The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1893, Image 2

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    S. M. COCHRAN * CO..
Union Press Drills and
One Horse Hoe Drills,
Absolutely Rust Proof Tinware
Their prices on all goods are as low as the
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4 4-a.T- - *
HU First Inauguration Compared with
Others of Recent History—The Weather
an Important Factor—Mr. Cleveland Has
Always Ileen Fortunate In This Respect.
(Copyright, 1803.1
F THE weather j
bo as fine as was !
the case on the j
4th of March,
4 1885, the inau
3 gural ceremonies
j with which Mr.
p- Cleveland will be
J honored on the
f 4th of March,
\ 1883, will prob
W ably bo as bril
f liant as any that
have ever occur-;
red. Mr. Cleve- \
iana was exceptionally fortunate wnen
he was first inaugurated. Those whc
live in Washington look forward tc i
the inauguration ceremonial with J
keenest anticipations of pleasure, which
are always—tempered somewhat by
apprehension that the weather may be
bad. President Harrison was inaugu
rated on a day when the rain was both
heavy and chilly. Garfield's inaugura
tion took place amid the most unpleas
ant atmospheric conditions, although
the rain did not fall until evening. The
day was raw and cloudy, and those whc
were spectators suffered considerably,
especially the company which was per
mitted to sit upon the platform erected
at the east portico, and upon which the
president stood when he took the oath
and delivered his inaugural.
Perhaps the most trying inauguration
day was that which occurred on the 4th
of March, 1873. General Grant was
then to take the oath of president for a
second time, and arrangements had been
made for a very brilliant military and
civic display. On the evening of the 3d
of March a bitter cold wave set in, in
creasing in severity during the night, sc
that on the morning of the 4th Washing
ton was suffering as it seldom suffers
from cold accompanied by a high wind.
It was as near an approach to a blizzard
as the capital has ever experienced. The
military suffered very greatly, some oi
them were overcome with the cold, and
the cadets from West Point and the
naval academy who were not well pro
tected were completely demoralized,
some of them suffering from frost bitten
ears and fingers. An immense throng
had gathered in Washington to witness
this ceremonial, but many did not dare
to venture forth and face the cold.
But when Cleveland appeared to take
the oath the sun smiled upon him. The
air was as balmy as it is in Washington
in May. The suggestion of summer was
given by the warmth of the day, by the
songs of the birds, and by the buds, which,
tempted by the warm south winds, were
almost ready to burst into early blos
soms. The day was exceptional. One
of the earlier presidents had been in
i—,—i i—i
augurated upon a day when it seemed as
though May instead of March had come,
but the usual experience is either in
clement or chilly weather.
Of course preparations are being made
for an inaugural ceremonial without any
thought of the weather. It is customary
for the citizens of Washington to ap
point a local committee, which is author
ized to take charge of the military and
civic display. This committee appoints
subcommittees, to which are delegated
such duties as preparing for the inau
gural ball, for invitations, for arranging
for the right of line and other places in
the line, and this committee has co
operation with the government and the
committees of congress.
Already it is made evident that the
military display will be quite as impos
ing as any that have been made at pre
vious inaugurations, while the indica
tions are that the civic display may ex
ceed in brilliancy and numbers any ever
witnessed in Washington upon a similar
The Washington committee has been
in communication with Mr. Cleveland,
and some of the details of the cere
mony have been determined. In some
respects these do not differ from those
which have characterized other in
augurations. It has always been the
custom, for instance, for the president
elect npon his arrival in Washington
either to call in person or to send form
ally his card to the president. Mr. Lin
coln and Mr. Buchanan exchanged calls
within a few hours after Mr. Lincoln's
arrival in Washington, and Lincoln was
greatly impressed with the courtesy and
consideration shown to him by the re
tiring president. Mr. Cleveland when
he arrived in Washington in 1885 called
early in the day upon President Arthur
and was cordially received, and before
an hour elapsed the president returned
the call. Cleveland was also invited to
dine with his predecessor, and after the
dinner, which was a delightful affair, he
retired with President Arthur to the
president’s private room, and there, cast
ing aside formalities, they renewed ac
quaintance begun years before and sat
chatting until far into the night.
