TO BE worthy of being called the very ‘DyiQ -i vi O best store in town requires plenty of -DI cULJLlo* SELEC1 a large stock suit* able for your needs requires TO BUY the goods right—which means vt'i'fo 1 strictly for cash—requires unlimited v^Cx^iXLcXl# rpo SELL them to the universal satisfaction rn« — j. * of our large and increasing trade requires -A. 1 Broadway, New York City. HIGHEST GRADE GROWS.!! CHASE&SANBOHN :! J A PA M. I C. M. NOBLE, LEADING GROCER, McCOCK, - NEB. SOLE AGENT. WOOD’S PIIOHPIIODlNIi The Great Enzlish Remedy. Promptly and permanent ly cures all forms of Nervous lWeakness, hmissions, Sperm at<;rrhca. Impotency and dl effects of .Abuse or Rxccsst s. Been prescribed ovt r :;.S jears In thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Hon est Medicine known. A sic drutrrrlst; for Wood’s Pnos U,ICt SiTter. ■ - .II , n ir vui.ts sumo * worthless medicine Inpiaee ' ■ this, leave h!r elshonest store, Inclose price In — _ -1 Avc . Detrolt.'MLich. _ For sale by I.. \Y. McConnell & Co., G. M. Chenery, Albert Mc.Millen in McCook and by druggists everywhere. J. S. McBraykr. Milton Osborn. ^cBB^ER & OSfio^ Proprietors of the McCook Transfer Line. Bus, Baggage and Express. ONLY FURNITURE VAN ....Iu the City.... Leave orders for IJus Calls at Commercial Hotel or our oilice opposite depot. J. S. McBrayer also lias a first class liouse-moving outfit. Palace llupGb Roorp. C. B. GHAT, Propr. 8 The Finest Fill of Fare In the Ci\-y... Meals Served at all Hours, Day or Night. CANDIES. NUTS AND CIGARS, Neat A p part in cuts for Ladles During Day or Evening Lunches. pST"<)ppo8it6 Commercial Hotel.... WANTED! •« ♦ ♦ ► A Reliable person in every town to take the exclusive agency of tbe J World’s .. $ Columbian v fj Exposition ‘\ Illustrated. Authentic Organ of the Fair-. Established 18‘JU. Great Opportunity to make Money for the next year. One Chance in a Lifetime... Enclose 15c in stamps lor sample and full ...particulars... .1. B. CAMPBELL, Pres. 159 Adams St., Chicago. For Just Fifty Cents We Will Send THE. Omaha Weekly Bee... For the'balance of this year. Send in your order at once. THE OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEli. McMILLEN BROS. Are Headquarters ...for... HARNESS * -AND SADDLERY. They Carry the ! j Largest Stock in tilcCock, And the only Complete Line in Southwestern Nebraska. , GO AND SEE THEM | When You Need Anythin*.' Their Line... Sear of tha Famouo.——— ! S- D- McClain. Frank Nichols. S. D. McCLAIN & CO., Well Drillers. Guarantee all Work to be ...First-Class... -o—— "Orders may be left at S. M. Cochran k Co.'s store in McCook, Nebraska. ■W- CTOOSnES, Livery, Feed & Boarding STABLE. Lindner Barn. McCook, Neb. Good Rigs and Reasonable Prices. SSPFirst-class care given boarding horses, and charges fair. Call and give me a trial.