The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1893, Image 3

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He wiisftwml and body fitly blended
Am# vdln : spirit in lt«giant frame.
And now they nay IiIm worda and deeds are
erdc d.
And Phillips Brook© in nothing but a name.
But words hO anoken do not eeust* In saying.
The deeds ho done act on forevermore.
Life and the rippled |m»o1, on© law obeying.
Are Ktirred from » enter to the farthest shore,
j -YYulter Storm Bigelow.
y If any out* was better known than an
other for miles around the village of
Conway, it was Deacon Harding, the pil
lar of the Methodist church and the
strictest selectman the New Hampshire
village had ever known. He had never
married, and some folks said he was too
mean, and that all bethought about was
putting up a goodly share of this world’s
goods to his credit in order that he might
make better provision for the commodi
ties of the next. But then people will
It was therefore a matter of consid
erable speculation among his neighbors
when the deacon was seen to stop occa
sionally at the Widow Martin’s cottage,
and many and varied were the conjec
tures about the outcome. The widow
was plump, rosy cheeked and good na
tural, and her dear departed having left
her more than two years before she was,
as she believed herself, fully qualified to
bo considered among the eligibles of the
little world in which she lived. She had
heard (what woman does not?) of her
neighbors’ talk about her. but being of
that happy disposition which does not
heed the stories Damo Rumor occasion
ally circulates she kept on her way re
gardless of all the gossips said.
ine widows cottage was an inviting
spot when the snow lay piled up in great
masses in the roadways and on the moun
tain sides and the mercury was away be
low zero. A bright light always shown
from the window's while the hickory logs
crackled and sputtered in the wide, open
fireplace. Everything about the place
was so neat, clean and wholesome look
ing that one felt at home the moment he
crossed the threshold. At least that is
what Deacon Hardin thought as he came
in sight of the cozy home of the widow
while on his way to a meeting of the town
The deacon was feeling cold and out
of sorts generally, and somehow his
ideas had been traveling for weeks past
in a direction decidedly singular for such
a confirmed bachelor as he. All ap
peared to lead up to one object, and that
was the Widow Martin. The deacon
w'as getting on dangerous ground, hut
he didn’t seem to know it. He had al
ways said there w'asn’t a woman who
could catch him. He had lived sg long
without one that he was not going to be
taken in by any of them at his time of
life. Not he, and he grew several inches
higher every time he hugged this conso
lation to his breast.
But this particular evening he was
unaccountably lonely and disspirited.
Everybody who was anybody in Con
way was full of rest and cheer and just
brimful of happiness. The spirit of the
holidays was everywhere, but the deacon
was alone. There was no one to welcome
him, no one to greet him at his home,
except, perhaps, his old housekeeper,who
was deaf and ill tempered enough to sour
the biggest cask of cider in his cellar.
It was no wonder, then, that as he
reached the Widow Martin’s cottage he
determined to stop just for a chat with
her and to W'arm himself before going to
the meeting. That was all. If he had
been told there was anything else on his
mind, he would have thought the sugges
tion ridiculous. The widow heard the
deacon’s buckboard stop—in fact, she
had seen him coming up the road—and
there had been a hasty glance over the
room, and just a peep in the looking
glass on the mantel to see if everything
was in order, long before the deacon’s
voice was heard on the frosty air and
the wheels had ceased to revolve in front
of the cottage. By the time he had
blanketed and covered his horse and led
him to the shed out of the cold blasts
that swept down the hillsides and across
the valley the widow had the door open
and was waiting for her visitor.
“1 just thought I’d stop a minute, Mrs.
Martin, to warm up, for it’s powerful
cold out this afternoon,” said the deacon,
stamping his feet to shake the snow from
his boots before entering.
‘Tm real glad to see you, deacon.
Come right in and sit down by the fire."
In a few moments Deacon Harding
had removed his heavy coat and thick
gloves and was comfortably seated on
one side of the broad fireplace, while the
widow was rocking herself gently to and
fro at the other.
xxa ins guuu icu-n/ci uiticaocu iuo uca
con kept looking over at the widow.
What a nice, pleasant little woman she
was, to be su/e, and she was pretty, too
—there was no mistake about that! He
sat there enjoying his novel sensations
without speaking for a long time. Surely
there was something the matter with
him this winter’s eve. He was usu
ally able to talk about something wher
ever he was, but now he couldn’t say a
word if his life depended on it, though
he tried desperately several times to start
a conversation. And the widow sat
there apparently entirely unconscious,
with her mind seemingly fixed upon
some trifle she was sewing.
