The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1893, Image 2

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    What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infhnts
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas*
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother’s Friend.
’•Osstorta ts an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children.'*
Da. O. 0. Osqood,
Lowell, Maes.
M Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of thevariousquacknostrumswhichare
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves.’’
Da. J. F. Kinchklox,
Conway, Ark.
“ Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.”
H. A. Arches, E D.,
ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. T.
“ Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
produce, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, Ham
Allen C. Smith, Pm.,
The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, Near York City.
Union Press Drills and
One Horse Hoe Drills,
Absolutely Rusl Proof Tinware
Their prices on all goods are as low as the
lowest possible.
West Dennison Street, .... ITIcCOOK, NEBRASKA.
• •
CEMENT, - ■ ■ |1|| M m AND
wZfws, LUMBER. 8oft
• •
HTU. J. WARREN, Manager.
B. & M. Meat Market.
F. S. WILCOX, Prop,
^————a i
fable statements and try. Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Colts, Calves, Lambs and Pigs.#
tssell youasnbstltotf ‘Prepared by a Stockman. Harmless for stock InH
Boy the genuine. 'any condition. PrrrlQes the blood and permanently strength
_ ens the entire system. Our Superior medication guarantees sGp lay
19» Feeds In each Sbeest box.
St Fine Stock Engravings and hundreds of testimonials Free
St—Druggists. Grocers, General Dealers, etc.,or direotfrom us. j
Greatest Known Hog Cholera 1
80,V^eniV-nted- “TtBS^^SW'
flolc owwirs of _
• s
Oh, for a day of spring,
A day ot flowers and folly.
Of birds that pipe and sing
And boy hood's melancholy!
1 would not grudge the laughter.
The tears that followed after.
Oh, for a day of youth,
A day of strength and passion.
Of words that told the truth
And deeds the truth would fashion!
1 would not leave untasted
One glory while it lasted.
Oh. for a day ot days,
A day with you and pleasure.
Of love in all its ways.
And life in all its measure 1
Win me that day from sorrow
* And let me die tomorrow.
—Wilfrid Sea wen Blunt in London Sun.
It is now many years since I first visit
ed Paris, but if I live to be a centenarian
1 am certain 1 shall not forget that first
journey from London while 1 remember
anything. 1 was then young and inex
perienced, but sufficiently vain to think
myself a paragon of wisdom. Like most
Londoners. I thought that wonderful
city the very heart of the world, and all
outside of it mere suburbs.
Well, ono fine morning, which hap
pened to be the twenty-first anniversary
of my existence, finding myself the lord
ly proprietor of £1,000, 1 concluded to
celebrate my freedom by running over
to Paris and astonishing the natives. Fit
ting myself out in a style that would
have made me the envy of a Pawnee
chief. 1 procured my passport and em
barked for Calais. There were a great
many more persons going over than I
had expected to see, but 1 consoled my
self with the probability that very few
of them were destined for Paris, and that
not a single one of them was q uite as well
dressed as myself.
1 was pacing the deck of the steamer
some two hours later when 1 felt a light
tap on my shoulder and heard a very
pleasant voice say:
“Pardon me, my lord, but may 1 ven
ture to ask if you are destined for Paris?”
Now. 1 was in reality very f^r from
being a lord, or even the kin of a lord,
but there was something so very agree
able in the title that 1 felt no special
anxiety to disown it. 1 turned to the
speaker and beheld a rather handsome,
well dressed young man of perhaps 25,
who smiled and held out his hand, ad
“I’ll wager a champagne supper, vis
count, you are at ono of your old tricks
again, traveling incognito. Well,” lie
continued, heartily shaking my hand,
“well met, I trust, and how are my Lord
and Lady Albyn?"
Drawing myself up with an air in
tended to show a noble breeding, I said
very stiffly:
“ You are mistaken, sir—Albyn is not
my family name."
“A thousand pardons, my lord!” ex
claimed the other in surprise. “1 see my
mistake now; you are not my old friend,
the viscount, but so like him that better
eyes than mine have been deceived. Par
don me again if I seem to trespass upon
your good nature by introducing myself
to your notice as the Hon. Robert Beau
fort, youngest son of Lord Cawdale.”
“Very happy, sir, to make your ac
quaintance," returned 1, with a very stiff
bow. “But why,” I pursued, feeling in
ternally more flattered than I wished to
have appear, and really delighted that I
had come in contact with one of Eng
land’s proud aristocracy, “why do you
address me as if you knew me to be one
of the nobility?”
“Because, my lord,” your whole man
ner shows to an experienced eye you are
not a commoner.’’
