The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1893, Image 2

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1 questioned my soul as I stood by the dead.
Jly bouI, In Its anguish, made answer and said
%No power can destroy and no flat ereate.
For death 1b transition and llle is a statu.
Each atom of form and each atom of force
Exists as a part of their lnunlle source.
And whether in motion, or whether at rest,
Must live by a law that Is never transgressed.'
This, then. Is the marvelous secret of death—
To live without life, and to breathe without
-Lucius K. Foote.
Nearly every city, town or village it.
our country that is old enough to have i
history has its haunted hot e and its
story of ghostly visitants and eerie, un
canny sounds and sights connected witt
some particular locality.
To this rule Florence, Ala., many 01
whose older residences and families datt
back to tlie days of Andrew Jackson,
forms no exception. Around several oi
the ivy clad mansions of the old towi
hang mysteries which make them objects
of interest to the educated whites and ol
terror to the ignorant and superstitious
Humanity in every age has been eaget
to listen to the marvelous and fo swal
low the incredible upon very slight guar
antee. However, it is upon no such slen
der testimony that our story rests.
Early in the history of the town amonq
the tirst attracted to the locality by the
picturesque beauty of its location above
the swift flowing Tennessee was a Norti
Carolinian named Richard Hunter.
Wealth in those days was counted ii,
the south by the acreage of plantations
and by the number of slaves, male and
female. Of the former Richard Kuntei
possessed enough for a barony and of tile
latter a small regiment.
Around tne great square brick house
with its massive pillars and widow read
ing porches, could be seen bright and
happy black faces by the score. Tilt
cottou fields resouu ,ed to the hoeing
songs of well conditioned and swart ay
fieldhands, while in the "quarters" not
far oil pickaninnies and dogs abounded.
Richard Hunter had but one child, the
sole heiress of his acres and his wealth
and she had just budded under the warm
glances of a southern sun into woman
hood, fresh and blooming as a wild rose.
Alice limiter was in that period oi
life where the present is so uriglit that
its glow reaches out and dominates the
future Wealth, doting parents, gratifi
cation of ever}' wish were hers; but above
all she had won the love of the man oi
her choice and was happiest in the knowl
edge that Philip Marston’s dearest hope
and highest aspire.! ma centered in herself
Phil Marston, as he was known tc
every one, or "Mu. i hil," as tne negroe.
called him, was young, handsome, free
handed, free hearted, gallant and all that
went to make him an ideal lover.
In spite of strong rivalry he had won
his ladylove, and the day was set fo:
their marriage. Alice was only 17. and
so the wedding day was postponed until
the following year.
Suddenly in 1836 the Cherokee wai
broke out. Philip Marston raised a com
pany of riflemen from among the hearty
yeomanry of the section and joined the
command of his friend and neighbor.
General Colfee.
Throughout the sharp and decisive
campaign that followed Marston bore a
conspicuous part for gallantry until the
final battle on the banks of the Coosa.
Hemmed in upon a peninsula, hounded,
all but a narrow neck of land, by swol
len waters of the rivers, the chiefs and
bravest warriors of the Cherokees made
their last und desperate stand. Leading
his riflemen to a charge. Philip Marston
fell, mortally wounded.
bad news travels quickly. It was od
a night of furious wind and rain that a
hunting shirted rifleman brought the
tidings of Philip Marston's death to the
Hunter mansion.
Suddenly the great bronze knocker od
the door pealed out its summons, and
Alice, thinking that none but a lovei
would brave the tempest and darkness,
flew to greet him.
In silence and with bowed head the
hardy pioneer pointed to the riderless
steed which he led and extended to her a
scrap of paper on which her dying lovei
had traced a few words of farewell.
Pale, calm, tearless, the ghost of her
self, she watched the rude but loving
mourners bear him to a chamber in the
house and lay him as if asleep upon a
Day by day she faded like a lily that is
denied moisture, and within a few short
weeks her spirit fled to join his in anothei
Since then the Hunter house has had
many owners and many occupants, but
every year upon the anniversary of that
stormy night in 18:17 the stroke of a
horse’s hoofs are heard without, the old
knocker clangs, footsteps sound upon the
stairs, and the occupants of the south
room—the 6ame in which Philip Mars
ton’s body lay—receive a ghostly visit
Ten years ago Uie House was owneu
and occupied by a family najned Thuns
den, among the members of which was a
nephew named William Black, a young
and rising member of the bar.
Early in the summer of Ujl2the Thuns
dens went on their annual pilgrimage to
one of the Virginia watering places, leav
ing young Black the sole inmate, as, ac
cording to southern custom, the servants
lived in a separate building.