Did she have an idea of what was pass
ing in her visitor’s mind? Of course not.
Women are such dear, innocent crea
tures, especially widows. The deacon
grew restless as the minutes passed swift
ly by, and finally, as if the heat was too
great, he got up and moved away from
the fire. Somehow, when he settled down
again, liis chair was much nearer the
widow, but she didn’t seem tc notice the
change and kept on sewing.
“It’s powerful cold today, Mrs. Mar
tin. There’ll be a heavy frost tonight, I
reckon,” remarked the deacon, finding
his speech at last.
“Do tell, deacon,” replied the widow,
shuddering, “but don’t you think you’ll
get chilled if you sit so far from the fire?
Do draw up closer and get warm; you’ve
got quite a w>yto go to town, and you
must take care of yourself in such terri
ble weather.”
“Yes, ma’am, it be chilly, that’s a
fact. I think I will move np a piece to
the fire.”
“How kind she is!” the deacon kept re
peating to himself as he edged nearer
toward the blazing logs and at the same
time drew closer to the rocker, where the
widow still sat sewing.
“I saw yoh at church last Sunday.
Mrs. Martin. The minister preached a
powerful sermon, didn’t he?” remarked
the deacon after another long interval.
“Yes, deacon, and it did uio a power
of good too."
“I'm re al glad to hear you say that.
Mrs. Martin,” exclaimed the deacon.
His face fairly beamed with delight,
while if the truth must be told he abso
lutely chuckled and rubbed his hands on
his knees as if something had happened
with which he was immensely delighted.
“Do you recall what the parson preached
It must have been the heat from the
burning logs that caused the widow’s
cheeks to blush so. Sho couldn’t even
look up from her sewing as she replied:
“Well, come to think of it, deacon, I
think it was about weddings and such
things, but I ain’t quite sure, for I didn't
pay much attention, I'm afraid, to that ]
part of the discourse.”
The chairs were getting very close.
“That’s it, that’s it,” cried the deacon,
bringing his hands down upon his knees
with a slap that startled the canary from
his perch and set the widow’s heart beat
ing furiously. “That's it. And don’t you
remember where he said that it wasn’t
good for man to live alone? I think he
told the truth, don’t you?”
The chairs touched now. The deacon
was absent from the town meeting that
When the villagers assembled at
church next day, they saw a little woman
sitting beside Deacon Harding. It was
the Widow Martin. She was wedded to
the deacon, for the parson had said it
wasn’t good for man to be alone.—B. A.
MacDonald in Buffalo Express.
Saved by a Prayer.
In a small village not far from New
York I was sent by my parents to spend
a few weeks with an aunt of my father’s.
I had not been at her home long when
one evening as we were preparing to re
tire for the night inv aunt discovered
that we were not alone in the room. She
had noticed a slight noise and upon close
inspection discovered a man hid in a
closet. She knelt in silence a few mo
ments; then in a loud voice she asked
God to protect the stranger, whoever he
might he, to keep him from the evil he
intended to commit, to bless and lead
him to better ways.
She had barely finished when he came
from his hiding place and addressed her,
saying: "Madam, you have taught me a
lesson 1 shall never forget. My mother
taught me to pray just as you hav.e
prayed tonight when I was but a little
child,” and with thes9 words he left us,
and we have never seen him since.—Cor.
New York Press.
In Two liig Cities.
The average man who makes the trip
to Brooklyn by the bridge cars conducts
himself very differently at the two ends
of the lire. On the New York side he
manifests the utmost eagerness to lose
no time. IIo rushes up the station steps,
crowds upon the first car lie comes to,
and the® dashes for a seat, as if his hopes
of happiness depended upon his speed.
When ho gets to the Brooklyn end of the
bridge, however, he has more time. He
walks away from the cars as if he had no
further reason to hurry. Instead of fight
ing for a first place on the stairways, he
loiters along as if he wanted to end the
procession. A Brooklyn philosopher ac
counts for the phenomenon on the ground
that everybody is inclined to be happy
jn his town and is too well content to
hurry.—New York Times.
Australians Mad A ft A Pleasure.
It is strange that in the midst of plenty
there should be any scarcity felt here,
and there is really no need for it, for the
land is unlimited, only waiting to be
scratched to yield an abundant harvest.
The curse of this fair land is the unwill
ingness of the people to leave the big
towns and go up into the bush and com
pel by Work nature to bring forth her
bountiful increase.
Town life is the attraction here, and
the people will have pleasure if they die.
