The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1893, Image 4

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    IV iftCuBi; JYiinf*.
all home print.
May 30th is a legal holiday.
Deputy Sheriff Babcock came down
on No 4, Thursday.
Wm. Brezee of Haigler visited Win.
Brezee of this city, Monday.
Oome to the decoration services next
Tuesday and hear Rev. E. T. O’Neil.
The high school closes with com
mencement exercises next Friday night.
Next Tuesday is Decoration Day,
drop your work and come to Indiauola.
The minstrel show was well attended
Tuesday night. Such shows always are.
Fred 0. Miller, agent of McCormick
Co., has been in our city for a few
' Sheriff Banks visited McCook and the
northwest part of the county, Wednes
A Mr. Hobbs of Minden is cutting
meat for H. C. Whitmore at Powell’s
old stand.
J. Floyd Welborn of Denver stopped
off on his return from Chicago to visit
his relatives here.
J. V. Gardner and son of York
stopped in town Sunday night and left
Monday morning.
A traveling chair repairer visited this
city Thursday and repaired the court
house chairs and others.
Mrs. Hathorn came up with the Dr.
on Wednesday, shopping while the Dr.
attended pension board.
Charles Downer, of late employed in
Kathbun’s barber shop, expects to start
a shop of his own very soon.
Modern Woodmen have received four
dozen axes for use in clearing away
the forests around about Indianola.
Mrs. T. P. Crumbaugh, who has been
visiting here for some days, left on
Wednesday for Lincoln and Council
Ex-Judge Keyes and wife left here
Thursday morning for world’s fair and
other points of interest east of the Mis
Hon. F. B. Beall, judge of the tenth
judicial district, came in from Hastings
on Tuesday and transacted business at
court house.
The sad news has reached here that
ike boys will have to wait two days
ionger, as the circus will not be here
until June 8th.
Charles L. Greer, so long associated
with Powell Bros, started on Monday
night for Boise City, Idaho, looking
up a place to locate.
Hobert Barber made timber culture
proof before county judge on Tuesday
for the southeast quarter of section 9
in town. 4. range 2S.
The A. O. U. W. lecture announced
for Monday night next by State Lecturer
Butler has been recalled as the speaker
cannot be here at that time.
('Dr. F. W. Eskey.accompanied by his
/wife and son, returned from their visit
to Illinois and the Columbian show on
Tuesday, glad to get back to fair Ne
H. C. Whitmore, long and favorably
known as Harry, has bought Powell
Bros, meat market. While we regret
to lose Messrs. Powell from our busi
ness circles, we welcome Mr. Whitmore
as their successor.
The Omaha World-Herald: Hear
gjr9.—As to the Encyclopedia Britan
nica, I regard it as a monumental work,
one of the finest achievements in the
world of letters which the world has
ever seen. It is at the head of books
of reference. It is an indispensable
work. Its use is constant. Though
bound in the most substantial form,
its price is phenomenally cheap.
Respectfully Yours,
Geo. L. Miller.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves” to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
Tall oaks from little acorns
grow. A man who wanted to bor
row some money of the Nebraska
Savings bank, it is rumored, was
refused the loan. To get even for
his disappointment he went to a
school ma’am of his acquaintance
and told her that the bank was
about to fail, that it couldn’t loan
ten cents to save its soul, and that
if she wanted to protect her inno
cent school children who were de
positors,she should tell ’em to with
draw their deposits at once. The
school ma’am became greatly ex
cited over the disclosure and the
next day public announced in her
school room that the scholars who
were depositors in the bank must
get their money out right away or
they would lose it. Then came the
run, a little one at first, but spread
ing and gathering strength until O
street was hardly wide enough to
hold the clamoring depositors. The
man who couldn’t borrow at that
bank was avenged.—Journal.
Irrigation has reclaimed 3,631,
381 acres of arid land at a cost of
$26,611,000 and given it a value of
$84,611,000. There are estimated
to be 542,000,000 acres of arid and
worthless land in the country cap
able of reclamation by irrigation.
The value of irrigated land ranges
from $31 in Wyoming to $150
per acre in California. The au
nual value of the irrigated product
varies from $8.25 in Wyoming to
$19 in California. The average
first cost of bringing water to the
arid land is $8.25, and the subse
quent cost is $1.07 a year, the
water right thus created being
valued at $26 per acre. As less
than one per cent of the reclaima
ble land has thus far received wa
ter, it is apparent that irrigation
in this country has a large future.
Taylor’s Evening Performance.
Saturday was, surely Taylor’s day in
(Jreston. In the evening the tents of
Creston’sShowman was crowded to their
utmost capacity, as they were in the af
ternoon, and before half those who ap
peared at the ticket wagon had been
supplied the sale of tickets had to be
discontinued so great was the jam inside
the tents. The people took the situation
good naturedly, however, and after every
seat had become occupied hay was spread
npon the ground around the ring, and
men, women and children sat down on
it and ‘‘let their feet hang down,” with
out a murn.U '.
