The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1893, Image 2

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matters It that we
H^liapi y realms of long ago,
povo, and let our voices low,
■some brief sessions loyally?
■>K or laughed or wept maybe?
gnot anything, and so
rat we may better know
lilng Is lost to you and me.
,y 1 kissed your lips, and yet
knot enough to shake the dew
Kjjhed lids—and missed, with no
Mffljrk, with sharp breaths fail
■Rilo our own eyes are wet
t if1,J 1 ears, let U3 forget!
—James Whitcomb Itiley.
. . was a great chief. The
Kled were numerous and war
Psegais were 10.000; his triho
'cattle. So tho missionary at
iyas glad indeed when he felt
g|ehed Langalula’s heart, for
Hie conversion of a whole
I b1
*13<mg goes over, the people
HR said, “I am convinced; bap
, ways of white men are incom
■k Though the missionary had
“Hug that very thing for
when Langalula gave in
I “Conviction alone is not
must wait awhile till I
, your life shows forth works
’ meet for repentance.” Langu
ish d. He wrs little accus
H»cli contradiction. But he
P^’ hard ar .uing with these
vhito men, who will baptize a
slave e’-ery hit as soon as a
■ So^ie held his peace, and
'■ chafed at it waited the mis
i y one day the missionary
P^tu him. “Langalula,” he said con
|scendingly, “I have watched you close
Ifor many weeks now, and I think I
1 baptize you.” ,
•Then ail my sins will be forgiven?”
;ed Langalula.
■All your sins will be forgiven,” the
} nary answered.
; 1 must put away my wives?” Lan
l asked once more.
'.1 save one,” answered t |e mission -
It was a point of doctrine.
-ten, 1 think,” Langalula said, “I
tfor a week, so as to make up
which one of them is dearest
■Said this deceitfully, knowing
S's sins were going to be forgiv
Pitermming in the interval to
. other- wife, whom he would
BETtWn when he put away the
hr there was a young girl corn
rack hut comely, the daughter
Sa, a neighboring chief, whom
Mliad seen and whom he wished
(we. And since the last love is
tor the moment the greatest
Met cared very little whether he
't |nt away all his other wives or
nly lie could keep Malali. She
driven out all the rest of them. He
W& watched the girl growing up at
JPiamsua’s for years and had said to
■»mself always, “Whenever Malali is of
.f|,narriageabie age see if I do not buy her
Band marry her.”
5*5 In pursue -.oe or th»s plan, as soon as
Hgie missionary was gone, Langalula rose
j»p and took the fighting men of his tribe
Rvitli him that there might be no dispute,
■and marched into the country of Malali’s
Pfather, whose name, as I said, was
| Khamsua. When Khamsua heard Lan
I galula was on his way to his land with
I 5,000 assegais, not to speak of winchester
| rifles, he went out to meet him with a
great retinue.
Khamsua cringed. Langalula said to
him, "I am come to ask for Malali.”
The moment Khamsua heard that he
j was unspeakably terrified and flung liim
' self down on his face and clasped Lan
TjalulaH kliees, for Khamsua was only a
small chief in the country compared with
“O my king,” Khamsua said, “O lion
if the people, I did not know so great
monarch as you had set his eyes on
li, and before you asked Montelo’s
came and offered oxen on Mon
^ mehalf for Malali, and I sold her
to j im because I was afraid of Mou
nd could not have believed so great
■-f as you had ever looked upon her.”
f Langalula smiled at that. “Oh. as for
Montelo,? he said, “I can easily take her
from biro, and then I can get the mis
sionary .marry us.”
KhamnUa, however, answered like a
fool. “It cannot be. The Christians
are so straight laced. Montelo is a Chris
tian now. He was baptized a week age,
and Malali was married to him in Chris
tian fashion. Even if you were to kill
Montelo and take her to your kraal I
don’t believe the missionary would mar
ry you.”
i Langalula turned to his men. “Kill
i him,” he sail simply. And they killed
I hi'*1 with an assegai.
non as fruit was finished .Langalula
guMSn iuto Montelo's country,
jjjrie arrived there, Montelo crept
^^Bieet him and tried to parley with
Langnlula would not parley
■Eh the man who had deprived him of
VWe-will fight for it,” he said angrily,
jjjjhhy fought for it then and there,
■S upshot of it all was that Lan
Hf'hieu conquered in the battle and
Brontolo’s men, who had no win
back to their king's kraal, and
Bled Montelo himself and carried
Bl on an assegai.