“You are right,” said 1, with a smile
intended to convey the impression that
his shrewdness had penetrated my dis
“1 knew it, my lord!" he triumphantly
exclaimed, “I knew it!”
1 did not caution him against address
ing me according to my supposed rank,
for besides the fact that the flattering
sound was very agreeable to my ears I
counted on its being disclosed to or over
heard by others, and thus being myste
riously elevated in their estimation.
Long before we had crossed the chan
nel the Hon. Mr. Beaufort and myself
had become very intimate. He had trav
eled a great deal, and of course 1 was in
luck to fall in with him on this account,
to say nothing of his being a son of a
lord. Ho was going to show me Paris
and French life, and 1 must leave all to
him. He would look at my passport
and also overhaul my trunk and tell me
the exact amount of duty I should have
to pay. This he did and then observed:
“Oh. a matter of 10 guineas will see
you through all right, my lord! Yours
is a mere trifle—I wish mine was as lit
tle—it will cost me a cool 100. but 1 sup
pose you left at home all except absolute
necessaries, as I ought to have done. By
the way. as we are nearing Calais now,
you may just hand me the amount, and
1 will arrange it without giving your
lordship any trouble whatever. Yet
stay!” he immediately added, with a
vexed expression. “What am I thinking
about, talking money affairs to your lord
ship. 1 understand these things, and Fll
arrange all. Put your baggage with mine,
and we’ll make it all right at the end of
the journey.”
1 began to think it was going to cost
me something to keep up my title.
As we drew near Calais all was excite
ment and bustle on board our steamer,
each one anxious to look out and get
possession of his baggage and otherwise
arrange for getting ashore at the earliest
possible moment. As my friend had so
kindly volunteered to take all trouble
and responsibility off my hands. I felt
very easy and contented and was amus
ing myself with the fleet of little boats
that had gathers d around ns when the
Hon. Mr. Beaufort came hurrying up
and drew me apart from the others.
“1 find,” he said, “1 have not gold
enough to pay the duties and get us to
Paris. Could you oblige me with change
for a £500 note?’
“Unfortunately,” 1 replied, “I have
not more than 50 guineas in my posses
sion, the rest of my funds being in i
draft on Delessert & Co., Paris.”
“How unfortunate! What is to bt
done? By the bye, will you let me set
your draft, my lord?”
1 produced it.
"Stay a minute till I speak to the cap
tain.” he said. “I think I can arrange
He hurried away with the draft in hi.1
hand. For the first time I felt a little
suspicion of some trick and awaited hit
return with some anxiety. He came
back, however, in about 10 minutes and
asked me for my passport, saying he
thought he could get through without
any trouble. As we had not yet reached
the pier, 1 handed him that, but witl
the resolve to have it back before going
When some 10 minutes later he re
turned with a cheerful smile, and fold
ing up my papers put them in my hand,
with the remark that all was right, I was
so ashamed of my late suspicions that 1
felt myself blush.
“The clerk,” he said, “has changed my
note at a fair discount, giving mo hall
gold and the rest in bills on the Bank ol
France. By the bye, my lord, suppose
you take a few. You may want to use
them beforo you get your small draff
1 declined at first, but he insisted sc
strongly on my taking and carrying
them, even though 1 thought I might not
want to use them, that at first, fearing
longer refusal would hurt his feelings, I
consented to put them in my pocketbook.
Under the management of my friend,
who spoke French as fluently as English,
everything got on smoothly, and I soon
found myself transferred from the
steamer to a fine hotel—without, as he
had said, having any trouble whatever.
Our passports meantime had been given
up and sent on to Paris, and temporary
ones, as is the custom, had been fur
nished us in place of them.
1 will pass over the remainder of the
journey with the simple remark that
every moment more and more endeared
me to my agreeable and aristocratic
friend, and the only regret I had was in
the fact of being in a false position,
which sooner or later he might discover,
to my grief and shame.
On finally arriving at Paris our pass
ports were again demanded, and no
sooner was mine examined than the offi
cer informed me that 1 was under arrest
and must come with him. My French
was none of the best, but in my surprise
and consternation I made the best use
of it 1 could and demanded what was
meant by such proceedings.
“Y7ou will find that out at your exam
ination,” was his sharp reply.
Then we were whirled to the office of
a magistrate, and 1 was unceremoniously
hurried into a small, close room, half
filled with police officers, secret agents
and lawyers. On tho bench sat a small,
withered specimen of humanity, with a
wig on his head and spectacles on his
“Well,” he said, jerking down his spec
tacles and taking a good stare at me, as
did all the others, “what now?”
As l could understand French much
better than 1 could speak it, I was able
to make out what was said, and to my
utter astonishment I now heard myself
accused of being a notorious swindler
and counterfeiter.
