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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
W. 8. Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. William W. Bunnell, Jennie I.. Bunnell, George w. Burton and Andrew K Harvey, partners doing business under Ihe iinn uatiiu ot Button 6c Harvey, Emeigon, lalcott and Company, a corporation, Chicago scraper and Ditch Company and Maywood Company Con solidated, a corporal iou, Star Wagon Company, a corporation, M. K. Bout ley and Clark M. Story, defendants, will take notice liml Saui C. Colt, plaintiff herein, lots hied Ins petition in the district court ot [ted Willow county, Nebraska, against ihe above-named uefeiid ruts, the object and prayer of watch are to foreclose u certain mortgage executed and delivered to ihe plaintiff by the defendants William W. Bunnell and Jennie L. Bunnell oil the 14th day of Goto er, 1885, upon the north west quarter of section number eleven (11) in township number two (2) north, range number twenty-seven 1271 west, in Bed Willow county, Nebraska, to Secure tbe payment ot their elev en certain promissory tor $400 HO due October third. 1890, and leu for $18.00 maturing Apr41 hist. 1888, and one maturing every six months tbeiealter, until the matur ity oi the last ol said ten notes, which tnatur ed October first. 1M90. That there is now due ou S lid notes and mortgage, including $23.70 of tuxes on said premises paid b\ plaint iff, the sum of $535.70, with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent per annum from the first day of April, 1881); ami plaintiff pray;* for a decree that the defendants be require to pay the same, or ihul said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, and costs ot suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, May first. 1893. Dated this22d day of March. 1893. SAM U. COLT. Plaintiff. By W. 8. M or I an, his attorney. First publication March 24. 1893. W. 8. Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Theodore M. Phillippi. Alice Phillippi, John liuel. Elizabeth ltuel, George W. Burton aim Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing busi ness under the firm name ot Burton 6c Har vey, Caleb Clothier, John McCrary and Ster ling P. Hart and Mrs. Sterling P. Hari, his wife, whose first name is to plaintiff unknown, defendants, will take notice tlmt Joseph H King, as executor of the last will ami testa ment of James Burnham, deceased, plaintiff herein, has hied his petition in the district court of Be<l Willow county, Nebruska. against said defendants, the object and prajer of winch are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted and delivered to the said James Burn hum on tbe lOtb day of November, 1888, by the defendants Theodore M. Phillippi, Alice Phil lippi, John line I, Elizabeth ltuel, upon the cast half of the northwest quarter aud the north hull of Ihe northeast quarter of section number thirteen [13] in township uumber two [2] north, range uumber twenty-uine (29) west, in Bed Willow county . Nebraska, to secure the payment of their eleven certain promissory notes, one for $800due October 21,1891, aud ten notes, for $24 each, one of which matured April 1st. 1887, and one maturing every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said notes which matured October 1st, 1891. That there is now due on said notes and uiort gage, including $11.40 of taxes oil said premis es paid by pluintiff, the sum of $659.40, with in terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of April, 1887, and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ants be required to pay the same, or that said premises aiay b*» sold to satisfy said amount, with interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, May 1st, 1893. Dated this 21sr day of March, 1893. Joseph II. King, as Executor, Plaintiff. By W.S. Morian, his attorney. First publication March24th, 1893 W. S. MoBlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. John W. Goetschins. Gerena E. Goetschins, George W. Burton and Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business under the firm name of Burton & Harvey, defendants, will take no tice that Harmoney E. Clark, plaintiff herein, has filed his petition in the district court of Bed Willow county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object aud pray erof which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered by the defendants John W. Goetschins and Cerena E. GoetschinH to one Cynthia C. Selden, now deceased, on tbe22d day of October, 1885, upon the east half of the northeast quarter and the east hall ot southeast quarter of section number eleven [11 in township number two [2] noith, range number twenty-seven [27] west, in Bed Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment ot their eleven certain promissory notes, onefer $300.00 due September 11th, 1890. and ten notes for $12.00 each, one due March first, 1880. and one maturing every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said notes, which matured September first, 1899; that there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of $310.38, with interest, including taxes on said premises paid by plaintiff; and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, May first. 