Several (lays had gone by without in
cident until the night of June 25. Black
had started to go to bed, but was sud
denly seized with an unaccountable lone
liness and distrust of his solitary condi
tion, and upon reflection recollected that
this was the anniversary.
Taking his liat and cane. He went in
search of a fellow barrister of his own
ag- and with whom he was intimate, one
John T. Jones, who held forth upon the
courthouse square and kept bachelor’s
hall over his office.
It was about J1 :J0o clock, and as beau
tifully calm and clear a moonlight night
«5 heart could wish when they entered
the house, aud after locking the hall door
went to Black's room, the south chamber.
Young men make short work of toilets,
so they were quickly i.i bed, and neither
being sleepy Black started to tell Jones
tlio story of the liannted room.
He had just finished when the old
cracked bell in the courthouse tower
struck midnight, and as the last rever
berations died away a horse’s hoof strokes
could be distinctly heard upon the gravel
walk wit out.
Suddenly and without warning the
windows commenced to rattle in their
casements, and a noise resounded from
the roof as if torrents of rain were de
scending upon its weather beaten shin
Then came the clang of the old knocker
upon the hail door. The noises ceased as
quickly as they had begun, and all was
silence. "tap”—"tap”—"tap"—"tap”
came the unmistakable sound of foot
steps upon the stairs, slowly and wearily
mounting. They ceased for a second or
two upon the landing outside, the door
swung noiselessly open, and a figure,
clearly seen in the moonlight, entered
and crossed the room. •
Both men lying on the bed saw it
plainly and afterward described it as
that of a young and beautiful girl, tall
and slender, with golden curls framed
round a face of marble pallor, wide open
blue eyes and clothed from head to foot
iu fleecy white, with a single white rose
bud nestling above the ear.
Advancing siowiy to one or tne win
dows the figure stood a moment with
clasped hands, looking wistfully out into
tae night and with the full glow of the
moonlight upon its upturned features.
Then it turned, approached the side of
the bod where Jones lay, stooped and
placed a hand cold as earth itself upon
his forehead.
L p to tnat moment he and Black had
been too frightened to move or speak,
but when that icy hand was laid upon
him the spell was broken. Human ua
ture could endure no longer, and with a
yell bo.h of them tumbled out of the
other side of the bed from where the fig
ure stood and bounded down the stairs.
They did not go back to the Hunter
house that night. In fact, it was some
days before they could summon nerve
enough to go in daylight and get their
Since then the night of June 25 in each
year finds that room untenanted.—T. R.
Gordon in Atlanta Constitution.
Only Rich Men Can Re British Officers.
Notwithstanding the attempts which
the commander in chief has made from
time to time to make the army as a pro
fession less expensive, it is still quite iis
costly as heretofore: consequently only
the sons of the wealthy are able to adopt
a military career. To begin with, there
are the crammer’s fees for preparing the
yoi th for the necessary examination.
Then parents are required to spend hun
dreds of pounds in order to support him
at Sandhurst or W oolwich. and subse
quently to supplement his small pay as
a junior officer of about £80 to £100 per
annum, for it is an indisputable fact
that a subaltern cannot live in the aver
age line regiment on a smaller private
allowance than £80 to £100 a year.
Then again, apart from all this ex
pense, there is the cost of the young of
ficer’s outfit, which, for the ordinary
British line regiment, runs from £120 to
£200, and if cash is not paid some 15 or
20 per cent more must be added to this
amount. It is generally acknowledged
that officers’ sons make the best officers,
but if they and the sons of clergymen
and other professional men of moderate
means are to be enabled to adopt a mili
tary career an inquiry will have to be
instituted into regimental expenses and
a considerable reduction made, or the
army will continue to be exclusively of
ficered by the sons of the rich, a practice
which is universally admitted to be in
advisable.—London Court Journal.
What a Maverick Is.
Some years ago a man named Maverick
located near Austin, Tex., and went into
the stock business. He had considerable
money and established a large ranch,
mostly of cattle. He was what might be
termed a progressive man, but his ideas
of progress were not suitable to his sur
roundings. For instance, he concluded
that branding cattle was useless—in fact,
barbarous—and he determined that the
redhot iron should never again be pressed
against the side of an animal belonging to
him. He kept his word, but he didn’t
keep his cattle.
This was a regular picnic for the cow
boys of that locality, who of all things
could never be accused of being at all
scrupulous on questions of honor, es
pecially when there was a steer involved
in the case. Well, the cowboys picked
up Maverick’s cattle wherever they could
find them, and it was not long before
every hoof of them was gone and he was
reduced to almost poverty. Ever since
that every unbranded head of cattle over
6 months of age has been called a maver
ick and is regarded by the cowboy as
the property of him who first finds it and
sticks his brand on it.—Louisville Com
family Names and Migration.