Be very same evening they occn
B kraal that had once been Mon
Rnd Langalnla’s men brought out
■ to their own leader. Langalula
■ hard at her. She was a glossy
I girl, very smooth skinned and
Ind clean of limb. The great chief
■ lonfe at her. Malali hung her
Ydropped her arms before him,
}„\ yon go with Montelo?” he
“when Langaiula would
whimpering. Montelo paid him a great,
many oxen. I liad no choice hut to go.
O king, O mighty lion, I did not know
you. wanted me.”
With that she flung herself at his feet
in terror and held his knees, imploring
‘‘Take her to the hut that was once
Montelo’s,” said the great chief, smiling.
“I will follow her there.”
They seized her arms and dragged her
to the lmt, crying and shrieking as she
went. They dragged her roughly. Lan
galnla remained behind superintending
the slaughter of Montelo’s warriors. As
soon as he was tired he returned to the
hut that had once been Montelo’s, for he
wished to see Malali—whether she was
really as beautiful as ho believed, even
though the missionary would never
marry him to her.
Malali, when she saw him, thought all
was well, and that Langalnla loved her,
so she left off crying and tried every art
a woman knows to please and charm
him. But Langalnla was a very great
king, and his anger was aroused. A
king’s anger is terrible. He smiled to
himself to see with what simple tricks
the woman thought she could appease a
mighty warrior.
llie morning came, and he cried to
himself with annoyance and vexation
that Montelo and Khamsua, and the mis
sionary as well, should have done him
between them out of so beautiful a wom
an. If the missionary had been a black
man, Langalula would have compelled
him to baptize him outright and then to
marry him properly to Malali with book
and ring in the Christian fashion. But
he knew by experience it’s no use threat
ening these white men with tortures, for
threaten how you may they will not
obey you, and besides the governor would
send up troops from Cape Town, and ’tis
ill fighting with the men of the governor.
So he rose in a white heat of passion.
“Malali,” he said, approaching her with
an ugly smile, “I like you better than
any woman I ever'yet saw. You please
me in everything, but you went off with
Montelo, and the missionary will not
marry me to you now I have speared
him. I have also speared your father,
Khamsua, because he sold you for oxan
to Montelo. I want a real queen, who
shall be married to me white fashion. I
am becoming a Christian now and can
only have one wife, but it must not be
you, because you were sold to Montelo,
whom I have slain in the battle, and
they will not marry us. So I will keep
my own first wife, the earliest married,
though she is old and lean, and discard
the other ones. Come out of the hut,
Malali, and stand in front of my war
Malali was afraid at that and would
have skulked in the corner if she dared,
but she dared not, because she she was
frightened of Langalula. So out she
came as he told her, trembling in all her
limbs and crouching with terror. Her
knees hardly bore her. Langalula turned
to his men. He looked at her with re
gret. She was sleek and beautiful.
“Pin her through the body to the
ground with an assegai,” he said, point
ing at her, “and leave her to die in the
After that Langalula marched back
grimly with his men to his own country.
As soon as lie reached his kraal he went
to see the missionary. He was very sub
“I repent of all my sins,” he said. “I
have come to be baptized. Teacher, I
will put away all of my wives save one.”
Be Generous With Yolir Wife.
Every season brings with it to the
feminine mind at least a desire to go out
and “shop,” which process of course
means a certain amount of money in the
white, red or heliotrope purse which the
woman of fashion now carries. If she
has an allowance given her at the begin
ning of every month, she can by prudent
forethought be provided with a sufficient
sum to get all the little fixings she de
sires, and she won't have to beg and
plead for a new bonnet or a spring gown
after the manner of many wives and
daughters who have not their own pocket
money, but who are compelled to ask for
even a quarter with which to buy hair
pins or candy.
