The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1893, Image 7

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and anodyne
> Cherry Pectoral
soothes the
inflamed membrane
and induces sleep.
Prompt to Act
sure to cure.
A great many people suffer the aches and pains caused
by diseased kidneys, and do not realize their danger- until
it is too late. Hack-ache, Constipation, Nervousness, Loss
of Appetite, Failing Lyesiglit, Rheumatic and Neuralgic
pains in the Back and Limbs indicate Kidney Disease,
which, if neglected, result in death.
Oregon Kidney Jea
You can not enjoy life when you suffer You
will take more interest in tile world when vou
are well. J
Remedies of the \\ orld» - —
~~~ —~ , . r„ KRICBB.
list ok cubes. _ »>*
1-Fnvers. Congestions, Inflammations, • -£*>
alworms. Worm Fever, Worm Co lc .45
3—TeetMni; CoMc, Crying. Wakefulness .45
A Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .45
£zRl?Ime£r. Griping, BlMous Colic. .. .45
^Ch^^MorbnSfVomiting. . - -45
8—NenrafgltD^Tootbache. Faceachc . .45
!rSfSx5.iSs;sfc: ;§
\ fLltheam a tlsm, or Rheumatic Faina .45
ib««s“dEAv" i
. . .Z .45
|b"o”nlaC,hEn&1 Glands!Swelling .45
Si^oneral DeMm?, F^}™8*”688 ?,%
27—Kidney Diseases ■••.
SO—rrlaMy^eakness, Wetting Red- ■ ‘.45
? 1 Zo^phtherlaVcicerated Sore Throat .45
33—Chronic Congestions ft ErupUona. .45
«s«5sss» aggSva
HISIMIHKYS- UKD.tO.,111 *113 Wllll.a St., Sew Tort.
Tto relief i immSdlSte-the cure certain. ^
Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price.
B?*pnm:Ys' U. n.,'o., uu m will,™ sc, sew yoke
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment
a oertain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter,
George M. Cbenery. H
' C5F=- T»-ie\
«•npp HARMLESS '/WO • /REAll/OLE'
J jm/cH DRUGGING; «9 ■ HtsntlMEi>t
ZaZmJiR-rMO -u^
•PRlCf SZ • SEN* T • FREE * -ADuREjj
G.W. Williamson, M.D.
You BY niaiL
to us to-day.
mmrnrn AilBP private* Nervous, Chronic
ljjf F CURE diseases, Female Weak
n«.V«l,Men"uil,iVonien made strong by a
n£?S» of their particular trouble. .That
mSllgnanUdood disease permanently cured
without the use of Mercury. We always
guarantee a cure*
CiipGi c al DIS P ENSARY
Mfl!i?rMTR ANCE 'sTi't1? f-VfffS'rOM AH A.^
lailmgMd Photo, awhlto (bow or old; Bilk Hood*
kerchief, with • P. O. or Bxprooa looey Order for §1,
•ad wo will Photograph thoplotaro oo thoollk. Beautl*
fal aBhcU PEBIASEXT pie to re. WILL KOT FADE or
. y WASH oat, loo to forovor, everybody
Sr£4W photo
yTTT. ■TUPto3H-5i-t7 S.i5».0M*HA
do not know what her name may be.
Hut sure as the skies are blue above,
Somewhere in the world she waits for me
She who will one day ho my love.
Now’, this moment perhaps she wonders
Who Is hem in the lonesome lands.
On the other side of the sea that sunders
Our eyes, and our lips, ami our hearts, and
our bauds.
But there is a place where the waters narrow:
There is a point where the margins meet:
And in the morning of some glad morrow
We shall press the isthmus with fated feet.
Though she be w ith a thousand 1 w ill know' her.
How can I fail to find her v. hen
Today my heart to my thought can show her.
As she must ho now—as she will be then?
And she is as fair as the fairest fair:
She is os true as the truest truth:
Pure as purity—holy as prayer—
Her heart kept fresh in the faith of youth.
