The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1893, Image 4

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    It* llrfeok 1'iifatft.
Gov. Ckounhk has appointed N.
D. Jackson to be the successor of
Senator Allen as judge of the
Ninth distriot
A lobby of undertakers are la
boring with the legislature to se
cure a mechanic’s lien upon the
graves into which they place theii
wares. So, after all, death ma\
be no escape.
The Washington News says af
ter hearing of the election of the
new senator-elect from Michigan
who has big whiskers: “If this
thing keeps on the United States
senate will look like a hair store.”
The farmers of Nebraska can
not grow to many sugar beets, nor
can the state have too many beet
sugar factories. The one greatly
enhances profits from cultivation
of the soil, while the other affords
remunerativeemploymentfor large
numbers of men and keeps money
in circulation within the state that
would otherwise go out of it.
The grand army, woman’s relief
corps and sons of veterans of Ne
braska are to have a paper devoted
to their special interest, 'lhe new
paper will be published in Lincoln
by J. C. Seacrest, and will be
called the “Nebraska Defender.”
The subscription price is only fifty
cents a year. The new soldier
paper will stand up for Nebraska
and her 30,000 old veterans.
When one reflects tnat J. Sterl
ing Morton <»f Nebraska is the sole
representative of that vast region
of this great commonwealth lying
west of the meridian of Chicago, in
the next cabinet, one is bound to
believe that he will have si good
deal of responsibility on his shoul
ders. With the exception of Car
lisle of Kentucky the balance of the
cabinet are from the eastern sea
board states.—Journal.
Mrs. Cleveland has avowed her
opposition to wearing hoops and is
everywhere commanded for her re
solution. But the other half of
the incoming administration is des
ereetly silent He may have to
don a hoop skirt a mile wide when
he gets to Washington to defend
himself from the machine demo
crats who are clamoring for his
scalp, He will need plenty of
room.—J ournal.
Senator Allen made an im
posing appearance, last Saturday,
as he strolled down the aisles of
the senate chamber and shook
hands with the distinguished
statesmen among whom he will sit
for the next six years from March
4th, says a Washington special.
With a stature considerably over
6 feet, and more than two hundred
pounds of brawn, Judge Allen is
fashioned on the “imposing ap
pearance” plan and specifications.
Major Halford gets a most de
sirable assignment at the outset of
his career rs a paymaster in the
army. He will accompany ex-Sec
ratary Foster to Paris as the dis
bursing officer for the representa
tive of the United States in the
Bering sea arbitration court and
will probably spend several months
in Europe. The court will shortly
conveue and it is understood will
immediately adjourn for a month
which will give Major Halford an
opportunity to see many points of
interest in the old world. He lias
well earned the recreation this will
give him and it is to be hoped
that he will derive great benefit
from it.—Bee.
Yesterday, Rev. A. W. Coffman of the
ilethodist church of our city united in
Carriage Mr. Timothy G. Campbell, a
justice of the peace of North Valley pre
cinct, an«l Miss Lena Johnson of Chicago,
Medium* of Exchange Among Many Na
tion*—Rude Article* That Were of Stable
Value—The Name* of the Varlou* Coin*
of the Great World.
In Great Britain at the time of the
*Norman conquest were two kinds of
money—“living money," i. e., slaves and
cattle, and “dead money,” that of metal.
In the 18th century Nicolo and Matteo
Polo found a money in use in China
which was made of the inner bark of the
mulberry tree, and which it was death
by torture to counterfeit or to refuse to
take in any part of the country. Among
the South Sea islanders iron was so
valued that it became money, and axes
a standard of payment, the value of other
articles being stated at so many axes.
Cowrie shells are used as small coins in
India, the East Indian islands and Africa,
more than 1,000 tons being brought to
Liverpool in 1851 from India to be ex
ported to the African coast in exchange
for palm oil. In America wampum was
used by the Indians and was even coun
terfeited in 1635 by the colonists of Mas
In India cakes of tea and in China
pieces of silk pass as money, whileat the
great annual fair at Nizhnee-N o vgorod in
Russia the price of tea has to be known
before the prices of other commodities
are fixed, it being the standard by which
all exchange of merchandise is regulated.
