The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1893, Image 1

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Spring. 1893. Spring.
Is Showing the Largest and
Best Selected Stock of
Ever offered to the citizens of
McCook and Southwestern Neb.
You will certainly find it to your interest
to examine this unexcelled stock before
making your spring purchases.
Our new goods are new open and we invite you to come
and inspect stock and prices.
Onr Dress Goods Department
. Excels all previous efforts.
Our Clothing D epartment
Is complete as to styles and prices. New Styles in
Hats. Wait for our Spring Wraps. We will show
you latest styles and give you latest prices. Wre are
handling the
BANNER BRAND of Waists for Ladies.
Agents fob BUT1ERICK Patterns.
We Handle Groceries and Boots and Shoes.
cash& BARGAIN house.
No. 3, through passenger.5:50 A. M.
No. 4. local passenger.3:40 P. M.
No. 8, through passenger. 4:30 P. M.
No. 1. through passenger.10.50 A. M
No. 3. through passenger.. . .11:35 P. M
No. 5. local passsrnger.11:00 P.M
The pay checks were distributed among
the employes, Tuesday morning.
The Burlington will be in it, when it comes
to running Columbian flyers, just the same.
Miss I.ulu Stingle was the guest of her sister
Mrs. J. P. Burton at Oxford, last week.
A. L. Mall, the mail carrier, left on 6, Mon
day for Indianola, Iowa, on a two week’s visit
Assistant Supt. Harma} of the high line was
with us of the western division headquarters,
Word from the east announces that “Windy”
Reynolds is firing on passenger between Gales
burg and Chicago.—Alliance Grip.
1 Charlie Dawson has gone into the train
service, making his first run out on No. 3, Sat
urday night, with Conductor Fay.
Frank Anson and family, former residents
of this city have moved back from McCook
and will again make Red Cloud their home.
George H. Christ is throwing mail on .the
St. F'rancis branch for a few days during the
illness of the regular postal clerk.—Oxford
J. R. Caylor, of the car repairer’s force, was
ordered to Republican City a few days ago
for several week’s service at that point.—Ox
ford Standard.
Thos. Morgan, the B. & M. telegraph oper
ator, has opened up a news and confectionery
store three doors east of the post office.—Cam
bridge K&leidoscope.
The price of a meal on the Burlington
diners is now $i, the increase from 75 cents
being made April tst. The Columbian spirit
is evidently a gouging spirit.
M. Lawretson, extra agent for the B. & M.,
is in charge of the station at this place for a
few days, while Mr. Engstrom is attending to
the company’s interests at Grant.—Curtis
The Burlington railroad has been a heavy
loser from prairie fires, this spring. It is
stated on authority that the company’s losses
and damages will amount to a cool one hun
dred thousand dollars at least.
A coach caught fire from a stove, Monday
night, in the yard, and but for its timely ob
servance and prompt application of water,
the same would have been destroyed or badly
damaged. As it is a few dollars will cover
the loss.
Conductor Hugo Brown has return nd and
is again on duty. While at Orleans he helped
his father-in-law husk corn and from the way
his coat is frayed he must have done two
men’s work. He also outpulled the strong
man of Harlan county for fifty dollars. As a
man of strength, tact and ability Hugo is out
of-sight.—Alliance Grip.
There is a well formed suspicion that trouble
is brewing between the B. S: M. railroad and
its locomotive engineers, and if the interested
parties felt disposed to talk some interesting
disclosures might be made to the public.
Since the big strike of '88 the railway manage
ment has been strongly opposed to any labor
organization among its engine men, but not
withstanding this opposition it is reported
that the men have been quietly joining the
Brotherhood by the score, until now it is very
currently stated that a large majority of the
men who pull the throttle on its engines are
in the league with the Brotherhood. Over on
the Q. the Brotherhood is said to be almost
as strong as before the strike, while on the B.
& M. it is not many notches behind. What
the managers will do about it is the question.
—I’lattsmouth Journal.
The general managers of the iines in the
Western Passenger Association held a meet
ing in Chicago, Saturday, to solve the problem
as to the time to be made by trains between
Chicago and Missouri river points and Chica
go and St. Paul and Minneapolis. This mat
ter has given the managers of the western
roads more trouble than any other question
in coming to an agreement and the establsh
ment of uniform passenger rates during the
World's Fair period. In order to pave the
the way for an amicable adjustment of World’s
fair rates and to bring about the adoption of
the revised agreement of the Western Passen
ger Association the managers of the various
roads concluded at Saturday’s meeting to fix
a minimum time for all regular trains, no
road to be permitted to run trains at a higher
speed. The minimum time for trains between
Chicago and Missouri river points, Kansas to
Omaha inclusive, was fixed at sixteen hours.
The minimum time of trains between Chicago
and St. Paul was fixed at thirteen hours and
twenty minutes. This will necessitate the
lengthening of time by some of the roads and
the shortening by others. The time between
Chicago and Kansas City by the direct lines
is lengthened by one hour. The officials of
these roads say this will help them during the
World’s fair period, as they haul larger trains
and assume less risk. Now that the question
of time to be made by trains has been satis
factorily adjusted the managers at their meet
ing today will find but little difficulty in com
ing to a speedy result as regards the adoption
of the World’s fair rates reccommended by
the presidents a short time ago.
This has been the liveliest pay-day in many
Mrs. Clayton Keim is visiting Lincoln rela
tives and friends.
Annie Kobbel, a niece of Engineer Brown,
is a new case of scarlet fever and quite ill.
