The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1893, Image 4

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    pt ®t®#ok friimijt.
Judge Beck is on the sick list.
Oscar Crabtree, of Denver, is
visiting his parents in this city.
Prof. Walter Rowland is assist
ing S. R. Smith on his abstract
Rev. D. L. McBride preached
in the M. E. church last Sunday
Miss Ora Smith and three chil
dren of I. M. Smith are visiting
their uncle near Trenton.
Willis Gossard, wife and daugh
ter started, Saturday morning, for
a long visit in Iowa in Illinois.
W. D. Williams, wife and
daughter Miss Orrie started, Tues
day, for the World Fair via Kan
sas City.
Fred E. Winchester and Ruby
Atwood, both of Cambridge, were
married at the residence of the
county judge, June 2d.
License for the uniting in wed
lock of Henry H. Kuhlman and
Mary M. Daniels was issued June
6th; both of North Valley.
Mrs. Shackelton and daughter
Kittie, Mrs. McCallum and Mrs.
Banks have gone to the World’s
fair to take in the sights.
Misses Jennie Holland and Lena
Hill were invited to attend a recep
tion given the McCook graduating
class, last Saturday evening.
Rev. W. C. Kellner, a German
minister who formerly preached in
this county, but now of Berman,
Kansas, was in our city this week
on business.
M. S. Beck started, on Monday
morning, for an extended visit to
Aurora, York and Cambridge and
Iowa and Illinois points, not for
getting the Columbian exposition.
John J. Lamborn accompanied
by his wife and three boys started
on Saturday for Omaha. Mrs. L.
will return from there, while the
boys will visit in Iowa and John
will go to Chicago.
Rev. Lisle attended the Epworth
League state convention in Omaha
last week, and from there he ex
pected to visit his family at Long
Pine. Rev. J. M. Manu will oc
supy the pulpit next Sunday.
License was issued on June 5th
for the marriage of Uriah J. War
ren and Lillian M. Rowell, both
of McCook; also for the marriage
of C. F. Lamar and Mary A. Mc
Donald, both of Indianola precinct.
The latter couple were married at
the Catholic church, Wednesday.
J lie graduating exercises or our
high school were held in the high
school room last Friday evening.
The graduates were Jennie Hol
land and Lena Hill. Their ora
tions were both excellent, and re
ceived the hearty applause of the
large audience. The other recita
tions by Stella Peak, Lucy Peak,
Flora Akers, and Newton Skinner,
intermingled with good singing by
Prof. Forward, Newton Skinner,
John Beck, Effie Shumaker, Lena
Beck and Nannie and Flora Akers,
not forgetting the piano music by
Jessie Welborn. W. R. Starr
oresented the diplomas and Rev.
C. D. Gearlock pronounced the
On Wednesday of this week
a serious accident happened to
three little boys, Harry and Ray,
sons of County Clerk Roper, and
Carl, son of Andy Lord. They
were playing in the rear of Shafer’s
drugstore where they found a can
containing phosphorus, not know
ing its deadly nature they put
some of it in there pockets and
started home when just back of
the Sargent hotel they began to
scream from fright and pain and
were discovered in flames, several
citizens gathered and carried them
to the pump, where it was thought
fhe fire was extinquished but be
fore they reached home it broke
out again. They were taken to
ihoir homes and doctors called,
and everything done for them that
medical skill could do but at pres
ent writing they are very low and
fears are entertained for their
The brilliant, courageous and
learned Dr. Briggs has been
“turned down” by his brethren of
the Presbyterian faith. Perhaps,
after all, the Bible is a safer pilot
than the liberal wisdom of the
Doctor. The matter cannot be re
garded more grave than as an in
cident of these inquiring and
doubting times, when Christians
will find safety in sailing under
light canvas.
Theke is a whole volume in ex
Secretary Foster’s explanation of
his failure. “My failure simply
illustrates the great folly of per
mitting one’s self to be in debt be
yond the reach of reasonably quick
assets when the hour of difficult
borrowing comes. My business was
largely done with borrowed
money.” And yet the greatest en
terprises that have been undertaken
by prudent and brainy business
men have been carried through on
borrowed money.
It is now almost certain that the
Vanderbilt system which now
reaches along the North Platte,
through central • Wyoming to
Casper, will soon be extended on to
Ogden. This promises to become
the great trans-continental line for
freights on account of its low
grade. The Union Pacific, al
though traveling that portion of
Wyoming least adapted to agricul
ture, has yet been of vast benefit
to the state, if in nothing else than
the opening up of its prosperous
coal mines. With the Burlington
also pushing through northern
Wyoming and to the Yellowstone
Park her future seeme full of
roseate promise.
The successful sinking of an ar
tesian well in the suburbs of Pierre
explodes the theory that the great
artesian basin of the Dakotas ter
minated or ran out on the west with
the Missouri river. This new
spouter throws 500 gallons of water
under a pressure of 175 pounds to
the square inch a minute, and
demonstrates that at a depth of
from 1,200 to 1,300 feet the arte
sian basin can be reached almost
anywhere east of the Black Hills.