A man may be as generous as even the
most extravagant woman could desire,
but even to ask of him every time you
want anything is not pleasant. There is
something in feminine nature that would
rather economize on a certain stated
amount, knowing that it is hers to do
with as she desires, than to be allowed
to run up large bills and yet not possess
a half dollar that can be squandered
without question.
Let every man from the very day of
his marriage give his wife a sum that he
can afford and which she will under
stand is to be her very own for her ward
robe and her various wants, and which
she can either spend on the first day that
she gets it or make last until her next
pay day.—New York Commercial Ad
A Trick With Figures.
Ask a friend to put down four figures,
which you are not supposed to see. Let
him add these up and subtract the sum
from the original figures. Then let him
strike out any figure in the result and
tell you the sum of the remaining fig
ures. You can instantly tell him what
figure he struck out. The modus oper
andi is easy and depends on the esoteric
qualities of 9. He puts down, say, 7,428,
Add up these figures—21, which sub
tract and get 7,407. Cross out, say, 7.
This leaves the sum of the remaining
figures 11, which he'announces. Mentally
subtract 11 from the next highest mul
tiple of 9, which is 18, and you get 7,
which was the figure crossed out.—Phil
adelphia Times.
A Remarkable State of Affairs.
In one ojt the leading dry goods stores
recently’' rt was proposed to reduce the
wages of th^Wmen in order that' those
of the married men might be ' X
But investigation showed that th*^ -i
women were supporting morcjrl Q
♦o-s '•worried men, and tly
*• *»1
Long Ilefore the Forty-niner#, Hushed to
the El I>orado( Indians Peddled the Pre
cious Dust on the.Street# of Monterey.
A Priest’# Secret.
The discovery of gold in California
has recently called forth a good deal of
discussion, and also an especially inter
esting story from Captain W. H. Thornes,
president of the Society of California
Captain Thomas, before he took up his
permanent residence in Boston, spent
many years in California and is very
much interested in the early history of
the gold discoveries.
He says: “I am perfectly satisfied that
the presence of gold in that region was
known to the priests in the very earliest
times. The priests, who were the first
pioneers, were a pastoral people. As
missionaries they gained a wonderful in
fluence over tho native Indians and
gradually flooded the country with great
herds of sheep and cattle that roamed
over ranges thousands of acres in extent.
These herds the Indians tended, and it
was therefore the policy of the priests
to keep the Indians in suhiection.
“The priests brought with them from
Spain grapevines and orange trees, and
they sought to bring peace and plenty to
the new land. They were wise, long
headed men and must have known ol
the existence of gold, but they also knew
the avariciousness of the Spanish people.
They reasoned that if the presence of the
yellow metal should become known in
Spain hordes of greedy adventurers
would rush in-, robbing, killing and rav
ishing. Their peaceful relations with
the Indians would be broken off, the
great herds would be scattered, and the
supremacy of the priests themselves
would be lost.
“This supremacy was at its highest in
1765, when from the missions at San
Diego a chain of 24 missions was ex
tended northward. Junipero Sera was
priest president of all the missions in
California and was an intelligent, per
severing, enterprising man. He was not
only instrumental in founding mission
after mission, but he added to the herds
thousands of sheep and cattle.
“I have been six times to California
and have talked with priests of all na
tionalities, Mexican, Spanish, Irish and
American, and I am confident from what
they say that Junipero Sera knew about
the gold, but he was a singular charac
ter and ruled with a hand of steel, sc
that gold was a word that no one dared
to utter. He had the history of Peru
and other countries in his mind, and he
knew that an influx of gold hunters
meant terror and destruction and the
failure of all his great plans. *
“It is claimed that the first discoveries
were in 1S48, when the whole world was
turned topsy turvy with the astonishing
news. I myself was in California in
1843 and staid there for three years,
and I can positively say that gold was
known there then, for I have seen it in
Monterey. On Sundays the Indians
would come into town, naked except for
a cloth around their middles, and ex
change a little pinch of gold for a drink
of aguardiente or native rum. No one
knew where they got the gold, but some
times they would have several dollars'
worth of the precious dust. This was an
old custom, for at Mission Carmel 1 in
terviewed, through an interpreter, an
aged Indian, who said that when he was
a boy gold was found in the mountains
and rivers round about, and the natives
would wash out a panful in order to get
a good drunk on Sunday, which Chris
tian Indians were forbidden to do. He
thought that there was still gold in the
mountains, but he was so old that he
had forgotten where it was.