Upon Mr. Cleveland’s arrival in Wash
ington, which will probably occur about
the 2d of March, he will go the Arling
ton hotel, and very likely have tho same
apartments there which he occupied in
1885. Whether Mrs. Cleveland and tho
little girl will be with him is a matter
of some doubt. The baby certainly will
not be taken to the White House if thero
be tho slightest danger of contagion, of
which there is some fear, since it is
known that tho germs of scarlet fever
are sometimes very difficult to kill.
President Harrison will be informally
notified of Mr. Cleveland's arrival, so
that he may be prepared to receive him
when he calls at the White House, which
he will probably do about 11 o'clock.
The visit will be purely formal and is
likely to be of not more than ten minutes’
duration. Mr. Cleveland will then re
turn to the Arlington and await a visit
of ceremony from President Harrison,
which will be made before an hour has
expired. The president elect will prob
ably dine with President Harrison, al
though the dinner will be very private,
and probably an informal one in view of
the recent affliction which has befallen
General Harrison. These formalities
will end the ceremonials so far as the
president and president elect are con
Other details have been arranged very
much as is the case in all inaugural cere
monies. A committee of congress spe
cially appointed will upon the morning
of Inauguration Day an hour or so before
noon call at the Arlington for Mr. Cleve
land, and in an open carriage, unless
the weather be very stormy, drawn
by four as handsome horses as
can be found, will escort the presi
dent elect to the White House. Presi
dent Harrison will be ready, and seated
beside his successor upon the rear seat
of the carriage, two senators facing
them upon the front seat, they will be
driven to the Capitol. President Harri
son will bo followed by tho members of
his cabinet, but it is not at all likely, as
has been reported, that Mr. Cleveland’s
prospective cabinet will be also in the
procession, since the public is not sup
posed to know formally that he has a
cabinet in view.
W line tliese ceremonies are going on
the vice president elect will be sworn in
to the office for which he was chosen last
November, and immediately after that
ceremony, the house of representatives
having adjourned sine die at 12 o'clock,
both houses of congress will proceed to
the platform erected over the steps in
front of the eastern entrance to the Cap
itol. The chief justice of the United
States and the associate justices and such
distinguished men as may be specially
invited will be also provided with seats
upon this platform.
Custom has varied somewhat the pro
ceedings which take place after the dis
tinguished company reaches the plat
form. Sometimes the president elect first
receives the oath from the chief justice
and then delivers his inaugural. Presi
dent Garfield read his inaugural message
first, and then, turning to Chief Justice
Waite, said, “I am now ready to receive
the oath.” Mr. Cleveland when he was
first inaugurated departed from the prec
edent set by his predecessors. Every
one of those who had held the office of
president before him read the inaugural
message from manuscript, and Garfield
had some difficulty in so doing, since tho
wind was so strong that he could not
keep the sheets in place. Mr. Cleveland,
however, discarded manuscript, and it
was with something of surprise that
the distinguished company behind him,
many of whom had seen every president
inaugurated since Buchanan's time, saw
the young president elect step forward
without manuscript and proceed in
clear, skillfully modulated but not very
strong voice to address the vast throng
before him. Mr. Cleveland has tho fac
ulty of committing an address to memory
by the mental operation required in writ
ing it. His address was shorter than
any other inaugural excepting the second
one of Lincoln.
After the oath has been administered
the military and civic display will be
seen. During the forenoon the military
companies will at their convenience
march to the plaza beyond the eastern
front of the Capitol, and there will bo
assigned to their various positions in
line. They will be drawn up in line in
front of the vast throng which usually
occupies that part on Inaugural Day.
The civic societies will also be assigned
places there, and as soon as the oath is
administered Mr. Cleveland will be es
corted to his carriage and will take his
place in the line. The procession will
then start, returning to the White House
by way of Pennsylvania avenue, and
when the White House has been reached
Mr. Cleveland and those whom he has
invited will from a reviewing stand
honor the military and civic organiza-.
tions by saluting and being saluted in ,
return as they pass by.
V if
Washington gets a perfect illustration
of the truth which is contained in that
trite saying, “The king isdead; long live
the king!” on Inauguration Day. With
the administration of the oath a presi
dent becomes a private citizen, and a
private citizen becomes the occupant of
an office which Mr. Abram S. Hewitt,
of New York, has described as the grand
est political office upon earth. He who
was president in the morning and now
becomes ex-president usually goes away
without any formal courtesy at parting.
