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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
W. 8. Moiilan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. , Wilber 1L Kosecrans, Flora M. Kosecrans, George \V. liurUiu and Andrew K. llarvey. partners doing business under the linn name of Burton it llarvey, Justin A. Wilcox, Charles A. Clark and Mrs. Churles A. Clark, his wife, whose first name Is to plaintiff un known, Citizens Hank of McCook, a corpor ation, and IS. 11. Colvin, delendants,will take notice, that J. Walter King, trustee, plaintiff herein, has tiled his petition in tlm district court ol lied Willow county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and pray er of which are to foreclose a certain mort gage executed October B, 188(5, by the defend ants Wilber 11. Kosecrans and Flora M. Kose crans to the plaintiff, upon the following de scribed real estate situated in the county of Ked Willow and state of Nebraska towit: Tlie north half of the northwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northeast quarter ot the southwest quarter of section number twenty-one (21) in township nuudlerfnur (4) north, range num ber twenty-nine (29) west, to secure the pay luentof their eleven certain promissory notes, one for $500.00 due September 24th, 1891, ami ten notes lor #17.50 each, the first of said ten notes maturing March 1st, 1887, and one ma turing every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said ten notes, matur ing September 1st, 1891. That there is now due upon said miles and mortgage, including taxes on «;.:«! premises paid by plaintiff, the sum of $057.11, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from Sept ember first, 1889, and piainttlf prays fora de cree that the delendants he required to pay the same, or that said premises n<ay he sold to satisfy said amount. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, July 8,189:?. Hated tins BOtli day of May, 1893. J. Walteh Kino, Trustee, l’laintilf. Hy W. S. Morlan, Itis attorney. First publication May 2(5, 1893. —4ts. W. 8., Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Henry Voces, Alary Voces. George W. Burton ami Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business under Hie firm name of Burton & Harvey, Anna Coller, Muses Golfer and Anna Golfer us executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Golfer, deceased, Chas. Nothnagel and Mrs. Charles Nothnagel, his wife, whose first name is to plaintiff unknown, William E. Bollings and W. J. Neill, defen dants,will take notice that Kate A. E.Chapin, plaintiff herein, has filed her petition in the district court of Bed Willow county, Nebras ka, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed October Hth, 1S86, by the defendants Henry Voges and Mary Voges to the plaintiff upon the following described real estate towit: The northeast quarter of section number- twelve [12] in townshipnuui ber two |2] north, range number twentynine [29] west, in Bed Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment, of their eleven certain promissory notes, one principal note for $600.00 due Septemoer 13th, 1891, and ten coupon interest notes for $21.00 each, one of said notes maturing March first, 1887, and one every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said ten coupon inter est notes, matuiiug September lirsf, 1891. There is now due on said notes and mort gage, including taxes on said premises paid by plaintiff, the sum of $775.29, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from March first, 1889, and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay tiie same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, July 3,1893. Dated this 24th day of May, 1893. Kate A. E. Chapin, Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan, her attorney. First publication May 26, 1893.—4ts. W. S. Mohlan, Attorney, McCook. Neb. Publication Notice. Stillwell Conner, Mrs. Stillwell Conner,bis wife, whose first name is to the plaintiff un known, and George W. Burton and Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business under the firm name of Burton & Harvey, defendants, will take notice that Josiali G. Adams, as administrator of the estate of Palmer South worth, deceased, plaintiff herein, has tiled his petition in the district court of Bed Willow county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed July 3rd, 1887, by the defendant Stillwell Conner to one Palmer Soutliworth, now deceased, upon the following described real estate towit: The northeast quarter of section number one (1) in township number two (2) north, range number twentyeiglit (28) west, in Bed Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of his eleven promissory notes, one principal note for $600.00 due April 21st, 1892, and ten coupon interest notes for $24.00 each, the first one of said ten coupon interest notes maturing October first, 1887, and one of said notes maturing every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said teu notes, maturing April first, 1892. That there is now due on said notes and mortgage, including taxes on said premises paid by the plaintiff, tiie sum of $S56.97, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from October first, 1887, and plaintiff prays for a decree that tiie defendants be required to pay tiie same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, witli interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, July 3d, 1893. Josiah G. Adams, Administrator, By W. S. Morlan, his attorney. Plaintiff. First publication May 26,1893.