The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 28, 1893, Image 8

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    L. W. M’CONNELL & CO.!
To Our Advertisers.
You are entitled to have your display
advertisements changed once a month
at the regular price. Changes more
frequent will be charged extra accord
ing to the amount of composition.
Local advertisements may be changed
every week at usual price.
Copy for new advertisements and for
changes of regular advertisements must
be in this office by Wednesday of each
week to insure prompt insertion.
Notice of discontinuance of any dis
play advertisement must be given not
later than Wednesday. Local adver
tisements may be discontinued at any
time before Thursday evening.
A strict observance of these necessary
rules is respectfully requested.
The Publisher.
January 1, 1893.
The Call Leads the Procession.
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of The Call in
another column. Since its reduction
in price The Call is the cheapest
daily in Nebraska, and its spicy and
independent policy is too well known
to need comment from us. In reduc
ing the price of The Catl so as to put
it within the reach of everybody, the
management have placed themselves a
decided step in advance of all other
publishers in the state. This is an era
of popular prices for the newspaper,
and The Call is, as usual, at the head
of the procession.
Money to Loan at 9 per Cent.
On first class McCook or Red Willow
county real estate. Send me your ap
plications. H. G. Dixon,
Kennett Square, Penna.
For Trade.
A good house and lot in University
Place, the finest suburb of Lincoln, to
trade for western land.
J. R. Gbttvs,
University Place, Neb.
Horses for Sa/e.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel. '
Hay! Hay!
Best blue stem bulk or baled. This
hay was cut early. Leave orders at B.
& M. meat market. F. S. Wilcox.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over Knipple.
WTayson & Odell are putting out some
andsome rigs these days.
Scale books, 500 weighs, at The
T UBCNE stationery department.
Knipple makes a specialty of fruits
of all kinds.
In order to introduce my wire tight
ener I will fill all orders received by me
during the present month (April) at the
rate of one dollar for each machine af
ter which I shall be obliged to raise the
price. As to the merits of this ma
chine read the following endorsements.
John Whittaker.
McCook, Neb.
“I have made a thorough test of
Whittaker’s Wire Tightener and find it
better than anything I have ever tried
for tightening wire. W. S. Fitch,”
President Co. Agricultural Society.
“I have tested the invention known
as the Whittaker VVire Tightener and
find that it does all claimed for it, viz:
Tightens the wire without kinks and
so leaves wire in as good shape as be
fore using. In fact it is the only wire
tightener that a farmer can afford to use.
H. H. Pickens.”
McCook, Neb., April 8, 1893.
John Whittaker: Dear Sir—
After having tried your little device
known as “Whittaker’s Wire Tightener”
I must say that I am more than satis
fied with the results of its work. It is
perfect and will stand on its merits
with all men who give it a trial.
Yours Respectfully,
• A. C. Modi.
Quality Up—Prices Down!
Knipple excels in the quality of the
flour he keeps in stock, and in the re
markably low prices at which he is sell
ing. Think of it! ,
Fancy patent flour at.$1.25
Snowflake flour at.85
And remember that he warrants every
sack. At the old stand in the Cole
Of Interest to Farmers.
If you want to renew a loan falling
due and make a new one on your farm
patronize the Nebraska Loan and Bank
ing Co. of McCook, a home institution.
Office in rear rooms of 1st National
bank. Interest payable in McCook.
Don’t build a fence around your
property until you have seen and priced
that woven wire fenoing at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper,
neater or better.
A good live paper every Tuesday
and Friday, is what you get in The
Semi-Weekly Journal for one dol
lar. The Tribune and Journal both
one year for $2.50.
You will never know how far your
dollar will go until you buy your gro
ceries at Knipple’s. It will surprise
You get a Seaside Library free with
a year’s subscription to The Semi
Weekly Journal. The offer will not
last long.
Knipple sells canned goods cheaper
than ever.
Wall Paper. _N
_ _ H. & M.
Artists’ A. M MILLEN, Guaranteed
Materia1, j Druggist. M““'
___________________ ...Paint...
Paints, Oils and Glass.
Put jour $ $ $ where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves” to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
Beware of peddlers. Call and in
spect the Household sewing machine
sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before
buying a machine. There is no better
on earth.