Mr. Hayes was driven from the Capitol
directly to the railway station, where
his family was awaiting him, and started
for his home in Ohio, and within an hour
had as narrow an escape from death as
any man ever experiences who is in a
railway accident.
General Arthur quitted the White
House for good when he left vt to escort
his successor to the Capitol. After the
oath was administered to Cleveland Ar
thur went as a guest to the house of
Secretary of State Frelingliuysen. He
remained in Washington, however, long
er than any ex-president ever did. since
he was Mr. Frelinghuysen’s guest for
nearly a month. Mr. Cleveland quitted
Washington immediately after the in
augural ceremonies, and it is understood
that President Harrison will leave the
capital on the afternoon of Inauguration
Day. j
Tho indications are that the military
display, while it will be imposing, may
not exceed in numbers the military es
cort tendered at some other inaugura
tions. At General Grant’s second inau
gural and upon the occasion of Garfield's
inauguration there was a very large mili
tary attendance, both from the United
States army and from the state militia.
Bat if the military display is not so
large as others have been the civic bod
ies in the procession promise greatly to
exceed any other demonstration of that
kind. Conspicuous in it will be the rep
resentatives of Tammany Hall. This del
egation will bo under the direction of
General McMahon, who is the grand mar
shal, and will have the right of line, and
the Tammany leaders are making more
elaborate preparations for the event than
they have ever done for any other pub
lic demonstration in which they have
participated. There may be 3,000 or
4,000 of them in line. They will all be
dressed alike. They will wear silk hats
of the latest style and most brilliant
gloss. Artistic badges which will ap
peal to the eye will be pinned to the la
pels of their coats. Mr. Croker himself
is quite likely to march in this proces
sion, and other politicians of Tammany
Hall whoso activity in the organization
has given them wide repute will be
found marching side by side with hum
bler members.
Mr. Cleveland is pleased with this dis
position of Tammany thus to honor him,
and it is the intention of the leaders of
that organization to make such demon
stration as will suggest that the stories
of their hostility to the president are un
founded, and that they will give him as
cordial support in his administration as
they did during the campaign.
A great body of Democrats from Phil
adelphia. one from Chicago and others
from many of the western cities will also
make up tliis imposing civic demonstra
tion, and there is to be a fine representa
tion from the Democracy of New Eng
me managers or tne railway com
panies report that the indications are
that the largest throng will be gathered
in Washington ever witnessed there
upon an Inauguration Day. The facili
ties of even some of the greater railways
will he taxed to the utmost to transport
these persons, and many of the organiza
tions have already made arrangements
for special trains. It is estimated tl it
there are likely to he more than 100,OUO
strangers in Washington upon that day.
If Mr. Cleveland has the experience of
some of his predecessors he will find that
there are some more exacting duties (or
him than participation in the ceremo
nies, excepting that one which requires
him to take the oath. General Garfield
returned from the Capitol to the White
House still perplexed about his cabinet,
and it was not until after lie had attend
ed the inaugural ball that he was abso
lutely certain of whom his official family
was to be composed. Mr. Cleveland was
not troubled in that way in 1885, since
cabinet problems had ceased to perplex
him at least two weeks before Inaugura
tion Day. Yet lie was harassed by ap
plications for appointments before he
had been president six hours, and after
he returned from the inaugural ball he
spent an hour or two reading some of
the indorsements and applications, so
that it was past 2 o’clock before he was
ablo to seek his bed. He was up at 7 on
the following 'morning, and spent an
hour or two before breakfast in examin
ing bis correspondence.
The excitement and mental strain
which the inauguration ceremonies and
the experiences which the first few weeks
of occupancy of the exalted office entail
are usually very exhausting, and Presi- !
dent Harrison has said that he was more ;
fatigued by his first mouth’s experience i
in the White House than he had been by i
the work of a year after he became fa- !
miliar with the duties imposed upon
him. It was to recover from this strain
that General Garfield planned the v aca
tion which the assassin’s bullet prevent
ed just as he was entering the railway
station to begin it. Mr. Cleveland, how
ever, bore these fatigues without appar
ent weariness, and his familiarity with
the office causes him to look forward to
his second experience with none of the
anxiety which he felt when he first be
came president of the United States.
E. Jay Edwards. '
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