With a sunny gayety ever sheening
In eyes that can sparkle with w ildest fun—
Or sober to tears and earnest meaning
When tears are timely and laughter done.
1 pray to meet her with soul unsullied
As hers will bo—with a heart untorn
Like a fallow tteld, all gashed and gullied,
Where passion’s torrents their ways have
Can I falter and fall beyond retrieval,
With the thought of my lady to deter.
When all that is base and impure and evil
Goes out of my heart when I think of her?
My dream sweetheart! for in dreams I see her
And hear the sweep of her dainty dress.
While a fair arm falls with a furtive fear
Around my neck in a soft caress.
I feel her breath as she bends above me;
I catch the gleam of her dark, sweet eyes.
And I long for the time when, with her to love
Earth will be fairer than paradise!
—Chicago Inter Ocean, j
During the reign of Louis XVIII a
young English nobleman, George Lord
Hardinge, visited Paris for pleasure, tak
ing with him his sister and a few serv
ants. He took lodgings at one of the
principal hotels, and being a gay, ex
travagant young bachelor soon entered
into a whirl of giddy dissipations.
Lady Emily, his sister, was only 18
pretty, amiable and inexperienced—and
should have been under the care of a very
different person from her brother, who
for weeks gave little heed to anything
except his own follies, leaving her much
of the time alone or to such company as
chance threw in her way.
Among other reprehensible things Lord
Hardinge had become passionately fond
of the gaming table.
Of course the young lord soon became
an object of special regard to the habitues
of the place, who fancied they saw in
him one of the means or chances of in
creasing their fortunes.
Among others who would have needed
an influential voucher to have brought
him into first class society in England
was one Jean Vauldemar, who claimed
to have been a cavalry officer under Na
poleon and was generally known by the
title of “monsieur the captain.”
The gay and thoughtless Englishman
permitted the cunning fellow to worm
himself into his good graces—to play,
drink and carouse with him—and occa
sionally go home and spend the night
with him at his hotel.
In this way monsieur the captain first
got a glimpseof Lady Emily, and shortly
after, at his request, an introduction to
her by the careless brother.
This was exactly what the gamester
wanted, and he at once set all his wits
to work to win the unoccupied heart of
the lady, and if possible make his for
tune out of the affair. The captain was
in reality a married man.
He did not go too far at once, for the
gamester, as all professional gamesters
are, was an adej3t in human nature. For
the first he sought only to excite a cer
tain degree of interest, then sympathy
and then compassion, well knowing that
if he could succeed to this extent thefcn
experienced girl would soon be in his
power, like clay in the hands of the pot
ter, to be molded to whatever evil pur
pose he might desire.
At last the critical moment came. By
degrees he had won her regard, her sym
pathy and her affections, and one even
ing, when he believed the brother at the
gaming table, as usual, he took occasion,
as if by an irresistible impulse, to pour
into her willing ear his false love.
Lady Emily listened as one bewildered
if not entranced. He saw his power
over her, and his dark soul exulted in
the fact. He took her hand with trem
bling eagerness, pressed it, kissed it,
rose gradually from his knees, glided his
arm around her slender waist, drew her
fondly to him and put his foul lips to
At this moment the door of the apart
ment was dashed open, and white with
rage Lord Hardinge was seen advancing
with long and rapid strides. The in
stant he reached the gamester he seized
him by the throat, hnrled him back and
struck him to the ground.
Vanldemar slowly rose to his feet, his
now blanched features expressing the
most malignant hate, and for a few mo
ments as he gazed upon the young no
bleman, who was now giving his whole
attention to his unconscious sister, he
appeared to be debating with himself
whether he should kill him on the spot
or not.
“No,” he muttered at length. “Why
make a felon of myself for a revenge
that will he equally sure a few hours
later and leave me untainted with crime?”
And with this he quitted the apartment
without a word to Lord Hardinge.
It was at least half an hour before
Lady Emily was so far restored as to re
member what had taken place, and then,
in great trepidation, she demanded the
meaning of the fearful scene.
