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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Thin remedy is becoming so well known aim popular as to need no spe cial mention. All who have used Elec tric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer aie.diciue does not exist and is guaranteed to do all that is fldainii'd Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt lilieum and Other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system *nd prevent as well as euro all Malaiial fevers. For cures of headache, Consti pation and Indigestion try Electric Bit teri. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Price 50 cents and $1 ner buttle at McMillen’s drnoRtnre What’s the use in asking the Lord to save the whole world every time we get. down on our knees if we are too stingy to help keep up the church?. CHOLERINE IN PENNSYLVANIA. Swickly, Penn.: We had an epidem ic of Cholerine, as our physicians called it, in this place lately ami I made a sjreat hit. witti Chamberlain's Colie. Cholera and Diarrheec Remedy. I sold four dozen bottles of it in one week ami have since sold nearly a gross. This Remedy did tin1 work and was a big ad vertisement for me Several persons who had been troubled with diarrhoea for two or three weeks were cured by a few doses of this medicine. P. P Knapp, Ph. G. 25 and 50 cent Imtt.les for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co., druggists. Some people pray for dying grace, when what they need most is grace to make them live within their means and pay their debts RHEUMATISM QUICKLY CURED. Three days is a very short time in which to cure a bad case ol' rheumatism, b.ut it can be done it the proper treat Wilt is adopted, as will be seen bv the following from James Lambert of New Brunswick, Illinos: “1 was badly afflict ed with rheumatism in the hips and legs, when I bought a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. I am allright today; and would insist upon everyone who is af flicted with that terrible disease to use Chamberlain’s Pam Balm and get well at once.” 50 cent bottles for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co., druggists. Some parents lake their children to see the procession, and then whip them if they want to go to the circus. ft SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps iygrg, Pa , says lie will not be without Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con spmptiou, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack ot “La Grippe.” when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooks pOrt, Pa , claims Dr. King’s New Dis covery has done him more good than anything heever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at A. MeMillen’s drugstore. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. We begin to own everything on earth as soon as we realize that we have a clear title in heaven. SPECIAL NOTICE. There is nothing in a name, but in a bottle of Wisdom’s Robertine there is a world of satisfaction to ladies of taste aud refinement. It whitens and beautifies the skin without the injurious effects that attend the use of most cos metics. The only visiblo evidence of its use is abeautiful, clear and healthful complexion. Every lady using it recom mends it to her friends. When the devil goes fishing he baits for hearts, not head*. Too many preach ers to do just the opposite. WISDOM’S ROBERTINE Is the most delightful article ever pro duced for beautifying and preserving the complexion. Not only removes blemishes but leaves the skin as soft as velvet and as fresh looking as a morn ing glory. Used and endorsed by the elite of society and the stage, leading physicians say it is not only harmless but positively beneficial to the skin. __... ..—.— God is disappointed if all the noise we make for him is done with the mouth. MOTHERS’ RECOMMENDATION. Wo are acquainted with many moth ers in Centerville who would not be without Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the house for a good many times its cosis, and are recommending it every • day. From personal experience we can say that it has broken up bad colds for our children.—Centerville, South Da kota, Citizen. 