The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1893, Image 1

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Spring. 1893. Spring.
Is Showing the Largest and
Best Selected Stock of
& c a r p:
Ever offered to the citizens of
' McCook and Southwestern Neb.
You will certainly find it to y«ur interest
to examine this unexcelled stock before
making your spring purchases.
op:M <;:
Oar new goods are new open and we invite you to come
and inspect stock and prices.
Our Dress Cools Departieit
Excels all previous efforts.
Our Clothing D epartment
Is complete as to styles and prices. New Styles in
Hats. Wait for our Spring Wraps. We will show
you latest styles and give you latest prices. We are
handling the
BANNER‘ BRAND of Waists for Ladies.
Agents for BUT1 ERICK Patterns.
We Handle Groceries and Boots and Shoes.
cashBARGAIN house.
i . - ... T; .
No. 2. through passenger.5:50 A. H.
No. 4. local passenger.3:40 P. M.
No. #, through passenger. 4:30 P. M.
No. 1, through passenger .10.50 A. M
No. 3, through passenger.11:35 P. 51
No. 5, local pusssenger.11:00 P. H>
Engineer J. F. Reynolds was up from Re
publican City, Wednesday.
Machinist Frank Jordan is on crutches with
a painfully sprained ankle.
A daughter made its abode with Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. Delaney, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Hobbs are rejoicing over
the birth of a promising boy, Sunday.
Joseph A. Snyder was at Arapahoe Monday
looking after his real estate interests there.
Mrs. J. F. Kenyon is visiting relatives in
Grinnell, Iowa. Will be absent a week or two.
President Jeffery of the Denver and Rio
Grande was a passenger on 2, Saturday morn
Mrs. J. C. Birdsell is down from Alliance to
remain a short time visiting her many friends
in this city.
Love is said to be the most comprehensive
word in the language. “What’s the matter
with the hash.”
The company has material on the grounds
for a new bridge across the Muddy west of the
town of Arapahoe.
Brakeman William Shinsel, last Friday at
Blue Hill, received a badly bruised foot while
making a coupling.
Joe Sircoloumb’s boyis down with the diph
theria. The girl is recovering from an attack
of the same ailment.
The silk hats at a recent meeting in Chicaga
decided to give out no more free transportation
during the current year.
Passenger No. 4 was about one hour late,
Tuesday, caused by some trouble with engine
212, which “came in on one side.”
Walter Vischer succeeds J. W. Lewis as
boss carpenter at Holyoke. The family, we
understand, will remove to that place.
Dispatcher T. B. Campbell was a Lincoln
visitor, Wednesday, going down on 6 the previ
ous evening, and returning home on 3.
General Superintendent Calvert was an
east-bound passenger, last evening, Supt. A
Campbell accompanying him from this point.
Express Messenger Marty is afflicted with a
lame arm which has incapacitated him for
work this week. A young man from Lincoln
is supplying his run.—Oxford Standard.
A letter from Boston announces the birth of
a daughter in the home of Jeffreys Wyman,
formerly master mechanic of this division.
Jeff ought to send on a box cigars so we can
celebrate the event.—Alliance Grip.
The Relief Department has paid to Mrs
Stoddard as the guardian of their children
$3,000 which insurance Charley had upon his
life. They have also paid Mrs. Brogan the
policy of her husband.—Alliance Grip.
It is reported around town, says the Arapa
hoe Mirror, that J. S. Cantrall has “swapped''
his Hambletonian roadster to Engineer Bil
lings for 25 shares of irrigation canal stock. If
Cantrall gets a controlling interest in the ditch
look out for a boom in the price of stock.
It is semt-officially announced that on or
about June 1st the Q will handle the railroad
yards of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas in the
city of Hannibal, and that the city freight
offices of the two roads will be consolidated
and a large transfer depot will be built in the
western part of the city.
Private advice is to the effect that the Bur
lington is about to secure the abandoned road
bed of the old Colorado Central railway, run
ning from this place to Denver via Fort Col
lins. The information is that the Burlington
will operate a line over that route in connec
tion with their Wyoming and Colorado lines,
Others interested in railway movements say
there is no prospects of the continuance of
the Northwestern west from Casper this year
or even in 1894.
The Deadwood Central Railway Company
of South Dakota has transferred all its lines
to the Burlington & Missouri road, consisting
of twenty-seven miles of narrow-guage track,
rolling stock, round houses and rights of way,
including the Lead City and Ruby Basin ore
branches. The purchase price was 3240,000.
The Burlington and Missouri will at once
complete the narrow-guage system to every
camp in the Northern hills entering at Dead
Ever since the Empire State express train
has been running from New York City to
Buffalo over the New York Central and Hud
son River railroad there has been a desire on
the part of some persons interested to have
a similar fast train to run clear through to
Chicago. The matter came up for discussion
at a meeting of the presidents of the Vander
bilt roads recently, and it was decided to be
gin such a train service on April 30. The
tram is to leave the Grand Central depot
every day at 3 p. in. and arrive in Chicago at
10 o’clock the following morning. This makes
its time nineteen hoars, or five hours less than
the fastest train which is now scheduled over
any road. It will consist of five coaches, one
buffet combination coach, one dining coach
and three sleepers.
Thiiteen railroad companies last year built
1,882 locomotives.
Braketnan G. E. Whitehead has resigned
and gone to Red Cloud—Alliance Grip.
