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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
L.W.M’CONNELL&CO. ili!WALLlliPAPERj!!i imi!l[S|l!!!PAINTSj!!i!lrSH!ih !!!llill!!l BRUSH •ALABASTINE. LW.M’CONNELL&CO. Water tax for second quarter becomes due April 1st and is de linquent April 10th. C. H. Meeker. Removal! Removal! Knipple has moved and may now be found at his old stand in the Cole build ing, first door north of Lowman's store, where he hopes to see all his old cus tomers and many new ones. To Our Advertisers. You are entitled to have your display advertisements changed once a month at the regular price. Changes more frequent will be charged extra accord ing to the amount of composition. Local advertisements may be changed every week at usual price. Copy for new advertisements and for changes of regular advertisements must be in this office by Wednesday of each week to insure prompt insertion. Notice of discontinuance of any dis play advertisement must be given not later than Wednesday. Local adver tisements may be discontinued at any time before Thursday evening. A strict observance of these necessary rules is respectfully requested. The Publisher. January 1, 1893. The Call Leads the Procession. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of The Call in another column. Since its reduction in price The Call is the cheapest daily in Nebraska, and its spicy and independent policy is too well known to need comment from us. In reduc ing the price of The Call so as to put it within the reach of everybody, the management have placed themselves a decided step in advance of all other publishers in the state. This is an era of popular prices for the newspaper, and The Call is, as usual, at the head of the procession. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. Oak trees cannot bo raised in a hot house. Every Man whose watch j has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, ' Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop ping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pull out bow and the new ■) .„ ... will exclaim: “Ought to have been made long ago! ” It can’t be twisted off thecase. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filled and other cases stamped with this trade mark Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Kerttone Watch Case Co.* Philadelphia. Removal! Removal! Knipple has moved and may now he found at his old stand in the Cole build ing, first door north of Lowman’s store, where he hopes to see all his old cus tomers and many new oues. Juvenile Criminals. A problem for those who are seek ing the best means of dealing with children of criminal tendencies is found in the ease of Denver’s 11-year-old boy who has just been convicted of murder. He killed a man for the possession of his watch, and had no other excuse for the deed than that he wanted his watch. In the state of New York, not long since, a young lad murdered his grandfather in cold blood and with the utmost deliberation, lying in wait for him in the dark with a pistnl. His excuse was that his grand father had scolded him. Is it possible to reform such children? There are people who believe that it is. Had to be Quick. “Ephum!” “Yethum!’1 “Com a-humpin’ heah to ye’ mammy. Wash dat face an’ take de curry comb an’ git dem kinks out’n yo ha’r. Den you go right to Mars Knights sto' an’ git a pa’r dem pants, an’ go quick fo’ deys all gone. Dey done say Mr Knights almos’ giben dem winter goods away. Now you jes’ git a move on yo’ sef an’ don’t ston on de road to play wid any white trash.’’ He got. An Awful Warning. The petrified man, recently on exhibi tion in McCook, is said to have broken a leg in trying to get away from an edi tor. It seems that he had cheated a newspaper man out of a large subscrip tion bill and then went west and died of remorse. Hence his sensitiveness at the sight of one of the craft. If all who beat the newspapers should die of re morse and petrify the country would be better off. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. We have new special varieties, both in fruits and ornament als to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. May Brothers, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. Of Interest to Farmers. If you want to renew a loan falling due and make a new one on your farm patronize the Nebraska Loan and Bank ing Co. of McCook, a home institution. Office in rear rooms of 1st National bank. Interest payable in McCook. NUMBER SEVEN. Humphreys’ Specific Number Seven cures Coughs, Cold and Bronchitis. The relief is quick, the cure perfect. Price 25 cents for sale by all druggists. Land for Cattle. I have 40 acres of land, about one mile from McCook, to trade for cattle. Inquire at the Cash Meat Market. Horses for Sale. