The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1893, Image 5

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    The oniy Pure of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
Well, the merry-go-round is with us
Quite an exciting runaway, Wednes
day. _
The Workmen held a special meeting,
Saturday night, adding a half dozen or
more to their already marvelous member
At the Harris Hardware you can get a
Sewing Machine a good one from $20 to
$45 with the company’s guarantee for
five years.___
The Christian Endeavorers are train
ing a choir from among their ranks to
provide music for the coming convention
in our city.
Last Monday evening the Degree of
Honor, A. O. U. W., held a social in
Meeker hall, for its members, which was
a most thoroughly enjoyable affair.
The buildings west of the Famous oc
cupied by Messrs. Kapke and McMillen
Bros, are being moved over to east Den
nison street, opposite the Arlington
hotel. _
A partnership has been formed by W.
E. West and Samuel Criswell for the
purpose of doing all-around work, carpet
laying, tree planting, house cleaning,
and the like.
John Williams, a recent arrival from
Illinois, has rented the Charles Squires
farm out in 29-4-30, and moved onto the
same this week. Mr. Williams will make
an excellent citizen.
C. A. Eldred, an old friend and a gen
tleman always, is attending to court bus
iness this week. McCook may be a nice
little town, but we would much rather
see Charley located in Kansas.—Atwood
(Kansas) Citizen.
The Tank Kee entertainments an
nounced to be given under the auspices
of the M. E. church soon have been de
clared off on account of the sickness of
Tank Kee, and his inability to be here
on the dates advertised.
Removai.:—McMillen Bros, have re
moved to east Dennison street, opposite
the Arlington hotel, where they can be
found as usual with everything you may
desire in the line of first-class harness
and saddlery. Remember the place, east
Dennison street, opposite the Arlington
It long ago seemed as though
shoes could never be better and
never be cheaper, but they are
better now and cheaper now than
they ever were before. The great
every day favorite is our men’s
and ladies’ shoe. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won’t wear you out
to wear it out. You don’t need to
take care of it; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the simple reason that a
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before, the price of this shoe will,
for it costs only §2.50. It will
look nicer and wear longer than
any shoe on earth.
It is time to inaugurate that corn
campaign. The suggestion that the
Nebraska building at the fair be largely
devoted to the propagation of knowl
edge concerning this great cereal has
been received with enthusiasm in all
parts of the state. Now let us have
definite plans from the Columbian
oommission and assurances that this
unequaled opportunity to show our
wealth in tnis direction will not be
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kapke, last Friday.
James Kirby, who lives about ten miles
north of here, fell from his wagon, last
Saturday, fracturing his hip bone quite
Call and inspect Kalstedt’s immense
stock of new goods. The finest selection
ever exhibited in the city. Don’t wait
until the line is broken.
B. F. Troxel reports the sale of the
south half of section 29-2-30 to Joseph
Croker and the northwest quarter of sec
tion 15-1-30 to C. B. Gray.
Now while we have time let us rake
the dead grass and dressing off our lawns,
clean up the winter accumulations of rub
bish in the back yard and prepare for
making our premises as pleasing and
cheerful looking as possible.
The Congregational people at a busi
ness meeting held after services, Sunday
morning, decided to build a parsonage
on the lot south of the church. They
expect to commence work some time
next month.
We regret that Hon. James Harris of
our city will not have an opportunity of
testing the capacity of Pat Egan’s pants.
J. D. Porter of Tennessee has been named
as Egan’s successor.
They are preparing a nice Easter pro
gram for the evening service at the Red
Willow school house, next Sunday. The
exercises, music, etc., by the children
and others, will be interesting, appro
priate and enjoyable, commemorating
an event fraught with richest blessings
to all. _
Monday evening, March 27th, McCook
lodge 61, A. 0. U. W., elected as repre
sentatives to Grand Lodge in May: F. D.
Burgess, J. A. Wilcox, W. H. Davis, A.
P. Welles and C. H. Meeker. Alternates
are F. A. Thompson, W. W. Archibald,
C. K. Putman, J. H. Dwyer, and L. J.
The indications are that the city elec
tion on next Tuesday will be the most
hotly contested one in the history of the
city. But the “slush fund” will not pre
vail, nor will the ill gotten gain of fallen
women and of gamblers win the victory.
Felix Kennedy will be elected mayor by
a safe majority. Note the prediction.
The McCook club room was entered,
last Friday night, by unknown persons
who were intoxicated or lost to all sense
of decency, and the various departments
were befouled in a most disgusting and
vile manner, and a condition of wildest
disorder inaugurated. It seems to be al
most incredible that such acts of vandal
ism should be perpetrated in this civil
ized age.