Lord Hardinge thrust a crumpled note
into the hand of Lady Emily, which read
as follows:
Scion of a noble house, beware! Go less to
the gaming table and look more at home. A
designing villain known as monsieur the cap
tain is now secretly paying court to your inno
cent sister, while his own wife is pining in soli
tude for want of the necessities and courtesies
of life. Make duo inquiries and set a watch,
and you will prove the truth of this statement,
penned by An Unknown Friend.
“His wife!” almost shrieked Lady Em
“We must leave Paris at once!” said
her brother.
“Yes, yes; at once!” cried Lady Emily
in great excitement; “before this villain,
i t.s 1 now believe tua to be, can do you
j personal harm.”
At this moment the valet of the noble
man appeared aud whispered something
in his ear.
“I will be down directly,” was the an
swer of the master, turning a shade paUr.
“\Vhat is it. George?” eagerly demand
! ed his sister.
“Only a gentleman to see me on some
private burliness.”
“Oh, yon must not fight with that bast
man!” cried Lady Emily, at once divin
: ing tho fearful secret, “for you will be
j killed, and I shall be left without a pro
I tector!”
i “Have no fear!” was the evasive an
swer of Lord Hardinge as he hurriedly
quitted the apartment.
As he expected, he received a formal
challenge from M. Vauldemar, deman 1
ing satisfaction for the insult of a blow,
the note explicitly stating that no apol
ogy would be received.
The nobleman at onco declared hit
readiness to meet his adversary', but nol
in the ordinary way. He immediately
sent for an English officer of his ac
quaintance, Major Bassett, of the —tb
light infantry, and their conference re
sulted in the decision to give the French
man a meeting, provided he should ac
cede to the terms and conditions w'hicli
the challenged party claimed tho right tc
As monsieur the captain was known tc
be a dead shot who had already killed
; several antagonists, and as Lord Har
i dingo had never fired a pistol a hall
I dozen times in his life, these terms and
conditions accordingly were that the par
ties should meet on the following morn
ing at 8 o’clock at a place designated in
the Eois du Boulogne; that two dueling
pistols should he then and there selected
by the seconds, and one, and only one, oi
these be loaded; that these pistols should
then be effectually concealed under a
handkerchief and be drawn byr the prin
cipals according to lot, and that when so
drawn each should be jilaced to tho breast
of the other and both triggers pulled at
the word.
“We shall see,” said Major Bassett,
with a grim smile, “if this redoubtable
hero will have the courage to fight with
au equal chance against him.”
Somewhat contrary to his expectations,
however, the captain consented to the
arrangement, and Lord Hardingc spent
most of the night in making his will and
giving hiS friend instructions to be car
ried out in case of his fall.
At the appointed time all the different
parties appeared upon the ground, the
nobleman with the solemnity due to an
occasion involving lifo and death, but
Vauldemar with the nonchalance, either
real or assumed, of one who believed
himself the favored son of fate.
The lot fell to monsieur the captain to
draw the first pistol, and as he weighed
them both with his hand before deter
mining his choice he remarked with a sar
castic smile:
“If I can't tell by the weight which
has the ball for the heart of this accursed
Englishman, I deserve to die.” Immedi
ately after he drew his pistol and added,
“I have it now—all right!”
“God shall judge between us,” said
Lord Hardinge solemnly as he lifted
the remaining weapon.
The principals were now placed face
to face only three feet apart, and the
seconds took leave of them with tremu
lous agitation.
Immediately after came the dreadful
“Are yon read}-, gentlemen? Fire!”
Both triggers were pulled together.
There was only one explosion, and mon
sieur the captain fell dead without a
word, shot through the heart.
This singular duel is no fiction. Only
the names of the parties have been
The Influence of the Press.
Probably the time is coming in the
halcyon future when everything that
everybody does will be open and above
board, when there is nothing hidden that
shall not be known, when that which is
spoken in the ear shall be proclaimed
upon the housetops, and we rather think
that the impertinent press is helping to
bring about that day. The fear of pub
licity deters many a man from doing
wrong or delivers him from the tempta
tion to go astray. Men who seek to take
unfair advantage of their fellow men be
cause of their pover% or ignorance or
weakness or for any other reason find
an obstacle in the light which the press
throws upon their actions and motions.