It is believed now that the basin
extends westward at least to the
Hills. If such prove the case there
is no reason why every foot of land
in the broad expanse of that domain
should not be made ultimately
valuable by means of artesian ir
A young Detroit lawyer lias on
exhibition at the fair a model of a
new aerial electric railway which
he is confident will bring about im
mediately the “revelation” in
transportation which has been so
confidently predicted for the last
ten years. It is a car shaped like
Cleopatra’s needle and swung on
low wheels running on a single rail
elevated about twenty feet from the
ground and securely fastened to
brackets hung on a row of heavy
posts. The power is furnished
through an ordinary trolley pole
from a wire running a few feet over
the track. The car is designed to
reach a speed of 500 miles an hour.
It is managed by automatic devices
by operators stationd along the line
and therefore carries no weight be
yond the load of merchandise and
mail matter. The mail bags are
placed on shelves so arranged that
when the destination of each bag is
reached a projecting arm strikes a
bit of mechanism, the shelf falls,
and as the mail drops into a net
the train whizzes by without the
slightest pause in its speed. It is
claimed that friction is reduced to
a minimum on this road, that a
high spoed can be maintained with
very little power, and that the
trains can be handled with entire
safety. After putting the mail and
express line in successful operation
the inventor, Mr. Widdis, will turn
his attention to the construction of
a car designed for carrying passen
The Crete Vidette has its lantern
in hand and is looking for an honest
man to run for supreme judge on
the republican ticket. That paper
also desires a man who is still alive
—here in body, as it were. These
requirements exclude a very large
army of old stagers who would like
to doze away the few remaining
years of their senility on the
supreme bench. Still the Yidette
is unquestionably right. Let .the
party select the man, as it did
two years ago, for his ability and
fitness for the high and dignified
office Nebraska has some excel
lent lawyers, who would be accep
table to the party and the people
and who would commajid universal
respect. There is no other office in
the state that so imperatively de
mands the very highest order of
men. Integrity, ability and cool,
steady judgment are indispensable
qualities. Give us such a man and
we will not ask where he comes
from or who his friends have been.
For First-Class
Laundry Work.
McCook, - - - Nebraska.
Going to
Buy a Watch?
If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The
only thief-proof Watches are those with
The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendent (stem) and
fits into the grooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendent,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see that
the case is st amped with this trade mark.
It cannot be had with any other kind.
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for
one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
Your sleep will be
sound and not one
wave of trouble will
roll o’er your peace
ful breast after buy
ing a pair of those
$2.50 Shoes
we are having such
a run on. You will
always be satisfied.
II | I II » I I I I I l I
oooooooo o oo
“1 i i i i i i i i i i i i 1“
. S ^ .
Spring and Summer, 1893.
A progressive, pushing method is just
what these times demand. All those who
want to buy and make their Selections
Largest Assortment, tie Cloicest Stiles ail at
will always make our store their trading
point. We have just opened our new line
of Men’s Boys’ and Childrens’ Straw
Hats; Men’s light weight Coats and Vests
and additions to our fine stock of Neck
wear, Children’s Waists and Men’s Shirts
and Underwear.
May 6th, 1893. JONAS ENGEL,
—.McCook, Nebraska. Manager.
Get prices on wall paper at McMil
len’s drug store.
McKenna sells seven bars of good
soap for 25 cents.
Knipple makes a specialty of fruits
of all kinds.
(Bi'tLj- tyzucj S-fco^e.
Medicines, Perfumes,
Stationery, Paints, Oils,
Lamps, Etc.
213 Main Avenue, McCook, Nebraska.
...The Smart...
Photograph Gallery,
Over the Famous Clothing Co.
This is the place to get anything
in the photograph line. All photos
made with the beautiful Celluloid
Finish. Pictures made from size
of a locket to life size. Old pic
tures enlarged in crayon or water
colors. Our crayon work cannot
be excelled. Call and see samples.
Viewing of farms and residences.
Constant supply of picture frames
of the latest patterns always on
hand, at reasonable prices." Our
aim will be to please everybody
and we guarantee strictly first-class
work. Cloudy weather no disad
McCook, Neb.
A good slice of tlie earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact
you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices and
don’t neglect to snap a few of these
Great Bargains.
Here are a few which we offer this week just
for a starter:
N a 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur
mu. i njsiiec[ complete with spring, hinges, hook <j»i m
. and knob, only. vl .4U
|\Ia 9 A First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-inch r an
|M a Q A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three
° ply, an immense bargain, per foot only
Nn A California Lawn Sprinklers, always were n a a
1 ^ sold at from 82.50 to 83.00, now ohly. A.UU
We are sole agents for tlie following lines and offer
great inducements in them:
Jewel Leonard Banquet
Gasoline Cleanable Stoves
Stoves. Refrigerators3 and Ranges.
The Finest on Beautifully carved—great All flre-backed—war
earth. variety—low prices. ranted 20 years.
Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire. Best in the World.
Our Stock is one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call
and look us over.
W. C. LaTourette, Propr.