Mrs. Joe Lee is visiting relative and friends
in Omaha and Lincoln.
Frank Starks' little boy is recovering from
an attack of scarlet fever.
Auditor Foreman was down from Denver on
business of his office, Tuesday.
If you are not already you ought to be a
subscriber to The Tribune at once.
The switch engine has been dispensed with
at Oxford and transferred to this yard.
Switchman J. II. Patterson is entertaining
his father-in-law A. B. Davis of Albany, Mo.
Mrs. J. C. Birdsell went down to Hastings,
last evening, on a visit of a few days with
Mrs. George Connor will leave tomorrow
morning for Kansas City to be absent a week
or two on a visit.
Dr. E. 11. Waters is having a dwelling
built on north Main avenue. His brother-in
law from Hastings is doing the work.
Don’t Rent—When you can secure a home
of you own for about the same expense by
purchasing it from S. H. Colvin on the install
ment plan.
Mrs. E. T. Mowbray, mother of Mrs. C. E.
Pope and Mrs. J. R. Sircoloumb, left on last
Sunday evening for her Lincoln home, after a
visit of a week or ten days with her daughters.
It is rumored that Elmer Rowell of the store
house will take unto himself another rib, some
time next week, or at least in the very near
future. Elmer is a sterling young man and
his prospective bride a most amiable young
Here is a problem that our exchanges are
propounding to their readers: A freight train
one mile in length stopped with the ca
boose just opposite the depot. The conductor
got orders to move his train to the next station’
which was just five miles distant. He gave
the engineer orders to move, which the latter
did, while the conductor walked over ahead
on top of the cars and got off. The question
is how far did he walk, or, as he was walking
the entire five miles, did he ride at all?
There will be fifty locomotives in the Trans
portation building by the first of May and two
outside. The two outside, one which has ar
rived, will be wonders. Pedestals are now
being put up for them, one at the north and
and one at the south end of the building. The
Brooks engine is to be on the north side. It
weighs ninety tons and is designed for freight.
It has twelve wheels, each 52 inches in diame
ter, with all the latest improvements. The
pedestal on which it stands will be four feet
high and a shed will be erected over it. At
the south end of the building will be a Bald
win engine. This engine, which has arrived
weighs 100 tons and is the largest ever turned
out by any works. It is a twelve wheel, com
pound engine of the Van Clain type, with a
20 by 6-inch cylinder. The wheels are 52 inch
es in diameter and the boiler 72 inches in di
ameter This engine was built for the Central
railroad of New Jersey and will run on that
road after the exposition.
No. 164 on Sunday a. m. is getting to be al
most a stock train. .
Ed Caffrey of the Sunflower Line has been
taking a lay off for a few days.
Ed and Walt Cox have bought the stock of
furniture formerly owned by Vallicot & Co.
and will continue the business under the
style of Cox Bro’s.
Glen Baily, who held a key at Norton for so
long, but late of Indianola, was a passenger on
No. 16 last Sunday a. m. for Cowles where he
w ill assume charge of the station.
Jack Curran was trying “fisherman's luck”
last Sunday. When last seen he was sitting
astride a log and defied ail the efforts of the
boys to draw his attention from the sport.
Brakeman Wiight had rather a varied ex
perience, when he reported for duty last week.
Few men have turned in their switch key and
called for their time and have been reinstated
within twenty-four hours.
Conductor Benjamin is resting for ten days
at the request of the head of the train depart
ment. Conductor LeHew in the mean time
sees that the chalk marks on the rails are
preserved, so that cars may be set without any
possibility of variation.
The Maximum Rate Bill.
Last evening Governor Crounse signed the
maximum rate bill and it becomes a law that
will go into effect the coming August. It will
be the first direct measure regulating railroad
rates in the state and it will be watched with
close interest. If the railroads do not accept
it without a struggle, which they undoubtedly
will not do, there will be some very important
suits in the courts growing out of the measure.
The Union Pacific will undoubtedly vest a
claim for exemption on the ground that it is a
government road and responsible only to the
national government, while other roads will
seek tests on the constitutionality of the law,
which in the opinion of many attorneys can
be easily found. In the meantime the law is
on the statute book and Governor Crounse
put nothing in the way of its becoming a law,
but to the contrary approved the measure.
The republican governor of the state has done
what the republican party has in its platforms
expressed itself in favor of doing, and if the
law proves a bad one—one that is unconstitu
tional or that works more hardship than good
upon th people—then the responsibility will
rest upon the dominant party in the legislat
ure that created and carried the bill through.
—Thursday’s Lincoln Call.
Having had such an immense opening,
trade on Ladies’ and Children's Wraps and
Suits, we were compelled to re-order an en
tire New Stock. They have just arrived. Alst
a full line of Ladies' Waists, all prices and
qualities. It will certainly pay you to cali
and examine these goods.
Ladies’ Capes,
Ladies’ Jackets,
Ladies’ Collars,
Ladies’ Wrappers,
& Ladies’ Waists.
L Lowman vV Son,
Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery and Dress Making.
» ~~ ~ —~
Yes, it’s a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need
more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price
down to such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY car
now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OF
Overcoats, Heavy Clothing
Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings
(and many other things too numerous
to mention,
Most Go ii Reprfc ot Cost
-t^/THIS IS A<*M§
General Slaughter Sale!
and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me.
I can save you money.
Tfis Eagle <31otfting House,
...Has been inaugurated by...
with an immense new stock of
Gall and see this fine line before th
selection is broken.