Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Tim remedy is becoming bo well kn<>wi Hint popular a» to need do spe cial ... All who have used Elec tric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer :nediciiie does not exist avd >s guirauteed to do all that is oi’ini- •! Electric Bitters will cure all cii ulifil »Coco»nul ■? it, . a Kei.meut. It is Use custom in the Lritish ar'-> that whenever a regiment is transd . J from one colony to another priannart who may be in the jail are handed ovoi to the outgoing corps and continue h 1 sentences at the new station, la • .e case one of these jailbirds made n mind that he would not leave the c ' Private Johnson was one of the smart est men in the corps, and furthermore he was an excellent groom and almost a “cordon bleu.” He had one sad fail ing. He was a thief. His peculations had, however, been generally small, and he had escaped serious punishment. One night a large store in the town was bro ken into and a considerable amount ol money stolen. It was conclusively proved that Johnson was the thief, and he was sent to jail. When the regiment was leaving the colony, Johnson, with some other soldier prisoners, was to be handed over according to custom. When., however, his cell was visited, it wat empty, and there was not a sign oi Johnson anywhere. A search was made in every direction, and at last a prisoner pointed to a cocoa nut tree which grew in the middle ol the prison yard, and there comfortably seated among the tuft of leaves was Johnson. The warden at first tried tc get the man down by quiet persuasion, then he threatened, then stormed and swore. Johnson laughed contentedly at every mood, but did not move. The fact was reported to the colonial secretary, who recommended that the fire engine be called out and the man washed down. The chief of the tire department haruly thought it was consonant with his dig nity to wash a prisoner out of a cocoa nut tree and reported that there was not pressure of water enough to get a stream to the top of the tree. This was proba bly true, for the tree was a tall one. The case was again referred to the co lonial secretary, who took it before he governor. His excellency was having luncheon with some of the departing officers and their friends and was having a good time. Hp was vexed that at such a time he should be troubled with official work, as hastily glancing over tho docu ment he added the following instruc tions: “Cut the fellow dowi.. I mean the tree.” This could only be done by the engi neering department, so orderlies were sent out to find the chief engineer. While all this was going on, time was slipping away. Almost all the troops were onboard the troopship, and asthes’ vessels wait for no one the escort which had been sent to bring Johnson down to the ship had to hurry off, not to be late itself. Johnson bellowed a farewell, and despite the strong language of the ward en still laughed and did not move. Be fore the engineer department had come to a conclusion as to how to cut down the tree and lower it gradually, the troopship had up anchor and was steam ing out of the harbor. Then Johnson climbed down the tree and finished his sentence on the island, to which he had taken a fancy. His con viction had carried with it his “discharge with ignominy.” He settled in the island and was soon in easy circumstances. He had undoubtedly hidden his stolen prop erty, and after his release dug it up and started in business. When Johnson was last seen, he was flourishing and had a large cocoanut grove around his cottage. —N#w York Tribune. Business Enterprise. “Talk about business enterprise,” said Frank L. Perley, a circus man. “Away back in 1885 we had a young fellow with us who was getting $15 and his board. The night Jumbo was killed in St. Thomas this boy developed himself. We were all sympathizing with poor old Jumbo and wondering how we could re place him. The youngster was thinking of something else. You know the tail of an elephant has at the very tip a bunch of thick hair very much like a brush. This boy got under the fence and had pulled every hair out of Jumbo’s tail. His business at the circus was to sell balloons to children. Well, there were 76 of those thick hairs, and at the show the next afternoon he was selling them for $1 apiece as relics of the great giant. He sold 75 of them and practi cally found $75. The other one ho kept for himself and still wears it as his mas cot.”—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Kntli Said Her Verse. Little Ruth can read very nicely, and her mother is anxious that at an early age she shall become familiar with the Bible, so that when she was obliged to leave home to be gone five months she told Ruth she would bring her home a muff if she would say a Bible verse every night before she went to bed. Ruth promised that she would. Mamma came home at the end of the five months. Be fore presenting the muff she said: “How ab t the verses, Ruth?” “I said one every night, mamma.” “That’s mam ma's nice girl. You must have learned a good many in five months, dear.” “Why, I always said the very same one.” “The same one all the time! What was that?’ “Jesus wept,” said Ruth. It wasn’t just what mother expected, but Ruth got the muff.