The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1893, Image 7

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For biliousness,
nausea, and
dizziness, take
Ayer’s Pills
the best
family medicine,
purely vegetable,
Every Dose Effective
no YOU'
A great many people suffer the aches .and pains caused
by diseased kidneys, and do not realize their danger until
it is too late. Back-ache, Constipation, Nervousness, Loss
of Appetite, Failing Eyesight, Rheumatic and Neuralgic
pains in the Back and Limbs indicate Kidney Disease,
which, if neglected, result in death. ?
Oregon Kidney Tea
You can no^ enjoy life when you suffer. You
will take more interest in the world when you
are well.
Dr. Humphrey*' Specifics are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single Specific
a special cure for the disease named.
Tney cure without drugging, purging or reducing
the system, and are in fact and deed the Sovereign
Remedies of the World.
1— Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25
2— Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3— Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults. .25
5— Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic— .25
6— Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.25
7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. .25
8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faeeache.25
9— Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo. .25
10— Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation .25
11— Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25
12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods.25
13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness.25
14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions. .25
15— Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains .25
16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague... .25
17— Piles, Blind or Bleeding. .25
18— Ophthaimy, Sore or Weak Ejrg.25
19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
20— Whooping Cough.25
21— Asthma, Oppressed Breathing.25
22— Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing .25
23— Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swelling .25
24— General Debility, Physical Weakness .25
25— Dropsy, and Scanty Secretions. .25
26— Sea-Sickness, Sickness from Riding .25
27— Kidney Diseases.25
29— Sore Mouth, or Canker.25
30— Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25
31— Painful Periods.25
34— Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat.. .25
35— {Chronic Congestions & Eruptions. .25
28— Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak
ness, or Involuntary Discharges.1.00
32— Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation 1.00
33— Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance... 1.00
Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price.
Dr. Humphreys* Manual. (H4 pages,' mailed free.
1H MPIIKEYS’ MED.CO., 111 & 113 William St., New York.
For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleedfeg;
Fistula In Ano: Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum.
The relief is immediate—the cure certain.
Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price.
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Hay ley, i
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So starring. Send 6 cents in stamps for particulars to
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G. W. Williamson, M. D.
Send us a two-cent stamp for full particu
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All correspondence done in the utmost pri
vacy. Advice free. Don’t delay, but write
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UIE P8SBE Private,Nervous,Chronic
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It Wu Fearfully Beal to the Man Wlio Saw
the Severed Head Ilollinc In.
Tlio late Sir Richard Owen used to re
late a remarkable ghost story. In his
early days, when he held the post of sur
geon to the prison at Lancaster, a negro
died in jail, and a postmortem as well as
an inquest was necessary. After tho in
quest tho young surgeon saw tho body
put in the coffin and the lid screwed
down, to be ready for the funeral next
day. Owen had at the time been already
attracted to the study of comparative
anatomy, and negroes’ heads were not
plentiful, so bo made up his mind that
this one should not bo lost to tho cause
of science. In the evening ko returned
to the prison with a black bag contain
ing a brick—from his official position he
had no difficulty in getting admittance
to tho mortuary, where the coffin lid was
unscrewed and screwed down again.
During this process the brick and the
negro’s head changed places.
The ground outside the principal eD
trance to the jail has a considerable de
scent, and the time being winter, with
snow and frost, Owen had scarcely passed
out when he slipped and fell all his length
—the bag went from his hand, and the
head tumbled out and rolled down the
paved way. He got up, caught the bag,
and following tho bead clutched it just
as it finished its career in a small shop
where tobacco was sold. Pushing it into
the bag again, ho vanished out of the
shop with all the speed he was capable of.
Next morning, when Owen was going
to his usual duties at the prison, he was
called in by the woman at the shop where
t he accident bad occurred on the previous
evening. She wished him to see her hus
band, who was very ill. He had had, she
said, a fright the night before that caused
him to look wild and dazedlike. The man,
it turned out, was a retired sea captain
who had been in many adventures among
the West India islands when many deeds
were done that did not at that time re
quire to be accounted for. Among these
had been the killing of a negro in which
ho had a hand, and the transaction had
left a touch of trouble on liis conscience.