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. Wanted:—Two wide-awake young men apprentices at Smart’s Gallery. VAILTOM MOTES. A. N. N< ttleton was transacting bus iness hereabouts, Monday. A little more spring like at this writing and seeding is again resumed. Neighbor Hoyt has added a new press drill to bis list of farming utensils We notice the Palmer farm has changed bands again; this is a fine piece, and well improved. Mr. Simeon Love has moved on to his place and will improve as fast as the season will permit. Lewis Fauss has purchased a very ingenious grinder for grinding feed and also can be arranged for reasonable fine work for house use. Cora Putoher is about once more well and hearty. We understand that this was not a case of diphtheria but more the nature of quinsy. A Mr. Springer of Thayer county spent a day or two with C. S. Ferris’ family. Mr. S. will locate soon but is undecided as to the exact location. Supt. Bayston called on our school recently. Mr. Bayston as we all know is an old time teacher and has been in educational work so long that his very presence is cheering to all. That exhibit in The Tribune in re gard to the annual shrinking of values about assessing time was to the point and contained a mint of truth. It seems that our taxing system all over the union is a rather bungling affair. For instance Cook Co., the home of Chicago, had so little silver plate at a recent assessment as to fairly stattle themselves. We sometimes think Mr. Editor that this office might more prop erly be filled by appointment for a term of years. In fact one county treasurer recently told us the only remedy was in a complete change of procedure and a change of laws modeled upon the best systems in praotrice in some few states of our union; also that property could not be reached unless an assessor insist ed on seeing every thing assessable in the most arbitrary manner and in that case he would have no need to consider re-e'eetion. We would like more space on this subject some future time. Un doubtedly this much will do for the pres ent. Ralph. Removal! Removal! Knipplc has moved aod may now be found at his old stand in the Cole build ing, first door north of Lowman’s store, where he hopes to see all his old cus tomers and many new oues. A state and national paper combined is The Semi-Weekly Journal. 1'he Tribune is your best local paper. Subscribe for these and you are fixed for a year. Both for $2 50. Don’t build a fence around your property until you have seen and priced that woven wire fencing at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper, neater or better. A good live paper every Tuesday and Friday, is what you get in The Semi-Weekly Journal for one dol lar. The Tribune and Journal both one year for $2.50. You get a Seaside Library free with a year’s subscription to The Semi Weekly Journal. The offer will not last long. S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im mense stock of farm implements on hand. See them before buying else where. The city election, April 4th, promises to be the warmest contest since the famous Starbuck-Helm election. If you want a well drilled in fine shape see McClain & Co. Leave or ders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Noble, the leading grocer, makes a specialty of fresh, clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. No better farm wagon on wheels than the Charter Oak sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. Scale books, 500 weighs, at The Tribune stationery department. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over Knipple. Buy your school supplies at Chen ery’s City Drug Store.. Wayson & Odell are putting out some handsome rigs these days. McMillen is headquarters for all kinds of lamps. Implements of all kinds at the Har ris hardware._ For Lamps, Chenery’s City Drug Store. INDIANOLA ITEMS. Spring vacation. Election next Tuesday. Col. R. M. Snavely of Denver is in our city. Rev. J. M. Mann ot Bartley attended church here Sunday. Depucy Clerk Barnes is on the sick list again, this week. William Connelly of Denver is visit ing his sisters’ families. Misses Curlee and Keyes were up from Bartley, Thursday. William Miller of Mount Zion was in our city Monday, on business. M. N. Eskey and A. G. Keyes of Bartley were up to our city, Saturday evening. Our young people who are attending school at Frauklin are home for spring vacation. Zeri H. Sherman is at home from (lie Grand Island Soldiers’ Home on a I uriough. The Modern Woodmen have no as sessment in April—which fact will please all the members. N. H.VVolf and R. T. Lakin of Fron tier county saw the inside of the Odd Fellows lodge, Tuesday night. William R. Roberts made proof on his timber claim in Bondville precinct, before the county judge, Wednesday. License was issued, on Thursday, for the marriage of Mr. Lewis Sargent and Miss Hattie Phillips, both of ludianola. License was issued, on Saturday, for the marriage of Thomas M. Sargent and Mrs. Julia E. Northrop, both of ludianola. On Saturday evening, the ladies of the W. R. 0. gave a free supper to the Grand Army post, which was enjoyed by all. Permission to wed was issued on Monday by the county judge to Mr. John Engstrom and Miss Anna Hill, both of Frontier county. On the 25th, Mr. Edward Brennan and Miss Emily E. Amans of Cam bridge were united in marriage by Judge Beck at his office. Rev.G. M. Boswell of Rapid City, Dakota, who was formerly pastor at Bartley and assisted in work here, is in our county on business and visiting Ins many friends. The meetings at the M. E. church under the leadership of Rev. and Mrs. Calfee are continuing with considerable interest, the house being full to over flowing every night. License was granted on the 24th, for the marriage of Mr. Peter N. Fough, of Tyrone, and Miss Ella Hutchinson, of Bartley; and on the same date to Mr. Matthew Plews, of Colorado, aud Miss Katherine Dudek, of McCook. Sheriff'1 eel of Frontier county put two prisoners in our jail, Sunday night, tor safe keeping, taking them to Stock ville Monday. They were the parties accused of attempting to murder a far mer by the name of YVieden, and were captured near Oberlin, Kansas. From the official report of the de partment of agriculture we see that our state of Nebraska was second in amount of marketable corn grown in the United States in 1893. Iowa had 268,185,640 bushels; Nebraska 135, 144,700; and next comes Illinois with 127,301,790. The Modern Woodmen Camp of thi's place was instituted here last. Novem ber, and has been steadily gaining in members. At the last meeting they initiated three and received twelve new applications. The camp is composed chiefly of young men who carry from $1,000 to $3,000 life insurance. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good, where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble’s is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity, quality and value, and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. Removal! Removal! Knipple has moved and may now be found at his old stand in the Cole building, first door north of Lowman s store, where he hopes to see all his old customers and many new ones. |3F”Noble, Purveyor to tne Great Common People, is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. f|£f"’Gr<»cenpi‘ «• Nobles’. Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore Bros. Baker barbed wire at the Harris hardware. Elegant Perfumes at Cbeoery’s City Drug Store. McMillen has a large assortment of lamps—cheap. Preduiore Bros, keep the best cylin der oil in McCook. The famous Smith wagon at the Harris hardware. Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen ery’s City Drug Store. S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a bicycle very cheap. See them. Pure drugs can always be found at Chenery’s City Drug Store. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large Hue of buggies in stock. See them il you want a good vehicle cheap. McMillen Bros, have a nice lot of Lap Robes they will sell at greatly reduced prices. Splendid bargains in these. Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co. now carry in stock a lull and complete stock of builders’ hardware supplies. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest anu his prices correspond with the times. .1. C. Russell is prepared to do cast rating promptly. Satisfaction guaran teed. Send orders through McCook postoffice. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. A fine line of Plush Goods, Albums, Manicure Sets, Perfumes, Sponges, Toilet Articles, etc., at Chenery’s City Drug Store. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot, besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Beware of peddlers. Call and in spect the Household sewing machine sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before buying a machine. There is no better on earth. McMillen Bros, carry the best and most complete stock of Harness and Saddlery in the city. Call to see them if you want a good article in their line at a reasonable price. Parties contemplating building this spring who need money can obtain same at reasonable terms from P. A. Wells. Office in 1st National bank. Rear rooms. RemovEl! Removal. Knipple has moved and may now be found at his old stand in the Cole building, first door north of Lowman’s store, where he hopes to see all his end customers and many new ones. A GREAT COMBINATION. The Omaha Weekly Bke with The Ameri. can Farmer or Womankind for ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. The Omaha Weekly Bee is acknowledged to be the best and largest newspaper in the we6t, publishing more western and general news than any other paper in the country'. The usual price is one dollar per year. The American Farmer is published at Springfield, Ohio, is a 16 page monthly paper devoted to agriculture, horticulture, the dairy, poultry and general interesting stories and other matter for the home. The usual price is one dollar per year. Womankind is also published at Springfield. Ohio. It is 16 page monthly publication, de voted to everything that interests the wife, mother and maiden. It is full of useful in formation and interesting talks and stories that are instructive as well as entertaining both to young and old. One dollar pays for a year’s subscription to tbe Bee and either one of these journals. Address all orders to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the District Court of Hed Willow county. Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. I>. T. W'elty. Judge of tbe District Court of Hed Willow county, Nebraska, oil tbe 2d day of January. 189'J. in favor of Tbe American Ravings Bank as plaintiff, and against Ella M. Piper as defendant, for the sum of seven hun dred and thirty f$730.00j dollars, and 83 cents, and costs taxed at $21.23, and accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said judgment towit: tbe nortb half of tbe northeast quarter and the north half of tbe northwest quarter of section eleven (11) in township four (4) nortb of range twenty-nine (29) west of the 6th P. M.. in Hed Willow coun ty, Nebraska, and will offer tbe same for sale to tbe highest bidder, for cash in hand, on tbe 1st dav of May. A. D., Ir93. in front of the south door of the court bouse in Indianola. Nebraska, that being tbe building wherein the last term of court was held, at tbe hour of 1 o’clock, P. M , of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by tbe under signed. Dated March 28th. 1893. E. K. BANKS, Sheriff of said county. First publication March 31, 1893. Th« Extra Beetiou ol Me heuete. President Harrison’s proclamation call* tag an extra session of the senate is tae nsual course pursued at the outgoing of each administration, to enable the senate to "advise and consent” to the cabinet selected by the incoming president. It is also customary at the same session to ( send in the names of ministers selected for the most important foreign posts and Other leading offices at home. President Cleveland’s proclamation, issued under limilar conditions four years ago. was j dated Feb. 26. There was some talk in connection with the issuing of the proclamation about the question whether a president had ever convened congresses as a whole in special session by proclamation issued just previous to his retirement from office. An examination of the records shows that this was never done. The earliest date at which a new congress ever assembled after the inauguration of a president was May 16. 