Give your orders for 84 Palent, Lion
and Legal Tender, also Wauneta High
Patent,White Fawn and Pride of Wau
neta flour to Hugh Thompson, the oil
man. '
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot, besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Patronize H. Thompson & Co., deal
ers in flour and feed of all kinds, west
Dennison street, on the corner north of
McEntee Hotel.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
tbe largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
J. C. Russell is prepared to do cast
rating promptly. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Send orders through McCook
S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im
mense stock of farm implements on
hand. See them before buying else
Knipple leads them all when it comes
to selling a fine patent flour cheap. Try
him once aud you will be convinced.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Baby Carriages—
the latest styles—
cheap. Pade & Son.
Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co.
now carry in stock a full and complete
stock of builders hardware supplies.
McMillen Bros, have a nice lot of Lap
Robes they will sell at greatly reduced
prices. Splendid bargains in these.
Whittaker’s Wire Tightener, tightens
barbed, smooth and woven wire and slat
fences without injury to the wire.
You can buy more goods at Knipple’s
for One (1$) Dollar than you can any
where else in the city of McCook.
If you want a well drilled in fine
shape see McClain & Co. Leave or
ders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s.
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a
specialty of fresh, clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
If you are thinking of buying a set
of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock
and get his prices.
No better farm wagon on wheels
than the Charter Oak sold by S. M.
Cochran & Co.
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
Remember that the Barnett Lumber
Co. sell screen doors with trimmings
Whittaker’s Wire Tightener is a ben
ediction to the man who owns a wire
Do you know that Knipple pays the
highest market price for butter and
eggs. _
Read what Hon. A. C. Modi has to
say about Whittaker’s Wire Tightener.
Seventeen pounds of Granulated
Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s.
Use Whittaker’s Wire Tightener to
repair your fences.
Sewing Machines
on $5 a month pay
ments. Fade & Son.
Gives Some Expert Views Touching
McCook's Water Works.
Last Thursday night Mr. R. R. How
ell, who is connected with the Ameri
can Water Works Company at Omaha,
arrived in the city, at request of the
city council, and during his stay here
on Friday and Saturday, made soma
investigations ol the McCook water
works. The following is the text of
his report, made to the council on
Wednesday evening of this week. It
is an interesting addition to the litera
ture of McCook’s unfortunate water
works imbroglio:
APKIL25tb. 1803.
To tbe Honorable Mayor and Commou Council
of tbe city of McCook, Nebraska:
Gentlemen:—In compliance with your in
structions I have made an examination of Ibe
water works plant that is now supplying your
city with water, and I dud that it consists of a
gravity ByBtem for domestic supply, the Are
service to be furnished by direct pressure.
Tbe bead and storag ' for tbe gravity supply
is afforded by a circuit - wooden tank, 18 feet
high, having u capacity of 50,000 gallons, and
located upon tbe highest eminence witbin tbe
city, about a balf mile from tbe pumping sta
tion, which latter is upon the banks of tbe
ttepublican river, and about 140 feet below
tbe bottom of the storage tank. Tbe super
intendent of tbe works informed me that the
distribution Is s.fforded by means of about 10
miles of pipe, ranging in size from 10 inches
to 3 inches, and that 20 Are hydrants are sup
plied the city for Ore service.
The water supply is derived from three
wells, each 20 feet in diameter, and lfi, 18 and
20 feet deep respectively. As the wells are
within a few feet of the river, the water par
takes its character, and is, to all intents and
purposes, surface water. As a consequence
it is not of the most desirable nature. The
supply these wells are capable of furnishing
is undoubtedly sufficient for domestic pur
poses without storage, though it is doubtful
If they will afford enough water for direct
pressure fire service, unless reinforced by an
inlet from the river.
The pumping plant consists of two Dean
steam pumps, each bavinga nominal capacity
of one million gallons per 24 hours. Such a
plant will pump all the water that is neces
sary for both domestic and fire purposes in a
city the size of McCook. But because of the
unfavorable installation of these pumps, but
one cau be operated at a time, and that not to
exceed one-third of its maximum capacity.
This is due to the fact that the lift exceeds 27
feet, which is not only excessive for an eleva
tion above tbe Bea equivalent to that of your
city, but would be deemed so under any cir
cumstances, as the lift of a pump is usually
limited to between 10 and 12 feet, and where
possible it is so arranged that there is a slight
bead upon the pump instead of a lift.
To determine the amount of water which
this plant is capable of supplying under the
present circumstances of its installation, I
made a test covering a period of several
hours. I found that the water ends would
not till at a speed exceeding 12 strokes per
minute, and it is doubtful if they fill complete
ly even at tbat speed. The average length of
the stroke on each side of tbe pump was 8!4
inches, and tbe resulting capacity for tbe de
livery of water for 24 hours amounted to
about 290.000 gal Ions.
