The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1893, Image 5

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    D- PRIES
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard
New patterns in
Moquette and Smyr
na Rugs at J. Albert
There is room for suspicion that the
ground hog was “not onto his job.”
A. G. Culbertson has sold his farm and
talks of going to the vicinity of McCook.
—Fandon cor. Curtis Courier.
At the Harris Hardware you can get a
Sewing Machine a good one from $20 to
$45 with the company’s guarantee for
five years._
E. R. Curtis will pay a suitable re
ward for the recovery of his white and
brown bird dog, which disappeared
about three weeks ago in an unknown
The farmer who cares to build up good,
strong towns and business centers, which
must prove of advantage to him, will
kick the itinerant peddler into the mid
dle of next week.
Rev. Fitzgerald was thrown from his
cart, close of last week, and has a frac
tured rib as a painful reminder of his
mishap. The reverend gentleman’s in
jury is painful but not serious.
J. T. Bullard, of McCook, the proprie
tor of the lumber yard, will soon com
mence the erection of a large residence
in the eastern part of town and when
completed will move his family to Pali
sade.—Palisade Times.
Attorney Selby’s office in F'aling’s
block came near being the scene of a
conflagration on Tuesday evening. Mr.
Selby was in the act of lighting the big
Rochester lamp when it exploded, scat
tering burning oil all over the floor, and
burning him quite severly on the hands
in putting it out.—Cambridge Kaleido
scope. _
The Columbian souvenir coin has
proved a failure. Congress made a
gift to the exposition managers of $2,
500,000 worth of the coins, and the man
agers expected to sell them for $1 a piece,
realizing $5,000,000. Instead of that
only $827,000 worth have been sold up to
date, and over $4,000,000 worth of the
pretty pieces are left in kegs in the safety
vaults. _
This week James Woodworth, of Page
county, Iowa, purchased the w’est half of
[4-3-29, about three miles from McCook,
for $3,800. William Coleman sold the
land. Mr. Woodworth at once con
tracted with John Shepherd for the
erection of a dwelling 16x26 feet, story
and a half high, and for a stable 16x24
feet in dimension; also for the drilling
of a well. It is his purpose to move
here just as soon as the house is ready to
receive the family.
A new line of Valis
es and Trunks at J.
Albert Wells.
It long ago seemed as though
shoes could never be better and
never be cheaper, but they are
better now and cheaper now than
they ever were before. The great
every day favorite is our men’s
and ladies’ shoe.. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won’t wear you out
to wear it out. You don’t need to
take care of it; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the simple reason that a
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before, the price of this shoe will,
for it costs only §2.50. It will
look nicer and wear longer than
/ any shoe on earth.
™* ™™: —!:B m 1 ':V: 1 B1 B J ’ - , '
Shawl Straps at J.
Albert Wells.
Billy Goslin was in McCook, yesterday,
looking up a location to engage in some
business.—Benkelman Bee.
Knipple is having his tiew quarters in
the Cole building overhauled and placed
in readiness for his occupancy middle of
the month._
We understand that the McCook En
terprise people have ordered a new
newspaper press—a substantial evidence
of prosperity we take it. *
Call and inspect Kalstedt’s immense
stock of new goods. The finest selection
ever exhibited in the city. Don’t wait
until the line is broken.
McCook seems to be one of the favored
towns in Nebraska. Over fifty new
buildings are going up and carpenters
are in demand.—Hastings Democrat.
McCook boasts of the finest Knights
of Pythias band in the state, and it is
warranted in doing so. The members
all belong to the lodge and wear the
rank uniform.—Omaha Bee.
Rev. A W. Coffman, of McCook, has
been assisting in the revival meetings
at the M. E. church.. . George Seymour
of McCook was circulating among Arap
ahoe friends last Friday.—Arapahoe
Messrs. F. H. Elliott and E. W. Clark
have purchased the restaurant business
of A. J. Bump, assuming possession of
the same on March ist, and will remain
at the old stand. The Tribune wishes
the boys a full measure of success in
their new venture.
Monday, J. A. Snyder purchased from
S. H. Colvin a quarter section of fine
land adjoining his farm north of the city
limits. This gives Mr. Snyder 720 acres
of farm land in a body within view of
McCook, and The Tribune prophesies
that within a few years it will be one of
the best cultivated and most valuable
farms in this section of Nebraska.