1893. Dated this 13th day of March, 1893. HABMONEY E. CLARK, Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan, his attorney. First publication March 24.1893. W.S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Amos Cammack,Elizabeth Cammack,George W. Burton and Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing business under the firm name of Burton & Harvey, J. H. Goodrich, Jr.. J. J. Dillon,and Mrs. J. J. Dillon, his wife, whose first name is to plaintiff unknown, defendants, will take notice that Gertrude E. Sadd, plaintiff herein, has filed her petition In the district court of Bed Willow county, Nebraska, against said defencant8, the object aud prayer ot which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered to the plaintiff on the 24th day of January, 1887. by the defendants Amos Cammack and Elizabeth Cammack upon the west half of the southeast quarter of section number twelve(12)in township numbetrthree(3) north#rangetwenty-nine[29|west,in BedWillow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of their eleven certain promissory notes, one for $300 due December 30th. 1891, and ten notes for $10.50 each, one of which matured July first, 1887, and one note maturing every six months thereafter until maturity of the last of said ten notes, which matured January first, 1892. There is now due on said notes and mortgage, including $23.48 of taxes on said premises paid by plaintiff, the sum of $375.98, with in terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of July. 1887, and plaintiff prays for a decree that said defend ants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satifysaid amount, and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. May first. 1893. Dated this2lst day of March, 1893. Gertrude E. Sadd, Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan, her attorney. First publication March 24th. 1893. J. E. Kelley, Attorney, McCook, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. To Levi Brown, non-resident defendant: Yon are hereby notified that on the 17th day of Match, A. D„ 1893, Sarah A. Brown filed a petition against you in the District Court of lied Willow county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground tiiat although of sufficient ability to provide suitable main tenance for her you have grossly, wantonly, and cruelly refused and neglected to do so, and that you fail and neglect to clothe, care for or provide shelter for her: that you have wilfully deserted and abandoned the plaint itf without a reasonable or just cause, and for alimony. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 24th day of Aprij, A. D., 1893. Sarah A. Brown, By J. E. Kelley, Plaintiff. Her Attorney. First publication March 17th, 1893.—4ts. Land Office at McCook, Neb., i Marcli 8th, 1S93. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of ids inten tion to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook, Neb., on Saturday, April 15th, 1893, VlZ' CHARLES S. SQUIRES, who made T. C. application No. 8285 for the 8. W. ]4 of sec. 29, in town. 4, north of range 30, west of the 6th P. M. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous cultivation according to law or said land, viz: John N. Smith, Walter K. Forsey, William Kosher and Andrew C. Modie all of McCook, Nebraska. J. P. Lindsay, Register. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Of tlie McCook Irrigation and Wa ter Power Company. First Tli* name ol said corporal ion shall he "The McCook Irrigation and Water I'ow.T t oiiipauy.” Second:—The principal place lor the trausactiun of its business shall he al Mc Cook. Keil Willow county, Nebraska. Third:—The general nature of the busi ness in be transacted is in own. Use ami operate the property known as the C. 11. Meeker irrigation Canal, for tile purposes 01 irrigation and power, to extend and in create the sail e as provided in the articles ul incorporation of said company, the purchase and sale and renting of land miner service of said ditch, the furnishing of water for irrigation, water power and domestic pur poses and tin* doing of all maimer ul work auxiliary to the general purposes aforesaid, as set forth in the said Articles of incorpo ration. Fourth:—The amount of capital stock aulliniized is one lumtlied and fifty thousand dollars, of which fifty thousand is subscribed Ht the time tin* company commences its business, ami thereafter stuck may be sold hv flic Hoard of Directors. Hie same being first offered to stockholders pro rata, and shall only be sold at its par value. Fifth:—The term for which said Corpo ration is formed is twenty live years, com mencing February l&lli, 1893, provided that fifty thousand dollars of stock shall be sub scribed before the corporation shall com mence its business. Sixth:—1The highest amount of indebted ness to which the corporation may subject itself at any onetime is one hundred thousand (#100,000) dollars. Seventh:—The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a board of seven direc tors, who shall be stockholders. By order of the Board of Directors at McCook, Nebraska, March 10th, 1893. A.Hanna, President. C. II. Meeker, Secretary. First publication March 17, 1893.