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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
ft IStfaok JVitap. By F. M. K1MMELL. *1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. W —... 1 . . -.-■■"i.:-::;. ■■ 'u: —,— ALL HOME PRINT. The imperative and overshad owing duty of the hour is the inauguration of a thorough and effective reform in our municipal matters. The scandals of the *ftlush fund,” the slack observance Of the Sunday closing clause of the Slocumb law, the running wide open of gambling dens, the daily tiauntings of vice and im morality in the face of the public, onder the present administration, have caused a stench in the nos trils of every good citizen, and call out to high heaven for a purifica tion. Mayor Brewer has been twice tried and found wanting. Gambling, the social evil, and Other irregularities, have under his regime become more securely intrenched than ever before in the City’s history. Unrighteous fines Collected from fallen women and gambling men have been illegally diverted from the school fund to a “slush fund,” which has been a <3t>urce of unprecedented corrup tion. During the past two years the lawless and bum elements have been supreme. The Tribune now believes the hour has come when the law-abiding citizens of Mc Cook must step forth to a man, Old ted, determined, unswerving, ;tud demand a halt and a change. Xhe emergency calls for the lay ing aside of all personal consider ations and religious prejudices and for concentration upon the one great desirable end, that of secur ing a cleaner city government, Heeded reforms in its financial and moral affairs. The Tribune be lieves that these wrongs can best be righted, the moral tone of our city elevated, that fines will be placed where they legally belong, tiiat gambling in public places at least will be suppressed, restric tions will be placed on the social efVil which now flaunts its liideous Uess so flagrantly and publicly, that the notorious “slush fund” if ill sink into a hateful oblivion— by the election of Felix Kennedy t’p the office of Mayor. Let no man fail to do his duty next Tues day, and McCook will be redeemed from a shameful misrule. If that scoundrel and alleged procurer Kelley was released at the instance of “Denver Kate,” as we are informed by reliable citi zens is the case, the city of Mc Cook is indeed in a sad aud pitiable plight—we have sounded the depths of infamy. If it is no crime to keep a young girl from home all night and to steer her into a house of infamy in the nforning, why was the fellow ar rested? If it is such a heinous crime to society as good citizens agree it is, why was he released? (Jould such a debased and despica ble a fellow know anything that thp present city authorities have eabse to be alarmed about should he have been placed on the witness stand ? Such deep-dyed, devilish deeds as thet of the alleged procurer Kelley, which came to light on Wednesday morning, but intensify the imperative character of the demand for a better and cleaner i«3d more honorable administra tion of the municipal affairs of the cfty of McCook. The young girls of our city must be defended and protected from the hellish designs afld wolfish wiles of such agents of the pit of perdition. A safe afld long step toward better things is a vote for Felix Kennedy for irikyor._ Good people, if you feel that McCook needs a purer city gov ernment, vote for Felix Kennedy tbr mayor, and The Tribune guar afltees many desirable changes for the better and cleaner whmnistra tion of our municipal affairs. j An Auspicious Opening. Perhaps their most auspicious opening since the advent of L. Lowman & Son to our city was that held by them on the the afternoon and evening of Wednesday of this week. Their establishment was thronged to overflowing by the ladies of McCook and vicinity and from neighbor ing towns, anxious to see the unusu ally large and elegant stock just opened for inspection in all departments of their well filled store. Their purchases this season exceeded all previous efforts both in point of amount and richness and variety, and their display in the several departments was the finest they have ever made. In dry goods they presented a most attractive assortment; especially was the exhibit of dress goods complete and rich and varied. The department in its va rious lines was replete with many new and desirable goods, in quality and price to suit all. In the millinery department there was a particularly pretty and effective dis play of handsome and stylish trimmed hats and bonnets, together with an end less variety of the fashionable and lovely et ceteras of the milliner’s art. Miss Odum is in charge of this department, and gave ample and satisfactory proof of her fitness to preside over that interest. Miss Rowell also had on display from the popular dress-making rooms of the establishment a rich and handsome crea tion made as a part of the wedding out fit of an Iowa prospective bride, which was a credit to that department, and elicited many expressions of praise. In imported and domestic cloaks there was a fine selection of natty and swell garments. Souvenirs were distributed to the early guests, the unusual attendance, however, soon making the supply to disappear. It