The “laying on hands” for complaints,
especially in children, is taking the place
of Christian science. A McCook mother
cured heir boy of the cigarette habit with
one dose. She laid her left hand on the
boy’s neck, her right hand on a substan
tial slipper—and then laid the slipper
where it would do the most good. It
effected a cure and a relapse is not looked
for. _
This community was surprised and
saddened by the news of the death of
Mrs. Joseph Spotts, which took place at
an early hour yesterday morning at the
family residence in east McCook. The
deceased leaves a husband and one little
child to mourn her taking off, and to
them all hearts go out in profoundest
sympathy. The funeral will occur on
Sunday, if the remains can be preserved
until that date.
Those editors who are always and
eternally gabbling about exposing some
body; bragging about their independ
ence; telling how they are standing up
for the freedom of the press and declar
ing they don’t care who it hits they are
going to tell the truth—never expose
anything except their ears; are the most
arrant sychophants in the profession; are
generally awful examples of the black
mailing class of newspaper frauds, and
seldom or never tell the truth except
when it may bring them gain or make
them to appear valiant.
The announcement of the death of
Willie, youngest child of Postmaster and
Mrs. Troth, Saturday morning, came
upon the community with the startling
and saddening effect of a great surprise,
as it was generally supposed that their
little boy was getting along nicely. How
ever, membraneous croup set in, the pre
vious night, rendering the operation of
tracheotomy imperative. Drs.Kay, Davis
and Gage performed the operation the
following morning, from which the little
fellow in his enfeebled state did not re
cover. The funeral occurred on Sunday
afternoon, a large company of sympa
thizing friends following the remains of
the dear one to Longview. There were a
number of beautiful floral tributes. The
bereaved ones have the fullest, tenderest
sympathy of all in their profound sorrow.
Today is Good Friday.
The lady byker creates quite a sensa
tion. _
Tank Kee will not exhibit in our city
as announced.
Columbian envelopes are the govern
ment’s latest fad.
- '
Benkelman has temporarily closed her
public schools on account of sickness.
Giggle, gabble, gobble, git, was Oliver
Wendell Holmes’ definition of an after
noon tea. _
Work on W. A. Mitchell's dwelling on
north Manchester street was commenced
on Monday morning.
The Lincoln Journal mentions Cal.
Wiggins as a probable appointment for
register of the McCook land office.
C. A. Stephens, who recently arrived
from Iowa, and purchased a farm about
five miles east of the city, has a sick child.
A burned child fears the fire, but child
ren of older growth evidently do not
judging from the number of prairie fires
to be seen all about us.
The First National bank of Lincoln
has been approved as reserve agent for
the First National bank of our city by
the comptroller of the currency.
The assistant secretary of the interior
has affirmed the decision of the general
land office in the case of Orpheus Bur
lingame vs.Laura M. Jones from McCook
land district.
Bert Lufkin moved out onto his farm
in Perry precinct, first of the week. He
expects to break out a large amount of
land, this season, and has been greatly
improving his house.
C. L. DeGroff let the contract, Tues
day, for his new house. It will be one
of the roomiest and most comfortable
dwellings in the city when completed.
U. C. Killebrew secured the contract.
Work will be inaugurated at once.
Last Saturday evening, James E. Eaton
had the misfortune to stumble over some
articles on the stair-way, falling down a
number of flights, breaking one of his
arms at the shoulder; an injury which
will require a numbei of week to repair.
Easter services at the Methodist
church, Sunday, will consist of a sermon
by Rev. Coffman at eleven o’clock in the
morning, and exercises by the Sunday
school at 7:30 in the evening. Cordial
invitation extended to all to be present
at both services.
C. B. Gray is now sole proprietor of
the Palace restaurant, having this week
purchased the interest of B. F. Troxel in
that popular establishment. Under the
new management the Palace will be
maintained up to the old standard of ex
cellence, and Mr. Gray hopes to enjoy
the patronage of all old friends and to
make as many new friends as prompt
and courteous treatment will attract.
The finding of a young girl named
Bates in the Kaley house of ill fame in
South McCook on Wednesday morning,
and the developments that a scoundrel
named Keley had kept her away from
home all night in an endeavor to take
her to Omaha for immoral purposes, and
the enraged father of the girl going gun
ning for the fellow with a Winchester,
startled the people of this city most pro
foundedly, Wednesday morning. Kelley'
was afterwards arrested and placed in
jail; from which he was released not
many hours thereafter, with the under
standing, we are informed, that he leave
the city immediately, which it is thought
he did. Hell is not hot enough for such
scamps, but McCook should be made
too hot for them.
