Pe J§t®Dok Frifen?*. By F. M. K1MMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. INDIANOLA ITEMS. O. Frost of Bartley attended court, Tuesday. Y. Franklin came down on No. 4, Wednesday. Court adjourned on Tuesday until July 7th. Ed Ervin and family have gone to California on a visit. J. F. Helm shipped three car loads of cattle this week. Mrs. J. H. Goodrich is visiting iier mother, Mrs. Bishop. James Lercli and family started Monday for the World’s fair. Attorneys Moore and Stevens were down on business Thursday. Mrs. T. P. Crumbaugli is visit ing her many friends in this city. Attorney A. D. McCandless of Wymore attended district court, Tuesday. Street Commissioner Stockton is putting in some much needed crossings. Public school closes June 2d. Preparations are being made for a good time. Harry Harrison of the York nursery made this city a short call, Wednesday. Reporter Gibbs rode to court on wheel, Tuesday. Time one hour and 15 minutes. Commercial man Crow, the would-be secretary of state, stopped off here, Tuesday. A matched game of base ball will be played here Friday. Stock ville vs. Indianola. Rev. Dr. Jas. Lisle will preach the memorial sermon Sunday, May 28th. at 11 o’clock. Miss Cora Irvin, one of the county clerk’s helpers, is taking a vacation this week. Ed Smith, assistant post master, is painting the post office building and it looks nice and spotted. Say boys do you know that Tay lor’s show is coming, June 6th is the date when the elephant will be here. License was issued on the 15th for the marriage of Mr. George S. Lincoln and Sarah Goodenberger, both of McCook. The W. C. T. U. occupied the '* evening hour Sunday at the Con gregational church and rendered a very good program. Rev. E. J. O’Neill will deliver the oration here decoration day and it will pay anyone to come a long distance the hear him. A. C. Bartholamew was at court house on Tuesday and filed a plat with the county clerk of a nicely laid out cemetery at Lebanon, J. H. Miller, on old resident of this county, cam ein from Dundy county, Saturday, where he has been living for the past few years. M. Y. Starbuck and E. May Starbuck were . in county court, ' ’hursday, making a final settle ment in the estate of Geerge H. Tbnck. ‘ V . J'ope ye typo will read our ■re correct iu the future. i last week we said Emery Merchant of Bartley visited court. It read iu print every merchant of Bartley etc. License was issued on the 13th for the marriage of Frank W. Ben nett and Rhoda A. Cooper both of McCook. Returns show that they were united in marriage by H. H. Berry, esq., on Sunday last. NORTH DIVIOE NUBBINS. • Read The McCook Tribune, its on the upper round. Fred Carter has all of his crop planted, about three hundred acres. Keeps one a humpin’ to feed all these pesky little ground squirrels. Walter Hickling is having quite a patch broken out on his timber claim. Herr M. Moehler will add the Chenery tree claim to his landed interests. John Johnson is preparing to occupy the Sander’s “joint;” he has our sympathy. Mr. Sherman who recently pur chased the Morey place, is putting up a good-sized barn. Mr. King, a recent arrival from Iowa, has a notion of buying the the Will Johnson place. The Caslien boys, recent new comers from Beatrice, are putting in a crop on the Kimmell farm. Fall wheat and rye that was thought to be of little account not long ago is looking immense since the rain. James Thompson and Thomas Scofield are planting any amount of corn these days; by the way, they are threshers. Nelson Parrott, from near Red Cloud, a former acquaintance of I. P. Moore, visited briefly with the latter the past wesk. A. F. Reeves does an occasional job of corn shelling; he also has a grinder and will chop ycur feed the way it ought to be. The merry click of the corn planter is heard here and there, but the bulk of corn is being put in after the listing fashion. Peter Farrell, who previously herded box cars on the B. & M. for several years, is making im provements on his homestead. George Henderson, who erst while did all sorts of hustling for brother Fred, recently had some slight altercation and is now hold ing forth at pa’s. Begins to look as though this locality had entirely forgotten its obligations to the editor; but then this is springtime, and as the grass begins to show itself perhaps Joe is busy. There seems to be no abatement to those prairie fires, and some of them we regret to say, appear to be set with spiteful intentions. Matters have come to a pretty pass when a person, in the face of a heavy wind, will start the prairie burning within a ston’s throw of his neighbor’s entire belongings. The writer has been so