After giving these details the old captain
told of the horrible event that took place
the night before.
He was sitting in liis shop. All was
qniet, and it so chanced that he had been
thinking of the negro, when suddenly he
saw his very head roll into the shop in
front of the counter, and it was followed
by the devil all in black, with a black bag
in liis hand. The devil snatched up tho
head, and both disappeared through the
earth like a flash of lightning. Tho de
scription was perhaps not quite compli
mentary to the young anatomist, but it
was satisfactory so far that it showed that
liis identity had not been recognized.—
London News.
Theodore Hook's Indigent Daughter.
“By a curious coincidence,” says an
English journal, “attention has been
called to the existence, in very poor cir
cumstances, of an aged daughter of
Theodore Hook, just at a time when a
proposal is on foot to commemorate the
brilliant humorist by a stained glass
window in the porch of Fulham church,
in the pretty ‘God’s acre’ of which he
lies buried. Hook's only surviving child
has, alas! fallen on evil days, and at up
ward of 70 years of age finds herself in
sorely straightened circumstances.
“It is not, happily, our custom to allow
the children of those who have won
fame to suffer unaided the penalties of
unavoidable misfortune, and it may be
taken for granted that the same spirit of
respect for a distinguished name which
has led to the collection of funds for the
memorial window and for the restora
tion of the famous writer’s tomb will
secure material help to his daughter in
her poverty and old age. So far as The
odore Hook himself is concerned, we
may be quite sure that no posthumous
honor that could be offered to him would
compare—could he hut know of it—with
the timely aid which is asked for his in
digent and almost friendless daughter.”
All a Mistake.
Last week three preachers mingled in
the crowd of people looking at the show
window of a large clothing store. While
they were earnestly observing the dis
play a vigilant detective came to them
and laying his hand on the shoulder of
one of the ministers said:
“You must go with me.”
“Where?” asked the clergyman.
“To the city hall,” replied the detect
ive as he displayed his badge. The
preacher declined to go, but after think
ing over the matter remarked: “All
right, I will go. I suppose I will look as
well in the city hall as you will.” They
had not proceeded far before the detect
ive felt that he had made a mistake. He
excused himself, and the minister walked
away, accompanied by his brother min
isters, who had come to his rescue. This
incident recalls the arrest as a suspected
felon of a well known newspaper man a
few years ago by a prominent detective,
who found the newspaper man sending
off a long telegram.—Louisville Courier
How One* Court Was Run.
Probably Judge Murphy's best hit was
i made with a police court lawyer who en
deavored to secure the acquittal of a
prisoner by quoting an obscure para
graph of an almost forgotten law. The
justice denied the appeal, saying, “This
court may not know a great deal of law,
but it is well posted on all points of com
mon sense, and that is what this court is
run on.”—Brookh a Eagle.
# Beauty, Ugliness ami Ignorance.
The keenest race in Asia, as all who
know them assert, the strongest in char
acter. the Chinese, is decidedly the ugli
est of semicivilized mankind, while the
Hindoo, if sufficiently fed, is even when
as ignorant as an animal almost invari
ably handsome.—Million.
A Different Makeup.
Jones—Well, have you made up your
mind to buy that bouse?
Brown—Oh, yes. I've made up mv
mind, but somehow I can’t make up the
amount of the first • payment.—Detroit j
Free Press.
W. 8. Moklan. Attorney.
In the matter of the estale of Frank H.
Fowler, decease A
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order issued out of ihe district court of
lied Willow county, state of Nebraska, made
on the 3d day of December. 1892. for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter described, there
will tie sold at the front door of the store ul .1.