50 cent bottles for sale bv L. W. McConnell & Co., druggists. Truth never builds on sand, no matter how much like rock is may look. for softeninc the skin. Allaying irritations,removing roughness, wind tan and like troubles there is noth ing equal to Wisdom’s celebrated Vio let Cream._ Temperance is a bride who makes her husband rich._ Shiloh’s Cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure is ior sale by us. Pocket wise contains twenty five doses only 2:> cents. Children love it, A. McMillen, uraggis' NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT. When the publishers decided to issue The Journal twice a week at the same price of the old week lies, $1.00 per year, they shuck just what the public wanted— somethin# between the old-fash ioned weekly and thf high-priced daily. The success of The Semi Weekly Journal lias been imme diate and continued. It has dis tanced every one of its once-a-week rivals. It doesn’t take long to convince people that a good live paper every Tuesday and Friday is better than only one a week, especially when you appeal to their pocket books, and give it to them at the same price. Readers will testify that it is almost as good as a daily. The markets twice a week are worth the money. Four complete novels each year by “The Duchess,” Miss Braddon, and other widely known authors, are worth the dollar. Its legisla tive news is its strong point just now. It is wide-awade, spends money for news, and is always in the lead. You can see its supe riority over the old-fashioned weekly. Everyone who subscribes now gets a Seaside Library free. This offer won’t hold good al ways. One of our big offers is The Semi-Weekly Journal aud Weekly New York Tribune, both one year for $1.25. Our great premium, History of the United States, Stanley’s Book, or Life of Spurgeon, prepaid, and The Jour nal, $1.40. Either book is worth $1.50 alone. Your choice of these books and the Weekly New York Tribune aud Journal a year for only $1.(55. What a combination of reading matter! If you send us your own aud another new name, we will send you either of the above books free. Subscribe now and get 104 papers a year, which is less than one cent per copy. Address Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla WONDERFUL! Tlie cures which are being effected by I)rs. Starkey & Paleu, 1529 Arch St-, Philadelphia, Pa., in Consumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheu niatisni, and all chronic diseases by their coiupound Oxygen Treatment is indeed marvelous. It you are a sufferer from any disease which your physician has failed to cure, write for information about this treat ment, and their book of two hundred pages, giving a history of Compound Oxygen, its nature and effects with nu merous testimonials from patients, to whom you may refer for still further information, will he promptly sent, without charge. This book aside from its great merit ss a medical work, giving as it does, the result of years of study and experi ence, you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, 5l29 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Buck fen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheuui, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by A. McMillen. is 23-lyr. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar anteed to give you satisfaction. Price 75 cents. Sold by A. McMillen. Karl's Clover Iloot, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipa tion. 25 cents, 5ft cents and SI. Sold by A. McMillen. | 26-lyr. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di ego. Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem edy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. MeMillen. “For a long time I suffered with stomach and liver troubles, and could find no relief until lbegan to use Ayer's Pills. I took them regularly for a few months, and mv health was completely restored.”—D. W. Baine, New Berne, N. C. _ There is no reason why children should be allowed to suffer from loath some scrofulous sores and glandular swellings when such a pleasant, effect ive, and economical medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparilla may be procured of the nearest druggist. Be sure to get Ayer s. When the scalp is atrophied, or shiny-bald, no preparation will restore the hair; in all other cases, Hall’s Hair Rencwer will start a growth. Every man is some boy’s hero. THE LOVE CHASE. Though oft I pass her on the street, I seldom seem to catch her eye: She rarely lets our glances meet. Although bhe knows I'm passing by. But though to me she does not speak. Nor give a look my heart to cheer. The furtive blush upon her clieefy Tells me she knows that 1 am near. *Tis true she’s full of girlish art. A trait that’s common to her -ex. But she is no coquette at heart. Though oft her tricks my mind perplex. I know she’s partial to the rose— I’ve sent her some, both red and yellow Yet out upon the street she goes With violets from some other fellow. And still this love chase 1 pursue, ’Twixt hope and fear continue wooing, One day o’erjoyed, the next so blue I scarcely know what 1 am doing. But one thought I take comfort in. And gloomy doubt gives place to rapture— The harder she may be to win The dearer yet will be the capture. —E. C. Walcot in Soundings. The ffeavens In the North. From the last days of May to the end of July in the northern part of this land the sun shines day and night upon its mountains, fiords, rivers, lakes, forests, valleys, towns, villages, hamlets, fields