—4ts. W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Edgar R. Byars, George W. Burton and Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business under the firm name of Burton & Harvey, R. M. Snavely and Sarah R. Snavely, his wife, defendants, will take notice that Lucian H. Chidsey, as administrator of the estate of Cornelia W. Clark, deceased, plaintiff herein, has tiled his petition in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed January 6th, 1886, by the defendant Edgar R. Byars to the said Cornelia W. Clark upon the following described real estate namely: The east Half of the northeast quarter of sec tion number nineteen (19) in township num ber one (1) north, range number twenty-eight (28) west, in Red Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of his eleven certain promissory notes, one principal note for §200.00 due November 30, 1890, and ten cou pon interest notes for §8.00 each, the first note of said series of ten coupon interest notes maturity May first, 1S86, and one note matu ring every six months thereafter, until the maturing of the last of said coupon interest notes, maturing November first, 1890. That there is now due the plaintiff, as the admin istrator of the estate of the said Cornelia W. Clark, deceased, upon said notes and mort gage, the sum of §249.39, with interest thereon at tile rate of ten per cent per annum from May 1, 1889, and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before .Monday, July 3, 1S93. Dated this 23d day of May, 1S93. Lucian H. Chidsey, Administrator, By W. S. Morlan. his attorney. Plaintiff. First publication May 26, 1893.—4ts. Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, • Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores. Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches. Sore Nippies and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by George M. Chenery. Nov.20-lyear. Say! When a man pounds his thumb he puts it in his mouth and says * * * * * get me Haller’s Pain Paralyzer, quick now. For .gale by McConnell & Co. W. s. Moklas. Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Alexander M. Simonton, Jessie Al. Siinon ton, George W. Burton ami Andrew E. 11m vev, pai tners doing business under the linn name of Burton & Harvey, Elmira Smith, J. H. Goodrich, Jr., Mrs. J. H. Goodrich, Jr., his wife, whose first name is 10 plaintitf un known, Edward 11. Burch* s, Elizabeth Bur ches, Alexis Halter and J. W. Dolan, defen dants, will take notice that John Al. Boles, plaintiff herein, lias filed his petition in the district court of lied Willow county, Neb raska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed November loth, 1880, by the defendants Alexander Al. Simonton and Jessie Al. Simonton to the plaintitf, upon the foil*,wing described real estate towit: The northwest quarter of section number eight een (18) in township number one (1) north, range number thirty CIO) west, in K*xl Willow county, Nebraska, to secure their eleven promissory notes, one note for $400.00 due November lltli, 1891, and ten coupon inter est notes of $16.00 each, the first note of said series of ten interest coupon notes maturing Atay 1st, 1887, and one note maturing every six months thereafter until the maturity of tile last note of said series of ten notes mat uring November 1st, 1891; that there is now due the plaintiff on said notes and mortgage the sum of $485.73, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from May 1st, 1890; that the defendants be required to pay said amount and interest or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, Judy 3,189:). Dated this 23d of Alay, 1893. John Al. Boms, riaintiff. By W. S. Alorlan. his attorney. First publication Alay 26, 1893.—4ts. W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. E. E. Kopp, (lefeiMliint, will take notice that the Sandwich Enterprise Company, a corporation duly organized under thelawsof the state of Illinois, plaintiff herein, lias filed its petition in the district court of KedVVillow county, Nebraska, against said defendant, tile oiiject and prayer of which are to obtain judgment against said defendant for thesuin of $102 57 witli interest thereon at Uie rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of April,1893,for goods ami inerchiidisesokl and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant at his special instance and request. That on the 7th day of April, 189:!, an order of attach ment was issued out of I lie district court of said county, in said action, for the sum of $102.57. That the property of the defendant consisting of the following described real es tate towit: the west half' of the southwest quarter of section number three (3) in town ship number three (3) north, range number thirty (30) west, iu lied Willow county, Neb raska, lias been attached under said order. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, July 3,1893. Sandwich Enterprise Company, By Cobti & Harvey and Plaintiff. W. S. Morlan, its attorneys. First publication May 26,1893.—4ts. J. E. Kelley, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. In the district court of tied Willow county. Nebraska. J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, vs. Sarab E. Gerver. Lizzie Coleman. Wilson Cole man. ber husband, Emma Fuller,William Ful ler. her husband, Dellie Hanlein and Henry Hanlein, her husband. May Gerver. Minnie Gerver, Sarah Allen and William Allen, her husband, and Wesley Gerver, defendants. To Wilson Coleman. Lizzie Coleman, Henry Hanlein, Dellie Hanlein and William Fuller, non-resident defendants. You will take notice that on the 8th day of May A. D. 1893, J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, the object and prayerof which is to foreclose a certain mort gage executed by James S. Gerver and Sarab E. Gerver to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Cor Eoration, and duly assigned to the plaintiff erein, upon tbe southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 25. township 1, north of range 30. westof tbe 6tb P. M„ in Red Willow county, Nebraska; said mortgage be ing dated April first, 1888, and due April first. 