A. Wilcox & Son. situated on lot eight, block
twenty-two, original town of McCook, Ited
W illow county, state of Nebraska on the I8lh
day of February. 1898. at i lie liourof lOo’e'ock.
a. in., at public vendue to the hivhest bidder
for cash, or part cash and the hula nee, not to
exceed three-fourths of the purchase money,
on a credit of not more than three years: said
money for which credit is given io be secured
by bond of the purchaser and by mortgage on
Use premises sold: the following described
real estate, or a sufficient amount ot the same
to bring the sum of (1 503.04 to-wit:
First:—The undivided one-half interest In
the east half of the northwest quarter, and
i he west half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-nine, township four, range twen
ty-nine, tied Willow county.srate ot Nebraska.
Second:—The undivided one-half interest in
lot thirteen, block eleven. West McCook, Ne
ThirdThe undivided one-half interest in
lot six. (dock nine, third addition to McCook.
Fourth:-The undivided one-half interest In
lor eight, block twenty-two. original town of
McCook, Nebraska.
Said sale will* remain open one hour.
Datea December 13, 1892.
Henrietta Fowler. Administratrix of
the estate of Frank II. Fowler, deceased.
[First publication January 27th, 1893.]
W. S. Moklan, Att(»rney.
Publication Notice.
Robert Ackerman and George W. Burton
and Andrew E. Harvey, partners doing busi
ness under the firm name of Burton & Harvey,
defendants, will take notice that Frances
S. Stoddard, plaint ill herein, has tiled her peti
tion in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty. Nebraska, against the above named defen
dants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed March
I6th. 18S7, by the defendant Robert Ackerman
to the plaintiff upon the northeast quarter of
section number twenty-seven [27] in township
number one [1J range number thirty [30] Red Willow secure
the payment of his eleven certain promissory
notes, one for the sum of $350 due March 7th,
1892, and ton notes for $12.25 each,due respect
ively September lirst, 1887. March first and Sep
tember tirst. 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1891,aud March
tlrst, 1892; that there is now due upon said
notes and mortgage, including taxes paid
by plaintiff, the sum of $429.95. and plaintiff j
prays for a decree that the defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy taid amount.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday. March tit h. 1893.
Bated this 20th day of .January, 1893.
Francks w. Stoddard, Piaiutiff.
By W. S. Moklan, her attorney.
(First publication January 27th, 1893.)
W. S. Morlan, Attorney.
Publication Notice.
Ephriara Greene,Emma M Greene and D. M.
Osborne and company, defendants, will take
notice that James H. Knight, as administrator
of the eRtate of Henry M. Gilman, deceased,
plaintiff herein, has tiled his petition in the
district court of Ked Willow county, Nebras
ka, against said defendants, the object und
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed June 3d. 1885, by the defendants
Ephrium Greene and Emma M. Greene to the
said Henry M. Gilman, deceased, upon theeast
half'of the northwest quartet? and the west
hall of the northeust quarter of section num
ber elevcndbin township number ono(ljnortb,
range number twenty-nine (29) west, in Ked
Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of eleven certain promissory notes of
i he said Ephrium Greene and Emma M.Greene,
one for the 6um of $400 00 due May 28th, 1890,
one note for $15.00 due October first, 1885,
eight notes for $20 00 each, due respectively
April first and October first. 1886. 1887, 1888and
1889. and one note for $25 00 due April first.
1890; that there is now due upon said notes and
mortgage the sum of $647.53, including taxes
paid by plaintiff, with interest thereon at the
rate ol' ten per cent per annum from the first
day of December, 1892. and plaintiff prays for
a decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy said amount, with interest and
costsof suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, March 6th, 1893.
Dated this 20th day of January, 1893.
James H. Knight, as administrator of the
estate of Henry M.Gilman, deceased. Plaintiff.
Hy W. s. Morlan. his attorney.
First publication January 27th, 1893.
.7. A. Cordeau, Attorney.