Individual newspapers have their idiosyn
crasies and other faults, but as a whole
the press believes in right living, honest
dealing, truth telling and doing as you
would be done by.—Springfield Union.
The Phenomena of Weeping Trees.
In the forests of Oregon, Washington,
Montana and British Columbia there is a
species of tree that has a continuous and
copious dripping of pure, clear water
from the ends of its leaves and branches.
This extraordinary sight may be wit
nessed at all seasons when the leaves
are on, and seems equally plentiful on
clear, bright days as on damp, cloudy
nights. The tree is a species of fir, and
the “weeping” phenomenon is attrib
uted to a remarkable power of condensa
tion peculiar to the leaves and bark of
this species of evergreen.
In the island of Ferro there are many
species of “weeping trees,” but in this
latter case the “tears" appear to be most
abundant when the relative humidity is
near the dew point.—St. Louis Republic.
An Old, Old Hunting Story.
Baron Munchausen, when hunting for
deer upon one occasion, encountered a
magnificent animal, but found himself
without shot. Speedily gathering to
gether a handful of cherry stones, he
loaded his gun with them and fired at
the deer, hitting him squarely between
the eyes, not killing him, however. The
deer managed to escape, but some time
later the baron encountered him again
and was surprised to see a beautiful
cherry tree growing out of the animal's
forehead, covered with blossoms and
fruit. It is suspected that the Baron
Munchausen’s story is not true.—Har
per's Young People.
Several Useful anti Beneficial Ways In
Which One Writer Would Spend $1,000,
OOO, Providing She Had Then*—Careless
nehrt of Nice l-'olkn.
There is no immediate danger of my
filling a millionaire's grave, and yet
stranger things have happened. Either
you or I may fall heir to a colossal for
tune. I don't lose sleep over the pros
pect myself, nor need you, my dear, but
in this world of ups and downs who can
tell what a day may bring forth?
Shall I tell you a fewr of the things I
propose to do with iny possible millions?
In the first place, I shall build bath
houses and stock them with soap, per
fumes and towels for humanity at large.
Next to saving the soul comes the care
of the body, and most people are fully
as heedless of the one as the other. In
deed to my manner of thinking a sancti
fied soul in an unwholesome body would
be hardly worth the keeping.
I declare unto you, and if I do not
speak the truth come forth and dispute
me, ye who can, that the masses of man
kind know less about cleanliness than
animals do. Watch the old cat sitting
in the sun or by the corner of the kitchen
fire washing her face and cleaning her
paws. She enters into the thing with a
complete understanding that cleanliness
makes her a more welcome fireside com
panion, as well as a healthier cat and a
more self respecting member of society.
A bird delights in its morning bath more
ostentatiously than in its breakfast. I
have seen horses at the seashore who rev
eled in a “dip” far more than any human
ever did. A dog will not enter your pres
ence if there is any soil upon liis person
which his own limited ingenuity can re
move, and the most beatific experience
of a pampered poodle is its perfumed
bath and careful shampoo.
Mow, take the case ot humans. There
is not a day of my life that business
dealings do not force me into companion
ship with people who are both unwhole
some and repulsive by reason of lack of
personal cleanliness. I ride with them.
I walk by their side, I sit next them.
They dress well, their clothes are of ex
pensive material and carefully made,
but they bear about with them an aroma
of stale cuticle and closed pores. From
week’s end to week’s end these men and
women do no more than dip their hands
in a little water and rub off their faces
with inadequate wash cloths. If the
natural smoke of Chicago settles upon
such portions of their anatomy as are
exposed, they dab it off with hard water
and cheap soap, or they counteract it
with filthy powder rags. They go for
weeks at a time without a change of un
derwear to save laundry bills, and they
sleep in the same flannels that they wear
by day.