“What is your name?” demanded the
“Ralph Hodge,” said I.
“An alias,” said one of the police offi
cers. “On his passport is Robert Beau
“A mistake, then!” cried 1. “That is
the name of the gentleman that came
over from London with me. He took
my passport and must have changed it
by mistake.”
The officers smiled incredulously and
exchanged glances with each other and
the magistrate, and the latter shaking his
head said it wouldn’t do.
“My draft on Delessert & Co. will
prove it!” exclaimed I, bethinking my
self of that and producing it with trem
bling eagerness.
The commissary glanced over it and
“Another mistake perhaps,” he said
with ironical bitterness, pointing to the
name of Robert Beaufort.
The truth now flashed upon me. My
companion then was no other than a pro
fessional villain, who had played upon
my foolish vanity and made me his dupe
and scapegoat. I tried to make the mag
istrate comprehend the true state of the
case, but he either did not or would not
understand me.
After a good deal of trouble and delay,
however, I managed to get the British
embassy interested in my case, and in
course of time the truth came out, and I
was set at liberty. My money had all
been drawn through long before, and
the villain who had robbed and gulled
me was safe across the frontier chuck
ling over the arts by which he had de
frauded a fool.—E. B. in New York
Old Time Christmas.
1 cannot but sigh sometimes for the
simplicity of the original Christmas or
that of the middle age, when the yule
log blazed on the hearth and the boar's
head graced the board. There is some
thing very attractive about all this, in
theory, but I do not fancy the reality
where the rushes on the floor caught the
refuse for the rats and dogs to eat, even
while the dinner *was going on. And,
while I would not go back to this in its
entirety, I would be glad to see some of
its simplicity infused into our social life
of today with its artificiality and its
petty jealousies and bickerings.—Boston
Home Journal.
A familiar Experience.
You lose things—things that you have
put away so very carefully that you can
not track them yourself. You search and
search until you could cheerfully howl,
so deep is your despair. It’s of no use.
They are nowhere. You get more like
them if you can, or make some misera
ble substitute do, or suffer for want of
them. And then some time you come
across them, put away, oh, so neatly, so
wisely, where no one, not even you,
wonld ever think of looking.—Boston
The California Orange Crop.
The orange market of southern Cali
fornia is in a peculiar condition. The
largest crop on record is on the trees
; awaiting shipment, amounting probably
; to 6,500 carloads, against 2,800 last year
and 4,000 for the previous season. Only
j a few hundred carloads have been shipped
! so far.
It has been reported that there is a
1 combine among southern California
orange growers to hold their crop for $3
a box. This is only true to a limited ex
tent. There is no general combination
among growers. Local unions have been
formed in several localities to maintain
prices and facilitate shipments, but these
j only represent a portion of the crop and
I do not work in unison. The most im
portant of these unions is that of River
side, which represents seven-eighths of
the crop of that place, or about 1,700
boxes. The rest of the crop controlled by
local organizations will probably bring
up the aggregate so held to about 2,500
boxes, or less than half the total crop.
Buyers are holding off, being unwill
ing to consign while the eastern pur
chasers are not inclined to risk buying.
The weather in the east has been very
cold, and there is still a large quantity
of good Florida fruit to be shipped;
hence there is at present a sort of dead
lock. Local firms are offering for choic
est Riverside navels $3 per box at the
shipping point and lower, according to
quality, and for ordinary San Gabriel
valley navels $1.75 is about the best
price obtainable, which does not satisfy
the growers.—Cor. San Francisco Chron
Admission Tickets For the World’s Fair.
For a week the bank note factories at
Dalton, Mass., have been making pecu
liarly distinctive paper that is to he used
for tickets of admission to the World's
fair. The first order, which was for
5,000.000 tickets, has been shipped to New
York so that the American Bank Note
company may have time for the elabo
rate engraving on the ticket. It is ex
pected that many will he sold as sou
venirs. To guard against counterfeits it
has been decided that between the sheets
of paper of which the card is composed
there shall be scattered planchets of tis
sue paper. These planchets are of differ
ent sizes, the largest as big as a pin head.
The}’ are of three colors, blue, pink and
salmon, the shades being plainly dis
cernible through the thin paper on both
sides. The planchets are not scattered
all over the card, but simply in a row less
than an inch wide across from top to
bottom. The tissue cut in these little
disks is expensive, and considerable will
be saved by using them only in the cen
ter of the ticket. The chief reason for
placing them in this way is the increased
difficulty in counterfeiting.
The size of the tickets will be 24 by 44
Mr. W. W. Astor In Englnml.