In the District Court of lied Willow county,
Nebraska. The Saint Joseph Loan and Trust
Company, a Missouri corporation, plaintiff, vs.
JohnC. Kinkead and Fannie Kinkead. defts.
John C. Kinkead and Fannie Kinkead, de
fendants, will take notice that on the loth day
of September, 1892. plaintiff herein Hied its
petition in the District Court of Ited Willow
county, Nebraska against said defendants,
the object and prayerof which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ants to the plaintiff upon the south-east
Quarter of section thirty live, in township
two. north of range twenty-six. west sixth
piincipa! meridian, in lied Willow county,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of one cer
tain promissory note of said defendants dated
March 1, 1889, due in seven equal installments
of $20 00 each, due and payable respectively
on March 1, 1890, and on the first day of March
each year thereafter; that there is now due
and payable to plaintiff on said installment
note and mortgage the sum of $164 00. for
which with interest from September 15,1892,
at 10 per cent, per annum, plaintiff prays for
a decree that defendants tie required to pay
the same or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 13th day of March, 1893.
Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Company.
By J. A. Cordeal. its attorney.
First day of publication February 3.
Land Office at McCook, Neb., i
January 3, 1893. f
Notice is hereby given that the S. w. 14 of
the N. W. of section 8 township 4, N. of
range 29, west, will he offered at public sale at
this office at not less than $1.25 per acre, 011
Saturday February 11. 1893, at 9 o'clock. A. M.
Central Standard lime. .1. P. Lindsay,
336ts. - Register.
Court Calendar.
Chase County:—March 27tb, jury; June
30th, no jury: November 13, jury.
Dundy County:—March 13th, jury; Septem
berJth, no jury; November 20th,jury.
Frontier County:—April 3d.jury;Septem
ber 14th, no jury; November 0th jury.
Furnas County:—April 17th. jury; Septem
lltb, no jurv: October 30th, jury.
GosperCounty:—February 27th. jury; Sep
tember 1st. no jury :Decemher 4th, jury.
Hitchcock County:—March 0th, jury; June
27th, no jury; October 23d, jury.
Hayes County:—April 24th, jury; Septem
temberSth, no jury; December 11th. jury.
Ued Wii.i.ow County:—May 8th. jury; Sep
tember 18th, no jury; December ISth, jury.
Dated at Cambridge, Neb., Jan. 1,1893.
D. T. Welty, Diet. Judge I4tli Jud. Dist.
The Greatest Sundy Newspa
per in the World.
Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year.
Daily by mail - - - - 6 “
Daily and Sundy by mail -8 “
When the publishers decided to
issue The Journal twice a week
at the same price of the old week
lies, 81.00 per year, they stiuck
just what the public wauted—
something between the old-fash
ioned weekly and the high-priced
daily. The success of The Semi
Weekly Journal has been imme
diate and continued. It has dis
tanced every one of its once-a-week
rivals. It doesn’t take long to
convince people that a good live
paper every Tuesday and Friday
is better than only one a tveek,
especially when you appeal to their
pocket books, and give it to them
at the same price. Readers will
testify that it is almost as trood as
a daily. The markets twice a
week are worth the money. Four
complete novels each year by
“The Duchess,” Miss Braddon,
and other widely known authors,
are worth the dollar. Its lecisla
tive news is its strong point just
now. It is wide-awade, spends
money for news, and is always in
the lead. You can see its supe
riority over the old-fashioned
weekly. Everyone who subscribes
now gets a Seaside Library free.
This offer won’t hold good al
ways. One of our big offers is
The Semi-Weekly Journal and
Weekly New York Tribune, both
one year for 81-25. Our great
premium, History of the United
States, Stanley’s Book, or Life of
Spurgeon, prepaid, and The Jour
nal, 81-40. Either book is worth
81-50 alone. Your choice of these
books and the Weekly New York
Tribune and Journal a year for
only 81-65. What a combination
of reading matter! If you send
us your own and another new
name, we will send you either of
the above books free. Subscribe
now and get 104 papers a year,
which is less than one cent per
copy. Address
Nebraska State Journal,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Catarrhal Deafness Cured.—An Old
Case Successfully Treated.
