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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1893)
...J. ALBERT WELLS... . a*A . Special Reduction Sale, j !« J. Albert Wells' Special Reduction Sale will con tinue until March 1st. All Winter Goods will be sold at Great Reductions to make room for the Large 1 Spring Stock. 1 Mr. Wells is now in New K York making his spring! purchases. - - 1 Special Reduction Sale. J. ALBERT WELLS. Q/ * . & -^STJITS T'OTZ^ WE CAN FIT YOU AND SUIT ....YOUR PRICE... Children’s Suits, $1.50 to $6. BE SURE TO SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. NEW LINE OF HATS -*s-^Just Received C. L DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. THLA3E T-A-BILIE. OOINO EAST—CKNTHAL TIME—LEAVES. No, 2, through passenger.5:60 A. M. No. 4. local passenger.3:40 P. M. No. 6, through passenger. 4:30 P. M. GOING WEST— MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 1, through passenger .10.50 A. M. No. 3. through passenger.. ..11:36P.M. No. 5, local passscnger.11:00 P. M. K. SI. Taggart of Nebraska City is in the city. bam Wilde’s little girl is recovering from her recent illness. Engineer Westland is back from Lincoln and on duty again. A steel rail lasts, with an average wear, abotu eighteen years. The cost of a palace sleeping-car is $15,000, or if “vestibuled,” $17,000. The cost of railroads in the United States, has been nine billion dollar. The average daily earnings of an Ameri can locomotive is about $100. J. W.Trammell, the eating house manager, was among the elect yesterday. The cost of a high-class eight wheel pas senger locomotive is about $8,500. Conductor Elza Odell has purchased the Hollister dwelling from C. J. Kyan. Engineer Jack Cook was over from the Republican branch, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Pope and the children went to Red Cloud, Wednesday evening, on a visit. J. D. McAlpine is down from Assistant Supt. Highland’s office helping on the pay rolls. The longest mileage operated by a single system is that of the Union Pacific—10,928 miles. Koadmaster Josselyn was up from Orleans, Wednesday, on business at western division headquarters. The highest railroad bridge in the United States is the Kinzua vaiduct on the Erie road —350 feet high. Tile average cost of constructing a mile of railroad in the United States at the present time is about 330,000. Agent S. E. Keed of Herndon, Kansas, was married to Miss Nora Smith of Inland, Ne braska, Sunday, February 19th. Car famines will be familiar conditions, this spring and summer. Local merchants report a touch of hunger already. Mrs. George E. Leming returned home, Wednesday uiglit, from a short stay with old time Ked Cloud friends, and relatives. The highest railroad in the United States is the Colorado Midland, at the Continental Divide—11,530 feet above the sea level. The line of railroad which extends farthest east and west is the Canadian Pacific, run ning from Quebec to the Pacific Ocean. Mrs. J. E. Sanborn came home from Hast ings on Sunday night, having placed Miss Grace in school there for the spring term. The lower house of the Nebraska legisla ture has cut out of the appropriation bill all allowance for the board of transportation. The store car got on the wrong track and in the way of the switch engine, yesterday, and was in consequence pretty badly disfig ured. Miss Klietta Method is making her sister, Mrs. H. V. Lord, an extended visit, arriving last Saturday from McCook.—Stockville Re publican. Engineer Reynolds, mare familiarly known as “windy,” lias resigned liis position on this division and will go to Plattsmouth.—Alli ance Grip. Mrs. Wirt and Miss Georgia, who have been visiting Mrs. Will Brown for the past week or two, returned to Hastings on 6, Sat urday evening. Superintendent Phelan’s daughters ],a Vauhnand Edith will be two of the six pupils to be gratuated from the Alliance public schools, this year. Mrs. A. J. Chambers made Holdrege friends a brief visit, first of the week, going down on 6, Saturday evening and returning home on Tuesday’s flyer. The twins born to Engineer and Mrs. Frank Anson, last Friday evening, were too frail for this stern existence, and passed away the following day. Engineer Frank Campbell li<\s a painfully injured right eye, received Saturday evening, while looking out of his side cab window, when running over a torpedo. Freigiit train No. 76 had 54 carloads of em igrant movables out of Red Cloud, Wednes day evening, peddling them out along the line between that point and this city. Conductor L. C. Wolf,who does the honors so gracefully on the Imperial run, is visiting friends in Burlington, Iowa. M. Carmony is holding down the run during his absence. Mrs. Nettie Cronkhite, who some years ago ran the eating house at Hastings for this company, was in our city last Friday visit ing friends on her way east from Sheridan. —Alliance Grip. Several changes in the position of night operator has occured this week. Skinner re signed to go to California, then his successor was transferred to McCook and now a Mr. Charnabeo, from Concordia, Kas., fills the place.