Of this quantity of water I found from
the records of the company that 90,000 gallons
per 24 hours is UBed by the railway company,
which would leave about 200,000 gallons for
tbe domestic and lire service of tbe city ol
Assuming that the city has a population of
3.000 inhabitants, this would be equivalent to
a supply of about 66 gallons per capita for 24
hours. This quantity of water should be suf
ficient for a constant domestic supply if used
with economy, as is apparent from the fact
that it exceeds the average consumption of
the cities of Brooklyn, Cleveland and Louis
ville. The supply may be deemed meagre,
however, for a population located within the
semi-humid region.which is likewise apparent
from the fact that the average daily supply of
the city of Omaha exceeds 80 gallons per cap
ita; that of Detroit 149 gallons per capita, and
that of Washington 176 gallons per capita.
But, as I have already stated, this supply for
domestic purposes would be sufficient fur a
constant service, if used with economy. How
ever. I am informed that there is scarcely a
day that passes but wbat a portion of your
city is without water supply some time during
the 24 hours. Therefore, it is apparent that
there is either great waste of water by the
users thereof, as is claimed by the water com
pany, or else the company is uot using every
means within its power to supply your citi
zens with this great necessity.
From an examination of the records of the
company, which was afforded me by the su
perintendent, Mr. Heeker, and from this gen
tleman's statements, Iwas constrained to be
lieve that the company waB using every effort
to supply the city with the necessary amount
of water, and that some source other than the
bad faith of the company must be looked to
for the lack of service. To settle this matter
beyond a doubt, it was determined that I
should make a 24 hours' test, and by taking
charge of the pumps at the station, to see if
an ample supply for domestic purposes could
be furnished the citizens under the existing
This test was begun at one o’clock on Sat
urday afternoon with the cognizance ot the
superintendent, Mr. C. H. Meeker. At the
time the test began the water pressure was 48
pounds, indicating that there was no water
in the pipe lines above a point 28 feet below
the bottom of the storage tank on the bill.
X determined to operate the pump at a speed
of 20 revolutions per minute, and did so for a
period of three hours, at the end of which
time the water in the wells had been lowered
about 8 inches and the pressure increased to
80 pounds, at which point the water was just
entering the storage tank, which up to this
time had been empty.
At four o’clock, after the pump had been
working for three hours, Mr. Meeker ap
peared and refused to allow the pump to bo
longer operated at the speed stated, unless he
was furnished, as he said, with an indemnify
ing bond for any damages that might be
caused to the machinery. He admitted that
the speed at which I was operating the pump
was not usual at the station, but excused bis
interference upon the ground that the barom
eter was lower than usual. I assured him
that it would be useless for me to continue
the test if he insisted upon reducing the speed
of the pump and would not co-operate heartily
with me in my efforts on behalf of your city.
As he refused to recede from bis position, the
test was here terminated.
Whatever migut have been my impressions
previous to this last test, the actions of the
superintendent under ihe circumstances, and
hts untenable position and cavil with rofer
< nee to the speed of the pump.aroused in my
mind a grave suspicion respecting the good
faith of ih » wafer works company of your
«*ity in respect to the service it is capable of
Let us consider at this point the position
taken by the water company in regard to the
service which it has contracted to furnish
your city. In the first place it claims that
since the city council has undertaken to reg
ulate the water rates charged for supply, and
at the same time and in the same ordinance
provided for the punishment of any one wast
ing water, that the city has tacitly assumed
the responsibility for a proper supply of wa
ter to the patrons of the water company. A
proposition of this kind is as absurd as it is
illogical. The water company can no more
shoulder the responsibility for a poor service
upon your city government because it has
assumed to regulate the charges therefor,
than the railways of this state will be excused
from complying with ihe obligatons they enter
into in the future with the shippers along its
lines, because the state of Nebraska has seen
fit to regulate local freight rates by the pas
sage of the maximum rate bill that has re
cently become a law in Nebraska.
There is scarcely a city in this country that
has not regulated the rates charged for water
by the private company supplying the same.
It is usual for these rates to be established
and determined upon before the works are
built; but a city undoubtedly has the same
right afterwards to do so, in the absence ot
any contract curtailing this right, and more
over, it is the duty of the city government to
prevent in this manuer extortion, which is
liable to occur in tho absence of initial regu
'lake for instance the city of Omaha. The
rates were established before the water com
pany began its operations, the schedule to re
main in force for a period of years, and al
though the pilfering of water can be punished
as any other theft, yet the water company
has never for a moment claimed that the city
government wi^p responsible for the econom
ical use of the supply furnished. Indeed if
such a claim were ever made it would un
doubtedly be considered of the mo6t impu
dent character, and if any portion of the city
of Omaha were regularly without domestic
or fire supply during various hours of the day.
the franchise of the present water company,
which is considered worth hundreds of thou
sands of dollars, would be at once revoked.