The performance was excellent and
gave perfect satisfaction to everyone.
The riding, tumbling, jumping, trapeze
performance, juggling, bare-back riding
as well as all other features of the show,
were excellent and never was surpassed
here before.
Mr. Taylor has surelygot a show which
will take with the people.—(Jreston Ga
Tiie World-Herald, Omaha:
The Britannica is the prince of Cy
clopedias. I admire your edition in its
mechanical make-up, paper, print and
binding. The American revisions add
very much to its value. Your remark
able low price makes it possible for
many persons to own the Britannica
who had never hoped to do so. I am
glad to add the Word-Herald edition to
my private library. Geo. P. Bemis,
3E^”Noble, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
A good live paper every Tuesday
and Friday, is what you get in The
Semi-Weekly Journal for one dol
lar. The Tribune and Journal both
one year for $2.50.
Don't build a fence around your
property uutil you have seen and priced
that woven wire fencing at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper,
neater or better.
A fine assortment of dusters may be
seen at the harness shop of McMillen
Bros, on east Dennison street. They
are very reasonable in price too.
We are still selling the best grades
of flour cheap. Give us a call and get
our prices. McCook Com. Co. 211
Main Street.
What is this
It is the only bow (ring) which
cannot be pulled from the watch.
To be had only with Jas. Boss
Filled and other watch cases
stamped with this trade mark, laf
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
r w
not to Hurst or
^B>Punctiire witbas^
L" _
is a
i tional
& cut of
Ba Co
i luru
w bia
' pneu
of rub
Made by the
Pope Manufacturing Co., Boston,
Are the best on earth.
The best is the cheapest....
A. J. Beechek, Agt., McCook.
Ladies ride Columbias.
ii» ii iti i i t i i i
ooooo o o oooo
i i i i i 7 i i i i 7 i i T"
Things You
Ever Beheld.
That is the verdict
of the ladies in re
gard to those.
% Edson,
M Oxford,
Bluclier and
Southern Ties
....AT THE....
There is no telling
liow' quickly they
will go, consequent
ly we advise you to
call while the stock
is at its best.
Ladies’ Dongola Oxford
Patent Leather Tip for
Only. i
ii i i i» « > i i i i i i
oooooooo o oo
~~i i i i i i 7 i 7 i 7 i 7 P
1 f
Spring and 1893*
A progressive, pushing method is just
what these times demand. All those who
want to buy and make their Selections
Larpst Assortment, tie Choicest Stiles and at
0-TH E-0
will always make our store their trading
point. We have just opened our new line
of Men’s Boys’ and Childrens’ Straw
Hats; Men’s light weight Coats and Vests
and additions to our fine stock of Neck
wear, Children’s Waists and Men’s Shirts
and Underwear.
May 5th, 1893. JONAS ENGEL,
^McCook, Nebraska. Manager.
For First-Class
Laundry Work.
McCook, - Nebraska.
...The Smart...
Photograph Gallery,
Over the Famous Clothing Co.
This is the place to get anything
in the photograph line. All photos
made with the beautiful Celluloid
Finish. Pictures made from size
of a locket to life size. Old pic
tures enlarged in crayon or water
colors. Our crayon work cannot
be excelled. Call and see samples.
Viewing of farms and residences.
Constant supply of picture frames
of the latest patterns always on
hand, at reasonable prices. Our
aim will be to please everybody
and we guarantee strictly first-class
work. Cloudy weather no disad
McCook, N*eb.
◄ ♦ ♦ ►
A Reliable person in every town to take
the exclusive agency of the
> J World's
£] Columbian
* % Exposition
J\ Illustrated.
Authentic Organ of the Fair.
Established 1890.
Great Opportunity to make Money
for the next year.
One Chance
in a Lifetime...
Enclose 15c in stamps for sample and full
15$ Adams St., Chicago.
{0 U!
A good slice of tlie earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact
you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices an d
don’t neglect to snap a few of these
Great Bargains.
Here are a few which we offer this week just
for a starter:
jfi a 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur
nu. nislied complete with spring, hinges, hook <ni m
and knob, only. s> I .4-U
Mn 9 A First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-inch r a a
nU‘ L cut, only-. 3.UU
|\J0 Q A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three- 1
nu, vj piy^ an immense bargain, per foot only_ ^2
Nn A California Lawn Sprinklers, always were a a a
mu. h- s0id at from $2.50 to $3.00, now ohly. ^.UU,
We are sole agents for the following lines and offer
great inducements in them:
Jewel Leonard Banquet
Gasoline Cleanable Stoves
Stoves. Refrigerators, and Ranges.
The FineBt on Beautifully carved—great All fire.backed—war
earth. variety—low prices. ranted 30 years.
Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire, Best in the World.
Our Stock is one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call
and look us over.
W. C. LaTocrette, Propr.
j I
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