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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1893)
TWELFTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1893. NUMBER 1. __ _I J. ALBERT WELLS. |j Linen Department. | FINE TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, FINE IRISH LINEN, BUTCHER’S LINEN, EMBROID ERY CRASH, LINEN TOWELS AND STAMPED LINENS. ALSO LINEN FLOSS IN ALL COLORS. J. ALBERT WELLS. McCook, Neb. CASH j§#K Bargain House. .'4J SeSs“ on '>000 yds Challie at 5 cents. " oD;r..GoodB >.000 “ Gingham “ 5 cents. o-Look at our-o CLOTHING DEPARTMENT The Best $2.50 Shoe in the city. Weare pT HCI? r TZ>TZ> T/^HTO To Cask Making ULiUoll T 1 JTQOJCjO Buyers. Our Grocery Stock is Complete At All Times. J^STKAW HATS NOW OPEN. C. L DeGROFF & CO. TIME TABLE. GOING BAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVES. No. 2. through passenger. 6:30 A. M. No. 4. local passenger..3:20 P. M. No. «, through passenger.4:10 P. M. No. 78, freight.0:00 A. Jl. No. 144. freight, made up here.!t:;io A. M. No. 148, freight, made up here.5:00 A. M. GOING WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 1. through passenger..,11:30 A.M. No. 3,through passenger.11:35P.M. No. 5. local passscnger.10:00 P.M. No. 73. freight.5:30 P.M. No. 149, freight, made up here . 0:00 A. M. No. 175. accom., made up here. 4:00 A. M. {3?"Note:—No. 73 carries passengers for Stratton, licnkeltnan and Haigler only. No. 175 is for the Imperial branch. Rev. E. 0. Marks went down to McCook on No. 4, Thursday, lie will leave on Monday afternoon, accompanied by his family, for the Columbian exposition.—Culbertson Sentinel. Mrs. E. J. McEIherron, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, arrived in town last Friday night, and is now visiting at the home of her son, C. S. McEIherron, the popular 11. & M. second day agent at this place.—Benkleman Bee. Baptist Anniversaries, Denver, Colorado, May 22 to 30th. A grand excursion of Pull man sleepers will leave Chicago, May 22d, 8 o’clock p.m.,and McCook, May 23d, 9:00 p. m. Full reclining chair cars. Particulars in re gard to rates given later. This week, the section hands from River ton, Amboy, Cowels and both sections of Red Cloud have been engaged in extending and putting in new switches and tracks in the B & M. Yards. The B. & M. folks are fixing up the yards in nice shape, and we look for them to put their shops in this city one of these days.—Red Cloud Chief. If the railroad managers will give up the arduous task of watching their competitors long enough to mingle with the people fora few days they will discover that the tide of travel will not set in strongly toward Chicago until the cost of tickets is made about one fare for the round trip. When the rate is published every passenger coach in the Mis sissippi valley must be pressed into the pleas ant work of earning dividends for the com pany to which it belongs. SlO EXCURSION TO SHERIDAN, WYO. Round trip tickets to Sheridan, Wyoming, will be on sale Tuesday, May 30th, at the low rate of ten dollars at all Burlington Route stations from Nebraska City to Lincoln and from Lincoln to Oxford, as well as all points north thereof. Equally reduced rates will ap ply from stations south and east of the line designated. Special train leaves Lincoln at at 12:20 noon, May 30th. For further informa tion see large bills or inquire of the local agent. A great delegate convention will be held in Lincoln on June 28, the purpose of which is to show the feasibility and practicability of a north and a south railroad from the Dakotas to the gulf, to be owned and operated by the , states through which it will pass. There will be delegates from North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkan sas, Oklahoma and Texas. Among the list of distinguished statesmen who will be pres ent, appears the name of Hon. Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, otherwise known to fame as “Sock less Jerry.” Brakeman E. W. Casey is on the list of cripples with a painfully contused right foot, received at Otis, Colorado, Sunday evening. The accident happened while the freight train was backing down from the water tank to the depot, where Casey had gone to get or ders. In the rain and darkness he did not notice that the train was backing up, and in crossing the track was struck and knocked down. By some tall scrambling he managed to get out from under the car, but the wheel caught a part of his foot and bruised it up badly. It was a narrow escape. He will be about in a few weeks. A wreck occurred on the Burlington Monday afternoon about 4 o’clock, about half a mile west of Corona, which completely destroyed five or six cars. The track was blocked about five hours, delaying the west bound flyer at this place two hours. The track was torn up for about thirty yards. The cars being loaded with stone and coal there was no great loss in freight. Fortunately no one was hurt and the track was cleared at 10.30 p. m. and trains started moving. This is the second wreck that has occurred at this place in the last two days, and both occurred by journals breaking. The wrecking trains arrived in both cases and saved them from a great amount of delay. Railroad men have long suspected that the invention of the telephone caused a tendency to less travel among busy people. When the new line was completed between Chicago and New York their attention was called to the fact that Theodore Thomas examined a New York pianist by telephone, completing the en tire transaction without causing the appli cant to spend a dollar for railroad fare. They have quietly investigated the matter since, and it is now stated that the telephone has caused a perceptible