What can have induced Mr. W. W
Astor to buy the Liberal Pall Mall Ga
zette in order to convert it into a
Unionist organ? This seems to me to bo
as strange as it would be for the Duke
of Westminster or some such English
magnate to buy up an antiadministra
tion newspaper at Washington in order
to change it into an administration or
gan. What would the Americans say if
this were done? Would there not be
somewhat of an outcry and would it
not be suggested to the duke that, if he
wished to engage in politics, it might be
well if he were to confine himself to
those of his own country? If Mr. W.
W. Astor intended to naturalize himself
as an Englishman, I could understand
the purchase. This, however, is improb
able, for his property mainly consists of
land and houses in New York, where no
alien can hold real estate. — London
A Substitute For Sleighing.
1 saw a good suggestion last week for
the impecunious young man who wants
to give his best beloved a sleigh ride
without the necessity of braving the
livery stable keeper for credit. A mes
senger boy mounted on his bicycle was
making very fair time towing a hand
sled on which his best girl perched in
perfect comfort and evident satisfaction.
The arrangement lacks some of the ad
vantages of the single cutter and the 2:30
road horse, but it is so cheap and handy
that it deserves consideration. Picture0
of this device in the advertising pages of
newspapers would do a good deal to
boom the sale of the bicycle in the win
ter montlis, when business naturally be
comes a little slack.—Kate Field’s Wash
1-biglaml Suggests a Dicker.
England is the only power which has
any substantial motive or any technical
claim to oppose annexation of Hawaii
by the states. We have treaty rights
which the Union could not ignore. The
Canadians are showing themselves some
what touchy on the subject of the fate
of the islands. But it will perhaps be
found on consideration that, if the United
States is really anxious to set up a pro
tectorate, the best use to which we can
put our rights will be to swop them for
a thorough settlement of the endless fish
ery difficulties.—Loudon Saturday Re
Crape on the Door For a Marriage.
Charles Simons is a proprietor of a
millinery store on Reed street, and his
only daughter was his chief assistant
until Friday, when she married a man
named Goldberg of Marion, Wis. The
marriage so enraged Simons that he pur
chased a crape rosette, which he nailed
to the door of his store, and announced
to all comers that his daughter was dead,
lie is apparently beside himself with
anger at the marriage. He threw his
daughter's trunk and all her apparel into
the street.—Milwaukee Cor. Chicago In
ter Ocean.
New York has had 5 secretaries of state,
6 of the treasury. Oof war, 4 of the navy,
3 postmasters general and 4 attorneys
general, but it has never had a secretary
of the interior department.
New York city is to haveono of the
largest public schools ever erected.
About 2,400 pupils will be accommo
dated in the mammoth structure.
Uhilaren Cry Tor Pitcner s Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Cactoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Cores Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Fora Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh’s Porous
Piaster will give great satisfaction.—35 cents.
Mrs. T. B. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.,says:
“Shiloh's Vitalizer *SAVED MY LIFE.' I
consider it the best remedy for a delrilltatedsystem
I evsr used. ” For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Price 75 cts.
Have you Catarrh t Try this Remedy. It will
relieve and Cure you. Price 50 cts. This In
jector for its successful treatments furnished
free. Shiloh’s Remedies are sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Every patent taken out by us Is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge la the
Scientific J^nmcan
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly. 83.00 a
year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO..
Publishers, 361 Broadway, New York City.
?|JN CURfj I
Japan Tt A H
M’s Cotton Root
A recent discovery 1y an old
physician. : ncccsrjulij v t.l
monthly bj ( of I'm
,duisth-oiFy i ericet y suf®
and relia* 1 • medicine discov
ered. lsewart-of unprincipled
druggists who oil- r Inferior
medicines in place of this. Ask for Co- ic’s Cot;<,v
Hoot Compound, to Lato substitute, or inclose* i and
C cents in postage in letter, and wo will s mi,«can <♦,
by icturn mail. Full scaled particulars in plain
envelope, to ludics only, u slumps.
Addle.s Pond Lily Company,
:.o. 3 Fisher Flock, Detroit, Irk.
For sale by L. \V. McConnell & Co., G. M.
Chenery, Albert McMillen in McCook anti
by druggists everywhere.
For a Clean Shave or
An Artistic Hair Cut.
Rear of Citizens Bank.
.). S. .McBravek. Milton Osborn.
^c6raver & ose0/f/v
Proprietors of the
McCook Transfer Line.
Bus. Baggage and Express.
—.In the City.... K~
Leave orders lor Bus Calls at Commercial
Hotel or our office opposite depot.
J. S. McBrayer also has a first
class house-moving outfit.