and farms, and thus Sweden and Nor way may bo called the land of the mid night sun. During this period of con tinuous daylight the stars are never seen, the moon appears pale and sheds no light upon the earth. Summer is short, giving just time enough for the wild flowers to grow, to bloom and to fade away, and barely time for the husband man to collect bis harvest, which, how ever, is sometimes nipped by a summer frost. A few weeks after the midnight sun has passed the hours of sunshine shorten rapidly, and by the middle of August the air becomes chilly and the nights colder, although during the day the sun is warm. Then the grass turns yellow, the leaves ehange their color, wither and fall; the swallows and other migrating birds fly toward the south; twilight comes once more: the stars, one by one, make their appearance, shining brightly in the pale blue sky; the moon shows itself again as the queen of the night and lights and cheers the long and dark days of the Scandinavian winter. The time comes at last when the sun disappears entirely from sight; the heav ens appear in a blaze of light and glory, and the stars and the moon pale before the aurora borealis.—“Land of the Mid night Sun.’’ Wanted to Brush Them Off. Passing down a quiet street not long since I saw two beautifully dressed wom en approaching. They were clad in deli cate colors, and spick and span from head to foot. Between them and me was a garbage wagon, and just as they came ' opposite about two tons of ashes was hoisted into it with a result to the women that was detrimental to their appearance to a marked degree. “That mean old thing,” said one. “X know he did it on purpose,” said the other. “My eyes are so full of ashes I can’t see a thing.” “And so is my mouth,” said the other. But the climax was reached when the driver of the garbage wagon accosted them, saying: “Wouldn't yees like me to brush yees off?” These two women proved that warm hearts were beating beneath their dainty' clothes, for they only thanked him kind ly, but—refused.—New York Herald. The Antiquity of the Lark. The very first thought suggested by a study of the migration of birds is one of time. In tracing the migratory habit to its origin we find the history reaching back to the times previous to man, and we begin to realize how ancient is the aristocracy of the air. The lark did not come over with William the Conqueror, but his armorial bearing, if he thought it worth while to have any, would antedate those of every nr hie family in Great Britain.—Mrs. J. B. Southworth in Al bany Journal. Making Ants Useful. “One year,” says a Florida orange grower, “when few of my trees bore much fruit on account of insect ravages, I secured a largo crop. I induced the ants to frequent my trees by syringing the trees with a strong solution of sirup and water. The solution dried, leaving a saccharine substance adhering to the leaves, twigs and branches of the trees, in seeking which the ants killed the in sects which infested the trees.”—New York Tribune. The Odor of Fall Leaves. What sorrow of old memories, of illu sions faded, of dreams foregone, of friend ships chilled, of gold turned gray, comes into the heart as under the straying feet the first of autumn’s fallen leaves breathe out their secret! To the keen sense there is in the new fallen snow its own odor of cold, frank cleanliness.—Boston Com monwealth. I The small town of Grifton, N. C., can probably lay claim to more divisions than any other small place in the coun try. It is located in two counties, three townships, two congressional districts, two senatorial districts and two judicial districts. No one can have failed to notice that the foam along the shore of the sea or of a lake is white. No matter how deep the blue of the water may be, there is the same whiteness of the froth at its edge. For that matter, all foam is white. Oysters come nearer to milk than al most any other common food material as regards both the amounts and the relative proportions of nutrients, the food values of equal weights of milk and oys ters being nearly the same. The mouth is able to bear water of a very high temperature without incon venience—in fact, water so hot as to cause pain when the finger is inserted in it. Petsvius, th? author of “Dogmata Theologies,” when tired of study amused himself by twirling his chair for 5 or 10 minutes. When ■ Man’* Advice Waa Good. He who had much occasion to be abroad in the day when the snow, rain and Wind made merry with the population of this town saw some queer sights and heard some queer things. One of the worst crossings in the lower part of the city was at the intersection of Broadway and Fulton street, where the slush and snow formed an expanse of something which told nothing of the deptli of the mixture. Here and there was a hum mock which might furnish solid