Saturday the Sherman brothers ar
rived from Madison, this state, with
three carloads ol effects. Two of the
four brothers are the owners of the west
half of 19-4-29. There is a house on one
of these quarters and work has been in
stituted on a dwelling on the other
quarter, which is being built by one of
the brothers who is a carpenter. These
gentlemen come in well equipped to do
some vigorous farming, and will make
the dirt fly when spring opens.
The question of increasing the accom
modations and facilities of our public
schools is again forcing itself upon the
attention of our citizens, and the indica
tions are that it will have to be met and
solved during the summer. At present
the various buildings, departments and
grades are crowded, we might truth
fully say overcrowded, and with the im
perative demand for more room which
the coming season is absolutely certain
to bring, some action must be taken.
Just what that shall be depends upon
the wisdom of the school board.
Our “special” reports quite an acci
dent which happened to a young couple
from McCook, last week, while returning
home from this city; according to reports,
the McCook young man’s arm became
dislocated, while resting on the lazy
back of the buggy, and as the arm
dropped from the back of the seat, the
muscles contracted drawing his arm
around the young lady’s waist, where it
became established, and in driving down
into the canyon east of the Blackwood,
with only one hand to guide the team,
the driver became bewildered and cap
sized the buggy. While nothing serious
happened on account of the accident,
our reporter says the fellow looked as
though he wished he had both arms dis
located.—Culbertson Sentinel.
A boy in the Culbertson school lias
been suspended for reading the following
composition: “Pants are made for men
and not men for pants. Women are
made for men and not for pants. When
a man pants for a woman and a woman
pants for a man they are a pair of pants.
Such pants don't last. Pants are like
molasses;they are thinner in warm weath
er and thicker in cold. The man in the
moon changes his pants during the
eclipse. Don’t you go to the pantry for
pants, you might be mistaken. Men are
often mistaken in pants. Such mistakes
make breeches of promise. There has
been much discussion as to whether
pants is singular or plural. Seems to us
when men wear pants they are plural,
and when they don’t wear any pants
it is singular. Men go on a tear in their
pants, and it is all right; but when the
pants go on a tear it is all wrong.”
A new line of Car
pets at J. Albert
Domestics are in demand as usual.
The doctors report considerable sick
ness among the youth of the city.
Both of Larry McEntee’s little children
are down with an attack of pneumonia.
The office of the Commercial House
has been calsomined with improving
A brother of Lafe and Ira Miller ar
rived from Missouri, last week, with
some horses.
The Tribune is pained to learn of
the existence of quite an epidemic of
scarlet fever in Stratton.
Jos. A. Snyder has sold a half section
of land owned by him down in York
county, this state, for $8,500.
J. A. Crawford has commenced on the
foundation for his new dwelling house
on north MacFarland street.
The District convention Y. P. S. C. E.
will be held in McCook from the 28th to
the 30th of April. Get ready for it.
This section was touched but lightly
by the snow storm of Sunday and Mon
day which raged severely in eastern Ne
braska. _
The lower house of the Nebraska leg
islature “resolved” that Representative
Sheridan did not play poker as stated by
the Lincoln Journal. But doesn’t he?
W. Laverty is getting his harness shop
out on west Dennison street in shape,
this week, and will have something to
say to the public through The Tribune
next week.
Kalstedt, the leading tailor, has just re
ceived the largest and finest selection of
suitings, pantings etc., ever exhibited in
Western Nebraska. See him before the
selection is broken.
Mrs. Frank Neiswanger is visiting
friends at McCook this week.Mrs. J.
F\ Custer, of McCook, was visiting her
brother, Frank Madison, on Tuesday.—
Cambridge Kaleidoscope.
Sunday, George Eckerman arrived
from Ashland, Nebraska, with a carload
of goods, and has moved onto the 80
acre tract bought from J. H. Locker out
in Perry precinct some time since.
At a late meeting of the Harlan county
democratic central committee, Patrick
Gibbons, of Orleans, was unanimously
endorsed for the position of receiver of
the McCook land office —Oxford Stand
ard. _
It is stated that the McCook Enter
prise will espouse the independent cause
next week. Messrs. W. T. Lindsay &
Son have had this action in view from
the first, and now’ propose to give the
party in Red Willow’ county an effective
Vernon Selby will retire from his po
sition as chief harness maker in G. W.