In 1574 quantities of pasteboard were
coined in Holland, and in 1770 in Scot
land workmen carried nails as money to
bake shops and alehouses. Notched
wood was used at one time in England,
and in central parts of South America
soap, chocolate, cocoanuts, eggs, etc.,
pass as money. In British West Indies
until of late years pins, a slice of bread,
a pinch of snuff or a dram of- whisky
served the same purpose. In America
at various times raccoon, deer and bear
skins, corn, beef, tobacco and codfish
have been legal tender.
The Jews, in addition to their ordinary
money of shekels, talents and drams
of silver, had “jewel money.” To this
people we are also indebted to the use of
paper money in lieu of that of metal.
And among the curious facts in connec
tion with this subject may be noted that
the sum paid Judas for the betrayal of
his master would be, according to the
relative value of money in our day, a
little more than 40 cents, a small price
with which to purchase eternal infamy.
The first mention of money in any of the
ancient records speaks of it as being
weighed and not counted, and no muti
lated piece was ever rejected. Under
the Norman kings silver was coined with
deep crosses, so that smaller bits could
be obtained by simply breaking off what
was required, something as we tear off
postage stamps today.
An interesting study is found in trac
ing out the origin of the names of coins
familiar to us now. The American dol
lar has quite a little history of its own.
In northern Bohemia is a little valley
called Joacliimstal, or Joachim's valley,
and in the lGth century the reigning duke
of this region authorized this little min
ing city or district to coin a silver piece,
which was called Joachimstaller. But
the Joachim part of the name proving
too much for everyday use, it was dropped
and that of thaler deemed sufficient. The
piece being of convenient size and well
molded passed into general use in Ger
many and Denmark, and again under
went a change in orthography, finally
turning up as the “daler,” whence it
came into English as the dollar, and was
adopted as such by the Americans.
In France the Mexican dollar is gener
ally called the “piastre,” and the name
is also applied to the American coin, but
in either case the appellation is incorrect,
for the name piastre, or plaster, has for
the past 60 years been applied correctly
only to a small silver coin used in Turkey
and Egypt, and which is worth from
abont 6 to 8 cents in American coinage.
The word cent comes of course from
centum, being a hundredth part of the
American dollar, the dime also meaning
a tenth.
me word smiling is or Saxon origin
and was introduced into England by
that people. Penny, formerly “pfen
nig,” was also brought into England by
the Saxons and was first coined in sil
ver and originally derived from the
word “pand," to pawn, with the diminu
tive suffix “ing.” The cognomen,
“crown,” of the English piece, worth
about $1.30 in American coinage, was
first issued by Edward III and named
in consequence of the image placed upon
it. The groat was first coined by the
same monarch and is a corruption of
the word “grosses,” in contradistinction
to the small coins or pennies. Its value
was equal to about four of the latter
The Russian “ruble” comes from the
verb “to cut" and was so called from
the ornamental edge the piece formerly
had. The kopeck is equal in value to two
pence. as is also the kreutzer in Austria,
cent in Holland, Italy, France and Spain.
In the last country the 5-pseta piece,
called the escude, corresponds to the
American dollar, the pseta being the
small coin representing the monetary
standard and meaning simply “little
piece.” For several hundred years and
until a recent date money was coined in
from 20 to 30 places in France, bnt all is
now issued from the mint at Paris.
Few French gold coins are now in cir
culation, except those stamped with the
head of Napoleon in, and silver pieces
of the same issue are almost as common.
French diver coins were the best in the
world, and coins are often met with
bearing the stamp of Charles X, Louis
XVm and Napoleon I. The franc, in
value in American money of 20 cents,
was so designated by King John, who
first coined these pieces in 1860. They
bore the motto “Le Roi Frank” (King of
the Franks, the ancient name of the
French), and were of two kinds, one rep
resenting thi king on horseback and the
other on foot. It was formerly called
the "livre” (pound) as well, though the
connection with any specified weight is
nqt evident—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Judge Cochran Confirmed.