fooring, but probably wouldn’t. A young man, essaying the crossing, stopped half way between the curbs, and deciding that the rest of the ford was impassable turned back. As he did so he ran into an eld erly woman who was close behind him. “Beg pardon, madam,” said he. “but you’d better not try it." The lady gave her skirts an extra twitch and glared at the youth. “I want you to know,” she responded, ‘that 1 never needed a man’s advice, and I don't need it now. Lemme by.” The young man jumped to one side, and she who would not be befrien led went ahead. There was a splash, a half smothered cry, a wild scramble, and she stood on the sidewalk. But the slush had gone above the tops of her stout walking shoes. Grimly she looked back at her adviser, and the wind brought her remark to his ears: “I never took a man’s advice, but 1 wish I had that she New York Times. Both Parties Pleased. A Portland lawyer says that not long ago a man came into his office thorough ly angry—as men usually are when they go on such errands. He had called upon a debtor-and asked him politely for the payment of a bill of $2.50 and had been abused for his pains. Now he wanted the lawyer to collect it. The lawyer demurred. The amount was too trifling. It would cost the whole of it to collect it. “No matter,” said the client. “I don’t care if I don't get a cent, so long as that fellow’ has to pay it.” So the lawyer wrote the debtor a let ter, and in due time the latter appeared in high dudgeon. He didn’t owe any $2.50, and he wouldn’t pay it. “Very well." said the lawyer, “then m3’ instructions are to sue. But I hard ly think it will pay 3-011 to stand a suit for so small a sum.” “Who'll get the money if 1 pa3’ it? asked the man. The law-yer was obliged to confess that he should. “Oh. well,” said the debtor, “that’a another matter. If Mr. -isn’t going to get it. I am perfectly willing to pay it.” The debt was paid, the law3’er pock eted the amount, and, what is very un usual, all parties to the suit w-ere per fectly satisfied.—Portland Argus. Mediums In Japan. Spirit rapping vocation for women in Japan requires little apparatus. Rap ping is perhaps not the correct word, for there is really no “rapping" at all—the clients are simply put in communication with any spirit with whom they desire to speak. It is not necessary that the spirit should be that of a dead person, but the medium always inquires whether the spirit whose presence is desired is living or dead. The mediums always carry about with them a mysterious wooden box, about a foot or less square. Like the medicino bag of the Indian medicine man, its con tents are a secret to members of the same profession. These women usually have a bow of soft wood strung with a single string, and this they twang on the edge of the box like a caricature of violin playing. If the spirit required is that of a dead person, a leaf plucked from a graveyard is used to splash some water out of a small cup that stands in front of the medium. If the person is living, a sim ilar ceremony is performed with a piece of stick instead of a leaf. Then follows an incantation, and the spirit proceeds to speak through the medium. The medium charges sometimes as high as 15 or 20 cents.—San Francisco Call. What the College Gymnasium Does. The college gymnasium is a place uot for the production only of studious ath letes, but of athletic students. A place where an hour's varied exercise, a run, a spray and a rub down can bo had regu larly, and where a man may turn his thoughts wholly from books aud studies for awhile by a bout at fencing, or box ing, or by a game in the bowling alley, or in the handball court, from which he can get increased capacity for greater and better endeavors. Kept within its proper sphere, it is as necessary for the symmetrical and complete development of the young “scholar in politics” as is the mathematical recitation, the histor ical lecture or the debating society, and it is as legitimate.—Harper's Weekly. Drawbacks In Acting. It is sometimes hard work to be an actor, for the thumping and pulling and hauling that a person may have to en dure in an exciting scene are sometimes more than a mere show. Miss Selina Fetter had to give up her part in “The Henrietta” because she was injured by the fall required of her in every perform ance of that piece. A young leading man who has been playing Orlando in “As You Like It” for three nights is raw from wrists to elbows in cousequence of the thumps, slides and falls endured at the hands of a brawny athlete in the wrestling scene.—New York Sun. To Find Out Your Future Husband. At bedtime, having fasted since noon, two girls who wish to obtain a sight of their future husbands boil an egg, which must be the first egg ever laid by the ben, in a pan in which no egg has ever been boiled before. Having boiled it until it is hard they cut it in two with something that has never been used as a knife before. Each girl eats her half and the shell to the last fragment, speak ing no word the while. Then, still in silence, they walk backward to bed, “to sleep, perchance to dream.”