A good, thorough bath is as unknown
to them as God’s grace to a lost soul, and
for my part I would rather encounter a
thug with a club. You can dodge a club,
but you can’t escape an odor. Ride for
an hour in one of our cars, either cable,
horse or steam; could anything be worse,
without it was a stock transit? And yet
all these unwashed and unwholesome
people pride themselves, and often most
justly, of being good citizens, well edu
cated and circumspect. They would re
sent the idea of being classed outside the
circle of “gentlemen and ladies.” They
never sneeze in your presence without
begging pardon, nor commit any breach
of the proprieties without the keenest
anguish of remorse for the misdeed.
Their crime against society, then, is not
an active one. It is merely the result of
a neglected education. Their parents
believed in making them obedient, no
doubt, and polite and well behaved.
They had them taught to dance and play
the piano and speak French, but they
forgot to teach them cleanliness.
The poor and uncared for we expect to
take as we find them, and by means of
prayer, faith and good works raise them
to higher levels. But what shall be done
for the folks who ought to know enough
of the laws of hygiene and beauty to
keep clean, but who in fact know as lit
tle as the totally ignorant and the very
poor? When I get my millions, then I
shall erect 1,000 bathhouses right here in
Chicago, and I shall legislate laws that
shall make cleanliness compulsory.
Women shall find it more profitable to
go to the bathhouse than to the club, and
men shall find more attraction in the
physical laundry than in the saloon.
There shall be no possible entree for the
careless keeper of the beautiful body into
either saloon, street car or public assem
blage of any sort. He shall be shunned
like a leper, and when his case is pro
nounced hopeless there shall be a mod
ern Molakai fitted up for his habitation,
that he may trouble the olfactories of the
sons and daughters of earth no more for
Another thing that I shall do with my
money will be to prosecute cruel team
sters by means of its powerful potency.
The policeman who stands at the corner
of Lake street and Fifth avenue tells me
that since occupying that post he has lost
the little faith he ever had in man’s
boasted humanity.
Another thing I will do with my money
will be to provide for the patient, un
complaining poor.
When I get my money, I shall establish
homes for the poor, not charity halls nor
houses of correction, but sweet, pure
homes, where happiness and plenty shall
join hands, and peace and rest shall sing
together like mated birds.—“Amber” in
Chicago Herald.
Immobility In a Child's Life.
We believe a large part of the unfavor
able influence of school life upon the
child’s health is due to the prolonged
immobility which the ordinary system
requires, and the necessary confinement
of a young child to a chair or bench
without some intervening muscular ac
tivity or recreation. Immobility is op
posed to growth, it is opposed to all the
instincts of the healthy lower animals,
and to those of all vigorous children.—
Harper’s Bazar.
lugur, Mc>la«n«t and Honey Are Nowhere
In Comparison With Saccharine.
Au industry still young, but unques
tionably with a great mercantile future,
is that of saccharine, a product of coal
tar. It is a substitute for sugar, has
none of its bulk and is so powerful that
it is 300 times sweeter. The history of
its discovery is interesting.
In 1879 Dr. Constantine Fahlberg, a
Russian by birth, but who had been ed
ucated in Germany, became connected
with the Johns Hopkins university in
Baltimore. There he conducted a series
of experiments on the toluene snlphn
mides, in order to investigate their oxi
dation products.
The outgrowth of this investigation
was the discovery of saccharine. By
oxidizing pure orthotoluene sulphamide
it was found that it would yield a re
markably sweet compound. The amount
obtained, however, was too small to be
of any practical value for manufactur
ing pnrposeG. The problem thenceforth
was to find other reactions which would
give a better yield of the sweet body. A
long and exhaustive series of laboratory
experiments extending through several
years were necessary for the satisfac
tory development of the chemical proc
ess of production.