The symptoms are: Roaring, crack
ing, buzzing in the ears, with grad
ually increasing difficulty in hearing
If not cured the hearing will be entirely
destroyed. When the case has not
already gone too far before the treat
ment is begun Pe-ru-na will cure every
case. It is only after the catarrh has
destroyed portions of the middle car
that Pe-ru-na fails to cure.
Mr. Frederick Bierman, of Macomb
City, Miss., had chronic catarrh very
badly for many years. The disease
finally passed up • the eustachian tube
into the middle ear, and had already
destroyed his hearing. He has been
taking Pe-ru-na for a short time, and
his catarrh is very much better, and he
hears again as well as any one.
S^end for a free copy of the “Illus
trated Ills of Life,” sent free by the
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., of
Columbus, Ohio.
No matter what daily paper you
read at other times, the Daily
State Journal, published at the
state capital, is the paper for Ne
braskans during the legislature.
Eighty-five cents a month. Try it.
To Trade.
A quarter section of land adjoining
Keota, Colorado, to trade lor McCook
residence or vacant property.
E. C. Burkett, Tribune Office.
For Sale or Trade.
Two lots with improvements as f’ol
lows: a house, kitchen, cellar, well,
stable, fruit and forest trees. Will
trade for a good team. Enquire at
this office. 34-tf.
For sale by L. \V: McConnell & Co.. G. M
Chenery. Albert McMillen in McCook and
by druggists everywhere. • -
CWdren Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Near to Drutli.
The way the thing happened was this:
Our section had beeu fighting it alone in
a peach orchard until the other m inhere
of the battery joined us. v. ion we moved
forward and had quite a brisk enga .a
inent with theeuemy. Onr nmnninhmii
expended and our men worn out, we
halted at a spot in the woods to rest and
to replenish our ammunition.
The fighting was going on all around
us, anil stray bullets were coining along
past us every now and then., 1 don’t be
lieve i was ever so tired in my life as 1
Whs after that engagement. It was ab
solutely necessary for me to take a rest,
and perceiving a huge tree near by 1
concluded to plant myself along aide of
it. So 1 leaned against it with my back
to the enemy's line, stretched out my
feet and was having a splendid rest when
a 12-pound shot came hounding along
and struck the tree plumb ou the opjxj
site side from me and at a point just be
hind my head.
Well, sir, I didn’t know what struck
me. The shock was tremendous. Great
Jerusalem! But didn’t I run from under
that tree, looking sideways up and ex
pecting momentarily to see the whole
enormous mass of wood and leaves come
crashing down on me. I didn't know
what had happened till I saw some of the
boys dancing around in high delight,
clapping their hands and yelling at me. 1
felt for a week as if I had been struck on
the back of the head with a sledge ham
mer.—New Oilcans Times-Democrat.
The Hauteur of English Servants.
I get on charmingly with tho English
nobility .and sufficiently well with the
gentry, but the upper servants strike*
terror to my soul. There is something
awe inspiring to mo about an English
butler, particularly one in imposing
liver}*. When I call upon Lady de Wolfe,
I say to myself impressively as I go up
the steps: “You are as good as a butler,
as well bom and well bred as a butler,
even more intelligent than a butler
Now, simply because he has an unap
proachable hautiness of demeanor, which
you can respectfully admire, but cai:
never hope to imitate, do not cower be
neath tho polar light of his eye; assert
yourself; bo a woman; be an American
citizen!” All in vain.
The moment the door (.pens I ask for
Lady do Wolfe in so timid a tone that !
know Parker thinks me the parlor maid's
sister, who has rung the visitors’ bell by
mistake. If my lady is within, I follow
Parker to the drawing room, my knees
shaking under me at the prospect of
committing some solecism in his sight.
