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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard Had to be Quick. •“Kpbum!” ‘•Yethuin!’’ “Com a-humpin' heah to ye'mammy. Wash dat face an’ take de curry comb an’ git dem kinks out’n yo ba’r. Den you go right to Mars Knights sto' an’ git a pa’r dem pants, an’ go quick fo’ deys all gone. Dey done say Mr. KnightB alums’ giben dem winter goods away. Now you jes’ git a move on yo’ sef au’ don’t ston on de road to play ■wid any white trash.’’ He got. Knipple must reduce bis immense stock of groceries and queensware and is putting the knife relentlessly to all prices to make them move. If you want to sell your farm or your town property list tlie same with C. J. Ryan. Implements of all kinds at tl.c Har iris hardware. You can huy Sew ing Machines at Pade & Son’s on $5.00 a month payments. For Lamps, Chenerv’s City Drug ■Store. VJwnsxT -v last OUTING SHOES. It long ago seemed ns though shoes could never be better and never be cheaper, but they are better now and cheaper now than they ever were before. The great every day favorite is our men’s and ladies’ shoe. It is as much a boon to the pocketbo’ok as it is to the feet. It won’t wear you out to wear it out. You don’t need to take care of it; it takes care of itself. It will give you solid com fort for the simple reason that a better shoe for knockabout pur poses has never been produced. If prices never appealed to you before, the price of this shoe will, fbr it costs only $2.50. It will look nicer and wear longer than any shoe on^earth. For Best Furniture and Lowest Price go to Pade & Son. 4 The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow <ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow', which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the ■ cases bearing their trade mark— ^0^ Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. DANBURY NEWS. Another northeaster. The ground hog saw his shadow. Harris &, Harris have their new ele vator uearly ready lor grain. Will Leisure is around again after his tussle with the rheumatism. Milt Maek’s folks moved into their new house in town last Monday. MrB. George Bede has been on the sick list the past week, but was im proving at lust reports. G. B. Morgan and wife went down to St. Joseph, last week, after more goods, returning on Friday. Mr. Oman thought he was well and went down to his store, last Wednesday, but suddenly took a relapse and is con fined to his bed again. There has been considerable delay in getting cars us fast as wanted to , ship Hie corn and aii occasional “scrap ’ be tween elevator mtsii and farmers over the possession of cars has resulted. “Kesoi.vkd: That Hawaii should be annexed to the United States,” is the discussion at the lyeeum, this week, which will of course be decided in the affirmative, as our judges, regardless of their oath of office, always decide ac cording to popular opinion. Charlie VanDyke and bride were given a lively chariviri last week and it is reported that the air was fairly rent with discordant music and deafen ing musketry. Not quite as bad as burning a negro at the stake though. Will Harrison, the gentlemauly grain buyer for Powell Bros., rushed up the street. last Saturday, making hurried and exciting inquires for a doctor, and we naturally thought something had happened. It had. He had cut his finger. We ar.- awful glad we have a sena tor, even if the demo-pops had to com bine to elect him, for since the agony is over the wheels of legislation, which have been clogged so long, begin to roll and our legislators begin to earn their money. Moreover, Gvover has the kind of senate he wants. X. X. X. Spring Bonnets. Hals and bonnets for the spring are things of beauty. Of course there are a few startling and “outre" things for those who demand them; but conserva tive women of quiet and refined taste can all be suited. There is the small! turban of fancy straw trimmed with velvet folds, which some women like so much for shopping and traveling; and close little capotes of fancy straws and chip. Strings are the color of the trimming, and full two inches wide. All kinds of buds and berries are more used than flowers. Hats have wide brims and low crowns, are bent and pinched into many shapes, and trimmed in front, at the side, or back, as is most becoming. The severe, but to some faces most coquetish, Empire poke comes in fine, colored chip, and is trimmed with velvet ribbon in severe lines, and erect ostrich feathers. —From “Review of Fashions,” in Demorest's Family Magazine for March. A state and national paper combined is The Seme-Weekly Journal. The Tiubune is your best local paper. Subscribe for these and you are fixed for a year. Both for $2.50. Nebraska Conference Swedish evan gelical Lutheran Church, Wahoo, Neb., February 20-28. Fare one and a third rate for round trip. Tickets on sale February 17-28 inclusive. You get a Seaside Library free with a year’s subscription to The Scmi Wcekly Journal. The offer will not last long. Extra fine choice apples, $4.50 a barrel, at Kmpple's. These are New York Baldwin’s, full three bushels to the barrel. Noble, the leading grocer, makes a specialty of fresh, clean family grocei ies. He will treat you right. Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co., the west Den nison street hardwaremen. It just takes $4 50 to buy a three bushel barrel of fine New York Bald win apples at Knipple’s. All kinds of Squashes, Turnips and Potatoes at Bottom Prices at Knipple’s. One dollar will buy 17 pounds of Granulated Sugar at Kninple’s. _« 5 pounds Evaporated California Ap ricots for $1.00 at Knipple’s. Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen ery’s City Drug Store. North Divide Blossoms. The literary has liteially let up. •lames Robinson's m!w house is near ing completion. A. F. Reeves lias been busily en gaged in putting up ice of a good qual ity. Miss Martha Johnson enjoyed the freedom of the old home, close of last week. Herr. M. Mohler disposed of a num ber of cuttle to J. F. Helm of Red Willow The dance up at Toiu Scofield’s on on Friday night was very largely at tended. J. M. Henderson in company with J. Menard were North Divide visitors, Sunday. Wick Hanlein put in the early part of the week helping Fred Carter with his corn shelling. Wind mills, hay stacks and other “temporary” objects suffered during the recent wind storm. Mrs. James Robinson was taken seri ously ill Tuesday and lias been suffer ing from a dangerous malady. Fred Carter was among the ailing ones, this week, making it inconvenient for one of his rustling nature. We are to have one more week of school; on account of sickness the at tendance has not been as large as usual. F.\ L. Campbell representing the Phoenix Insurance Co., has been soli citing around about here with success. J. S. Modrell has been hauling the hay lie put up on the Cain place. The quality is all right, but the quantity has somewhat diminished. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brown enter tained a company of their numerous friends on Wednesday evening. All enjoyed a good time. We understand that Mr. Ed. Couse, who left here a number of months ago for California, will return again; some of his effects have already arrived. Ben Johnson North Divide’s allaround comedian was a welcome caller over in these diggins, fore part of the week, entertaining us briefly in his pleasing way. Mr. Steltzer, who formerly lived up on the Willow, has leased the Laman farm and has been busily engaged dur ing the past week erecting buildings thereon. The weather is pleasant, the days, are getting longer and spring is coming and with the exception of an occassional bop things are moving along in a steady every day fashion. James Pinkerton and son have the contract of putting up a frame house for Herr M. Mohler. The latter will give possession of the place he now oc cupies the first of March. r The old familiar land mark has dis appeared, the Mat. Gentry domicile, which in its time was the resort of questionable tenants, public meetings, Sunday school and etc., etc., for the past nine or ten years. The removal from the neighborhood of the Saunders-Ward outfit will be an event of tho coming spring. We wish them much jov and happiness in their new home and herewith congratulate the Big Flat people on their valuable (?) acquisition. A certain individual was not backward in coming forward to take care of the proceeds derived from the basket supper held some time ago at the school house which was under the direction of the teacher and the scholars. As a con sequence considerable disappointment prevails. It is thought however the matter will be fixed up to.the satisfac tion of all concerned. In the mean time different and numerous stories and excuses are making and remaking the rounds. On Friday evening last the ]7th birth day of Ben and Eliza Johnson was cele brated in a very charming manner. A large number of their jolly young friends were present who wished them many happy returns of the day. Mu sic and singing, games and charades and finally a sumptuous repast took up the time until the wee small hours. Theyoung people were the recipients of numerous tokens of affection and alto gether the occasion was one to be re membered. Connie. Harmony District School Report, The first month of school in Har mony district ended February 10th. Several hours were lost by tardiness which is a great disadvantage to the school. Hoping that it will stimulate the children to be more prompt in ar riving at the school by !) o’clock, I put in print the names of those that were not tardy duriug the month, and want the pleasure of having the balance published next month; they were Floyd, Rosa, Mabel and Cora Reed. Mothers and fathers help your child ren in coming, and encourage them in their efforts to arrive on the field of battle by school time, and better and more vigorous work will be performed. Julia Phillips, Teacher. The twenty-sixth annual meeting of j The Nebraska State Sunday School Association is to be held in the beau tiful and picturesque city of Fairbury, on the line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the St. Joseph & Grand Island roads, on Tuesday, Wednesday [Thursday, June 6, 7 and 8, 1893. INPIANOLA ITEMS. O. Frost, Esq., was in our city, Mon day. A. P. Bodwcli was over from Leba non, Thursday. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Ida were in this berg, Saturday. Mrs. Garner and son Harry came in from Denver, this week. •I. (J. Shumaker is building an addi tion to bis store building. Miss Belle Cavanaugh of Denver is visiting friends in this city. C. W. Hupp, Lebanon’s banker was in the county capital Wednesday. B. W. Seeley of Trenton, formerly of Bartley, was examined for pension on Wednesday. R. W. White has laid a ten-foot walk and put up a neat awning in front of his implement house. Mr. Stephens, representing the Lin coln Printing Company, was soliciting orders for his house, Monday. C. W. Hodgkin and wife and M N. Eskey and wife attended the Odd Fel lows supper on Wednesday evening. Several families have arrived from the east during the past week to take up their abode in this neck o’ timber. N. VV. Miller of North Valley pre cinct and J. W. Wolfe of Alliance had business at court house on Wednesday. Hon. Israel Sheridan was home a few days the first of the week, but returned to the seat of war on Wednesday even ing. - Frank H. Strout and wife left, Sun day night, fjr Culbertson where Frank is engaged in preparing a set of ab stract books. The public schools will give a supper on February 2?d at the school house, after which an entetainment is the or der of the evening. Attorney Wright of Hutchinson, Kansas, representing the Phenix Ins. Company, was in the city, Monday, in the interest of said company. Born:—To Ralph L. Duckworth and wife on February 15th, a 124- pound girl. Mother and child doing well, but it is feared that Lotou will have to set up the cigars. Rev. James Lisle returned from his Iowa trip on Saturday night and filled his pulpit ffn Sunday morning. While away he visited his family at Long Pine, Nebraska. Charles H. Crocker and A. II. Or man each made proof on a timber claim before the county judge on Friday last. Mr. Crocker’s was commutted and Mr. Orman's an ei^ht year proof. Messrs. Jesse Reedy, who is teaching in District No. 45, J. F Hendrick, the teacher in District No. 44. and Miss Anna Hauxwell, teaching in District No. 42. all consulted the county super intendent on Saturday last. Among the new arrivals in town the past week arc Mrs. Gilett and daughter Laura, who are mother and sister of Mrs. Dr. Brown. They came from Ke oto Iowa, and will occupy the Dr. Moore residence which they purchased last weak. Paris Henderson loaded a car for Oklahoma on Wednesday. They will stop in southern Kansas, however, and wait until the opening up of more territory. The I. O. O. F. lodge, of which he was a faithful member, gave him and his family a farewell reception on Wednesday evening, which was well attended by members and their wives. Since our last letter the following persons have applied for permission to enter the state matrimony, the appli cations have been passed by the county judge and decissions rendered in favor of the applicants: February 10, Mr. Sanford S. Case and Miss Lillie McKee, both of Danbury; February 11th, Mr. S. A. Moore and Miss Etta Hamilton, both of McCook; Mr. B. J. Nightingale and Miss Anna M. Tines, both of In dianola; February 13th, Mr. Mathew Hemelius and Miss Anna Weires, both of Atlanta, Neb.; February 14th. Mr. John D. Jackson and Miss M. Belle Kinkaid, both of Tyrone precinct. Of the above Mr. Nigntingale and Miss Tines and Mr. Hemelius and Miss Weirs were married in Indianola on the 14th by Rev. Bernard Sproll of the Catholic church. “Who will be next.” Squire Berry’s time was occupied on Thursday night listening to a case of assauit with attempt to do great bodily injury. The complainant was James Kelly and the defendant his brother-in law Robert Moore. The result Moore is bound over till next term of district court in the sum of one hundred dollars. Joint Conference W. C. T. U. Wo men’s Suffrage Association and Prohi bition committee, Lincoln. Nebraska, February 21-23. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale February 18-23 inclusive. A good live paper every Tuesday and Friday, is what you get iu The Semi-Weekly Journal for one one dol lar. The Tribune and Journal both oue year for $2.50. The famous Smith wagon at the Harris hardware. Tlie Domestic, New Home, White, Stand ard and American Sewing Machines at prices to suit at Pade & Son’s. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Residence property for sale in all parts of the city by C. J. Ryan. Groceries at Nobles’. Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore Bros. Pop corn at Knipple's for 2 cents per pound. Fancy rockers just received at Padc & Son's. Baker barbed wire at the Harris hardware. Elegant Perfumes at Chenery’s City Drug Store. McMillen has a large assortment of lamps—cheap. Pure drugs can always be found at Chenery’s City Drugstore. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs for all kinds of machinery. 