—4ts. Frank H. Selby, Attorney, Cambridge, Neb NOTICE OF SUIT. In the District Court of Ited Willow county, state of Nebraska. Nebraska Mortgage Company, a corporation organized under and by virtue of toe laws of j the slate of Nebraska, plaintiff, vs. Louis Mather, Mary Mather, his wile, et al., defend ants. Louis Mather and Mary Mather, his wife, defendants, will take notice that on the 2d day of November, 1892, plaintiff herein filed its petition in the District Court of Ited Wil low county, Nebruska, against said defend ants uud others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose two certain first and second mortgages executed by the two above nuined defendants to the plaintiff, upon the north-east quarter of section three, township one. range twenty-nine, in Lied Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one coupon bond for the sum of $600. dated May 1st. 1887. due May 1st, 1889, interest 10 per cent from maturity of samo; seven promissory notes ot same date for the sum of $10.50 each, due May 1st. 1889. and each six mouths there at ter. respectively, interest 10 per cent from maturity of each note; seven coupon notes of same date as the above $10 50 interest at 10 per cent from matutity <.f each note; also the further sum of $33.14 taxes, with in terest at 20 per cent from date of the pay ment of same by plaintiff. That there is now due ami payable upon said notes and mortgages and for taxes, the sum of $843.14. with interest as aforesaid, for w hich sum. with interest as aforesaid, plaintiff pra\s for a decree that de fendants be required tc pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 24ih day of April, 1893. NEBRASKA MORTGAGE CO., By Frank H. Selby, Plaintiff. Its Attorney. First publication March 17,1893.-4ts. O. E. Butterfield, Attorney, Haigler, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. Thomas Inman, William Inman. Fowler In man, John Inman, Joseph Inman, Edwin Inman, Elizabeth Bessey and Mary Ann Hut son, defendants. wil1 take that on the 28th day of July, 1892, Howard H. Shields, administrator, plaintiff herein tiled his peti tion in the District Court of Red Willow County against James M. Inman’s estate et al., and on the 21st day ol' February, 1893. filed a supplemental petition in said cause against all of said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by James M. Inman in his lifetime to Amelia L. VauBuskirk or assigns, and assigned to plaintiff, upon the south half of the south-west quarter of section thirty-four, in township four, north of range twenty-seven, west ot the 6th P. M., in Red Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of $250. as specified in a certain mortgage bond, dated April 2,1888. due and payable in five years from date, or at option of holder on 30 days’ default of interest or taxes, with interest’at seven percent per annum payable semi-an nually. both principal and interest bearing interest from due at ten per cenr, and that there is now due upon said bond and mortgage the sum of $267 90. with interest at ten peri cent from April 1. 1892. and plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be lequired to pay' the same or that said promises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day' of April 1893. Dated February 22d. 1893. O. E. Butterfield, Attorney for plaintiff. First publication March 3,1893. 4ts W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. .lobn Paxton, defendant, will take notice that John Schmidt, plaintiff herein, has died Ins petition in the district court of Red Wil low county, state of Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to require the said de fendant John Paxton to execute and deliver to the plaintiff John Schmidt a good and suffi cient conveyance of lot l umber ten in block eight in the First Addition to the city of Mc Cook, Red Willow county, state of Nebraska, in accordance with a certain contract between the said plaintiff and the defendant, made the Kith day of April. 1890. wherein the said John Paxton agreed to execute and deliver to the said John Schmidt a deed of general warranty, for said premises clear from all incumbrances upon the payment by the said John Schmidt of the sum of eight hundred dollars, and i hut the plaintiff have specific performance of said contract. The said John Schmidt hs6 kept and performed all the conditions of said contiact on his part to be kept and performed; and the said John Paxton has failed and refuses to comply with the terms of said contract. You are required to answer said petition on or before the eighth day of May. 1893. Dated this 29tb day of March. 1893. John Scn.viDT, Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan, bis attorney. First publication March 31st, 1893. --- W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Publication Notice. Ira Sylvester and R >sa Sylvester, defend ants, will take notice that Sylvester Hine, plaintiff herein, has filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebras ka. against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered to the plain tiff on the 29th day of August, 1887. by the de fendants Ira Sylvester and Rosa Sylvester, upon the west half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of section number thirty (30) in township num ber three (3) north, range number thirty (30) RedWillow secure the payment of their eleven certain promissory notes, one for $300.00 due April 14th. 1892. and ten notes for $15.00 each,one of which matured October first. 