Delaware’s store, tomorrow, and will
depart for McCook where he has accepted
a situation in a shop. His family will
remain here until about the first of April.
—Benkelman Bee.
As this is the time to begin prepara
tions for tree planting, it is not out of
place to remark that nothing pays better
in Nebraska than fruit raising. Ne
braska apples, plums and small fruits
have no superior for flavor and the de
mand is far in excess of the supply.
The Tribune learns that our talented
and esteemed citizen Hon. James Harris
is a candidate for Patrick Egan’s place
among the Chilians. We are emphatic
ally for Mr. Harris in the laudable am
bition to be minister to Chili. There is
no portion of Pat’s clothes that Jim can
not fill to everflowing.
The celebration by the pupils of the
McCook public school of the anniversa
ries of Washington and Lincoln, on last
Friday evening, in the east ward build
ing, was unusually meritorious and ex
cellent. The exercises were under the
direction of “The Helpers.” The as
sembly room was crowded. Part I con
sisted of recitations, songs, instrumental
music, etc., by the pupils; an address by
Superintendent Valentine on the “Weak
ness and Strength of the Common School
System” occupied the time of Part H.
The lantern was also a source of much
pleasure to the appreciative audience.
It was altogether a profitable and en
joyable affair, such as our school enter
tainments invariably are.
J. C. Arbuckle and family returned
Monday evening from their trip to the
Pacific coast. They came directly from
St. Joe where they had been for ten
days undergoing treatment for their in
juries. The trip since Mr. Arbucle ar
rived at Riverside, California, has been a
peculiarly unfortunate one. About the
time for departure from that place a
trunk, in which was packed the greater
part of their wearing apparel was stolen.
At Weiser, Idaho, the train on which
they were returning, was wrecked by
spreading rails, an account of which was
given last week. Their car rolled down
a forty-foot embankment and two per
were killed outright. Mr. Arbuckle was
injured internally, his spine being most
affected, and fears are entertained of his
ultimate recovery. He looks ten years
older than when he left Atwood. Little
Pearl is slowly improving, while Mrs.
Arbnckle’s recovery is more rapid. Mr.
Arbnckle has been a prominent citizen of
this county for years and has many
friends who are sorry to hear of his mis
fortune and will wish his injuries so be
less serious than his present condition
leads them to anticipate.—Atwood
(Kas.) Republican.
Sheriff Banks was with us officially,
Rev. D. L. McBride preached in Hayes
Center on Sunday.
P. A. Wells had business in the present
county-seat, Wednesday.
Judge D. T. Welty was in the city,
Monday, on bench business.
W. M. Anderson was in Oxford on
Saturday on a business trip.
J. A. Fraser was called to the city yes
terday by the death of his little nephew.
Rev. Potter held Episcopal services in
the Lutheran church, Monday evening.
Janies McAdams is home from Omaha
to look after some business interests
C. H. Meeker returned home yesterday
noon from a business visit to Omaha and
Mrs. J. H. Bennett went down to Hold
rege,Wednesday evening, on a brief visit
to friends.
J. E. Kelley went down to Minden on
6, last evening, to try a timber claim
contest case.
Mrs.C.M.Noble gives a Kensington tea
party to a large company of lady friends,
this afternoon.
Nick Colling, a prosperous farmer of
Indianola precinct, had business in the
city yesterday.
O: P. Smith left on Wednesday for
Pickering, this state, where he will open
up his stock of drugs.
Cashier Lawson is able to be about a
little, and expects shortly to be at work
again, and on full rations.
M. C. Rider is up from Fairbury, this
week, looking after the affairs of his un
fortunate son, Stewart Rider.
Mrs. E. N. Lewis has moved to Hol
drege, where she will be at the head of
Johnson’s dress-making department.
Robert Wilson, Jr., has been in the
city the past week, in the interest of
“The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency.”
Judge LeHew left on 6, Tuesday even
ing for the national capital, to witness
the second inauguration of Grover Cleve
C. L. DeGroff left for Chicago, Mon
day morning, to lay in a large stock of
spring and summer goods for the old
reliable Cash Bargain House.
Mrs. J. S. LeHew learned Wednesday
by telegram of the death of her brother
G. F\ Pier, who was on Tuesday run over
by the cars at Spring Valley, Ohio.