1893. upon which there is now due the sum of $199.80, and interest thereon at tbe rate of ten per centum per annum from May first, 1893. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises: that the defendants be foreclosed and barred of all title, lien or other interests in said premises, and for defleiency judgment and equitable relief. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 3rd dav of July, 1893. Dated May 8th, 1893. J. L. MOORE. Trustee, Plaintiff. By J. E. Kelley, his attorney. First publication May 19.1893.-4ts. Land Office at McCook, Neb., i May 31, 1893. > Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook, Neb., on Sat urday, July 15, 1893. viz: ROBERT T. ALLAM, who made H. E. No. 8942 for tbe southeast quarter of section 3, in township 1, north of range 30, west of the 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Edward F. Duffey, Richard M. Wade. John H. Wade and Andrew Anderson all of McCook, Neb. J. P. Lindsay, Regsiter. __ “Is this hot enough for you” is a silly question: but if you meet a man who complains of suffering from the heat, ten to one you will find, on inquiry, that he does not use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to tone up his system and free his blood from irritating humors. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem edy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen. • If men had to be judged byoneanother nobody could ever get to heaven. Karl’s Clover Root, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipa tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold by A. McMillen. | 26-lyr. ' A lie in the heart is no whiter than it is in a horse trade. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar anteed to give you satisfaction. Price 75 cents. Sold by A. McMillen The devil works hard to make bitter fruit look sweet. MALARIA. Humphreys’ Specifics Nos. Ten and sixteen speedily and permanently cure malaria and bilious fever. Price 25 cents each at all drug stores. Worry kills more people than small pox. When Hannibal, The preat elephant got a sore foot they used Haller’s Barb Wire Liniment and cured it up in four days. For sale by McConnell & Co. * ~ .; tjnp . -t » ’ * ’ - • • 4k*-1'‘ .* " p * | MYSTERIES! The Nervous System the Seat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. | No mystery has ever compared with that of I human life. It has been the leading subject | of professional research and study in all ages. But notwithstanding this fact it is uot gener __ ally known mat. me seat of lifeisloca ) ted in the up per part of the spinal cord, near the base ofthebraln. and so sensi tive is t h 1 r portion of the nervous sys tem that even the prick of a needle will cause Instant death. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that alllbe organs of the body are under the con trol of the nerve centers, located In or near the base of the brain, and that when theso are deranged tho organs which they supply with nerve fluid are also deranged. When It is re membered that a serious injury to tho spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the Injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by tho injury from reaching tho Baralyted portion,, it will be understood how te derangement of the nerve centers will cause the derangement of the various organs which they supbly with nerve force. Two-thirds of chronic diseases are duo to tho imperfect action of the nerve centers at the base of the brain, not from a derange ment primarily originating in tho organ it self. The great mistake of physicians in treating these diseases Is that they treat the organ rather than the nerve centers which are the cause of the trouble. Dr. Franklin Miles, the celebrated spe cialist,has profoundly studied this subject for over 20 years, and has mado many important discoveries in connection with it, chief among them being the facts contained in the above statement, and that the ordinary methods of treatment aro wrong. All headache, dizzi ness, dullness, contusion, pressure, blues, mania, melancholy, insanity, epilepsy, St. Vitus dance, etc., are nervous diseases no matter how caused. Tho wonderful success of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is due to the fact that it is based on the foregoing principle. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, SI per bottle, six bottles for S3, express prepaid. It contains neither opiates nor dangerous drugs. • WONDERFUL! The cures which arc being effected by Drs. Starkey & Palen, 152!t Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., in Consumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheu matism, and all chronic diseases by their compound Oxygen Treatment is indeed marvelous. If you area sufferer fromany disease which your physician has f ailed to cure, write for information about this treat ment, and their book of two hundred pages, giving a history of Compound Oxygen, its nature and effects with nu merous testimonials from patients, to whom you may refer for stil! further information, will be promptly sent, without charge. jThis book aside from its great merit as a medicai work, giving as it does, the result of years of study and experi ence, you will find a Very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, 5129 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. What a Prominent Business Man Knows. Pendleton, Or.. January 12. Having used the Oregon Kidney Tea for one of mv sons whose urinary or