1887. and one maturing every six months thereafter, until the maturity of the last of said ten notes, which matured April first, 1893. That there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of $474.70. including $24.70 of taxes on said premises paid by plain tiff, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of Oct ober, 1887; and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. May first, 1893. Dated this 31st dav of March. 1893. SYLVESTER HINE, Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan. his attorney. First publication March 24, 1893. Court Calendar. Chase County:—Man h 27th jury; hint? | 30th. no jury; Novimhei 13 jury Dundy county:—March 13 h jmx; <♦*,*». ber5th. no Jury ; N. vcmber 20' i». jury FltoNTIKit County — \pn. 3d.Jurt ;S. pt m ber 14th, in* jury; Noveuibei 6th jury FuunasCounty:—A«*r*l 17th.jury: Sepicm 11th, no jurv ; October 30tb, jury. OogPKit County: —February 27ih. jury ; -ep. tember 1st, no jury ;Decemtier 4<h. jury. H1TCH0OCKCounty: —March0th, jun ; .nine 27th, no jury : October 23d. jury HAYii.8 County:—April 24th. jury; >eptcm teinher 8th, no jury; Dceembcr llih. jury Hkd W1 ixiiw County:—Mav 8th Jury; Sep tember 18ih. no jury; December 18: h. jury. Dated at Cambridge, Neb.. .Ian. I. 1893. D. T. Wki.ty, Dist. Judge 14Hi Jud. Disc W. 8. ivlOKLAN, Attorney. McCook. Neil. Publication Notice. J. Ityron Jennings. Vina W. Jennings, also known as Vina W. Woods, and Mrs. M. A Jen nings. whose fuS) first name is to plaintiff un known, defendants,will tak?* notice iliui Helen T. Campbell, plaintiff bereiu, has filed her pc tit ion in the district court of Ibd Willow county. Nebraska, against said defcndum*. the object, and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed and deliv ered to the plaintiff 011 the 30th day of Juiy, 1889, by the defendants J. Byron Jennings and Vina W. Jennings also known us Vina W Woods, upon lot number one (1) in block num ber tw i(2) in the original town fnow city ; of McCook, together with the buildings thereon, all in It« d M illow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of theirseven certain promissory ! notes, one for $500.00 due Juh 30th. 1892, and six notes for $25 00 each, one maturing .lanu- j ary 30th, 1890. and one maturing every six ; months thereafter until the maturity of tin* last of said six notes, which matured July j 30th. 1892 That there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of five hundred and seventy five ($575.00; dollars, with interest! thereon at the rate of fen percent per annum from the30th day of July. 1891; and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be re-1 quired to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount, and costs ! of Rllit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. May first, 1893 Dated this 23d day of March. 1893. HELEN T CAMPBELL, Plaintiff. By W. S. Mnrlan. her attorney. First publication March 24, 1893. United States Land Office, i Mc'.lnok, Nebraska, March, 16th, 1893. | Public notice is hereby given that under ami l»y authority 01 instructions received from the Commissioner of tile General Land Office, the s. w. s. w. sec. 26, tp. 4 n., r. 30 vv.. containing 40 acres, and the i>. vv. % s. vv. 3^ of sec. 4. tp. 4 n., r. 27, vv. 6th P. M., containing 40 acres, will be offered for sale at this office oil the 19tli day of April, 1893, at 10 o’clock A. M. to the highest bidder, for cash, and at not less than $1.25 per acre, un der Section 24.55, U. S. Revised Statutes and the act of March 3,1,1891. .1. P. Lindsay, Register. I) E. Bomgardner, Receiver. .1. E. Keixey, Attorney. First publication March 17th, 1893.—51 s. Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the fourth day of April, 1893. next, at the usual voting places in each ward in Me' ook, Nebraska, an election will be held for Mayor. Treasurer, Clerk, Police Judge, Engineer, Councilman from the first ward and cnun cilman from the second ward, which election will be open at nine o’clock in the morning, and will continue open until seven o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated this 9th of March, 1893.' U. J. Warren, Clerk. Spring Novelties for Ladies. Novelties innumerable greet the shop per this season at every step of her journeyings from shot) to salon, from bazaar to emporium. Never was the variety greater or the materials more beautiful in texture, colorings and de vice. The woolen textiles of today—if one confine her attention to that alone— have readied such a degree of rich beauty that it would be an easy matter to design an entire outfit, or indeed, a whole trousseau with them. Among other elegaut frabrics are grenadine rayee, and miroir, ombre, cameleon and nacre velvet to use in combination with handsome silk or wool tissues. Ben galine ondine is very effective. Eglan tine royale is another handsome textile, likewise French taffeta in delicate tint ings, brocaded with Pompadour bou quets in natural colors. The Oriental dyes also are noted in many of these