When prosperity prevails, people live as
if its sun would never set. All seem to
be aping the class above them. At one
of Lady Hopetoun’s receptions there pre
sented themselves 1,700 people. Many
ladies met their cooks there.—Melbourne
Cor. London News.
A Mighty Man.
Topliam, the prince of English strong
men, had knots of muscles where the
armpits are in the ordinary man. He
could tatre a bar of iron 14 inches in di
ameter and 5 feet long, place the middle
of it over the back of his neck and then
force the ends forward until they met
before his face. On one occasion he
called »pon a village blacksmith and
made of him an everlasting enemy by
picking np a number of horseshoes and
snapping them in two as easily as if they
had been pine sticks.—St. Louis Repub
People Who Work While Asleep.
Not content with doing their duty
throughout the day and when they are
awake, there seem to be some people
who are not content unless they keep
themselves employed while they are
asleep. Not infrequently individuals
have projected and carried to a success
ful issue projects which they were quite
incapable of tackling when awake—no
doubt because they couldn't, even if they
wished to, dream of doing them unless
asleep.—Boston Globe.
London's Parks.
The open spaces in London, without
reckoning the disused burial grounds,
extend to 5,449 acres. Besides there are
open spaces on its borders which bring
np the total of parks accessible to Lon
doners to 22,000 acres.—Pall Mall Ga
Crinoline to be or not to Be.
All. (ii-mge Al. lirrker, Democratic
mi in tier 11 oiii 1 lennepiii c unity, in
u Inch Ai nun ..p.i i- i--limited, caused a I
mi.-aim.. 111 li • AIiiuu-miI.i I legislature,
on Fchruarv 3d, i.y mi i a hill
pn.hlbiling (In mai.iitaellire >i|- sale id
urilimiiie. I'iie hill in hid is as follows:
fsRC. I—li he ohlawt ill lor any
person lo niuniilaeltin or sell, or offer
ior sale, or use, or |.. rum to miniilact
IIre, sale or use ol an\ lioopskirt or
limipskirts, or anwlitng like lliereunto,
within the limit- ol Mlnneso'a
SkC 3—Any person violating this
net, or hi any wav assisting the viola
tion id an;, i rovi-ion- of this act shall
he punished by a fine of not. less than
$5 or more than $lf5 for each offense,
and shall he imprisoned in tin- County
jail for a period nut exceeding 30 days.
The vexed controversy concerning
ciinnlinc, which has been raging in the
papers nf late, is due to the dearth of
Fashion news lather that actual facts.
Whilst newspaper fashion writers have
busied them-elves discussing the appal
ling consequences of tile revival of the
lioopskirt in Paris and whilst the influ
enee of the Princess of Wales has been
appealed to to stand as a barrier against,
this coming threatening event, the
leading dressmaking houses of the
French capita) have not yet made a
single crinoline for any of their eus
tumers. All there is to be said on this
subject is that the several pretty novel
models of skirts coming from Paris are
as a general rule flat around the waist
with considerable fullness at the bottom.
In order lo thoroughly comprehend the
actual tendency of Fashion and to get
models of these stylish skirts, one must
consult the McDowell Fashion Maga
zines: La Mode de Paris and Paris
Album of Fashion are invaluable to
dressmakers and sell at $3.50 a year,
35 cents a copy. TJte French Dress
maker, $3 00 per yar, or 40 cents per
copy, is noted for its practical styles.
La Alode, $1.50 per year, or 15 cents
a moot!), is the Family Fa-hion Journal,
par excellence. You can subscribe at
your newsdealer or by applying directly
to the publishers, A. McDowell & Co.,
4 West 14th street, N. Y. City.
No fiction in the world is more fas
cinating or more powerful than that of
Russia. This fact is made apparent in
the current issue of Romance, the sev
enth of its notable series of special
numbers, and specifically devoted to
Russian short stories. Nearly half of
its contents relate to this remarkable
country, and are from the pens of such
writers as Tourgueneff, Tolstoi, Pouch
kine and “Stepniak.” There are also
beautiful stories of England and. Ameri
ca by some of the best authors, among
whom are Frances Hodgson Burnett,
Tom P. Morgan, Caroline A. Creevey
and Clyde Fitch. Uncommon interest
attaches to a recently discovered tale
by John G. Whittier, and also to the
striking newspaper story, “The Great
Journal Beat,” by Rhodes MeKnight.
