The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1893, Image 1

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^Doubi is a Millstone^
That carries many a man to tne bottom of the sea of
misfortune. As the old saying goes: “He who hesitates is
lost.” The best things of life slip beyond the grasp of the
man who doesn’t avail himself of the golden chance.
Rubber Hose,.reduced from 15c to 12c.
Rubber Hose,.reduced from 18c to 16c.
Eureka Cotton Hose.reduced from 15c to 12c.
California Lawn Sprinklers,.reduced from $2.50 to $2.00.
Lawn Mowers,.reduced from 8.00 to 6.00.
We are Exclusive Agents for
Stoves &
We carry a large stock of the above
and will quote low prices.
Farmers &
Let us o
Figure £
With You ?
Building Hardware,
Your Harness and
Barbed Wire, Etc.
$1600 given away to Cash Customers.
Enquire for particulars. Don’t fail to call at
W. C. LaTourette, Propr.
op: :::: gi
Our new goods are new open and we invite you to come
and inspect stock and prices.
Onr Dress Goods Dejartneot
Excels all previous efforts.
Our Clothing D epartment
Is complete as to styles and prices. New Styles in
Hats. Wait for our Spring Wraps. We will show
you latest styles and give you latest prices. We are
handling the
BANNER BRAND of Waists for Ladies.
Agents for BUT1 ERICK Patterns.
We Handle Groceries and Boots and Shoes
cash& BARGAIN house.
oooooooooooooooo o o o ooooooooooooooo
No. 2. through paRsenger.5:50 A. M.
No. 4. local pHMenger.3:40 P. M.
No. 6, through passenger. 4:30 P. M.
No. 1. through passenger.10 50 A. M'
No. 3. through passenger.. . 11:35 P.M'
No. 6, local passsenger.11:00 P. M
Mrs' J. F. Kenyon returned from her Iowa
visit, close of last week.
Henry Davidson is back from his visit in
various eastern points. *
Station Agent Peckenpaugh of Max was a
Sunday visitor at headquarters'
Dennis Cullen has purchased the George
Laverty place on north Monroe street.
Claim Agent Tomlinson went down to Ox
ford on 6, Saturday, to spend Sunday with the
family. .
The Burlington is in the market for shop
machinery to the extent of forty thousand
Engineer George Johnson enjoyed a brief
visit from his brother, the Curtis banker, Sat
Brakeman Albert O’Niel has resigned and
will start a tank line in Goodland, Kansas,
next week.
Superintendent Campbell went down to
Lincoln on Monday night, returning home on
VVednesday morning.
Mrs. C. W. Bronson arrived home, first of
the week, from briefly visiting Conductor
Bronson’s mother near Minden.
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress,
Ogden, Utah, April 24. Fare one and a third
rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale April
Conductor Solliday is adding a large porch
to the east front of his residence, which will
be a comfort of his residence, as well as an
ornament when completed.
It is reported in the papers that the Q sur
veyors are inspecting the different Cascade
mountain passes with a view to extending this
line to the Pacific coast.—Alliance Grip.
Pullman’s people are turning out three
sleepers a day to meet the rush of World’s fair
business. They are so arranged as to be
easily convertible into day coaches next year.
J. S. Hale of Yuma county, who was charged
with placing obstructions on the B. & M. track
near Platner last fall, was discharged from
custody last Saturday, the jury bringing in a
verdict of not guilty.—Akron Press.
The western passenger association has made
a rate of twenty dollars for the round trip
from the Missouri river to Chicago during the
world’s fair. It is not such a reduction as was
expected nor such a one as the roads them
selves ought to have made.
The employes of one great railroad have
been treated to a surprise at once novel and
agreeable. The wages of the baggage mast
ers, agents, porters and ferry engineers of the
Pennsylvania Railroad company, working in
New York and Jersey City, were materially
increased the other day without their asking it.
A railroad company has just been ordeied
by an Indianapolis court to pay JS6,0oo to a
man who lost an arm while coupling cars in
the company’s service. If the injuries received
by employes were in all cases paid at this rate
the railroad companies would comply with
the provisions of the new car coupler law
without wailing for the time when it is to take
effect. Safety appliances will be profitable to
the companies in the end.
The queerest railroad train seen in many
long years drew out of the Pennsylvania de
' i_ot in New York city, at 10 o’clock Monday
morning, amid the cheers of a big crowd of
curiosity seekers. The train consisted of
engine No. I, of the Pennsylvania railway,
and cars Nos. 2 and 5. The engine is the
first railway locomotive used on this side of
the Atlantic. It is called the “John Bull” and
started Monday morning to puff its way ia
1 oriously to the World’s fair, where it will be
on object of wonder to millions. The coaches
look like stage coaches on railway wheels,
file engine driver, A. S. Herbert, drove the
John Bull in 1852. J. W. Sanford, the fireman,
was such in 1855. Other railroad men on the
train are equally ancient.
The Indianapolis Journal says there is a
disposition to complain that the roads have
un.ted in charging Si a meal on dining cars.
When dining cars were first introduced, 75
cents was the price per meal. The Pennsyl
vania, when it put on its various lines of din
ing cars, soon found that it could not furnish
saiistactory meals at that figure, advanced the
price to $1, and has maintained that price,
except for a short time on its New York and
St. Pouts line. Most western lines have ad
, e a d to 75 cents until the present agreement
w.:S enitred into. A general passenger agent
s id yes.erday: “The result of several year’s
exper euce has proven to the satisfaction of
railw y companies that they cannot furnish
first-class meals at less than $I, and at that
price there will be no money to the roads.
