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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 81, 1893. NUMBER 48, Spring. 1893. Spring. J. ALBERT WELLS Is Showing -he Largest and Best Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, & ~C A K ? ~S Ever offered to the citizens of McCook and Southwestern Neb. You will certainly find it to y@ur interest to examine this unexcelled stock before making your spring purchases. J. ALBERT WELLS. ...GRAND... o ■ n::ng! Our new goods are new open and we invite you to come and inspect stock and prices. Onr Dress Goods Department Excels all previous efforts. Our Clothing Department Is complete as to styles and prices. New Styles in Hats. Wait for our Spring Wraps. We will show you latest styles and give you latest prices. We are handling the BANNER BRAND of Waists for Ladies. Agents fob BUT1 ERICK Pattebns. We Handle Groceries and Boots and Shoes. cash4- BARGAIN house. C. I, DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. TIXvdXE TABLE. GOINO EAST—CENTUAL TIME—LEAVES. No. 2, through passenger.5:50 A. M. No. 4. local passenger.3:40 P. M. No. 8, through passenger. 4:30 P. M. GOINO WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 1, through pitssenger.10.50 A. 51 No. 3. through passenger.11:35 P. 51 No. 5. local passsenger.11:00 P.51 A son was born to Engineer and Mrs. L. S. Vierson, Saturday. Mrs. N. L. Cronkhite went east, Wednes day evening on 6. The company is putting in some additional yard trackage at Holdrege. Brakeman F. W. Murphy is laid up with inflammatory rheumatism. One of Joe Sircoloumb’s little girls is down with an attack of diphtheria. Roadmasters Josselyn and McFarland were at headquarters on Monday. J. H. Moore went in to Omaha, Wednesday evening, on some matters of business. Section Boss Hindman of Hendley is “at tracted” to Danbury quite frequently on Sun days. Elmer Rowell is now holding down Bert Thompson’s old job in the store house with success. Pintsch gas is being adopted widely for il luminating purposes by the leading railroad companies. Supt. Campbell and Master Mechanic Ar chibald had business up on the high line, close of last week. The Chicago and Northwestern system has inaugurated a war on the order of Rrilway Telegraghers. Station Agent Knapp of Wilsonville has been bedfast for a few days with a severe at tack of neuralgia. 4,070 miles of railroads were built during the year of 1892, and 2,458 miles more were sur veyed and will be completed this year. W. S. Perry, bridge boss, has purchased Judge Cochran’s residence on north Aladison street, and will have one of the cosiest homes in the city. H. L. Davidson, machinist, was a passenger on 6, Wednesday evening, for Chicago. He will probably visit Galesburg and other east ern points before his return. C. S. Haight, one of the operators at Hast ings, left first of the week, tor Taxarkana, Texas, where he has accepted a similar posi tion on the Cotton Belt railway. Conductor Hugo Brown’s little daughter Mabel is very ill at Orleans; her life was dis paired of for several weeks. Hugo will re turn the last of the month.—Alliance Grip. A new gravel pit has been opened up on the Imperial line. It is located about one half mile above the old one at Wauneta. The boarding train, machinery, etc., was moved latter part of last week. The wife and children of Express Messen ger J. D. Martin arrived from Pacific Junction last Friday. The family have since secured temporary residence quarters in rooms on the second floor of the brick front building.—Ox ford Standard. Edwin Hardy, the Omaha traveling man who was so terribly injured in the wreck at Fairmont in November, 1891, settled his dam age suit against the Burlington for $12,000, the largest amount ever paid in a damage suit brought in this state. The Santa Fe will have an unique attrac tion at the World’s fair in the shape of a train of five cars, each about four feet long, perfect in appearance and appointment. The train will circle the dome of the Kansas building and be run by electricity. Work has been commenced on a new lunch room to be operated by Landlord Trammell, of the B. & M. Hotel. The site is situated between the eating house and the depot, and the building, which will be put up in attrac tive style, will be 20x30 feet in dimensions. To the prospective increase of travel during the World’s fair is largely due the inception of the enterprise, though we aie assured that it will be of a permanent character.—Oxford Standard. An accident happened to No. 6, Sunday af ternoon, just as the passenger approached the stock yards at Culbertson, which was marvel ously fortunate in its results. The two centre wheels ol the rear trucks of the combination car had become over-heated, and one of them broke almost in two pieces, the other wheel was badly cracked but hung together. No one was in that end of the car and perhaps the accident was not immediately observed. The baggage man in the front end of the car, however, soon noticed that something was wrong and set the brakes, and the train was quickly stopped, though running at a high rate of speed at the time. Nothing left the track but the rear trucks of the mail and baggage car, and the fact that there were three sets of wheels under them doubtless averted a serious accident. As it was the track was badly tom up and required the attention of the wrecking crew for a number of hours. The baggage and mail was transferred and after a delay of an hour or two the train proceeded eastward. Doubtless the western division never experi enced a more fortunate escape from a terrible pile-up. Engineer Holliday with 284 was pul ling the train, John Fay, conductor. Felix Kennedy will be McCook’s next mayor. jack Moore arrived home this noon on No.l. Krakeman Dwyre is back from his visit to