Southern family names are scattered
across the country below Mason and
Dixon’s line from east to west in what
geologists would perhaps call a drift.
As the west began to be settled by peo
ple from the colonial seacoast fringe,
emigration tended to go in straight lines,
so that the names of the Virginia sea
coast appear in Kentucky, those of North
Carolina in Tennessee, those of South
Carolina along with Oglethorpe's cock
neys in Georgia. Later the drift swept
westward into Arkansas, Mississippi and
Texas. In the progress names have been
curiously transformed. Flemish names
have lost the "van” or “de.” Huguenot
names, whether Flemish or pure French,
have been awkwardly Anglicized, and
even English names have suffered vio
lent change.—New York Sun.
From tho German.
Rich Aunt—Why do you bring me
this grass, Tommy?
Tommy—Because I want you to bite it.
“Why do you want me to bite it!"
“Because I heard pa say that when
yon bite t he grass we will get fW,000.”—
Texas Siftings.
An Ingenlona Lawyer.
The ingenuity of lawyers in making
ousiness for themselves is in course of
illustration in a reference case now in
progress down town. An estate is in
volved in the litigation. An unsuccess
ful contest t; a will left some of the
litigants dissatisfied. This furnished the
lawyer his chance. He found that about
125 persons might be; entitled to a dip
into the estate if the will could be
broken. lie addressed a note to each of
them, proposing to attack the will and
tendering his services on a contingent
arrangement. In this note he informed
them that proceedings would be begun
and that he would make defendants of
all who did not join his movement.
With the apparent necessity forced upon
them of accepting his services without
charge or hiring various lawyers to pro
tect their interests, they flocked to him.
When proceedings were started, he
issued circulars of information to his
clients and kept them posted on every
move. This involved some trouble and
expense, in which the clients were asked
to assist. In this way, while receiving
nothing that could be called a fee from
any one. the small contributions of his j
125 clients are said to have helped the |
lawyer’s bank account an average of
#300 per month. As he is very indnstri- i
ous and does his work earnestly his
clients are glad to help him out. and
while he seems to be basing uis chances
of reward solely on the success of his
suit he is making quite a cowforuude
income.—New York Times.
Sea MonHterH of Old.
The krakeu was one ot tne sea mon
sters of old, and if all the stories told
about its wondrous size and doings are
true it oversuadowed the serpent asmnch
as the latter does the common garter
snake. Dandelaus declares that this
marine giant caused tidal waves by swal
lowing a goodly part of the waters of
the ocean and then belching them out
again. He also makes mention of the
fact that its gigantic horny beak was
often mistaken for mountain peaks sud
denly shoved into sight by the internal
convulsions of the earth. Bishop Pon
toppidan, a truthful (?) and saintly mem
ber of the Copenhagen royal academy,
is much more conservative in his esti
mates of its size, giving it as his opinion
that they were seldom found more than
"the half of an Italian mile in length
and not larger in diameter than the
cathedral at The Hague."
He also says that its body was fre
quently mistaken by sailors for an island,
“so that people landed upon it and were
engulfed in a maelstrom of water when
the creature sank to its hidden ocean
den." Other authorities testify that its
beak from the eyes to the point “was
longer than the mainmast of a man-of
war.” We'll take sea serpents in ours.—
St. Louis Republic.
Russian Drivers.
Mme. de Ujfalvy-Bourdon, describing
her travels in western Siberia, says that
for a part of the way she and her hus
band drove from town to town with
horses hired from the Cossacks. They
were fine horses and traveled with fright
ful rapidity. (Generally they were un
accustomed to being driven together.
Only the middle one—the most docile—
was harness :d before the time for start
ing. The others were not brought out
until the driver was on his seat. When
the manager of the station pronounced
the word “gatof (ready), the carriage
bounded forward. The horses tore mad
ly on for 15 or 20 minutes, and it was
hard to tell whether they or the driver
had the mastery.
On the plain it was a magnificent drive.
When tne horses were well started, the
driver let the reins hang loose, and they
kept up a fine pace. The driver had them
well in hand, and there was no danger;
he calmed and guided them with wonder
ful skill. Honor to the Russian coach
men.—Manchester Times.
Difficulties of Smokers.
The Turks are now a nation of smok
ers, but early in the seventeenth century
the priests and rulers denounced smoking
as criminal, and Amurath IV ordered its
punishment by death in the cruelest
forms. One playful punishment con
sisted in thrusting the pipes of smokers
through their noses.