gans were injured by taking turpentine, I cheerfully certify to its beneficial effects, and recommend the same to the puolic. Lot Livermore, Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. There will be a commotion in the pit when church members begin to give more for the spread of the gospel than they do for cigars and tobacco. • Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by A. McMillen. |' 23-lyr. Give the Boys A chance to be stiong and healthy, feed them with good plain food and keep their blood in good order with Haller’s Sarsaparilla and Burdok and who knows but they will be president oi alderman. For sale by McConnell & Co. North Pole, Dec. 25, 1892. Haller Proprietary Co:—Be sure and send me a lot of Haller’s Sure Cure Cough Syrup. I get lots of letters from the children asking for it. For sale by McConnell & Co. The surest way to make a bad man mad is to tell him the truth about him self. Give some people the power to move mountains, and how soon they would ruin the farms of their neighbors. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. There is something wrong with the religion of the man who is never seen at church on lodge night. Shilol’s Cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure is for sale by us. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25 cents. Children love it. A. McMillen, druggist. —————■——i————— The Citizens Bank of McCook. Incorporated under State Laws. ! Paid Up Capital, $50,000 -DOES A General Banking Business. Collections made «n all accessible points. Drafts dram directly on principal cities in Europe, Saxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS: V. FRANKLIN, President JOHN R. CLARK, Vie# Pi##. A. O. EBERT, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTSt The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebr9ka. The Chemical National Bank, New York OHy. Tfie Hrst JVatioua) ISattf?. |g!j|g|& AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $100,000. | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. IV. F. LAWSON Cashier A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. ^———————■mm n— nMM, , , i _ Now is the time. ~ ” \JkM This is the place.... ® i TO GET BARGAINS. |^B We Have Added Clothing.... And Sell Boys’ and Mens’.... * * : C SUITS AT FROM $1.50 TO $18. i ■ | Large Line of * HATS AND CAPS. - 1 Buv a Hat of Us and. - ; We Will Give You a. * * Ticket to EWorld’s Fail Rockford No. 101 Hose 85c per Dozen. In lOdoz. lots and upwards 72c per doz. .Coates Thread 50c per dozen. 22 LB.S N.O. SUGAR $1.00. ■kfl ....Alt Other.... 1^1 - GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. g As Low as any House in the City. —L -^ i J. WILCOX & SON. i __/ V V Vf| Judicious I Advertising ///. Always pays. Put your ad. in. Triktie and 6s convinced. GEO. J. BURGESS, Dealer in a The Finest Line of Machinery Ever Brought to this County. Yard West of First National Rank, McCOOK, NEB. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOU8E? PERRY DAVIS7 PAIN-KILLER Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus and all Bowel Complaints. PRICE, 25c* 50c* and $1.00 A BOTTLE. A. J. KITTEN HOUSE. O. H. BOYLE. ritten house & hoyle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW McCOOK. NB.fl. J. K. KKLLKY ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAM) CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Batik. HUGH W. COLE, Lawyer, MCCOOK, NEB BA SKA 836^ Will practice in all court*. Cotnmerciu. and corporation law a specially Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First Nai lonal bJd’g B. B. DAVIS. AY. V. GAGE. —DAVIS & GAGE,— Physicians & Surgeons, MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. 83T~Offick Hours: 9 to 11. a.» and 7 to 9, p. m Rooms over F;r»t National bunk. R. A. COLE. -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, has a fine stock of Clothe, Bind ings, and other trimmings always on hand. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO ■ones branded on left hip or left shoulder. if. u. address, Imperial Chase County, and Beat jrice. Neb. Kang'©,Stint* in it Water and French man creeka, Chase Nebraska. Brand as cut on side o& some animals, on hip and Bides of some, or anj* where on the animal. Subject.snr;ed fear no ’fttr^r ?r'>m tin: Kinpr ct Terrors, for by n tn« *-t wonderful overy .n medicine, cancer on ur y pr. rt of the ?•« ■<: / can be pcrmaiKMiUy emeu ulthuut Cm use of the knife. MR3 If. D.(JOLRY. 2307 Ir.r;ir.nn Avc., Chicago, *a>s “ Was cared of cancer «>f the breast in *-;x weeks by your method < f treatn.orit. -,<1 f -- treatise. Hr. if. C. iiale, Ht.. tnicagc j Auction cf 152 lbs., and I fe?l so much better thst I w.ald not take ft,000 ar.d be put I ack where I wa*. I am both surprised and proud j cf the ihanee. I recommend you? treatment to ii 1 f offerers from I obesity. Will answer all inquiries if stamp is inclosed for reply.** PATIENTS TREATED EY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Harmless, and with b<» starring, tneonrenietet, -r tad efitcU. ! For particular* address, with 6 cents is stair.; , DR. 0. W. ?. SHYCER. IHKErS THEATER, CHitASO. IIU THE KANSAS CITY • KEIIE1L Ala SttBClCAi. SANITiRim J S. IV. Cor. llch end Brnadwif. For the treatment cf all Chnmic sod Surgical Disease* and D j-nes of the Eve a©d Ear. The object of this Sanita rium is to tarnish board, rooms and medical attention to those suffering with —. Deformities, Di<w*a*ea of Women, Dis eases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, Diseases of the Svrtem. Lung and Throat Disease*, Piles, r*ccera, Tumors, Etc.. Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Bucks free U Hen amd Women. For further information call ©nor address DR. C. M. COE, Kansas City, Mo.