It is a delicate subject, we appreciate,
and we have referred to the matter afore
times, but the fact remains that the city
cemetery needs attention, this spring.
With but few exceptions graves and
family plats are in a sadly neglected state,
in the city of the dead out on the hill.
We make these observations simply to
remind some of a neglected or forgotten
duty. The city cemetery is not in har
mony with the good taste, wealth and
tender sentiment of this people; and The
Tribune hopes the coming season will
see a marked change wrought therein.
That trees, shrubbery, flowers, grass, if
not the more costly monuments, fences
etc., trill be placed there; and that the
general appearance of the last resting
place of so many of our dear ones will be
greatly improved.
Monday, Sylvester Cordeal had an ex
perience while attempting to ford the
Republican river at a point near Culbert
son, which will suffice him for the rest
of his natural days. When he got al
most to the south bank of the river his
bronchos took a notion to go in bathing,
and both of them laid down in the wa
ter, breaking the whipple tree of the
buggy, from which they became disen
gaged, making their wTay back to the
north side of the stream. (Sylvester is
a little disconnected about some of these
details.) Not being able to swim, he
was about in the position of being be
tween the devil and the deep blue sea.
After spending a few hours in the buggy,
Micawber-like waiting for something to
turn up, by some vigorous yelling he
finally attracted the attention of a far
mer who drove into the river with his
team, and pulled his buggy ashore. Af
terwards catching the bronchos, helping
to fix up the vehicle, and sending the
luckless Syl. onward bound. (We might
add that the Culbertson bridge was nsed
on the homeward crossing of the river.)
Lawyer Selby was a business visitor,
Rev. Hy. Buettner was over from Dan
bury, Saturday.
D. W*C. Beck of Indianola was a city
visitor, Wednesday.
Dr. W. A Demay of Danbury was a
city visitor, Wednesday.
Sheriff Banks was an official visitor at
the metropolis, yesterday.
Mr. Hocknell arrived home, yesterday
noon, from his eastern trip.
Editor Mitchell of the Courier was
among us, briefly, yesterday.
Prof. Howard of the Indianola schools
was a city visitor, last Friday.
Judge LeHew was a passenger on 6,
yesterday evening, for Omaha.
George E. Johnston moved into his
new home, fore part of the week.
R. M. Snavely was a brief sojourner in
the metropolis, Wednesday night.
City Treasurer Laycock is confined to
bed with an attack of typhoid fever.
L. R. Hileman was in Omaha, first of
the week, returning home Wednesday.
M. Y. Starbuck is in Omaha on a visit
to his daughter, Mrs. George Goodwin.
J. M. Sewell was up from Hastings,
yesterday, seeing after his grain business.
P. A. Wells was in Hayes county, Tues
day and Wednesday, on loan business.
Mrs. J. F. Ganschow went down to
Holdrege, yesterday morning, on a short
J. H. Stephens has been up from Bart
ley a few days on business for the Crete
Adam Grass of Indianola was among
the business visitors to the metropolis,
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis went up to
Denver, Sunday, returning home on 6,
Miss Myrtie Roberts was up from
Arapahoe, last Friday, on a visit to Mc
Cook friends.
Mrs. Emory Williams of Wauneta was
the guest of her sister Mrs.Wm. Anderson
on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cornutt of Culbert
son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
LaTourette, Tuesday.
Mesdames W. R. Starr and E. R.
Banks of Indianola attended the Lowman
opening on Wednesday.
Miss McGiuley of our city has been
the guest of her sister at Oxford, Mrs. D.
McPhee, for a few days.
W. C. Bullard came in from Omaha,
yesterday, to look after his extensive
lumber interests up the valey.
Miss Allison will spend the week’s va
cation with her sister at Almena, Kas.
Will depart for that place tomorrow.
C. W. Barnes of the Times-Democrat
was in Omaha, first of the week, on bus
iness, arriving home on Monday night.
J. H. Ludwick is entertaining his
mother who arrived from Lincoln, Mon
day noon, to make quite a protracted
Mrs. Carrie Mitchell and Miss May
Mitchell, mother and sister of E. J
of the Courier, will leave for Indianola
Messrs. Etter & Miller are in charge
of the Commercial House, with Scott
and Jordan on the clerical force—a strong
Miss Holland left for her home near
Indianola, last Friday, being excused on
account of sickness for the remaining
week of the winter term.