1797, when President Jefferson called the two houses together to consider the situation caused by the suspension of diplomatic relations with France. In 1841 President William Henry Harrison convened congress iu special session on May 81, by proclama tion issued March 17, but before the as sembling of the body he had died and Mr. Tyler was in the chair. The occasion for this special session was the condition of finances and reve nue. which demanded attention. Since 1841 the congress has been called in spe cial session four times only. In 1866. be cause of the failure to pass the army ap propriation bill; in 1801, because of the war, in 1877, because of the failure to pass the legislative and executive appro priation bills; in 1879. because of a fight over the appropriation for United States marshals in the same bill.—Washington Letter. A Humiliating Lesson. An amusing little incident occurred at a fashionable wedding the other day, where many of the gifts presented to the bride were given from a Rense of duty. One woman guest, who determined to save her money and credit at the same time, took a broken earring to Tiffany’s and ordered the little stone set as a scarf pin for the groom. As she sagely re marked, ‘It does me no good, and com ing from such a famous establishment they are sure to prize it and think I paid a lot of money.” When the package was returned from the shop, the wedding guest failed to ex amine her proposed present and merely dispatched it with her card and compli ments. Imagine her disgust when stroll ing through the rooms where the bridal gifts were displayed to find a dozen peo ple standing about her offering, and ev ery face stretched into a wide smile of amusement. For an instant she hesi tated. then pressed forward, and lo! there was the precious white satin paper box. bearing the prized name, it is true, but. alas! below. “From repairing de partm««*." and. even worse than all, resting on the blue cotton beside the pin was an old, broken bit of earring re turned by the conscientious firm. There is one woman who now declares that honesty is the best policy.—New York Letter. Strange News From ISoston. There is a current newspaper story about an Ohio cow that gives black milk. It is an unlikely story on its face, hut not so inherently impossible as the one from the east that alleges a desire on the part of the people of Boston to run electric street cars across their common. It is mnch easier to believe that an Ohio cow would give black milk, or even rum punch, than that Boston should seriously meditate allowing her common and the children there®] to be run over by the cars. Such a proposition is not what we have a right to expect of Boston. Of Chicago cr Seattle or Duluth or some other town that is in a desperate hurry it might be credible, because those towns have to hurry or else they get passed by. But with Boston it is different, or at least it ought to be. No rival threatens to pass her on her road. 1 cannot think of any reason why her citizens should be in such driving haste that the street cars may not continue to skirt the common instead of crossing it.—Harper’s Weekly. A Scene of Horror at a Funeral. A terrible accident occurred at the fu neral of A. Scriber at Lamson’s. The service was being held at J acob Scriber’s residence, when the floor of the dwelling suddenly gave way, and the coffin and the people were precipitated into the cel lar The cries of the injured and the shrieks of nervous women, together with the presence of the dead, combined in creating a scene of horror that those who witnessed will never forget. To add to the horror, a stove filled with burning coals fell and burst among the victims, wbo were pinned down in the debris. Fortunately no one was killed, nor, it is hoped, fatally injured.—Cor. Utica (N. Y.) Herald and Gazette. An Oak Tree In Full Leaf In Winter. In the Goyt valley, about two miles from Whaley bridge, there is an old oak tree which has not yet lost last year’s leaves. Every twig and branch is still densely covered, comparatively very few having fallen since the summer. Even the late intense frost does not seem to have affected them or lessened them in the least. They are of course quite brown and crisp, but the stalks are yet quite elastic and pliable and adhere very tena ciously to the stems. It requires a good pull to detach them. The tree presents a remarkable appearance, which is heightened by contrast with those sur rounding it, all bare and leafless.—Lon don Tit-Bits. Peace In Europe. Europe seems to be more peacefully dis posed at this time than it has been at some other times not far in the past. The nations over there had better not begin fighting. It would be dangerous for them to do so. All the rulers declare that they are anxious for the mainte nance of peace; they will show sound sense by maintaining it—New York Sun.