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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
The condition of the treasury ’ gold supply, if correctly reported, is likely to cause some uneasiness in financial circles. It is said that there is now only about $8,000,000 of free gold iu the treasury—that is, gold that can be used for current demands, and this will be largely reduced by the shipments abroad next Saturday. It is stated that for last week’s shipments the treasury borrowed from the banks. The! European demand for gold shows • no abatement and so far as can be judged by the present indications the export movement may continue for months. As it is there appears to b® danger that the treasury will have exhausted its supply of free gold within a few weeks, and in that case we might expect the yellow metal to go to a premium.— Bee. Scale books, 500 weighs, at The Tribune stationery ddpu.tinent. The treatment of the labor problem by the principal railroads of the country this winter shows a determination on the part of the managers to assume the aggressive and get in a position to success fully fight strikers or disturbances of any kind during the World’s Fair. It is one of the most sig nificant movements made in years. —Journal. In passing a law prohibiting the manufacture or sale of cigar ettes the legislature of Pennsyl vania set an example that bids fair to knock the cigarette out of the market. The lower house of the Minnesota legislature has passed a similar bill, and it would not be surprising if the example were followed in other states. Of course it will be impossible to prevent smokers from making their own cigarettes and "consuming as many of them as they please. 1 : ? o of dealt** L.- c»r.v .: ‘er who make t'aloeata^ia^nts :r.d iryi lo cull you a au'wtitutei Buy the "enuirie. \ trSTERHATIQNAL,STOCK FOOD kcvrr fells to rare and prevent disease and save grain for—, 8 Uorsev, Cattle, Hliecp, Hogs, Colts, Calves, Lambs and Picas JPrepawd 5»y a. Stockman. Harmless for stock InS f any condition, Pnrifies the blood end permanently strength-! em: re Tyatem. cmr Superior medication guarantees >$& 550 4'eea» f.u each 50*ccnt box. MORE CENT J* *Fir»e Stock Ecjnrayings and hundreds of testimonials Freo a^Drj^-gJsU Grocers, General Dealers, etc., or direct from us. i ©arailest K&iowra K«gf Cholera Preventive, i I Sota Qgtwtawanted. International Food Co. E Wri o Minneapolis, Minn.' Sole owners of The latest IMPROVED MEDICATED FOOD ■iaaaaigMaiaii;rAi^«wi^sa«L®i^i sg THE ♦ COLUMBIAN ♦ SEASONS ...Has been inaugurated by... —KALSTEDT— with an immense new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ualland see this fine line before the selection is broken. KALSTEDT, • THE • LEADING • TAILOR, CURTIS & BATES For a Clean Shave or^Js^ -S^ssAn Artistic Hair Cut. Rear of Citizens Bank. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat* Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh’s Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.—35 cents. SHILOH’S VITALIZE!?. Krs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: “ Shiloh's Vitalizer * SA VED MY LIFE.' I emtsider ttthebest remedy for adebilitatedsystem lew used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 eta. CATARRH _ REMEDY Have you Catarrh? Try this Remedy. It will relieve and Cure you. Price 60 cts. This In lector for its successful treatment is furnished See. Shiloh’s Remedies are sold by us on a guarantee to give satisfaction. Scientific American Agency for^* CAVEATS, I TRADE MARKS, I DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, otc.l Wot Information and free Handbook write to HUNN A CO- n BhoADWAY, NSW TORE. OMwt hereon for oo imring petente tn America. ■Very patent taken out by oa la brought before 3* pafittobranStae given free of eheice in the JfcUstific American SasffiTSS yoari gSSg awnthaA^ese MCi^AW), PUBM8BU8,361 Broadway, New Tors City. We arc printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tbibune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if y<-u are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. | IsE_ TOUSTZES, Livery, Feed & Boarding STABLE. Lindner Barn. McCook, Neb. Good Rigs and Reasonable Prices. I3F”First-class care given boarding horses, and charges fair. Call and give me a trial. EDWARD B. SHAW, Regimental Blacksmith, IIAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH SHOP OX MARSHALL STREET, Opposite Hilliard’s