Mrs. V. Franklin and the children left
on Monday morning for Kansas, expect
ing to make quite a lengthy visit to her
old home for her health’s sake.
Mr. Caleb Clothier was called down
from Hayes county, Sunday to attend
the funeral of his nephew Willie Troth.
He also spent the early days of the week
in the city.
Mrs. W. W. Brown, Miss Dot Daven
port and Miss Bertha Kleven were down
from Culbertson, Saturday afternoon, to
see Mrs. Paulsen depart for London,
England, on 6.
O. M. Knipple went down to Beatrice
and Fairbury on 6, Tuesday evening, to
dispose of a carload of potatoes he had
shipped from here the day previous. The
consignment consisted of about 8oo bu
shels of “Early Ohios” of a superior
quality. _
The opponents of the “school fads”
will be pained to hear that a bill has
passed the Arizona assembly providing
that Spanish shall be taught in schools
in incorporated cities and towns where
the parents of fifty pupils petition for
the employment of a Spanish teacher.
The “anti-faders” are doing their best to
bring the schools back to the old system
of teaching the three R’s, and the intro
duction of a little Spanish will strike
them as an attempt to overturn the con
stitution of the United States.
The serious illness of Editor J. D. Cal
houn of Lincoln aroused the earnest sym
pathy of the craft throughout the state,
and news of his convalescence will be
hailed with satisfaction all along the line.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by (U. Ryan.
Unprecedented Attendance.
In point of number present J. Albert
Wells’ postponed spring opening of dry
goods, millinery and carpets, last Friday
afternoon and evening, was the most
successful and gratifying opening he has
ever held in McCook.
The quantity and quality of goods on
display in every department were fully
up to their high standard, making an
assortment of varied excellence and sub
stantial merit only excelled in the more
pretentious cities.*
In the dry goods department Mr.
Wells displayed good judgment in the
solid excellence and in the rich variety
of his purchases of dress goods, linens,
muslins, and in fact of all the multitudi
nous articles which go to make up a com
plete and attractive line.
But it was in the millinery department
that the largest measure of interest cen
tered, and Miss Cory’s cleverness and
skillful taste were never exhibited to grea
ter advantage than in the marvelous cre
ations in charming hats and bonnets
shown, (of which there was a large dis
play,) not to attempt an enumeration of
the endless array of the pretty and fash
ionable things to be seen in that depart
The carpet department contained a full
stock of ingrains, Brussels,rugs, portieres
etc. It has always been one of the mark
ed characteristics of the establishment,
and this season’s line is complete.
The window displays were decidedly
pretty and effective, calling forth many
words of appreciation and praise.
Prof. Reizenstein’s orchestra of four
pieces furnished some delightful music
for the evening opening, adding a pleas
ing element to an auspicious event.
On Wednesday evening of this week,
at the home of the bride’s parents on
Driftwood, Mr. William L. Critser and
Miss Gold A.Russell were made husband
anil wife, Pastor Stevenson officiating.
Only the relatives and nearest friends
witnessed the ceremony uniting in mar
riage two of our sterling and most esti
mable young people, who start out on
the voyage of life with the wishes of a
host of friends for their prosperity and
happiness. A sumptuous wedding feast
was spread in honor of the event. The
happy couple have settled down to
housekeeping on the Golfer farm. They
were nicely remembered as the following
list indicates: Rocker and dining room
chairs, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Russell; silver
table spoons, Mr. and Mrs. LAV. Critser;
silver tea set, berry dish and bread tray,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Weaver and Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Colvin; table linen, Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Russell; silver tea
spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benjamin;
silver butter dish, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Grimes; silver sugar shell, butter knife
and pickle fork, Jack and Anna Hurd;
towel, Guy Russell; pickle caster, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Dwyer; sugar shell and
butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bennett;
dresser scarf, L. Lowman & Son; salt
and pepper shaker, Misses Furbush &
Reynolds; water set, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Schmitz; silver syrup pitcher and tray,
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stevens and Charles
Boatman; table linen, Mr. and Mrs.
William Lewis and W. R. Cole; silver
napkin rings, Mrs. Cora Kelley; silver
knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
Cochran; table linen, Jesse, Floyd and
Harrison Russell; rocker, S. J. Jordon
and family, Sutherland, Iowa; sugar
shell, James and May Prime, Oxford,
Nebraska; boquet, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Their First Opening.