What is true of the city of Omaha is true ot
every other city in this country that I know
of supplied with water by a private corpora
While I have stated that this company is
probably capable of supplying an adequate
amount of water lor domestic purposes if
used economically, yet there is another light
in which to consider this corporation, to-wit:
as a vendor of fire service to the city of Mc
Cook. The fire service for a city of your size
should not be less than a capacity to throw
five fire streams of 180 gallons each, in addi
tion to the regular amount of water required
for domestic purposes; but we have seen
from actual trial, it is apparent that the com
pany cannot furnish more than enough water
for domestic purposes, and the eompany
claims, and your citizens are well aware, that
it cannot and is not accomplishing even this
much. Therefore, the startling and serious
situation in which the city of McCook finds
itself today, is that of an absence of any fire
protection to speak of whatever. This is a
most serious matter indeed, and should de
mand your immediate and constant attention
until your city is beyoud the possibility of an
ihilation by a fire that might easily be quelled
in its incipiency if proper service were at
hand. To make plain to you what I have stat
ed, it is necessary only to say.
First, that the maximum supply capable of
being furnished by the water company is less
than 250 gallons per minute for all purposes.
Whereas, at the should not be
less than 1,200 per minute. Thus, supposing
i hat in case of fire, all domestic use should be
stopped, which is impossible under auy system
of water works, there would be not sufficient
water to furnish two streams of the size I
have suggested.
In the second place, as you are well aware,
the fire service that the water company pre
tends that it can furnish your city is by direct
pressure. That is, that the valve at the
storage tank will be closed and that the pres
sure in the mains will be due to the pressure
exerted by the pumps.
Now suppose that a fire should have occurr
ed at noon on Saturday the 22d of April last,
about the time I began the second test, a di
rect fire service could not have been afforded
within three hours; for as I have stated, it re
quired this length of time to fill the mains up
to the valve at the storage tank, and then
when working the pumps at such a speed as
was deemed by the superintenent to be ruin
ous to the plant.
The gravity of this state of affairs, indeed
demands your attention. In the largest cities
where all the fire protection that a lavish ex
penditure of money can afford, fires resulting
in the most terrible consequences occur.
What then might not be the result in a city
like McCook, compomsed largely of frame
buildings when totally destitute of any ordi
nary service. It would not take long to re
duce the entire town to ashes during such
wind storms as have occurred the past week.
But as your city has already had a sad experi
ence of this character within the last year, it
is probably, unnecessary for me to dilate up
on this point.
As to what should be done under the exist
ing circumstances, is one of the questions
whicn you have asked, and in answer, I would
First, That portion of the ordinance which ;
makes it an offense to waste water, should be
repealed. This will leave the water company
without any ground whatever to stand upon
in asserting that the city is responsible for
the economical use of the strvice afforded.
Second, That as the tire service afforded \
the city is wholly inadequate and in fact is no j
Are service at all, that no further payments j
should be made on account of hydrant rental
until such time as the water works company
shall show its ability to throw live fire streams
of a capacity of 180 gallons each simultane
ously from each of five hydrants to be chosen
in different parts of the city by a committee
of the common council.
Third, The city should seek legal counsel
and proceed to enjoin the water works com
pany from furnishing further water to the
railway company until such a time as its do
mestic and fire set vice is wholly satisfactory.
Fourth, In the light of the decision of the
U. S. court in the Galesburg, 111,, case. Judge
Uresbam presiding, the city undoubtedly has
the right, in view of the inadequate service
afforded and the previous and constant refu
sal of the company to improve same, to seize
the works and make such improvements as
mfty be deemed necessary, the same to be a
lien upon the property, and to operate the
works until such time as the court may deem
the water company will furnish the service of
the necessary character.
Fifth, To immediately take steps to build
i system of water works of its own to supply
he town. Such a system, including a stand
pipe, could he constructed for $35 000. and
would undoubtedly prove the most econom
ical and advantageous in the end.