taken up feeding and watering those young chickens that he has not had time to speak of the doings of North Divide people. Then there was all the garden to make, the cows to find that ought to have been home three or four days ago, kill ing rats, tearing down the sheds, planting a few crooked rows of corn, finding fault with someone when he ought to have been in church, besides discussing the matter if a kitchen with a shed roof could leak any if it were cov ered with tar paper, some heavy canvas thoroughly painted and battened, two or three loads of maenesia mixed with one of native lime, a few loads of gravel, and if one were not too busy and had a good neighbor of whom he might borrow a breaking plow and put on a couple layers of sod, then wind up with about four loads of straw and a lot of brush and poles and whatever else would come in handy to throw along on the edges, and then, as we have inquired be fore, we wonder if it could leak? Conkie. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jag. cases bearing their trade mark— 1/ Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. This is a sec tional cut of a Co lum bia pneu matic tire and valve, show ing layers of rub ber and canvas COLUMBIA BICYCLES, Made by the Pope Manufacturing Co., Boston, Are the best on earth. The best is the cheapest.... A. J. Beechei:, Agt., McCook. ^Seiid _for de scrip ij tive i catal * ogue Ladies ride Columbias. The Loveliest Things You Ever Beheld. That is the verdict of the ladies in re gard to those. _NEW_ Edson, Oxford, Regent, Piccadilly, Bluclier and Southern Ties ....AT THE.... BOSTON SHOE STORE. --- There is no telling how quickly they will go, consequent ly we advise you to call while the stock is at its best. Ladies’ Dongola Oxford Patent Leather Tip for Only. ESTABLISHED 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. -i - . .—■ '" «*#•♦••• THE | Famous Clothing Co. |i Spring and Summer, i 893* A progressive, pushing method is just what these times demand. All those who want to buy and make their Selections 0-FROM 'THE-0 Largest Assortment, the Choicest Styles and at 0-th E-0 ...LOWEST PRICES... will always make our store their trading point. We have just opened our new line of Men’s Boys’ and Childrens’ Straw Hats; Men’s light weight Coats and Vests and additions to our fine stock of Neck wear, Children’s Waists and Men’s Shirts and Underwear. May 6th, 1893. JONAS ENGEL, ^.McCook, Nebraska. Manager. Knipple sells canned goods eheaper than ever. Knipple makes a specialty of fruits of all kinds. Go to the B. & M. Flour and Feed Store for your flour. Wayson & Odell are putting out some andsome rigs these days. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. Parties contemplating building this spring who need money can obtain same at reasonable terms from P. A. Wells. Office in 1st National bank. Piear rooms. —CALL AT— LENNART’S LAUNDRY For First-Class Laundry Work. McCook, - Nebraska. ...The Smart... Photograph Gallery, Over the Famous Clothing-Co. -o This is the place to get anything in the photograph line. All photos made with the beautiful Celluloid Finish. Pictures made from size of a locket to life size. Old pic tures enlarged in crayon or water colors. Our crayon work cannot be excelled. Call and see samples. Viewing of farms and residences. Constant supply of picture frames of the latest patterns always on hand, at reasonable prices. Our aim will be to please everybody and we guarantee strictly first-class work. Cloudy weather no disad vantage. P. W. MAKCELLUS, McCook, Neb. FOR FOR Y 0 U! A good slice of tlie earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices an d don't neglect to snap a few of these l Great Bargains. Here are a few which we offer this week just for a starter: j\j q 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur nu. nished complete with spring, hinges, hook dji m and knob, only. vl .HU Mn 9 A First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-incli r aa J\1 q Q A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three nu, o an immense bargain, per foot only_ Mn A California Lawn Sprinklers, always were q aa INU. H- a^. from $2.50 to $3.00, now ohly. ^l.UU We are sole agents for the following lines and offer srreat inducements in them: O Jewel Gasoline Stoves. The Finest on earth. Leonard Cleanable Refrigerators, Beautifully carved—threat variety—low prices. Banquet Stoves and Ranges. All fire-backed—war ranted 20 years. Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire, Best in the World. Our Stock is one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call and look us over. THE PIONEER HARDWARE, I W. C. LaTourette, Propr.