Mrs. Furbush & Reynolds’ millinery
opening, Wednesday afternoon and even
ing, was a modest though entirely grati
fying affair. Many ladies inspected their
fine and stylish selection of millinery,
flowers and trimmings, and were delight
ed with their array of fashionably and
tastily trimmed hats and bonnets. The
ladies are both clever artists in that line,
and have occasion to feel well satisfied
with the success of their initial spring
opening event, and with the attendance
and attention it received.
The Tribune is at a loss to under
stand why prairie fires are allowed to
burn on unmolested as they have been
lately and still are. The nightly horizon
is illuminated with them, and the atmo
sphere filled with the stench of their un
ceasing smoke. Thousands of acres have
been burned over and some damage
doubtless occasioned. All perhaps on
account of carelessness and thoughtless
ness. They are dangerous and expensive
nuisances and should be abated.
Wednesday afternoon Rev. W. C. Stev
enson united in marriage at his residence
Mr. John Engstrom and Miss Anna Hill,
| both of Frontier county.
If you want fire or
tornado insurance in
Reliable Companies,
call on C. J. Ryan.
Provisional Program.
The Y. P. S. C. R. have prepared a
provisional program for the coming con
vention April 28-30 which bespeaks an
interesting gathering.
Song Service..
Address of Welcome.C. T. Watson.
Response.Miss Mayo, Beaver City.
Address.C. A. Murcli, State Pres.
Sunrise Meeting.led by Joe Wells.
8:30 o’clock.Devotional Service
Business meeting,election of officers,
.Committee Conference.
afternoon 1:30.
Bible Reading.W. Alcorn, Minden.
Unifying Influence of the C. R. by
.Elder Wright, Elwood.
Our Pledge. . Rev.S.B.Crosby, Loomis.
Question Box.P. F. Cook, Lincoln.
Address, Rev.H.S.MacAyeal,Cambridge.
State Work.F. F. Cook, State Sec.
evening 7:30.
Praise Service.
Montreal Convention,.
.L. P. Ludden, Lincoln.
Address. ..Rev L. S. P. Boyce, Hastings.
SUNDAY 6:30, A. M.
Sunrise Meeting.
10 o’clock.Praise Service.
Mass Meeting, Sunday Schools,to be
addressed by O.M.Needham, Albion.
Sermon.Rev. L. P. Ludden.
afternoon 2:30.
Song Service.
Junior Work.Mrs. 0. M. Needham.
Missionary Address.
.F. Carruthers, Hastings.
Address—“Fishers of Men,”.
.F.W. Ober, Omaha.
Prayer and Praise Service..
Address.Rev. H. O. Scott, Hastings.
Closing Consecration Service.
.C. A. Murcli, Kearney.
Sad If True.
Tights are doomed; so say the dress
makers. They don’t refer to those ex
posed to public view on the stage. O,
dear, no! No fashion can drive them
out of fashion. What they do refer to
are the tights that correctly dressed wo
men have been wearing for the last two
years in lieu of peticoats. With the ad
vent of crinoline and abundance of un
derskirts will be in vogue again, as they
were a decade ago, and women loaded
down with stiffly starched linen will
rustle as they walk like the wind among
the forest trees.
PI ews-Dudek.
Monday evening at the home of the
bride’s father Joseph Dudek of Red Wil
low precinct, Rev.W.C.Stevenson united
in marriage Mr. Mathew Plews and Miss
Katherine Dudek, the marriage taking
place in the presence of the relatives and
a few near friends.
The estimable young people departed
on the noon train, Tuesday, for Littleton.
Colorado, near where they will make
their future home. They have the well
wishes of many friends for their happi
ness and prosperity.
Lost:—Thursday noon, between Car
ruth’s and Wells’ stores, a lady’s gold
watch chain, with pearl handle pencil
attached. A suitable reward will be
paid for its return to this office.
Pony For Sale,
A good, gentle family pony for sale
cheap. Inquire at this office for particu
C. 0. D. STORIi.
This week New Teas.
New Uncolored Japan.45c
The 60c kind.
Better Uncolored Japan.55c
The 75c kind.
A Wire Leafed Basket Fired
Japan at. 60e*
A finer tea than can be bought at
the credit stores.
Baking Powder.
Columbia Yeast Powder 23c lb.
There is no better at any price.
Dried Fruits.
California Evaporated Pears 14c
per pound.
Whole Apples, Evaporated. . 15c
per pound.
Peeled Peaches, Evaporated.. 24c
per pound.
Apricots, Evaporated.23c
per pound.
C. O. D. Store.