As might be expected, a discovery of
such practical utility had to run the
gantlet of much hostile criticism. It
formed a fruitful subject for discussion
in various scientific societies and jour
nals. Attempts were made to show that
it was not only deleterious, but danger
ous. It is only fair to say, however, that
these arguments seem to have been suc
cessfully controverted. An overwhelm
ing mass of expert testimony is recorded
in favor of saccharine. Eminent profess
ors, like Sir H. E. Roscoe in London,
Leyden in Berlin, Paul in Pans, Von
Barth in Vienna, and a host of others,
after thorough tests, have certified that
the effects of saccharine upon the phys
ical and psychical functions of the brute
and human systems are entirely harm
Saccharine in its pure condition is a
white powder. Various exclusive ad
vantages are claimed for its use in the
arts, household and medicine. To enu
merate a few: It is so small in bulk that
the saving in storage and freight is of
course very great: its valuable antiseptic
qualities make it especially available in
preserving as well as sweetening articles
of food, such as jellies, fruits, etc. In the
distilling of brandies and liquors and in
the brewing of beer saccharine has been
used with signal success. Mixed with
glucose, saccharine lias a sweetness equal
to the finest refined sugar. Further,
saccharine serves a distinctly medical
purpose. It is employed to disguise the
unpleasant taste of medicine and in the
preparation of medicated wanes and oth
er cordials. It has also been highly in
dorsed as a substitute for sugar for those
suffering from diabetes and from fat
ness. Unlike sugar, it does not go to
form surplus nourishment. Finally it
may be added that this highly concen
trated sweetening substance requires
only a little intelligence to be successful
ly used in the household.—Washington
The Most Despicable Man.
The man whom I thoroughly and pos
itively hate, and against whom as a type
I would warn young women, as the
board of health officers warn the public
against infection with a scarlet fever
card, is the domestic tyrant, the man
who is a bull}’ in his own family, the
man w’ho is a hero at home and a coward
among bigger men than he. When he
was a boy, he loved to torture kittens,
trap rabbits and tease birds by breaking
up their nests and cracking their eggs.
But a yearling calf or a sitting hen would
always make him run. Now he is a man,
he swears at his wife and nags her life
away. He sends the cold chills down
the children's spines whenever his steps
draw nigh and is as pompous and big
feeling among the women folks and the
helpless boys and girls as a fussy old
turkey gobbler w’ith his hens.
Fun can no more thrive where he is
than pansies can live in coal gas. He is
civil to the black man who gives him his
dinner, to the boy—provided he is full
sized—who blacks his boots and to who
ever is richer and stronger than he, but
politeness for his wife was laid away
with his wedding garments, and he curses
his daughters and his sons for every
trifling misdemeanor in a way that would
rouse a newsboy to thrash him if he
spoke to the lad with equal insolence.—
Chicago Herald.
A Western Tragedy.
The Saunterer has a friend on the staff
of a western newspaper with whom he
often exchanges interesting clippings.
The latest bit received at this office was
the following, cut from a small paper
published in North Dakota: “The many
friends of Mrs. E-will be pleased to
learn that she is not in serious danger, as
the shock is not so severe as at first sup
posed. The particulars of the unfortu
nate affair are interesting. It seems that
Mrs. E-while going up stairs saw a
mouse run behind a barrel. Her cries
were heard by the hired ipan, who has
tened to the scene, armed with his gun
and followed by his faithful bulldog.
Mrs. E-then took courage and poked
the barrel with her broom. The mouse
ran ont, the dog started in pursuit, the
hired man fired, the dog dropped dead,
Mrs. E-fainted, and the hired man,
thinking he had killed her, and that he
would be arrested for murder, took to
his heels and has not been heard of since.
The mouse escaped.”—Boston Budget.
New Use For a Linen Cuff.
•‘Look here,” said a well known man
the other day, “this is a letter from
a friend who is now in Pittsburg.” The
speaker produced a soiled cuff on which
a message had been written. The cnff
bore the stamp of the Pittsburg postoffice,
as well aB a canceled postage stamp.
The message read: “I haven’t any paper
at hand, but Uncle Sam will transmit
this cuff, for which I have no further
use. Linen is of no use to a man who is
dead flat busted. Send me $100,”—
Philadelphia Record.