The readers of this charming magazine
will not be surprised to learn the fact,
which has come out since his death,
that Phillips Brooks was a regular read
er and warm admirer of Romance. The
magazine is issued by Romance Publish
ing Company, Clinton Hall, Astor
Place, New York, at 25 cents a num
ber; subscription, $2.50 a year.
The March number of “Tales from
Town Topics,-’ which is No. 7 of the
scries, shows no abatement of vivacious
interest, and the new prize novellette
that starts off the volume, entitled
“The Cousin of the King,” written by
Adrian Shade Van Westrum, is a par
ticularly thrilling and successful piece
of fiction. It is the story of a foreign
adventurer, who attempts to win the
the hand of a rich American heiress,
but is balked in the game just on
the eve of victory. The tale is one of
moving interest, and is marked by
strong character drawing and dramatic
action. The collection of short stories,
sketches, poems and witticisms is as
sparkling and spicy as one could wish.
Altogether, “Tales from Town Topics”
No. 7 is a readable and clever book
that all smart people must enjoy.—
Town Topics, 21 West Twenty-third
street, New York.
To Our Advertisers.
You are entitled to have your display
advertisements changed once a month
at the regular price. Changes more
frequent will be charged extra accord
ing to the amount of composition.
Local advertisements may be changed
every week at usual price.
Copy for new advertisements and for
changes of regular advertisements must
be in this office by Wednesday of each
week to insure prompt insertion.
Notice of discontinuance of any dis
play advertisement must be given not
iater than Wednesday. Local adver
tisements may be discontinued at any
time before Thursday evening.
A strict observance of these necessary
rules is respectfully requested.
The Publisher.
January 1, 893.
Agents to sell our choice and hardy
Nursery Stock. We have new special
varieties, both in fruits and ornament
als to offer, which are controlled only
by us. We pay commission or salary.
Write us at once for terms, and secure
choice of territory.
Mat Brothers, Nurserymen,
Rochester, N. Y.
The Citizens Bank of McCook.
I Incorporated unaer State Laws.
Paid Up Capital, $50,000
General Banking Business.
Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts dram
direotly on principal cities in Europe, Taxes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FRANKLIN, President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Pres.
A. O. EBERT, Cashier.
I The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska.
i The Chemical National Bank, New York Cltf.
Tfte first JYatiouaJ 6anlt.
-ujwtii. ---
GEORGE HOCK NELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. IV. F. LAWSON, Cashier,
E. H. DOAN, Proprietor, ^
Is Now Open and Ready for Business.
ISIPI am prepared to handle all business in my «g
line promptly and with the most approved machinery,
are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are
paying the highest market price. (^j
t5F“Mills and Elevator on East Railroad street.
The Omaha Weekly Bee with The Ameri
can Farmer oh Womankind for
The Omaha Weekly Bee is acknowledged
to be the best and largest newspaper in the
west, publishing more western and general
news than any other paper in the country.
The usual price is one dollar per year.
The American Farmer is published at
Springfield, Ohio, is a 16 page montbiy paper
devoted to agriculture, horticulture, the
dairy, poultry and general interesting stories
and other matter for the home. The usual
price is one dollar per year.
Womankind is also published at Springfield,
Ohio. It is 16 page monthly publication, de
voted to everything that interests the wife,
mother and maiden. It is full of useful in
formation and interesting talks and stories
that are instructive as well as entertaining
both to young and old.
One dollar pays fora year’s subscription to
the Bee and either one of these journals.
Address all orders to ,
The Bee Publishing Co..
Omaha. Neb.
Court Calendar.
Chase County:—March 27th, jury; June
30th, no jury; November 13, jury.
Dundy County:—March 13th, jury; Septem
her 5th, no jury; November 20th, jury.
Frontier County:—April 3d.jury;Septem
her 14th, no jury; November 6th jury.
Fuknas County:—April 17th, jury; Septem
lltb, no jury; October 30th, jury.
Gosper County:—February 27th. jury; Sep
tember 1st, no jury;December 4th, jury.
Hitchcock County:—March 6th, jury; June
27th, no jury: October 23d, jury.
Haves County:—April 24tb, jury; Septem
temberStb, no jury; December 11th, jury.
Bed Willow County:—May 8th, jury; Sep
tember 18th. no jury; December 18th, jury.
Dated at Cambridge, Neb., Jan. 1,1893.
D. T. Welty, Dist. Judge 14th Jud. Dist.
People with delicate stomachs find
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No matter what daily paper you
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braskans during the legislature.
Eighty-five cents a month. Try it.
Coughs and Colds.
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Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.1