Lady de Wolfe’s husband has been no
ble only four months, and Parker of
course knows it and perhaps affects
even greater hauteur to divert the atten
tion of the vulgar commoner from the
newness of tho title.—Kate D. Wiggin
in Atlantic Monthly.
The Arrangement of Leaves.
The general arrangement of the lea ves
on limbs and stalks of trees and plants
secures between each sufficient space to
prevent one leaf from interfering with
another. And not only are leaves so ar
ranged as to exist independently of each
other, but in a general way they have
taken upon themselves tho forms best
adapted to secure the maximum of sun
light as it is showered upon them in dif
ferent latitudes. At the equator, where
the sun’s rays are vertical, we find large
flat leaves, like those of the banana,
plantain and the various species of the
Farther north, where sunlight strikes
at an angle, small leaves and pine
“needles” are found. Then, again, note
the peculiarity of the Australian gum
tree—instead of exposing their broad
faces to the sun the edges only are so
turned. Were it otherwise tho sun
would rob them of all their moisture, it
being a well known fact that the gum
tree grows in the driest region on earth.
—St. Louis Republic.
Nature Against Him.
“You have been walking about this
great city for six weeks and haven’t
found work?” said the kind woman feel
“Yes’m,” replied the seedy man in the
kitchen, his mouth closing over a wedge
of pie. “That's right.”
“You are willing to work, I dare say?”
“Willin, mum? I’d work my laigs oft
ef I could git a chance. Jest a lee tie
more cream in the cawfy. Tlianky.”
“And you woulc^do any kind of hon
orable work, I presume?”
“Yes'm, anything that’s in my line.
I b’lieve in every man stiekin to his pro
“May I ask what your profession is?”
“I’m a inventor, mum.”
“An inventor?”
“Yes’m,” said the seedy man, reach
ing for a doughnut, “inventor of a new
process for curin sunstrokes.”—Chicago
No More Cobblers.
There is no sense in calling a shoe
maker of modern times a cobbler.’ The
nearest thing to a cobbler today is the
custom made man who confines his at
tention exclusively to that one brand:.
Machinery for making shoes in great
quantities and in sections is of compara
tively recent date, and prior to its adop
tion the shoemaker, or cobbler, did the
entire business, from taking the measure
to collecting the money. In small towns
and villages he literally performed the
entire process himself, having insufficient
trade to justify the employment of an
assistant,- and in larger cities he superin
tended the work from beginning to c-nd
himself. The labor saving wonders of
the times have practically swept this
man out of the field, and there are very
few members of the trade who are really
cobblers.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
On the Sabi Kit li.
In Scotland once a drunken man met a
clergyman chasing his runaway dog on
Sunday. “Tammas,” said the breathless
clergyman, “I am sorry to see you in this
condition. But whistle for my dog. He
is running away.” Tammas regarded the
speaker with gravity and said: "WhnstleV
1 may drink whisky, but I’ll no wliustle
for ony dog on the Lord's day.”—Phila
delphia Record.
Will Vote
as usual at the next school election
out for many candidates. They giv»
a unanimous vote—every day in th<
week—in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The “White Russian" is a great soap 6
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands-is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.
The cures which are being effe< ted bv Dr*
Starkey Palen, 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia'
Pa., in Consumption, Catarrh, 'Neuralgia,
bronchitis, Rheumatism,, and all chronic dis
eases, by ilieir compound < *xygen Tn at merit
are indeed marvelous.
II you are a sufferer from any disease whici
your physician has fade 1 lo cure, wi de for in
formation about this treatment.and their boot
of two hundred pages, giving a history oi
Compound Oxygen, its.nature and effects wit!
numerous testimonials from patients, to whon
you may refer for still further iidorm «tioL.
will be promptly sen!, without charge.
This book aside from its great merit as
medical work, giving, as it does, the rc.-adt of
years of study and experience, you u ill find
very interesting one.