fabrics, the gay mixture catching tlio eye of the shopper at once. Indeed one would lose her way in this laby rinth of novelties unless she possesses a reliable guide. The McDowell Fashion Journals are precisely a sure companion for they contain the best and the most practical information. “La Mode de Paris” and “Paris Album of Fashion” are unique in taste and style, and cost $3.50 per year, or 35 cents per copy. “The French Dressmaker,” $3.00 per annum, or 30 cents per copy, ought to please every practical dressmaker. They contain beside invaluable lessons on dressmaking. “La Mode” is only $1.50 per annum, or 15 cents a copy. If you do not find them at your newsdealers’ you can be supplied with them by ap plying directly to Messrs. A. McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th Street, New York An exchange truthfuly remarks that many a good item of news is lost to the world in general, and slips through the fingers of the news gatherer entirely be cause so many people believe they appear to be thrusting themselves on the public notice when they volunteer information to a reporter—upon mattevs relating to themselves. It is not that they object to its publication—they prefer to see it printed in fact—but they will not inform the reporter themselves, for the reasons above stated. From the reportorial standpoint such people are wrong. The man who stops the reporter on the street to tell him that he has been to Wash ington or Nova Scotia, he contemplates building, that he is going to get married, that his wife has company, entertained friends last night, or presented him with a son and heir, is considered the salt of the earth, and he is too. May that class of men increase.on the earth is the prayer of all news-gathers. We sell the Empire letter copying books. Also best grades of type writ ing paper. The Citizens Bank of McCook. Incorporated under State Lawt. Paid Up Capital, $50,000 -DOES A General Banking Business. Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts draws directly on principal cities in Europe, Taxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS: V. FKANKLIN, President JOHN R. CLAKK, Vice Pres. A. C. EBEKT, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank, New York CKjr. Ffie First JYatiouaJ tBanf*. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $100,000. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCK NEIL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. IN. F. LAWSON, Cash,er. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. THE McCOOK ROLLER MILLS, E. H. DOAN. Proprietor, Is Now Open and Ready for Business. r^ri am prepared to handle all business in my line promptly and with the most approved machinery, -o- ' DOAN & HART are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are paying the highest market price. f E^-Mills and Elevator on East Railroad street. _ W i L : C : o - ¥ — — _ I at s : O = N ■ ——--\ (_ _/ "V Now is the time,.... ~ This is the place.... ® TO GET BARGAINS. We Have Added Clothing.... And Sell Boys’ and Mens’.... SUITS AT FROM $1.50 TO $18. Large Line of. * I HATS AND CAPS. Buy a Hat of Us and. We Will Give You a. * * Rockford No. 101 Hose 85c per Dozen. In 10 doz. lots and upwards 7~c per doz. .Coates Thread 50c per dozen. 22 LB.S N.O. SUGAR $1.00. ....AH Other.... GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. As Low as any House in the City. J. WILCOX & SON. ' J ” - -——— V GEO. J. BURGESS, Dealer in The Finest Line of Machinery Ever Brought to this County. —Call and See my Line of— SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, DISC HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS, BREAKERS AND SKt HARROWS. McCormick, Buckeye and Deering Binders and Mowers, Minnesota Chief Threshers, Randolph ^ Headers, Deere-Wells & Co. Plows, Keystone Agent Disc Harrows, Grand Detour, Little Yankee. FOR G. W. Brown’s Knox Lister, Norwegian Plows * ... and Gangs, Moline Flying Dutchman, Superior and Hoosier Drills, Hero and Buckeye Feed Mills, Moline and Ketchum Wagons. Yard West of First National Bank, McCOOK, NEB. A. J. RITTENHOUSK. C. H. BOYLE. KITTEN HOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW McCOOK. NEB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Bank. HUGH W. HOLE, Lawyer, MCCOOK, NEBBASKA Will practice in all courts. Coinmercla. ami corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National iild'y. f>. Ji. DAVIS. W. V. GAGE. —DAVIS <fc GAGE,— j Physicians k Surgeons, MCCOOK, NEBRASKA. I1 53?—Office IIockh: 9 to 11, a. in., 2 to 5 ami 7 to 9, p. in Room8 over First National bank. R. A. COLL, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, lias a fine stock of Cloths. Bind ings, and other trimmings always on hand. THE SUNDAY SUN, The Greatest Sundy Newspa per in the World. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Daily by mail - - - - 6 “ Daily and Sundy by mail -8 “ ADDRESS THE SUN, NEW YORK. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. I Bones branded on left hip or left should** P.O.addreu, Imperial. , Chue County, and Beat krloe. Neb. Range,Stink ling Water and French* [nan oreeka, Chau C*„ [ Nebraska. | Brand u eat on aide *T ■ iota* eaimail, on hip ami > Me* of eoae, or agp> 1 tUytratltuliiftl