Trustee Amsbury of the Weslejan
universitj- was down from North Platte,
Friday of last week, looking us over as
an applicant for seminary honors.
Miss Luvia Furbusli has returned from
her eastern trip, and on the first took
possession of the millinerj- store bought
some weeks ago from Mrs. McCabe.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Cornell and two
children came up from Holdrege, Satur
day night, and were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. DeGroff over Sunday.
Judge Cochran arrived home, Monday
noon, from an extended tour of Arkansas,
being well pleased with that countrj- and
its prospects and inducements to one of
his profession.
Alex Carmichael, who has been down
from Denver on busines, for a few days,
left for home on Monday night. He is a
son-in-law of Jos. A. Snyder, and is em
ployed on the U. P.
Dr. \V. A. Demay, wife and baby came
over from Danbury, Tuesday, on their
way to the mountains on a pleasure-seek
ing visit. The left for Denver on the
flj-er, Wednesday noon.
Mrs. W. C. LaTourette gave a Kens
ington tea party, last evening,which was
participated in and enjoyed by Mesdames
Z. L. Kay, E. N. Lewis, E. Q. Robie, H.
P. Sutton, C. T. Brewer, H.W.Cole,Vina
Wood, Wiley Cornutt of Culbertson.
Superintendent Valentine, and Mrs.
Frank Brown, Miss Rachel Berry, Miss
Edna Meserve, Miss Nora Stroud, Miss
Helen Allison of his teacher corps, to
gether with Miss Mitchell and Mr. J. H.
Fowler of the high school, attended the
meeting of the county teachers’ associa
tion held in Bartley on Saturday.
The petrifaction fake and fakers left
the city, Wednesday afternoon.
Parents and guardians should give
careful attention to the circular issued
by Supt. Valentine of the public schools
of our city;_
C. T. Brewer shipped hogs to Denver,
Wednesday. Was on the Omaha market
today with cattle, and will make another
shipment of cattle to Omaha on Suuday.
With the McCook Enterprise and the
Indianola Independent the populists of
Red Willow county will be well equipped
to “say their little piece” in the coming
The number of people in this city who
viewed the remains of the petrified fake
corroobrates Bamum’s statement that
the American people enjoy being hum
bugged. _
A 5 o’clock dinner was given last Fri
day evening by Mrs. Vina Wood to quite
a number of her many friends in the city.
In the evening cards and other games
occupied the time very happily.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by C. J. Ryan.
Epworth League State Convention.
The executive committee of the Ne
braska State Epworth League met in the
Y. M. C. A. building, Lincoln, on the
21st inst, the following members being
present: G. W. Berge, Esq., Lincoln,
president state league; John M.Hazelton,
Omaha, first vice-president; Miss Anna
Randall, Fairfield, recording secretary;
and Rev. F. W. Bross, Omaha, and
Rev. L. T. Guild, Crete, directors.
Among other important matters at
tended to were the arrangements for the
next state convention of the Nebraska
Leagues. The convention is to be held
in Omaha, and the dates decided upon
are June I, 2, 3 and 4.
A program of unusual excellence is in
preparation. The committee are assured
of the presence of Rev. Edwin A. Schell,
of Chicago, General Secretary of the
National League, and other eminent di
vines, including Bishop Warren, are ex
pected. The committee have been as
sured by the Omaha leaguers that all
delegates who shall attend the conven
tion will be royally entertained.
Reduced rates will be secured on all
railroads in Nebraska, and, judging by
the interest already manifested in the
matter throughout the state, the attend
ance will be large.
The city council met in regular session
on Wednesday evening, Mayor Brewer,
Councilmen Menard, LaTourettee and
Spickelmier, and Clerk Warren being
present. Bills as follows were allowed:
W. A. Brown, fire alarm repairs,. $15.00
B. C. CutlifF, dog killing,. 3.50
Michael Reiswick, sprinkling,. . . . 1.50
W. C. Bullard & Co., coal,. 9.10
A. E. McManigal, salary February, 40,00
J. H. Dwyer, salary February,.... 50.00
F. D. Burgess, plumbing,. 17.50
The mayor appointed Councilmen La
Tourette, Menard and Spickelmier as a
committee to interview Supt. Campbell
regarding securing the old race track
grounds for county fair purposes.