was withal a very gratifying opening. Mrs. Frank Harris Entertains. Mrs. Frank Harris invited in a large company of lady friends, Wednesday evening, to meet Mrs. T. B. Stutzman of Davenport, Nebraska, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past two or three weeks. The character of the amusement was rather unique, but fascinating,—something of a guessing match: Cards were furnished each guest containing fifteen combinations of letters which represented the names of fifteen old testament worthies. The best guesser and speller received the prize. Quite a number of the ladies were successful, but in drawing cuts Mrs. Z. L. Kay came off victorious. The prize was an embroid ered silk handkerchief. Refreshments were served at a late hour, of an elaborate, toothsome and tasty sort. The guests were: Mesdames W. S. Morlan, C. H. Meeker, John Hatfield, Z. L. Kay, W. F. Lawson, L’Roy Allen, J. F. Kenyon, J. F. Ganschow, C. L. De Groff, S. L. Green, Albert McMillen, C. F. Babcock, U. G. Moser, A. Campbell, G. A. Noren, J. Albert Wells, Fowler Wilcox, J. F. Forbes, J. F. Heber, II. P. Sutton, J. P. Lindsay, F. M. Kimmell, J. W. Boyle of Chicago, Illinois, T. B. Stutzman of Davenport, Nebraska, E. C. Ballew, W. C. Stevenson, Julian Hulan iski, Mrs. Patten and Miss Lyons. Romance for April is the eighth in that series of special numbers, nearly half of its contents being from the Ital ian. The famous Italian authors are represented in this collection, and the selection embrace a powerful war story, an alms-house sketch, a tale of King Humbert’s kindness, two sparkling love stories, and thrilling incidents, legends and adventures. Besides the Italian stories, there are strong and beautiful tales by Harriett Prescott Spofford, Eva Wilder McGlasson, Mary C. Hunger ford and others; an April fool story, a very funny Ghost story by Oscar VVilde, and one of the most charming of French love stories, by Henri de Chennevieres. The interesting periodical comes from Romance Publishing Company, Clinton Hall, Astor Place, New Yoik. 25 cents a number; $2.50 a year. It is commendable to be a good house keeper, but don’t be a fussy one. It isn’t necessary to make every one un comfortable around you in your crusade against untidiness, and remember always that but one room at a time can be set in order; therefore do not get the whole house upset in your zealous ardor. Keep one nook cosy and comfortable for the men folks to drop into at night. Try and remove as far as possible the annoyances of the spring cleaning from those who toil outside all day long and need rest when they come home at its close, instead of having to camp out any way or anyhow, just because the house is being put into its summer clothes. -— The burning question with house wives of all lands, all creeds, and all ages is: “Which is the best Cooking Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer this question today by proclaiming the “Charter Oak Stoves” to be the best in every conceivable shape. The only place in McCook where you can secure the New Departure Cultivat or is at the Harris hardware, the exclu sive agents for that peerless cultivator. Great Q Emotional Sale of Shoes! They simply mast be moved to make room .for our New. Spring Goods... ® Tears may flow and hearts may break at the thought of putting such Low Prices on these Goods, but. Go they Must, and Go they Shall. I Emotionally Yours, McMILLEN BROS. Are Headquarters ...for... HARNESS * -AND SADDLERY. They Carry the Largest Stock in McCook, And the only Complete Line in Southwestern Nebraska. GO AND SEE THEM When You Need Anything Their Line... Soar of the Famote.——— EDWARD K. SHAW, Regimental Blacksmith, HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH SHOP OX MARSHALL STREET, Opposite Billiard’s lumber yard ami in O’Neil’s carpenter shop. / Will Cure Interfering Horses & Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO HAVE A FIRST-CLASS WAGON MAKER. will give you value received or no pay. Prices reasonable. —CALL AT— LENHART’S LAUNDRY For First-Class Laundry Work. —O— McCook, - Nebraska. ESTABLISHED 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. • ••••••• / • • • Famous Clothing Co. I SPRING 1893. dfl Entire New and Qlioice Stocft of ___I Mei ail Boys’ Clotkiii, Finisliii Bools ail Stylist Hats ail Cats. The Latest Styles in Colors and Shapes, as well as the more Staple Goods, comprising in all the Largest and Finest Assortment in South western Nebraska. We want everybody to call and see the New Styles in Every Department. March 9, 1893. JONAS ENGEL, ^,McCook, Nebraska. Manager. S. D MeClaiu. Frank Nichols. s. o. McClain & co., Well Drillers. Guarantee all Work to be ...First-Class... JSlrDrders may be left at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s store in McCook. Nebraska. IME TONES, Livery, Feed & Boarding STABLE. Lindner Barn, McCook. Neb. Good Rigs and Reasonable Prices. 33?“First-class care given boarding horses, and charges fair. Call and give me a trial. Consult B. F. Troxel If you want good Bull Stone. i —AT A VERY— Low Price. -m He has iu Stock a Large | ...Supply of... FINE, HARD STONE. j —o Sec him if you contemplate building and cot his prices. ^mm BASE • BURNERS, HORSE BLANKETS, —^-AND^ BUGGY ROBES, LaTourette’s.