lumber yard and in O’Neil’s carpenter shop. / Will Cure Interfering Horss & Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO HAVE A FIRST-CLASS WAGON MAKER. will eive you value received or no pay. Prices reasonable. It is an agreeable Laxative for the Bowels; can be made Into a Tea for use In One minute. Price 25c.. 50c. and $1.00 per package. If A IIA An Elegant Toilbt Powbm Aw BU for the Teeth and Breath—25c. CANCER Subject* need fear no lower from this King of Terrors, for by a most wonderful discovery In medicine, cancer on a ?y part of the body can be permanently nml wlthnnt Ike am sf the ha I Ve. MRS. 11. D. OOT.BT. nor Indiana Are., Chicago, Says “ Was cared of cancer of tbe breast In six weeks by your method of treatment." Send for treatise. Mr. H. C. Male, 34th 8t., Chicago. WHAT THE FARMERS' Say About Southwestern Nebraska Generally. The Kind of Crops that are Raised Here. — i — ■■ • SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA. As it Appears to a Farmer Recently from Iowa. • Editor Democrat, Fort Madison, Iowa. Dear Sir.—Believing that a short letter would interest some of my friends and acquaintances, with your permission I would like to give through your col umns, a short sketch of my adventures to the far west, and what I find here. I arrived here November 18th, last, with my family of eleven. I see but little change since I was here in February, 1892, except that there has been a great amount of prairie land put under culti vation this year, and a vast amount of grain raised, which is being marketed as fast as possible at good prices. It is surprising to see so many Iowa, Illinois, and eastern Nebraska farmers settling here, and as a result the price of farm lands is advancing. I never saw such beautiful fall weather in my life; have had no winter at all yet, but about four or five inches of snow. Weather nice and roads fine. Upon looking over the crop I find a great dif ference in the yield per acre, some corn yielding 70 bushels per acre and some only 20 bushels. I also find that it is invariably due to the various ways of farming: good farming raises good crops and poor farming poor crops. There are many fields of sod corn here yielding 35 bushels per acre, and this yield at 25 cents per bushel makes a good income from $10 to $15 land. Broom com is a favorite and profitable sod crop here; it costs $5 per acre to get it ready for mar ket, and a 20-acre sod field on my road to town made $12.50 per acre after all expenses. There is a large amount of prairie land from which you can get two years crops for breaking. This looks to me like better terms than the farmers can get in the east. I have found no disad vantages yet since my arrival here, and doubt of ever finding such as are ex pected by eastern people. The society is refined and social, which is very agreeable to new settlers. Now as I have already used up too much space I will close by saying that I am well pleased with Southwestern Nebraska, and believe that there are many farmers throughout the east who are losing a grand opportunity of getting themselves a good home. Should any one wish to gain any further information as to Southwestern Nebraska, I will be pleased to answer any questions, or would refer them to Mr. S. H. Colvin, of McCook, Nebraska, who was the cause of my settling here. He has a neat map and descriptive cir cular of Southwestern Nebraska, and a price list of farm lands, which he will be glad to send you upon receipt of a stamp. Thanking you for this space, and hop ing to meet some of your readers here soon, I am, very respectfully yours, Henry F. Kipp. McCook, Neb., Jan. 2, 1893. John C. Russell, of McCook P. O., Red Willow county, Nebraska, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I live on section 12, township 3, range 29, three miles from McCook, Nebraska: that my corn crop for 1892, raised on said farm, yielded 60 bushels per acre of better corn than I ever raised or saw grown in Iowa. I rented some adjoining prairie land in 1892, which I agreed to break for two years crops from same. In the spring of 1892 I broke out and planted to broom corn 18 acres which when marketed yielded me $254, after all expenses were paid, being $14.11 per acre which I got for breaking the land, and the land is now in fine condition for another year’s crop, which I get without rent. I have rented considerable land in Iowa and can say from experience that there is much more profit in renting land here than in the east, and a still better profit in buying land here at from $6 to $12 per acre than renting any place. John C. Russell. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of Januarj’, 1893. Matie I. Weaver, _ Notary Public. McCook, Neb., Jan. 7, 1893. S. D. McClain, of McCook P. O., Red Willow county, Nebraska, says as follows: I live on section 24, township 4, range 30, seven miles north of McCook, Nebraska. I raised 80 acres of corn in 1892 on said section which yielded 4,300 bushels of as good corn as I ever saw raised in any state. S. D. McClain. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January, 1893. Matie I. Weaver, Notary Public. McCook, Neb., Jan. 7, 1893. D. L. McBride living 22 miles north of McCook, Nebraska, says as follows: I live on section 9, township 6, range 29, and in September and October, 1891, I drilled in 40 acres of Michigan Seal wheat, and in July 1892, I harvested and threshed 1210 bushels by machine meas ure, overrunning four pounds to each bushel by weight, making the yield per acre 26 3+ bushels, grading No. 2 in Chicago. I also planted 120 acres of corn, part being on sod, which yielded 40 bushels per acre. D. L. McBride. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6tli day of January, 1893. Matie I. Weaver, Notary Public. McCook, Neb., Jan. 4, 1893. Ira C. Kimball, of Box Elder O. P., Red Willow county, Nebraska, being duly sworn says as follows: I live on sec tion 23, township 4, range 29, nine miles north of McCook, Nebraska. In the summer of 1891 I raised 1 acre of onions on my farm from which I harvested 600 bushels and marketed them in McCoek, Nebraska, receiving for same $271.75. In 1892 I raised acres of onions from which I harvested 1000 bushel, which I am now marketing at $1 per bushel, making in two years from 1% acres $1271.25. Ira C. Kimball. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1893. Matie I. Weaver, Notary Public. It Was a Winner. Notwithstanding th efforts of the storm king to bring disaster and failure upon the occasion, the ball and banquet given by the Harvey Division No. 95, Order of Railway Conductors, in the opera hall, Monday evening, was a gratifying suc cess in every feature. The attendance was overwhelming, amounting to a crush of eager enthusiastic and pleasure seeking people from our own city, rein forced by delegations of invited guests from Denver, Hastings, Holdrege, and various other points up the Imperial branch. The affair is regarded as one of the most brilliant social events in McCook’s history, the number of rich and elabor ate costumes being especially noticeable and commented upon. The decoration of the hall was effective and appropriate. Banners, bunting, mottoes etc., etc., being used with taste and skill and in profusion. Prof. Reizenstein’s orchestra were in attendance and provided the dancers with a lengthy program of their rarest vintage, which means something most engaging in the musical way. The banquet was spread in tne Com mercial house dining room, which is equivalent to saying that this feature of the occasion was in keeping with the rest of the delightful affair, and many took the advantage of the opportunity thus afforded to indulge in a feast of good things. The number of guests from abroad was unusually large, and their presence was a large element in the success of the event. While without the storm raged fiercely within all was gayety and mirth at the opera hall. In all respects the third annual ball and banquet \\as gilt-edged, finer than silk, and the boys of Harvey division are entitled to hearty congratulations there upon. It will be a marker for the future. At the dance, Monday night, Mose Colfer’s agility was a surprise to those who have known him for forty years. John Kelley’s gentleness in swinging the ladies was remarkable. Prof. Sutton’s amiability and sweet smiles, won for him general admiration. Col. Easterday’s ability to “swing his partner home” created applause. Joe Reizenstein, but once during the night, showed the boys liowr to trip the light fantastic. Properly Adjudicated. One of the most interesting cases to the people of McCook was the jury trial before justice Berry, on Wednesday, of Wm. Huber vs. Frank S. Granger. The suit was on account of $30.10 claimed by Huber for cleaning the rooms occupied by Mr. Granger and his family, over Carruth & Son’s jewelry store, upon which Huber claimed he and eight men labored