—Boston Globe. I — Billiard Booms In Houses. Houses will soon be all top. Men will | go up stairs to play billiards when they i will not go down. Cp stairs there is : greater freedom of conversation. Fath ers have discovered tliat if there is a well equipped billiard room near the roof, with good air, an unrestricted outlook, ade quate privacy and satisfactory means of refreshment, their sons, after business hours, are much more apt to come home and bring their friends with them to play until dinner than to go to their clubs.—San Francisco Argonaut. Mosey Easily Made. Wall space for advertising purposes commands very high rentals in popular business thoroughfares in this city. There is one man who obtains an annual income of several thousand dollars out of one side of a house which is conspicu ously exposed.—New York Herald. 4 C. W. KNIGHTS, Yes. it’s a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need more loom for ru\ new spring stock, I have marked the price down i<> such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY can now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OE WINTER GOODS, such as Overcoats, Heavy Clothing Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings and many other things too numerous to mention, Go Repless of Cost *|p^>THIS IS A<$iE§~ General Slaughter Sale! and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me. I can save you money. Tile Eagle Clothing House, C. W. KNIGHTS, PROP. F. D. BURGESS, PLUMBER®STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOK, NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday, Eclipse and VVaupun Wind Mills. notary Public. Justice of the Peace. S_ H. COLVI1T, REAL:-: ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property. Collections a Specialty. McCook, - - - ErESrS? B&222 ‘rSIWlS 1*2? OVER, The Leading Specialist of the United State-, in Bis Line. Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Diseases. I \% 111 Avoid Qnacltir Fraud* and Bogus Medical Institutes by going to the Old, Keliable DR, HENDERSON, 102 & 104 W. NINTH STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. A Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over 26 yeari practice—12 in Chicago. EstablUhed lhlia. loung and Middle Aged Men: Remark able results have followed my treatment. Many YEARS of var ied and success ful EXPERI ENCE in the use of curative meth ods that I alone ;Own and control for all disorders of M E N. who have weak or un developed or dis eased organs, or who are suffering from errors of youth and excess or who are nerv N kjl —THE OLDEST IX AGE, and LONGEST LOCATED, Authorized by the State to *reat Chronic, Nervous I and “Special Diseases,”Seminal Weakness,(night i losses), Sexual Debility (loss of sexual power). Nervous Debility, Poisoned Blood, Ulcers and Swell’ ings of everv kind. Urinary and Kidney Diseases etc. Cures Guaranteed or Money Refunded, Char Ifcs Low, Thousands of cases cured every year. Experience is important. No mer cury or Injurious medicine used. No time lost from business. Patients at a distance treated^ by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere tree from gaze or breakage. State your case and send for terms. Consultation freo and confidential* per sonally or by letter. For particulars see fflAAS# FOR BOTH SEXES.—SO Pages 1 KgIRIK full of descriptive pictures, sent | UvwH sealed in plain envelope for C»c. in stamps. N. B.—This book contains secrets a d useful knowledge which should be read by every male from 15 to 45 years of«e—and kept under , lock and key. FREE MX’SEIM OF ANAT OMY repleto with a thousand interesting speci mens, including the celebrated French Manlkla -fhieh alone cost over $000. For BLcnOnly, RHEUMATISM. THE GREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CURE. A POSITIVE CfcKK FOR RHEF9AT1S3. f iO * )T any caso this treatment fails to ure or help. Greatest discovery in nnals of medicine. One dose gives elief; a few doses removes fever and -ain in joints; Cure completed in a ew davs. Fend statement of case with stamp fas i Jirculars. OB. HEN0EBS0N, KANSAS CITY, U0. — ous ana iivijt'U TENT, the scorn of their fellows and the con tempt of friends and companions, leads me to GUARANTEE to all pntients, if thej’ can pos siblv be RESTORED, MY OWN EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT will AFFORD A CURE J^TKE.MKMIiEK, that there is hope for YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at once. Female Diseases cured at home without in struments; a wonderful treatment. rafcarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. syphilis. The most rapid, safe and effective treutment A complete cure guaranteed. skin of all kinds cured where many Others have failed. Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. 1. Free consultation at the office or by mail. ' 2 Thorough examination and careful diagnosis A That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience, and a specialty is made of his or her disease i Moderate charges and easy terms of payment A home treatment can be given In a major: t of cases Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men. No. 2 for women. Na 3 for Skin Diseases Send 10c for St-page Reference Book for Men and Women. All correspondence answered promptly. Bus iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment sent free from observation. Refer to banks in Su Joseph and business men. Address or on • J. N. HATHAWAY, M. D., Corner 6th and F.