Chicago. It is thought that J. J. Larkey will succeed Yardmaster Kidder at Oxford. , Mrs. C. S. Quick was the guest of Operator and Mrs. George Leming, Tuesday. Operator Ready, late of the Akron office, is now holding a chair at headquarters. Vote for Felix Kennedy for mayor, and try to influence as many voters as you can to do likewise. Engineer and Mrs. Dave Magner are enter taining Conductor Enright’s family for the present. G.VV. Burnett has purchased the Stone prop erty on north Madison street from the building association. One of Jones’ livery teams ranaway with four railroad men, Sunday, breaking up the vehicle sadly. Felix Kennedy will be the next mayor of McCook if an almost solid vote of the boys can elect him. Conductor Cox brought No. 13 up to Mc Cook, Wednesday, the train running on to Denver as second No. 1. Sam Hornback was able to be out, Tuesday, lor the first time. The prospects for his wound healing up nicely are good. Mrs. C. W. Bronson entertained her brother Mr. Harding, fore part of the week. He went east on 6, Wednesday evening. Local officials claim that the passage of the Newberry bill will mean the loss of 150 men to McCook in the various departments. Yard Master Kidder was up from Oxford, Monday. He will enter the train service, first of the month, and was arranging for a house here. Don’t Rent—When you can secure a home of you own for about the same expense by purchasing it from S. H. Colvin on the install ment plan. The publisher will be under obligations to the railroad men for any items of interest they may hand into this office under this or any other heading. Mrs. Reid arrived from York, Nebraska, last Friday, called by the sickness of her daughter, Mrs. P. F. McKenna, who is quite well again at this writing. Locomotives have set a number of fires be tween here and Indianola, during the past week, causing considerable damage at Red Willow and elsewhere. Station Agent O’Bear has purchased him a fine pneumatic safety, also one for his wife. Several others are thinking of getting this kind.—Imperial Enterprise. The Burlington’s net earnings for February and March will show the usual winter months decrease on account of additional expense of operation. But the coming months will be corkers for profit. The Pullman Car Company has sounded the key note of the World’s fair rush. The management makes the announcement that charge per diem for a tourist car will herafter be 525 in lieu of $15. Train Master Kenyon will leave for Den ver, tonight, to meet and pilot the “Golden Gate special” over the western division in proper style. The special will pass through here late Saturday night. Agent and Mrs. R. B. Vaughn of Atwood, Kansas, are the delighted parents of a darling baby girl, bom to them on the 20th. R. B. is one of the cleverest fellows on the St. Francis branch, and he is “awfully proud” of the little miss. Conductor John Fay jumped from 6, Sunday afternoon, when he noticed the impending disaster from the smoker, and the doctor had to extract sand-burs from his face, hair etc., by the score. Otherwise he was none the worst for the roll received. A party of about a dozen Japanese were passengers on 6, yesterday afternoon, for Chicago. The company was composed of merchants who will sell their wares in the Japanese village which will be one of the attractions of the World’s fair. A. F. Fanstock, a Burlington and Missouri switchman, was run over by engine 216 at the comer of Eleventh and Wewatta streets. His left foot and ankle were badly crushed and he was removed to St. Luke’s hospital, where his foot was amputated. He will recover.— Denver News. Last Saturday, while the wife of station agent Brown was out riding with her little two year old son, the buggy wheel ran into a rut and slid the little fellow out, the rear wheel passing over his body. Luckily, how ever, he sustained no serious injury and was himself again, apparently in a very short while. —Cambridge Kaleidoscope. There was a little accident to an engine in the Burlington yards, Saturday morning, that if it had happened a quarter of an hour earlier would have been the cause of an accident that might have caused many deaths. Train No. 91 came in from Plattsmouth on time at 9:50 and the engine was detached and run to the lower end of the yards. Suddenly the front wheels dropped off the track. Investigation showed that a considerable piece of the flange on one wheel was broken off. Search in the yards revealed no trace of the missing piece, and the trainmen were forced to the conclu sion that the engine had come in with a brok en wheel, and with the possibility at any mo-' ment of derailment and consequent wreck of the train.—Lincoln Journal. ONE DAY ONLY. SATURDAY, API 1st, FOR THIS DAY ONLY ...We Will Sell... STANDARD GINGHAMS In all Grades, AT LESS THAN COST. Come • and ♦ See ♦ What * the ♦ Price ♦ is. U. Uowmuii Son, * * * Dry Goods, Millinery, -^ Carpets, Dressmaking. GREAT SENSATION! C. W. KNIGHTS, ' is Down, Ir Tlirlj Days I Yes, it’s a fact. I nm over-stocked with pants, and as I need more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price down to such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY can now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS, such as Overcoats, Heavy Clothing Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings (and many other things too numerous to mention, I I ss >TH IS IS A General Slaughter Sale! and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me. I can save you money. Tfi« £agfe<2fotfiiiiq House. C. W. KNIGHTS, PROP. ** THE* COLUMBIAN * SEASONj ...Has been inaugurated by... —KAL8TEDT— with an immense new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER G06WS. Call and see this fine line before the selection is broken. \KALSTEDT, • THE • LEADING • TAILOR*