offer by paying up arrearages and renewing.
Come in and get a sample copy of the State Journal and give us your
order, as this is a special offer and will not last long.
- —-- —--i
Dealer in
Fn Iilcipts and Waps.
The Finest ^ine of Machinery Ever
Brouaht to this County.
Yard West of FirstRational Bank, McCOOK, NEB.
W. F. LAWSON. Cashier.
A. J. KITTENHOrSE. < . j|. noYI.i:.
Office: In rear of First National Bank.
HUGH W. COLE, Lawyer.
I^Will practice in all coin-la. Commerela
am] corporation law a kpecniit.i Money to
loan. Rooms 4 ami 5 oM Hirst National bill'#.
B. B. DAVIS. W. V. «A«E.
Physicians & Surgeons,
^“OFFICE Hocks: 9 to H, a. in.. 3 to5and
i to 9, p. tn Koome over K'rat National bank.
has a fine stock of Cloths. Bind
ings, and other trimmings always
on hand.
■ones branded on left hip or left should**
P. O. address, Imperial,
Chase County, and Beat
rice, Neb. Kange, Stint
ing Water and french
man creeks, Chase Co.,
Brand as cut cn side ot
some animals, on hip and
sides of some, cr say
irnere on tne animal.
Snbjectsneed fearno Icnper : - . i: -ng ol
Terrors, for by a rie^t v - r :• in
medicine, cancer or; a 1.7 p::n. • y <• -.a bo
permanently caitd witii ; ; Ibo a c of
the knife.
MBS IL i >. CO! ' 7 Indin At
jays 44 Was cared ofcanc<
weeks by vour method of trerunj e : 1 for
treatise. Ur. 11. C. I#ale, ,'o
^(Ct3Frrrn -,Ir;N'-1
►VlTj fltOOSin1
■ “When I bef an your
■ w v treatment 3 mo*, air. I wa* u/ i
Exhausted by aiimerts that I couia no. re-ore, n.ser. l<ju.
do anv work. The aerompanving fig* Weight 24 j lb* 19t lbs 50 lbs
ore* shove theresult of 3 months’ treat- Bust..... 4^ in. 37 in. 11 In.
tnent. I now feel like anew being. Ill*; Waist... 4*’ in. -9 in. 11m.
and pains are all gone. My friends are Hips .... 57 in. 4il in. 9 in.
surprised. Will cheerfully reply to Jr. juirlet with stamp snclMed.”
TOts treated by mail, confidential.
Harmless. So Starving. Send 6 certs in stamps for par;,cmars ti
mm mo saranmiTHii
8. W. ter. lU'jant! Br*v.3waj ,
For the treatment of all Chronic and
Surgical Disease* an 1 Dlioa" . of the
Eye and Ear. The object of this Sanita
rium is to farnbh board, twin.* ana
medical attention to those sufl ring with
Deformities, Dia»-a5ei of V,*omfu. DIs
cases oi me urinary ana sexual organs, teases o. t. •• .>errou*
System. Lung and Throat Diseases. Files. Oncers, Tumors, Etc..
Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free to
Men amd Women. For further information call on or Irest
UR. C. M. COE, Kansas City, Klo.