“In 1841 Andres Castillero, the same
person who afterward discovered the
New Alameda quicksilver mine in Santa
Clara county, while traveling from Los
Angeles to Monterey found near the
Santa Clara river a great number of
water worn pebbles which he gathered
up and carried with him to Santa Bar
bara. He there exhibited them, said
they were a peculiar species of iron py
rites, and declared that according to
Mexican miners wherever they were
found there was a likelihood of gold
being also found. A ranchero named
Francisco Lopez, who was living on the
Piru creek, a branch of the Santa Clara
river, but who happened at the time to
be at Santa Barbara, heard Castillero’s
statement and examined his specimens.
“Some months afterward, having re
turned home, he went out to search foi
strayed cattle. At noon, when he dis
mounted from his horse for the purpose
of resting, he observed a few wild onions
growing near where he la}’. He pulled
them up, and in so doing noticed the
same kind of pebbles as those to which
Castillero had called his attention. Re
membering what Castillero had said
about them, he took up a handful of
earth, and upon carefully examining it
discovered gold. The news of the dis
covery, at the place which was called
San Francisquito, about 35 miles north
east of Los Angeles, soon spread. In a
few weeks a great many persons were
engaged in washing and winnowing the
sands and earth in search of gold.
“The auriferous fields were found to
extend from a point on the Santa Clara
river about 15 or 20 miles from its mouth
overall the country drained by its up
per waters, and thence easterly to Mount
San Bernardino.
“On May 14, 1843, Alvarado wrote to
the prefect of the district reproving him
for not giving official notice of the dis
covery and directing him to gather and
forward an accoun* of all circumstances
of interest relating to the gold for trans
mission to the supreme gowjpftment.
“From that time to tip present day
there has been more or l\s working of
these mines, but no places Af very great
^jhness have been found, ltd none to
#)are with those afterwar«liscovered
V tributaries of the SacralLento and
p ” UA
vveetteart’s Face
hat’s my wife’s you know—wears
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She is always recommending Kirk's
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and ensure perfectly clean clothes.
She knows what she’s talking about—
don’t forget it.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap wound?*.pnd
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Owing to superior medication our 50-cent box contains
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BMVihopTpnilinP Owing to the wonderful sale of
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Wc give Sole Agency. MINNEAPOLIS, MWN.
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nothing new when we state that it pays to engage
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have weak or un
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ous and IM P O
i £ji\ i, Inc scorn, or tncir leiiows aim iuc tuii
tempt of friends and companions, leads me to
GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos
t4TK£ME!ttHKK, that there is hope for
YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE
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Female Diseases cured at home without In
struments; a wonderful treatment
Catarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
Syphilis. The most rapid, safe and effective
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kkin Diseases of all kinds cured where many
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Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
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1. Free consultation at the office or by mail.
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3. That each patient treated gets the advantage
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specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment.
A home treatment can be given in a majority
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Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
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G.W.Wi!liamson. M. D.
If yon are suffering from any of the following ailments da
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The Lambs’ Would is a large 50
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The cures winch are being effected
by I)rs. Starkey <k Paleti. 1529 Arch
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Catarrh. Neuralgia. Bronchitis. Rheu
matism. and all chroni • di« a*es by
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indeed marvelous.
If you area sufferer from any disease
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ment. and their hook of two hundred
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merous testimonials from patients, to
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without charge.
This hook aside from its great merit
as a medical work, giving as it does,
the result of years of study and experi
ence, you will find a verv interesting
5)29 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Sutter St.. San Francisco, Cal.
Please mention this paper.