—Oxford Standard. A 7 o’clock tea was given by Mrs. J. F. Ganscliow on Wednesday evening at her handsome residence to a few of her friends. The evening was spent very pleasantly with games. The employes on the Santa Fe system from Chicago to California are laying plans to establish a federation including all the or ders of workmen on the system. Repre sentatives are now in session at Wichita, Kansas. The demand for carpenters on the buildings under way in various parts of the city lias made inroads upon the force of carpenters in the company’s employ in the yards here, and the boss carpenter is experiencing some trou blein keeping full handed. There is talk afloat that the great magnates of the Burlington are about to secure the control of the M., K. & T. Should it prove to be a fact, it will give the Burlington di rect connection witli a great Texas mileage and a direct line to the Gulf. Monday night a collide of freight cars on a B. & M. train jumped the track a few miles west of Juniata and burst open. One was loaded witli wheat and the other with broom corn, and they rolled down an embankment about twenty-live feet. The accident was caused by a rim on a wheel breaking. There was no other damage done. Re7. George B. Smyth of Foochow, China arrived in the city on No. 6 Wednesday, and will remain a few days, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Rev. Smyth has been a missionary in China for the past ten years, and is now here on account of his health. It will be remembered that he visited briefly in McCook a little over four years ago. Talking of strong men, we have sheckels to put up that this division harbors the most powerful conductor on the Q. system. He lately for amusement lifted a pair of ear wheels from the storage track at Seneca by pure strength. He stands six loot four, weighs nearly two hundred, and bears the cognomen of Hugo Brown.—Alliance Grip. Frank DeLong, blacksmith helper, was victim of a very painful accident on Satur day morning. While other workmen were cutting a piece of red hot steel a small por tion of the metal flew into DeLong’s face, entering the right cheek to the bone. The piece was four or five inches long and the in jured man witli his own hands pulled the steel from his cheek. The wound is an ugly and painful one, and will unavoidably leave a bad mark. The following notice to members of the Belief Fund has been posted by Drs. Z. H. Kay and E. H. Waters, Medical Examiners, to-wit : “Disabled members must report their disability to their employing officer; and they should promptly report in person to the Medical Examiner if able to do so; if not they should see that the Medical Examiner is notified of their disability, and place of residence. Office hours of Medical Examin er from 9 a. m. to 12 in. of eacli day of the week except Sunday. One of the largest excursion trains that has passed through here for some time, was that of yesterday when a train of twenty eight freight cars and four coaches went West. It came from over near Clinton, III. The freight cars were loaded with horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and grain, besides the farming utensils. In the passenger coaches rode families who were going out to Ne braska to make new homes. It was a jolly party and was composed of men and women fifty to sixty years old down to the babe in arms.—Galesburg Daily Mail, Feb. 24th. Burlington officials state that the rush of emigration to western Nebraska was never so great at this season of the year. Hun dreds of car loads of movables and accom panying families are coining from various eastern states, particularly Iowa and Illinois, and are going to western counties and down on the Kansas branches. There is also a large movement from eastern Nebraska to western and Friday tiiere were 250 ears or dered within the state for this exodus. This is to be a year of great development in the western half of the state. DISTRICT COURT FILINGS. Alfa C. Seeley vs. John C. Crawley, equity, February 16th.Charles Nash vs. Stephen Lyon, equity. February 16th.Henry Par melee vs. L. J. Cramer, equity. Feb. 16th. _Ida Halstead vs. A. L. Pollock, equity. February 16th.S. E. LeFevre vs. J. H. Goodrich, equity. February 16th.Irene Cornwell vs. Conrad Kreidt, equity. Feb. 16th.Robert Moore vs. James Kelley, ap peal. February 16th.Emil Lindner vs. JamesC. Bimey, appeal. February 17th. John E. Kelley vs. Charles A. Sellers, equity. February 30th.Samuel Bryan vs. State of Nebraska, appeal. February 34th.Molir.e, Milburn & Stoddard Co. vs. C. H. Pate, at tachment. February 38th.Atlantic Trust Co. vs. Francis J. Fante, equity. March 1st. _C. II. Meeker and Gladys N. Boyle vs. J. B. Haddock, equity. March 1st_I. W. Spaulding vs. J. L. Springer, equity. March first. _ Communicated—A deep religious awak ening is being manifested at the Pleasant Ridge school house in a series of revival meetings conducted by Rev. George Trites of Culbertson, a very talented and worthy young minister. Penitents at the altai every evening, mostly young people and children. May the good work go on in the name of the Master. R. We feel impelled by the condition of the weather this morning to state that it is a bit too previous to make garden. Attorney John Stevens of McCook was on our streets Saturday.—Arapahoe Mirror. Mrs. Fred Bcehner of Arapahoe was the guest of McCook friends, Wednesday. Rev. George E. Taylor of iDdianola was in the city, yesterday. b. bowman 4b Son. Miss Lowman and Mr Ed. Lowman are now in New. York making selee tions of Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery, Etc., for the ladies of McCook and the Repub lican Valley. New Goods Arriving Daily. L. LOWMAN & SON. y^_ L. Uowman & Son* GREAT SENSATION! C. W. KNIGHTS, Yes, it’s a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price down to such astonishingly low figures that ANY130DY can now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS, such as Overcoats, Heavy Clothing Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings (and many other things too numerous to mention, Mast Co ai Roprfc ot Coot ^>THIS IS A<^ General Slaughter Sale! and will continue for 30 days only. Come and see me. I can save you money. Tfi® £agl©<3iotftt«g House, C. W. KNIGHTS, PHOP. j^THE ♦ COLUMBIAN ♦ SEASONS ...Has been inaugurated by... —KALSTEDT— with an immense new stock of STRING AND SIMM Kit GOODS Gall and see this fine line before the | \ selection is broken. KALSTEDT, • THE • LEADING • TAILOR,