Knute Stangeland sprained his wrist, last
Friday, and was laid up a few days on that
The white ribbon boys were only six votes
shy. They are, however, proud of the fight
they made.
A new time card is looked for on Sundayt
April 16th, when the fast train service is ex
pected to be inaugurated by the company.
Don’t Rent—When you can secure a home
of you own for about the same expense by
purchasing it from S. H. Colvin on the install
ment plan.
Mr. George Johnson of McCook was in town,
Tuesday, trying his hand at ducks on the pond.
He is a good shot as he is an engineer.—Cam
bridge Kaleidoscope.
Ben Stoddard, who was hurt near Beaver
City on the 15th of last month, receiving a
compound fracture of the arm, arrived here
Sunday night, and is a county charge.
The Switchmen’s strike in the east is effect
ing business in this city, and ten men were
laid off temporarily in the Burlington switch
ing yards this morning.—Lincoln Call.
William Francisco went clown to Holdrege,
Tuesday evening, to work in the yards a few
days. He expects to move the family up here
from Oxford on Saturday, and will make his
home here.
Dr. W. V. Gage was summoned to Max,
Monday night, to see two nephews of Agent
W. W. Pickenpaul, who were suffering from
an attack of acute gastritis, resulting from too
free indulgence in syrup.
There is a rumor that the Burlington rail
road has been for sometime quietly arrang
ing to build a line from Chaleo or Gretna, on
•he Ashland cut off, direct to Fremont and then
to the northwest, with possibly a direct line
from Fremont to Sioux City.
If the estimates of the Railroad Age hold
good there will be considerable railroad
building in the west this year. The projected
mileage is as follows: California, 937; Idaho,
no; Montana, 396; Oregon, 703; Utah, 558;
Washington, 650; Wyoming, 750.—Omaha
Engineer Chambers will shortly commence
a series of improvements and additions to his
property which when completed will make his
home commodious, pretty and a model of com
fort and convenience. He proposes to raise
the present structure another story and make
other and considerable additions and changes
The Relief Department statement for Feb
ruary is out. It shows disbursements as fol
lows: Deaths 83,300, accidents Sit,026, sur
gical attendance 81,671.55, sickness 88,385,
total for the month 824,383.05. The number
of disabled cases carried over into this month
were 702. Total disbursements since June I,
1889, $767,146.50.
Howard Converse, one of the efficient mem
bers of the B. & M. telegraph force, tried to
ride a bycicle yeterday and when he got
through with the effort he looked and felt as
though he had been through a threshing ma
chine. He knocked about four acres of hide
off of his right hand, and fell so hard against
the pavement that the jar took all the kink
out of his hair.—Lincoln Journal.
George Johnson is visiting at the home of
his parents south of Benkelman. While coup
ling cars a few weeks ago George’s band was
caught between the bumpers and the dead
wood in some way, with the result that it was
necessary to amputate three fingers. The
misfortune, however, has not prejudiced him
against railroading in the least and he an
nounces his intention of resuming the duties
of brakeman as soon as his wounds heal.—
Benkelman Pioneer.
Terry McAloon thinks of adopting a coat I
of arms. It will be an oil can, by the way.
' Mrs.W.W. Green’s case still baffles the skill
of the M. D.’s They can relieve but can not
cure her.
Brakeman Wright has been sick the first
days of this week. He reported for duty
Cy Taylor has been promoted from operator
at Oberlin to agent at Traer, vice Mr. Whist
ler removed.
Engineer Fitzpatrick came down the first of
the week to relieve Engineer Pomerencke on
the pile driver.
Brother W. K. Hayes fills the position of
Vice Chancellor with all his natural grace and
dignity in No. 42 K. of P.
“Billy” Carlson, the erstwhile section fore
man at Norton, has gone to work under Road
Master Joselyn on the Orleans branch.
Miss Clara Benjamin, sister of T. W., is
visiting with him before departing for Denver
where she will follow her occupation as steno
Messenger Lawrence takes a run on No.
141 and 142, Hastings and Orleans, in place
Dauchy who is traveling for an Omaha pack
ing house.
“Doc” Matheson lost a patient, this week.
It was one of the horses belonging to an Ober
lin livery stable* ’Twasn’t Doc’s fault,howeyer.
He is as expert in the veterinary line, as he
is slinging lightning.
One of the citizens of this city in speaking
of the way that the railroad boys would lend
their influence in the wet or dry election,
commenced by Baying “well there’s Ben, he’s
a straight whiskey man. Ha, ha! prettygood
ain’t it?”
Having had such an immense opening
trade on Ladies’ and Children’s Wraps and
Suits, we were compelled to re-order an en
tire New Stock. They have just arrived. Also
a full line of Ladies’ Waists, all prices'and
qualities. It will certainly pay you to call
and examine these goods.
Ladies’ Capes,
Ladies’ Jackets,
Ladies’ Collars,
Ladies’ Wrappers,
& Ladies’ Waists.
L Lowman <& Son,
Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery and Dress Making.
Yes, it's a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need
more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price
down to such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY can
now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OE
Overcoats, Heavy Clothing
Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings
(and many other things too numerous
to mention,
1st Go aid Rsprdta ot Gist
-f=^THIS IS A<s^§
General Slaughter Sale!
and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me.
I can save you money.
Tfts Eagle<3totftiua House.
...Has been inaugurated by...
with an immense new stock of
I -
Gall and see this fine line before the
selection is broken.