In Russia, at the same period, the nose3
of smokers were cut off. The powers
ecclesiastical were strongly opposed to
the new habit, and Popes Urban VIH
and Innocent X thundered in turn against
the terrible vice of smoking. The papal
thunders, however, proved powerless
against the charms of St. Nicotine, al
though there was much reason in those
decrees which were directed against the
custom of smoking and snuffing in
church. Pope Urban excommunicated all
who should be guilty of so unbecoming
a practice. And later Innocent X sol
emnly excommunicated all who should
take snuff or tobacco in St. Peter's church
at Rome.—All the Year Round.
The Pillar of Safety.
Before the erection of the new univer
sity buildings in Jena the professors
generally held their lectures in various
public halls scattered all over the town.
In the body of one of these halls, where
the professor of theology used to hold
forth, there stood a large pillar. At the
close of the session the students applied
to the professor for their certificates of
attendance, when the latter remarked to
one of the young men:
“But, my dear sir. I never saw you at
any of my lectures!”
“Oh, Herr Professor. 1 always sat be
hind the pillar.”
“Strange!” was the reply ‘You are
the fourth who professes to have sat regu
larly behind the pillar. Tagliche Rund
Father and Son.
Little Bobby—1 can’t find my bat and
Father (rushing abont)—1 can’t find
mine either. I don’t bee what your moth
er does with things. She’s gone out, and
there's nothing for us to do but hunt till
we find ’em or else stay in.
Little Bobby (after long thought)—
Let’s look on the hall nek.—Good New*.
Will Vote
s usual at the next school election—
Lit for many candidates. They give
unanimous vote—every day in the
eek—in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The “White Russian” is a great soap to
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Permanent position. Good chance for -***' Tflto
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Fhe Leading SpectalUt of the United States
In HU Line.
Private. Blood, Sirin and Nervous Diseases.
Irani ■»*«»
Middle Aged
Men: Remark
able results have
followed my
treatment Many
YEARS of var
ied and success
ENCE In the use
of curative metb
Iods that I alone
own and control
for all disorders
of MEN, who
have weak or un
developed or dis
eased organs or
who are suffering
from errors of
youth and excess
or who are nerv
ous and IMPO
TENT, the scorn of their fellows ana tno con
tempt of friends and companions, leads me to
GUARANTEE to'all patients, UJJJSJfSffiJJJS:
Pij-RE.MEMliER, that there Is hope for
YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE
VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at
once* ... ,,
Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments; a wonderful treatment.
Catarrh, and Diseases of tho Skin, Blood.
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
Syphilis- The most rapid, safe and effective
treatment A complete euro guaranteed.
Skin Diseases of all kinds cured where many
Others have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
few days. Quick, sure and safe. This Include*
Gleet and Gonorrhoea.
1. Free consultation at the office or by mall
2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis.
3. That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience, and a
specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment
A home treatment can be given In a majorit
of cases.
Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. 2 for Women.
No. 3 for Skin Diseases
Send 10c for 64-pago Reference Book for Men
and Women.
All correspondence answered promptly. Bus
iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment
sent free fromobservation. Refer to banks in St
Joseph and business men. Address or call on
• d. N. HATHAWAY, M. D.f
Corner 6th and F.dmnnd Sts.. St. Joseph.
G. W. Williamson, M. D.
Rend us :i two-cent stamp for full particu
lars, which arc mailed in a plain envelope.
All correspondence done in the utmost pri
vacy. Advice free. Don’t delay, but write
to us to-day.
yir Alinr Private, Nervous, Chronic
ft £ liyn” diseases, Female Weak
nesses. Men ai.d 'women made strong by a
study of their particular trouble. That
malignant blood disease permanently cured
without the use of Mercury. We always
guarantee a cure.
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^ __
The cures which are hi ing effected
by Drs. Starkey & Pulen, 1529 Arch
St,, Philadelphia, Pa., in Consumption,
Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheu
matism, and all chronic diseases by
their compound Oxygen Treatment is
ndeed marvelous.
D you area sufferer from any disease
which your physician has failed to cure,
write for information about this treat
ment, and their book of two hundred
pages, giving a history of Compound
Oxygen, its nature and effects with nu
I nierous testimonials Irotn patients, to
j whom you may refer for still further
information, will be promptly sent,
without charge.
This book aside from its great merit
” a medical work, giving as it does,
the result of years of study and experi
ence, you will find a very interesting
5129 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
120 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal.
Please mention this paper.