Por years the dining car department has
shown a deficet at the end of each year .which
has been charged tq_ the advertising expenses
and in some cases it has been a very import
ant item in showing the cost of the advertising
department, yet in some measure a good din
ing car line is a good advertisement for a road."
U. G. Wolfe and J. J. Barry are on the sick
Mis. J. C. Birdsell visited Denver friends
early days of this week.
The company is building a new depot at
the station of Holbrook.
Manager Trammell of the eating house
service was at headquarters, Monday.
George R. Johnson was a passenger on 6,
Tuesday evening, for the city of Omaha.
Mrs. V. H. Solliday went in to Omaha, Sat
urday on 2, on a little shopping-pleasure jaunt.
Machinist John Stevens and wife left on 6.
Wednesday, on a visit in the eastern part of
the state.
The snow plows have been moved out of
round house to make more room for the car
penters and painters.
Mrs. McCarl has moved to McCook that
she may be with her sons, who make that
city their headquarters.—Hastings Tribune.
Don’t Rent—When you can secure a home
of your own for about the same expense by
purchasing it from S. H. Colvin on the install
ment plan.
Fireman Brown had a very sick child, close
of last week, from taking poison of some
kind. Prompt measures, however, brought
the little one out all right.
Sol. Smith of Trinidad, Colorado, a former
B. & M. engineer of this division, has been
at Cambridge for a week or so past looking
after his valuable estate near that sparkling
little burg.
The Burlington route have about completed
all their arrangements for the transpartation
of thousands of World's Fair visitors, and all
who go to Chicago over this line will never
have cause to regret it.
On account of the Newberry bill over one
hundred men have been discharged owing to
the reduction of forces on this division and
the end is not yet. Salaries have also started
downward.—Alliance Grip.
It is semi officially reported that, contrary to
previous announcements, the B. & M. will not
put on the contemplated fast train for the ac
commodation of the World’s fair traffic. The
reasons assigned is that the danger of acci
dent would be greatly augmente 1. Ample fa
cilities, however, will be provided, and for
that purpose Nos. 7 and 8 will be extended
west from Hastings, doing the general local
work. Nos. 3 and 4 will be first-class trains.
The engines to be used by the Lake Shore
to haul the nineteen-hour train, the Empire
State, from Buffalo to Chicago, are now in the
Buffalo yards being broken in. There are
five of them. They were manufactured by
the Brooks Locomotive Works, and are mag
nificent specimens of modern steam engines.
The drivers are six feet and two inches; the
cylinders have a diameter of seventeen inches.
They carry 180 pounds of steam, and are fully
capable of hauling this train at a mile a min
ute, or a little faster, if necessary. While it
has not yet been announced just when this
train will be put on, it will undoubtedly make
its first run on May 1. The train in leaving
Buffalo will stop only at Erie, Pa., Cleveland,
Toledo and Elkhart, Ind. These stops will
be very short, only time enough being taken
to change engines.
Stock trains are almost as thick as K. T.
specials last August.
Agent Knapp of Wilsonville is still out on
the sick list.
A. G. King manipulates the punch on
“Tim’s” run during his absence.
Brakeman Adams has returned to his first
love and will now work under Conductor
Engineer Coleman is running the 146 on No.
141 and 142 Hastings and Oberlin in place of
Charlie Dawson takes a job as passenger
brakeman on No. 141 and 142 between Hast
ings and Oberlin.
Brakeman Green will go to McCook soon,
hoping to graduate as a brakey and wield the
much coveted punch.
Agent Williams of McDonald, more famil
iarly known as “Jack,” was at Republican on
a business trip on Friday.
Operator Letford of Norton soon goes to
McCook in the dispatcher's office, and will as
sist m laying the boys out semi-occasionally.
Conductor Lellew pointed his cigarette
towards McCook on Saturday last, in conse
quence of Conductor Benjamin reluming
The original and only “Tim” Foley has
laid off and will take a trip to the “old sod,”
viz: Ireland. His many friends wish him a
pleasant trip.
Brakeman Wright is twisting wheels (car
wheels) on No. 173 and 174 on the Orleans
branch in place of Caffrey for Con’r Moench,
for a few days.
No. 163, Conductor Benjamin had a little
wreck on Tuesday the 18th inst., caused by an
axle breaking in the middle. The way far for
a few rods was bucking and pitching like a
sure enough broncho, caused by the wheels
falling inside of the rails and passing under
the car. It happened one mile east of Nor
catur. Attorney Howard and Banker Van
Pelt were passengers and they joined the grand
rush for fresh air with great energy and dis
patch. The wrecking crew arrived on the
scene at 5 a.m. on Wednesday and cleared up
the wreck about ten o’clock.
—!-11---- ..
Having had such an immense opening
trade on Ladies’ and Children’s Wraps and
Suits, we were compelled to re-order an er>
tire New Stock. They have just arrived. Also
a full line of Ladies’ Waists, all prices and
qualities. It will certainly pay you to call
and examine these goods.
Ladies’ Capes,
Ladies’ Jackets,
Ladies’ ct!°Z Collars,
Ladies’ Wrappers,
& Ladies’ Waists.
h. Lowmau & Son,
Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery and Dress Making.
hr Thirty Days!
Yes, it’s a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need
more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price
down to such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY can
now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OF
Overcoats, Heavy Clothing
Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings
(and many other things too numerous
to mention,
Mist Go and Roprita of Cssf
-§=£>THIS IS A<e$ee§
General Slaughter Sale!
and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me.
I can save you money.
Tfis £aqte§fotfiitiq House,
C. W. KNIGHTS, Prop. U
...Has been inaugurated by...
with an immense new stock of
Call and see this fine line before De
selection is broken.