—“English Folk Rhymes." PHE1 • - . M c 0 o 0 K T R 1 B U N E ■ ft Prints • w ♦ ♦ First^^lass + Advertising t ■ ■ Medium* DO YOU READ The Leading Weekly in West ern Nebraska, $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. F. D. BURGESS, PLUMBERf STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOK, NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday, Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. CF FT ■■■ ILFF—FFlFFIIFHFiiraW'!*m notary Public. Justice of the Peace. S. 331. COX-i'VIILT, REALESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property. Collections a Specialty. Jx£cOoo:s, - - - Brnmn'iwniiwriT i—i.«1 ■.■anwaimpuaBciwuw 11iwo——b—Mmaao—dbupi—am——amm— Zj'HIT 3SSI-1 'jCSSCIHTS. T.’S? OVEn, Jl will Avoiu «jnacs«» Frauds and Bogus Medical Institutes by going to the Old, Beliable DR. HENDERSON, i 02 3b 104 W. NINTH STREET, KAHSA3 CITY, MO. A Regular Graduate In Medicine. Over 26 i/ears’ practice—12 in Chicago. Established 1869. TUB OLDEST IS AOE, and LOSOEST LOtlTED, Authorized by th© State to treat tnromc, nervous and “ Special Diseases,” Seminal Weakness,(night losses), Sexual Debility (loss op sexual power), Nervous Debility, Poisoned Blood, Ulcers ana Swell* ings of every kind. Urinary and K idney Disease* etc Cures Guaranteed or Money Refunded, Charges Low. Thousands of cases cured every year. Experience is important. No mer* cury or injurious medicine used. No time lost from business. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free from gaze or breakage. State your case and send for terms. Consultation free and confidential, per sonally or by letter. For particular see RAAIf FOR BOTH SEXES.—80Pages HSlIBK full of descriptive pictures, sent yilVil sealed in plain envelope for 6c. in stamps. N. B.—This book contains secrets a- d useful knowledge which Bhould be read by every malo from 15 to 45 years of age-and kept under lock and key. FREE M18EIM OF ANAT OMY replete with a thousand interesting speci mens, including the celebrated French Manikin. T,rhich alone cost over $600. For Men Only. RHEUMATiaM. THE GREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CURE. ▲ POSITIVE CfcUK FOB RHEU9ATIS9. *50 *>)P any case this treatment fails to ure or help. Greatest discovery in nnals of medicine. One dose gives ' t Blief; a few doses removes fever and nin in ininfqr Cnrfl rnmnlptpd in n. nili IU Jl_ll iiLO, VUIO WUI|f»n.U III M - ew days. Send statement of case with stamp f07 ihrculars. DR. HENDERSON, KANSAS CITY, MO. It is an agreeable Laxative for the Bowels; can bo made into a Tea for use in one minute. Price 50c. and $1.(0 per package. If A An Elegant Toilit Power* StV HU for the Teeth and Breath—38c. The Leading Specialist of tlie United State.-* in His Line. Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Diseases. Yoang and Middle Aged Men: Remark able results have followed my treatment. Many YEARS of var ied and success ful EXPERI ENCE in the use of curative meth , ods that I alone |own and control for all disorders of M E N, who have weak or un developed or dis eased organs, or who are suffering from errors of youth and excess or who are nerv ous and IM PO TENT, the scorn of their fellows and the con tempt of friends and companions, leads me to GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos sibly be RESTORED, MY OWN EXCLUSIVE TKP:ATMENT will AFFORD a CURE ^"KEMEHIHEK, that there is hope for YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at once. Female Diseases cured at home without in struments; a wonderful treatment Catarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. syphilis. The most rapid, safe and effective treatment A complete cure guaranteed. t'kln Diseases of all kinds cured where many Others have failed. Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. r 1. Free consultation at the office or by mail. 2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosia 2 That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience, and a specialty Is made of his or her disease. 4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment A home treatment can be given in a maiorit- 4 of eases • €~ Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men No. 2 for Women. No. 3 for Skin Diseases Send !0o for 64-page Reference Book for Men and V. omen. All correspondence answered promptly Bus iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment sent tree from observation. Refer to banks In St. Joseph and business men. Address or call on • J. N. HATHAWAY, M. Q.. Corner 6th and F.dmond Sts.. St. Joseph, lie Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.