assiduously for 100 hours at 25c per hour, besides the charge of $6.10 for carpet laying. The circumstances of Mr. Granger’s sad bereavement, and his own painful accident at that time, are still fresh in the mind of the community. The testimony developed the fact that on the day the work was done the de fendant’s daughter paid the plaintiff $20. The jury, after short deliberation, returned a verdict for Mr. Granger in the sum of one cent, thus finding that the work had allready been more than paid for. An amusing feature of the trial was the testimony of two ladies for the defense to the effect that the work could have been done in half* the time by a couple of girls. The verdict of the jury meets with the approval of every fair minded citizen of McCook, as there are few of our citizens who have not been touched 011 this score. Sunday morning last, was a time when pedestrians would look at the leaeflss trees, expecting to see buds swelling, and hear the birds twittering in anticipation of spring. The good house wife was ex ploring the closet for her husband's last year’s duster, when pur eyes were greet ed by the unusual sight of a rapidly moving' vehicle, containing a cashier of one of our banks together with a police officer. Their destination was twenty miles south in search of James West, who has been carrying the mail from Banks ville to McCook. His hobby has been the mortgaging of horses which he did own. Our young man with scarcely any down on his upper lip was found in Kansas, and induced to return to Ne braska where pressure was brought to bear until the money which he had frauduently obtained was secured. This candidate for the penitentiary received a lesson from the sleuths of justice which he will do well to heed. Waiting for the mail to be distributed on Sundays a reader of character will find a number of subjects to amuse his fancy. Here is a loose jointed fellow with a soft felt hat on, who apes the style or a brigand; opposite him stands a jaundice faced, spectacled, close-fisted fellow, and here and there are to be seen prim dudish chaps, who are eyeing the girls as the come in from church. Cigars and pipes in full blast ornament a dozen mouths until the atmosphere is so im pregnated with the vile smoke that you could cut it. The smokers are oblivious of the offense it must be to ladies and non smokers, who are patiently waiting for the mail to be distributed. A happy, contented smile plays upon Joe’s features as he rakes in the nickels for the Sunday papers. It is his harvest and he “makes hay while the sun shines." F. H. Spearman has sold the house in which Phil Church field has been living to a gentleman from Boston. Call and inspect Kalstedt’s immense stock of new goods. The finest selection ever exhibited in the city. Don’t wait until the line is broken. Mrs. F. H. Spearman made her ap peamce on the streets, Wednesday, for first time in a month having been con fined to the house by sickness of herself and baby._ Kalstedt, the leading tailor, has just re ceived the largest and finest selection of suitings, pantings etc., ever exhibited in Western Nebraska. See him before the selection is broken. N. Pollard is over from Rawlins coun ty, Kansas, with his yoong daughter, up on whom an operation for hemorrhage from a fractured skull will be performed by Drs. Davis & Gage. Mr. Sunkwitz and son and son-in-law arrived with four car load of horses, cat tle and farm implements the first of the week. They come from Beatrice and will occupy farms purchased of B. F. Troxel. The three Masonic Lodges of McCook, Knights Templar, Chapter and Blue, propose to expend $300 i n furnishing and beautifying their lodge room, which, when complete, will be the most perfect of its kind between Hastings and Denver. Thirty-four farmers of Danbury, in Red Willow county, have written the board to ask why the farmers cannot get cars to ship their own grain. It is claimed elevators get about ten cars to one se cured by all the farmers. A copy has been served on the B. & M. officials.