decrease in travel be tween the two cities among a certain class of business men to whom time is precious. It is now possible for a director in a railroad company, for instance, to attend a meeting of the board in Chicago without leaving his office in New York. The business can be done by telephone, and at least one court has decided that such a meeting is legal. The railroad men are preparing to meet this curi ous and unexpected competition by increas ing the speed of their trains. " 1 { Mis. J. I). Me Alpine came down from Den ver, first of the week, on a visit to her parents. Miss Mary Stevensi who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Kendlen, returned to Hastings, Wednesday evening, on No. 6. Charley Sterner has gone to McCook to work.George Strain, switchman in the yards here, was removed to McCook, and John Young is the razzle-dazzle man.—Red Cloud Chief. 1 he Scientific American notices the running of a mile in 32 seconds by the New York Cen tral engine No. 999, or an average of 112’A miles an hour, and adds that it is believed that three nines will yet cover her mile in 30 seconds. The B. & M. have had eighteen cars of new steel distributed this week from the state line east and the steel gang are now at work tak ing out the old and putting in the new. This, the company is doing all along the main line and when completed, the will ballast the road, making it the easiest traveling road in the west.—Haigler News. The private car in which the martyred President, Abraham Lincoln, used to travel around in the troublesome times when he was president, is now in the repair shops of the Union Pacific at Omaha. It will be fixed up as near like it was when the great martyr had it and then it will be placed on exhibition at the world’s fair. It will doubtless attract much attention. Of late years the car has been used as a boarding car for section men* at North Platte. REPUBLICAN. “Birdie” Kirk was down from McCook on Tuesday. Operator Walsh holds a key here in place of Long, resigned. Operator Carroll manipulates the'lightning at Orleans instead of Operator Goodville. “Ben” suggests that the boys cease to con gratulate him’ any more, until he is married for sure. Mrs. Reed, wife of the genial agent at Herndon, departed on No. 172, Tuesday, on a visit, we understand, to her old home. Three loads for Kansas City and seventeen for South Omaha constituted the stock train from St. Francis, Tuesday, and still there’s more to follow. Agent Delahoyer, of Lebanon, is taking a vacation and the, gentleman who relieved Pickens at Woodruff for a few days recently —we regret that we cannot learn his name— is acting agent. The boys on No. 173, on the Orleans branch, seem to think they have a hard time of it on the Monday run, but they ought to come over and double on Monday and Tuesday on No’s. 163 and 164 to Oberlin, and then they could kick with a cause. The stock train which should have left St. Francis on Monday evening at II o’clock, did not depart until Tuesday a. m., and had to flag out on No. 172, then. Cause, inability to get orders on account of a car roof blowing off between Beaver City and Stanford and falling on and grounding the wire. The car was on extra 184. Conductor Quigler and Engineer Holliday. THE WORLD’S FAIR. The great fair is dazzling in brilliancy; overpowering in size; magnificent alike in conception and execution. When Adam was a boy, world’s fairs were not thought of. They’re a modern product. And the more modern they are, the better they are. The Columbian exposition is the latest and best—a long way the best. The whole wide world has combined to make it worthy of the nineteenth century and no endeavor was ever more successful. A visit to it is the privilage of a lifetime, and the easiest and best way to avail your self of that privilege is to take the Burling ton route to Chicago. The local agent will gladly give you any information you stand in need of. A. D. Gibbs was in Omaha, first of the | week, on business of the law. C. T. Brewer and L. R. Hileman were in Omaha, early part of the week, witnesses in the United States court in the S. P. Hart cattle case. \V. II. Anderson was a passenger on No. 6 last evening, on a business trip east—he didn’t know just where nor how many places he might visit. S. P. Hart spent the early days of the week in Omaha, where he had a case in the United States court over an old cattle deal. He re turned home, Wednesday night, before a ver dict had been arrived at. Trice’s negro minstrels played to a full house at the Menard, Wednesday evening, giving fair satisfaction, we understand. A bat tery of forty pounders couldn’t keep away a crowded house from a minstrel show. Don Thomas had an experience with a bold bad burglar, the other night, which Don’s chums take pleasure in relating to his evident discomfiture. The boys claim that the scene was highly tragical, as well as amusing, when Don emerged from under the bed, inquiring breathlessly, “are the burglars gone?” after the “burglar” had been in bed fast asleep for half an hour. Charlie and John Heber mourn a sadly demoralized alarm clock, which was utterly knocked out in the wild excitement fol - lowing the entrance of the “burglar.” \ ...Big Discounts... BIG SALE o-ON-o MILLINERY, -^AT~ U. Lowman <& Sons', Dry Goods, Carpets, Millioen And Dress Making. I’m a Plain, Blunt Man, But I Know That is.... UP HILL WORK For any Firm to Match the Tfts Cagle§4offline House* C. W. KNIGHTS, PROP. COLUMBIAN ♦ SEASON^. ...Has been inaugurated by... —KALSTEDT— with an immense new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Call and see this fine line before the selection is broken. KALSTEDT• THE • LEADING • TAILOR,