Herewith 1 append a copy of the water rates
In force in me oily or Omaha, which raav be
compared with those prevailing In your own
town. J might say In connection herewith
that the citizens of Omaha deem these rates
to be high:
TAKirr or water rates:
Dwelling bouses not exceeding
6 rooms.. 8 8.00
Each addmonul room.76
Hanks, including 1 wash oasiu. 10.00
Bakeries, average daily use lor
each barrel of Hour. . 3.60
liarber shops, oue chair. 5.00
•• •• each additional ch’r 2 50
Hath house, public, per tub. .. 7.00 to $15.00
Bath rooms, private ’* “ ... 3.50
•• •• •• each add’l tub 2.U0
Blacksmith shop, 1 tire. 3.00
•• " each add’l fire 1.50
Butchers’ stalls and shops. 4.U0 to 8.00
Billiard saloon, one table. 6 U0
•* •* each add’l table 1.50
Book bindery .10.00 to 15.00
liars and drinking saiootiB. 10.U0 to 30.U0
candy manufactories. 8.UU to 30.00
Cigar tn’f’rs. 5 bauds or under.. 5 00
*• ** each add'i hand.... 1.50
Dyeing and scouring, including
laundries . 16 00 to 40.00
Eating saloons . 10 00 to 30.00
Fountains, flowing not exceed
ing 6 Uours perdav the
season, K inch orifice. 5.00
During seusoii, 3-16 inch onflee 12.00
*• •• >4 25.10
5 16 - “ 45.CXI
Filling private cisterns, fur
ni8hiug water. $1 each time.
Hotels and boarding houses per
room, wash busiu same as
private houses. 1.00
direct sprinkling by hose, in
cluding washing and sprink
ling sidewalks, 5U feet front
or less. . 5.00
Each additional foot.10
dpriukliug lawns, per thousand
square feet, (no charge less
than $5.00). 100
Livery and other public stables
including washing carriages.
each stall. 1.50
Offices and sleeping rooms, in
cluding wash basin. 3.00 to 1000
Fruiting offices, according to
number oi presses and per
sons, not including steam en
gines. 6.00 to 40.00
Private stables, including wash
ing carriages, one horse. 3.00
Same, two horses. 6.00
Each additional horse. 1.00
Fubile halls. 6.00 to 20.00
Photograph galleries...10.00 to 20.00
dtcurn engines to be assessed as
per nominal horse power of
ten hours’ run. 2.50
Street sprinkling with wagon,
each team employed, 50 eeuts
per day.
Stores 5.00 to 15.00
Steam boilers for house warm
ing. etc., each square foot uf
surface, mu charge less than
$5 00). 30
Tobacco manufactories, per
hand, (no charge less than
$5.00). 1.00
Urinals, with constant flow. ..10 00
Urinals, private. 3.50
Wash basin, stationery, first
basin iu dwelling free, all
others, each. 1.00
Water closets iu public houses,
per bowl. 5.00
Water closets iu private bouses,
per bowl. 2.50
Each additional bowl. 1.50
Work shop, ten persons or un
der . 5.00
Each additional persou.25
100 to 500 gallons per day, at the rate of 35
cents per 1,000 gallons.
500 to 1,000 gallons per day, at the rate of 30
cents per 1,000 gallons.
1.000 to 2.000 gallons per day, at the rate of 25
cents per 1.000 gallons.
2.000 to 4.000 gallons per day, at the rate of 20
cents per 1.000 gallons.
Over 4.000 gallons per day. at the rate 15
cents per 1,000 gallons.
K. B. Howell.
Having recently purchased the Smart
Gallery 1 shall be glad to welcome all
former patrons and especially invite
the general public to call and see ipj
samples of work. I guarantee strictly
first class work in every particular amd
no pains shsll be spared to give entire
satisfaction to everybody. The Beauti
ful Celluloid Water Proof Finish on all
Photos. Do not stop for cloudy weather.
P. W. Marcellus.
We are printing the dite to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
i3F"NoBLE, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the haudsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
A state and national paper combined
is The Semi-Weekly Journal. The
Tribune is your best local paper.
Subscribe for these and you are fixed
for a year. Both for $2.50.
McMillen Bros, carry the best and
most complete stock of Harness and
Saddlery in the city. Call to see them
if you want a good article in their line
at a reasonable price.
The time for screen doors has ar
rived and the Barnett Lumber Co. have
just received a large invoice with all
the trimmings, which they are selling
at a very low figure.
Parties contemplating building this
spring who need money can obtain
same at reasonable terms from P. A.
Wells. Office in 1st National bank.
Rear rooms.
S. )1. Cochran & Co. carry a large
line of buggies in stock. See them if
you want a good vehicle cheap.
S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a
bicycle very cheap. See them.
Screen doors with trimmings) com
plete at the Barnett Lumber Co.
Predmore Bros, keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
^“Groceries at Nobles’.