5 pounds Evaporated California Plums for $1.00 at Knipple’s. We sell the Empire letter copying books. Also best grades of type writ ing paper. Remember that Knipple is selling 5 cans of fine California fruit, assorted, for only $1.00. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Best York State Canned Apples, gal lon cans, 35 cents or three cans for $1.00 at Knipple’s. Knipplc is making tremendous price reductions to reduce his immense stock of groceries and queensware. Way son & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. A fine line of Plush Goods, Albums, Manicure Sets, Perfumes, Sponges, Toilet Articles, etc., at Chenery's City Drug Store. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot, besides having the best groceries on your table that the market .affords. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good, where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble’s is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity, quality and value, and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. To My Debtors. I have decided to go out of business, and desire all persons indebted to me to call and settle at once. Mas. J. B. McCabe Pony Mare for Sate. 1 have a fine pony mare for sale at a very reasonable price. Inquire at this office if you want a bargain and mean business. Look at This. Knipple is selling preserved fruits cheaper than they can be bought at wholesale: Preserved Strawberries, doz. cans,$2.60 Preserved Raspberries, doz. cans.. 2.60 Preserved Blackberries, doz.cans, 2.60 These prices are for cash. The goods are the very best in the market. Marvelously Cheap. Just sec what cash will buy for you in the way of canned fruits at Knipples. All these goods are Standard grade California fruits and cannot be equaled in this market. No one should be with out fruits when they can be bought at LESS THAN COST: Plums, per dozen cans,.$2.20 Apricots, per dozen cans,. 2.20 Muscatel Grapes, per dozen cans, 2.20 Prunes, per dozen cans,. 2.20 Egg Plums, per dozen cans,. 2.20 Green Gage Plums, per doz. cans, 2.20 Peaches, per dozen cans,.2.50 Pears, per dozen cans,. 2.50 These goods must move, bring your cash and take them away. Pade & Son keep an elegant line of Baby Carriages. 5 cans of California Fruit, assorted, at Knipple's. Paints and Oils, Cheuery’s City Drug Store. McMillcn is headquarters for all kinds of lamps. Queenswarc at cost for the next 30 days at Knipple’s. Predmore Bros, keep the best cylin der nil in McCook. 17 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 at Knipple’s. Buy your school supplies at Chen cry’s City Drug Store.. Knipple has reduced preserves from 35 cents to 25 cents a jar. Waysoli & Odell arc putting out some handsome rigs these days. 5 pounds Evaporated California Peach es for $1.00 at Knipple’s. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over Knipple. Horses for Sale. Ways on & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. Land for Cattle. I have 40 acres of land, about one mile from McCook, to trade for cattle. Impure at the Cash Meat Market.. For Sale. One span of good mules and a num ber of four and five year old horses; or will trade for cattle. J. B. Meservk. World’s Fair. If you wish to secure rooms for World’s fair write for particulars to J. L. G ray, G3'J4 Wright Street, Englewood, Ills. CASH TALKS. What the Big Silver Dollar Will Do at Knipple’s. I have just received a large ship ment of flour, which I am selling at the following ' REMARKABLY LOW PRICES: “Snowflake” flour, per sack, $ .85 “Straight,”—2d patent, - 1.00 Finest Fancy Patent, per sack, 1.25 EVERY SACK WARRANTED. AT KNIPPLE’S. For Sale Cheap. A choice residence property, consists ing of three lots filled with hearing fruit, good 7-room house; a few choice residence lots; choice level land partly improved, in good farming neighbor hood; young mares, colts and fresh milch cows. Terms of real property, about one half cash, balance on time to suit pur chaser at ten per cent interest. Inquire of or address, J. E. Cochran, McCook, Neb. PUBLIC SALE. We will offer for sale at our place in Driftwood precinct. G piles southwest of McCook, on TUESDAY, FEB. 28, 1893, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m., the following stock, implements, household goods etc., to-wit: One team of dark bay mares, 8 years old, weighing 2G00 pounds; one team of bay mares. 9 years old, weighing 2000 pounds; one team of 2-year-old bay colts, broke to drive; one yearling colt; one gray mare, 8 years old; one milch cow. fresh; thirteen head of shoats; one spring wagon; two lumber wagons, one Minneapolis binder, used 1 year; one Knox lister; one stirring plow; one breaking plow; one 3-section harrow; one mower and rake; two cul tivators; one bay rack; two sets of doable harness; one saddle; household goods too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale:—All sums under $10 cash. On sums over $10 seven months time will be given at 10 per cent, inteiest per annum. Bankable paper required. FREE LUNCH. Holmes Bros.