Will Vote
as usual at the next school election—
but for many candidates. They give
day in the
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temffer saver on wash-day.
The “White Russian” is a great soap to
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands—is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap, “•‘‘."a 5s.*«h.B°n
The Greatest on
Sea and Land
8 tamp
for ii
100 page
FREE. , v
Prices ' x
■ Faro
££• fMjL
.voiir / / 1 ykjJTK
dealer. I/Mr
other. •_ V •''CfC ?.: ~ -
Adilreja, •_—"
W• Cm LaiOUlsc.: j E, Agfnt. McCook,of i
BVlajesticBflfg. Co.,St. Louis.;
| *
nothing new when we state that it pays to c?ngage
in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi
ness, that return* a profit for every day’s work.
Such is the business we offer the working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our instructions
faithfully the making of $.‘{00.00 a month.
Every one who takes hold now and works wiU
surely and speedily increase their earnings; then
can be no question about it; others now at work
are doiri" it, ami you, reader, can do tile same
This is the best paying business that you have
ever had the chance to secure. You will make a
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If you grasp the situation, ami act quickly, you
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business, at which you can surely make ami suvi
large sums of money. The results of only a few
hours’ work will often equal a week’s wages.
Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it
makes no difference,— do as we tell you, and sue
! cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for ns are rewarded. Why not write to-day for
full particulars, free ? K. C. ALU'IN & CO.,
Box No. Augusta, Me.
■/Salary and expenses paid weekly from start.
■l Permanent position. Good t hance fur
H advancement. Exclusive territory-J^jk y 10y<4
■jClean, ^fardy stock, tnio^to V^'ii;
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J/ because of pro- Jj
rlotis failures in this or ctn - r it,
lines. Outflt^iTO^Addro®, jj|
Continental Nurseries, Chicago! Tj t■%
Oar PEBFECTrON SYRINGZ fee with ever? bottle.
Careo GONORRHOEA and GLEET ia Os« to Foor dai'S
Soldbyall DRUGGISTS. Secttoany Add*-essfbr|i.0Q.'
A FULLT5CTU ON . . . FO« ^
Work Guaranteed. Teetli extracted in tlii
morning, new ones inserted evening of
same day. Teeth filled without pain, latent
method. Finest parlors in the west. Paxton
trance. OMAHA. - - - - neb. 1
S, tt. Cor. llthau'l Broad».:y.
For the treatment of all Chroui* and
Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the
Kye and Ear. The object r,f thu r.anita
ri’um is to furnish board, rooms and
medical attention to those suffering •-.•il,<
Deformities, Di-* u .es of Women. Dti
case3 oi me urinary ana oexuai urgzni. ui>« m mi*
System. Lung and Throat Di.ifnse*, Piles. C?ic-r '. Tiimo. •. Etc .
Etc. Surgical Operations performed with kill. Books free t>
Men amd Women. For further information call on or addrt *■*
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Subjects need fear no longer from tb:< King of
j Terrors,for by ti most w«.iul«*r!iil di-covery in
I medicine, cancer on any p:irr of the body can be
permannitly cured without thu uuo («'
the knife.
MBS. II. D. Coeby.2307 Inainr.a Avr*.. Cblcn/o.
Jays “ Was cared of cancer of the breast in .-j k
weeks by yonr method of treatment. ’ Send for
treatise. J*r. 11. C. hale, bo, -Aih riL, Chicago.
PI ^9
1 ftuKS Yr
m t remedies that do not in-» ‘ hi I )
jure the health or interfere with one’s business or
pleasure. It builds up and improves the genera!
health, clears the skin and beautifies the completion
No wrinkles or flabbiness follow this treatment
Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladies
liana lew. So Starring. Sand 6 cents in itampt for Mrtkulin t
18. 0. W. F. SNYDER. rilCKtl ITHMI. CIIUEO, M.
Xo matter what <bii; \ paper voi
read at other turns, the L)ail\
State Journal. published at tbe
state capital, is the paj>er for Ne
braskaus during the legislature.
Eighty-five ceuts a mouth. Try it.