Drs. STARKKY & PA I l.N,
1529 Arch Street, Phiiladclphia, l*.i.
120 Sutter St., San Francisco, ( al.
Please mention this paper.
Buck fen's Arnica Sah/e.
The best salve in the world for cuts, sorer,
bruises, ulcers, salt rheum, lever son.: , L ite:,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skh
eruptions, and positively cures piles, a no pay
required. It is guaranteed to giv- p ripe:
satisfaction or money refunded. Priee .’so. •
box. For sale by A McMilleu. M;v2, ivr.
Oar PERFECTION 8YRINGB free -tftth evrrv bottle.
Cares GONORRHOEA and GLEET ia Ons to boua dajA
Sold by all DRUGGISTS. Sent to any Ad'lreis for |1 (XX
Maybe you think this is a new l,n
sending out babies on uM'.i-ntioi:: i n. • n
done before, however, mu m v . ;w »• thi -•
furnished been so n .t»* tin; .:r.i. -..m; «
this one. Everyone will exclaim. " V. . .1 !
that’s the sweetest baby level tawi
little black-and-white engraving * *
you but a faint idea of theexquFi; ">i< ii I.
#rrv ' ■ ' -■ t
which wc propose to send to you, transpor
tation paid. The little darling rests againM
a pillow, and is in the act of drawing off it*
pink sock, the mate of which has been puJk -.
off and flung aside with it triumphant coo.
The flesh tints are perfect, and the eyes J< >llow
you, no matter where you stand. The exqui
site reproductions of tiiis great i. st paint ing of
Ida W augh (the most celebrated of ni* * err
paintersof baby life)arc to be given t«> tiio=«r
who subscribe to Dem orest’s Family Maga
zine for 181)3. The reproductions cannot be
told from the original, which cost $*00, an*,
nre the same size <17x22 inches). Th* baby is
life size, and absolutely lifelike- V.'c have
also in preparation, to present to our sub
scribers during 1893, oth» r great pictures by
such artists as Percy Moran. Maud Humphrey.
Louis Deschamps, and others of w<r!d-wid<
renown. Take only two cxanipT* s of what,
we did during the past year, “A Vr id < f L’ov
sies.” and “A White House Orel, id ” l y the
wifeof President Harrison, and you wi.iEf-**
what our promises mean.
Those who subscribe for Demo rest's Kamil;*
Magazine for 1893 will possess a gal It ry oi e.\ •
tinisite works of art of great valid*. > * 3\i-.s*
Magazine that cannot be equaled by any i;
the world fur its beautiful illustrations fine
subject matter, that will keep every* or post
ed on all the topics of the day, m l ed th<
fad - and different items of interest about Taw
household. besides furnishing interesting
rending matter, both grave and gay. forth*
whole family: and while Peraore>t\ j.- nor
u fashion Magazine, its fashion page? are per
t'r. t, and we give you, free of restartl the par
terns you wish to use during the year, an-.
in unvsize you choose. Send in your sub
scription at only $2, find you will really
get over $25 in value. Address the publisher
W. Jennings Demorest, 15 EaMi 11th Hr . New
Turk. If you are unacquainted th
i Magazine, send lu cents iy,- a spec!an n con?
O'w.vl po •.
• '' . ! 1
UlO.:.u*‘ '
a v; P.J
ami ru; i • i
ereii. p a a
druggist? -i
medicines in lbi». - >
HOOT CO*l?OU5l>.
6 cent * in -post age i a let- . •
by >*-turn me!!. Fu:. r e, • , rile .
envelope. t > l^ iies on1 - '
Atidie-a ?’crid l.: 1 "
! o. 3 J’lab. r . j L>-. -i
_^ /
Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted tuthe
morning, new one* inserted eveninj; f
same day. Teeth titled without pa;
method. f>'in«*st i>artors> iu the west, l’axton
tramp. OMAHA. - T --refcBt