— Lincoln Journal. The pleasant home of J. II. Yarger was the scene of a very enjoyable social event, last Saturday evening, in which about a dozen of the elite of our city participated. Social games were in dulged in and appropriate refreshments served. It was an event that will ever be fresh in the memory of all the happy participants. -----— How do we spend our evenings? Some in the bosom of their families, some in the lodge rooms; some playing high five or whist in the club room or hotel office; while the newspaper man is trudging around town on his uppers trying to gather items of interest to his readers, thinking of his delinquent subscribers, striving to forget that hunger is gnawing at his vitals. Good till dooms day, over all lines in Nebraska, was the way the boys looked toward a rose bud on Monday evening at the dance. She had a profusion of glossy hair, large eyes which lit up brill iantly, a dazzling skin, and a figure which was well nigh faultless. She was dressed beautifully, from her dainty slip pers to the ornament in her hair, seemed to be made for the occasion. The gentlemen of McCook have, as a general thing, the commendable habit of doffing their hats to their lady friends. It is sometimes amusing though, to see a man reach for his hat and miss it, recover himself, reach again and raise it after the lady has passed. We would suggest a little practice so that he might reach the hat at the first attempt and permit her to really witness the gallantry and not merely the futile effort. For Sale. A square piano, walnut case, in good order, seven octaves, Vose make. Will sell on time with good security. Inquire Farmers and Merchants bank, McCook. Pleasant Social Affair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMilleu enter tained a party of young folks, Wednes day evening, in honor of Mr. McMillen’s brother, Russell. Progressive Parclieesi was the entertaining feature of the even ing. Dainty and appropriate refresh ments were served. The participants were Misses Ella Boucher, Delia Rogers, Edna Meserve, Selma Noren, Laura and Maud McMillen; Messrs. Russell Mc Milleu, Ed. Denham, E. J. Wilcox and J. A. Wells. Is there a Nig in the Wood Pile? The committee appointed by the A. O. U. W. haue selected the lots south and west of the Fatuous, on the corner of Dennison and Main streets, on which to build a three or four story building. Two stores will be on Main street and two on Dennison street. It is the gen eral expression of our citizens, outside of this committee, that there are only two poorer locations in McCook for the loca tion of this building; one would be south of the track and the other in West Mc Cook. Time may convince the com mittee of their error in judgment. J. A. CORDEAr,, Attorney. NOTICE. Ed Drain will take notice, that on the 6th dsy of February. 1803, J. E. Kelley, a justice et tbe peace of Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county. Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $15 and costs of this action, and has caused the Burlington Voluntary Relief Department of tbe Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to be duly served with attachment and gar nishee, as having monies and credits in Its possession belonging to tbe said Ed Drain, in an action pending before him, wherein Frank H. Spearman is plaintiff, and Ed Drain is de fendant; that property of the defendant con sisting of the said monies in tbe bands of the said Burlington Voluntary Relief Department of the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy Rail road, has been attached and garnished under said order. Said cause was continued to the 22d day of March, 18!>3. at 10 o’clock a. m. J. A. CORDEAL, Attorney for plaintiff. McCook, Nebraska. February 17,1890. A FARMER WRITES About His Arrival—How He Found Things— What He Thinks About This Country. A FEW SAMPLE FARMS. How they May be Obtained,—Whb is the Proper Person to See About Them. McCook Neb., Jan. 19, 1893. Dear Friend.—I arrived here with my three car loads of stock and goods in fine shape. Was greatly surprised to find the ground bare and roads so fine, and such nice weather, there having been a heavy snow on the ground when I left Lake City, Iowa. I find there has been .only from 4 to 6 inches of snow here this winter, and there is but little frost in the ground now. I am more fa vorbly impressed with the country now than when here before. There can be no finer farm land found than here, and the vast amount of corn piled all over the prairie will vouch for its productive ness. When I first read the description of Southwestern Nebraska, with prices of land written by S. H. Colvin, of McCook, Red Willow county, Nebraska,. I believed it too greatly exaggerated; hut I did have faith enough to come and see the country, and am no ready to confirm the statement of the country as made in the circular, and believe that Mr. Colvin has underestimated it in many particulars. I have bought myself a fine 640 acre farm and will go to fanning in earnest this spring. 