The senate today succeeded in secur
ing an executive session at which the
only republican nomination confirmed
was that of Judge Cochran of Nebraska
as consul to San Salvador. Senator Pad
dock is said to have made a personal
appeal for Judge Cochran. He asked
unanimous consent on the ground that
the appointment was determined on
more than thirty days since; that Judge
Cochran, however, was absent from home
and could not be reached. He said it
was not until about a week since that his
consent to take the position was received,
when his name was immediately sent
to the senate, but that, as was known
to all, there has been no opportunity be
fore to ask for his confirmation. He
said that Judge Cochran was an able
and honored citizen of Nebraska, a good
lawyer, had been a district judge and
held in universal respect by Nebraskans,
irrespective of party affiliations.”
Senator Paddock said that this was
probably the last request he should ever
have an opportunity to make on the
senate (by several senators, “Oh no! Oh
no!”); but he assured them that he did
not urge it as a reason for the indulgence
prayed for, because, however this request
might eventuate he should carry hence
when he retired from the senate, which
must do in a few days, a grateful recol
lection of the innumerable kindnesses
and courtesies extended throughout all
the entire period of his services. The
most delightful feature of this request,
said the senator, and this memory is that
it embraces every senator on both sides
of the chamber and of all parties. He
said that his request now was simply
and only this, that if his friends on both
sides of the chamber felt that they could
consistently and properly grant the re
quest he made, it wTould be greatly, a most
highly appreciated compliment under
the circumstances.
Senator Butler stated after the remarks
of the senator from Nebraska he did not
think that any senator would vote against
the confirmation.
The nomination was then confirmed.
—Washington Cor. Lincoln Journal.
The ladies of Woman’s Relief Corps of
our city gave a supper, Tuesday evening,
to the members of the Grand Army Post
and friends. The affair was after the
fashion which the ladies have made pop
ular in our city. The supper was most
excellent in every respect. Besides a
delightful social time was had.
The Endeavor Society meets every
Sunday evening in the Lutheran church
at 6:30 o’clock. The society in our city
has grown so rapidly since its organiza
tion twelve months ago that it is now the
largest in our state. The officers and
members invite all the young people to
become members and thus enjoy its
meetings, socials, etc.
The sympathy of all true hearts goes
out to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cordeal in the
death of their second child and beloved
boy, Tuesday morning, with diphtheria.
The interment took place in St. Patrick’s
cemetery on the following morning, ser
vices being held in the Catholic church
by Father Hickey. It is with further
pain and regret that we learn of the ill
ness of their baby with the same dreadful
| Are Headquarters
They Carry the
Largest Stock in McCook,
And the only Complete Line in
Southwestern Nebraska.
When Yon Need Anything Their Line...
Sim of the Finoss.—~
B. F. Troxel ®
If you want good
Low Price.
He has in Stock a Large
...Supply of...
Sec him if you contemplate building
aud get bis prices.
Famous Clothing Co..
* Mens' and fSojjs' Hats, %
Are novi' ready. An Immense variety of the Latest Shapes
^ss~and Colors in«^ss~
To Which Your Attention is Called.
Continue our Clearing Sale of Winter Goods.
We a2}e making Very Liberal Concessions in Price
.to Clear this Stock.
February 3, 1893.
McCook, - Nebraska.
Wait for the Boston Shoe Store’s new
announcement. It will appear in the
Tribune next week.
See the new advertisement of the Mc
Millen Bros., dealers in harness and sad
dlery, appearing in this issue.
Regimental Blacksmith,
Opposite Bullard’s lumber vard and
in O’Neil’s carpenter shop.
/ Will Cure Interfering Horses
& Contracted Hoofs or no Pay.
will eive you value received or no
pay. Prices reasonable.
S. D McClain. Prank Nichols.
Well Drillers.
Guarantee all Work to be
J5§r“Orders may be left at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s store in McCook.
Livery, Feed & Boarding
Lindner Barn. McCook, Neb.
Good Rigs and Reasonable Prices^
J3iF”First-clas6 care given boarding
horses, and charges fair. Call and
give me a trial.