The constitution and by-laws of the
McCook fire department were approved.
No action was taken on the claim of
R. H. Williams for a month’s salary as
marshal back in the stormy Helm admin
istration in 1887.
A fire department ordinance was con
sidered, but no action taken. Adj.
Tuesday of this week, B. F. Troxel
sold the southeast quarter of 31-3-30 to
Gottfried Lunkwitc. Last week, the
northwest quarter of 5-2-30 to J. J. Eller
of Trumbull, Nebraska.
The Tribune is in receipt of a card
announcing the marriage of Mr. Rainard
B. Wahlquist and Miss Laura Belle Dil
ley at Hastings, Nebraska, March 1st,
1893. Also that the happy couple will
be at home Tuesdays, after April first,
603 Denver Avenue, Hastings. We ex
tend hearty congratulations and warmest
The friends of Hon. J. E. Cochran will
be pleased to learn of the Judge’s ap
pointment and confirmation as consul to
San Salvador, of which Senator Paddock
telegraphed definite news on Wednesday
afternoon. Mr. Cochran left, yesterday
morning, for Washington, D. C., to do
the things necessary at the state depart
ment preparatory to entering upon the
discharge of the duties of the appoint
ment. The Judge will return home before
leaving for the south land.
A new line of Car
pets at J. Albert
If you want lire or
tornado insurance in
Reliable Companies,
call on C. J. Ryan.
The Teachers Meet.
About forty teachers of Red Willow
county attended the session of the
teachers' association held in Bartley, on
Saturday. The meeting was one of good
interest throughout. The following is
the program as mapped out by the exec
utive committee:
to A. M.
Opening Exercises.
Recitation,.Vivian Gossard.
“ Primary Teaching,”. . Lillie Welborn.
“ How to Keep Advanced Pupils in . .
School,” Discussion led by L. A....
Paper.Laura Paine.
1:30 p. M.
Music,.By the Bartley School
“Non-professional Reading for the...
Teacher,”.J. C. Moore.
“ School Order,”.Mrs. A. C. Teel.
“ Two Noted Men,” a Discussion:
Wm. McKinley,.Edwin Piper.
R. Q. Mills,.Prank Carnahan.
General Business.
Report of the Library Committee.
The members of the association were
entertained at the Bartley House for
The next meeting of the county teach
ers’ association will be held in McCook
some time about the close of April possi
bly. _
Red Willow Whisperings.
The basket social at the Re<l Willow
school house, last Saturday evening was
a decided success. Twenty-six baskets
were sold, and the receipts were $15.50.
A farewell surprise was given on Mr.
Camiacliael, Monday evening, which
was a most enjoyable affair participated
in by a large company'.
Preparations are making for quite an
Easter concert at the Red Willow school
house on Easter Sunday evening.
For Sale.
A square piano, walnut case, in good
order, seveu octaves, V'ose make. Will
sell on time with good security. Inquire
Farmers and Merchants bank, McCook.
Wheat for Sale.
Red Velvet Spring Wheat for seed for
sale. Inquire of W. M. Irwin, \'/2 miles
northwest of McCook, Neb.
She’s my sandwich,
I’m her ham,
She’s my Lillie,
I’m her Sam,
Soon I’ll annex her,
You may bet
Little Hawaii
Will be my pet.
Jerry O’Neil is putting a stone founda
tion under his dwelling house.
There was but one session of school,
Monday, on account of the snow storm.
With scarlet fever and diphtheria all
about us it behooves the people and
authority of McCook to be on guard to
vigilantly protect the health of the city.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have commenced
work on a large corrugated iron addition
to their hardware establishment. The
addition will be used as a carriage em
porium. _
S. D. McClain & Co. have received
their new drilling apparatus and are test
ing it, this week, on a well for Mr.
George Rector on his farm near the city.
The drill is a dandy, and Sam will make
her go.
: ^ c. o. d. :
Car Load at the Nominal price of $1 per Sack.
Other Good things this week are:
Fancy Six Star Figs, finest you ever saw, 30 cents per pound.
A line of Dried Fruits that will astonish you in Quality and Price
A Delicious Chocolate Cream Table Syrup only 45c per gallon.
A New Invoice of that Unexcelled and Unequalled 43 cent Tea.
It Pays to do your ^ px r\ pT
....TRADING AT... 1 TH±J ^ ^