1 never saw so fine laying land for farming, where the yield per acre is so great, and you can buy the land at from #10 to #15 per acre. This is a good location to rent land, as you can get one-third of all the crop, and in many cases get two crops for breaking the land. Corn is yielding heavy and this is a fine country to feed stock. 1 am sorry that all the farmers in the east cannot see this country, as I am satisfied there are many who are giving a heavy rent that could own homes here and get all the crop. I find that the price of land is advancing, and in a short time the cheap land will all be gone. Hoping my farmer friends will be in terested enough to visit Southwestern Nebraska, I remain, Very truly yours, R. P. Barr. McCook, Neb., Jan. 4, 1893. James M. Kanouse, of McCook P. O.. Red Willow county, Nebraska, deposes and says as follows: I live 011 section 6, township 1, range 28, of Red Willow county, Nebraska. I have just finished gathering one field of corn containing 36 acres which yielded 50 bushels per acre of as good corn as I ever saw raised. James M. Kanouse. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1893. Matie I. Weaver, Notary Public. A FEW SAMPLE FARMS. 273.—160 acres, well improved 11 miles to McCook, 150 acres level land, 90 acres cultivated, 60 acres fenced in pasture, good 5-room frame house 14x26, good well and windmill, 25 growing apple trees, considerable small fruit, frame granary 10x12 feet, several other cheap buildings, 1 mile to school house, 1% miles to church, post office or store. Price $1800. Time if desired. 102.—160 acres, southwest of McCook, 6 miles north of Herndon, Kansas, (a good railroad town], 140 acres farm land, 20 acres fine pasture land, 70 acres under cultivation, 70 acres fenced in pasture, a large comfortable sod house, fine well, windmill and tanks, stables and corrals* Price |8 per acre, $1280. Part cash, time on balance to suit purchaser. 288.—240 acres, gl/2 miles to McCook, 7 miles to Cedar Bluffs, Kansas. 160 acres deeded and 80 acres to be home steaded, small frame house, a few trees, some under cultivation, 220 acres level farm land, 20 acres good rolling pasture land. Price $8 per acre. Time to suit purchaser. 278.—160 acres, perfectly smooth and level, on public road, Vz mile to good frame school house, 1'/z miles to grist mill, 1 mile to post office, ]/z mile from creek and timber, '/z mile to railroad, 7 miles to Indianola, 7 miles to McCook, considerable under cultivation. Price $1700. Time on part if desired. 17.—160 acres, 7 miles to McCook, 7 miles to Indianola, 120 acres fine farm land, 40 acres of pasture land, farm all fenced and cross-fenced, 40 acres under cultivation, % mile to church, 2% miles to grist mill, 3 miles to Red Willow post office, 1 mile to creek with heavy timber. Price $8 per acre, $1280. 263.—Soo acres at $6 per acre, 600 acres fine smooth farm land, 200 acres fine rolling pasture land, good well, 100 acres under cultivation, 3^ miles to Traer, railroad town in Beaver Valley, 16 miles south of McCook. Sell in Smaller tracts if desired on easy terms. 292.—160 acres perfectly level valley land, 50 acres under cultivation, well, pump, good sod barn 80 feet long, frame house 16x24, 40 acres fenced in pasture, 3 miles to Culbertson, 7 miles to McCook. i'/z miles to Perry Station, fine level roads, good settlement. Price $2,500. Time if desired. 67.—160 acres, n'/Z miles to McCook, 6 miles to Cedar Bluffs, Kansas, 130 acres fine farm land, 30 acres pasture land, 100 acres under cultivation, nice grove of trees, well and sod buildings. Price $8 per acre, $1280. The above list is only a partial one of what I have on my sale book. If you can’t find what you want on this list write me for others. These lands can be bought on easy terms; some by paying two to three hundred dollars cash and time on balance, some by paying one-tenth each year thereafter. Remember t show any of these lands free of charge. Many of these farms join each other and I can furnish you any sized farm from forty acies to two thousand acres. Should you desire any further information send stamp for reply, descriptive circular and map of Southwestern Nebraska to S. H. COLVIN, McCook, Rod Willow Co., Rob. One block north of depot, opposite Arlington Hotel.