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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
IV ilfCaoit fVifoiit. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT*. A hill has been introduced in tlie legislature of Minnesota de daring the acceptance of a rail rond pass by any legislator or state officer to bh a bribo, punishable ns X felony. It is Haiti that there is a large demand for cancelled postage •damps und that the business of cieauing them with chemicals and selling them as new stamps is rap idly growing. No concelling ink has yet been discovered that will prevent the government from be ing cheated in this respect. The anniversary of the birth of ibraham Lincoln was noted Sun day with more of observance than before, sbowiug how fame of the man and the ^regard in which his memory is' jhfrM' by the country men is growing, Lincoln passed his life amid the storms of parfi .Stnship; his greatest years were marked by the prevalence of that cruelest of all wars, a civil war; he •lied by the hand of violence, and while the lovableness and nobility of his character were known to millions in his lifetime, it was nec essary that he be removed from the scene of action, that what one tit old called “eloquent, just and mightie death” should intervene m order that time should pass before he could be rightly judged. The twenty-eight years which have passed since Lincoln’s death have been filled with the taking of evi dence, and the verdict now given is that he was one of the greatest, purest and best men. His enemies, that is the enemies of the great «Buse which he defended—for he an individual made few enemies —were ready to joiu in this ver dict the day of his death; they are perfectly convinced of its justice now. It is the judgment of the thoughtful world. The Death of C. W. Stoddard. While setting out two cars from trjiin 40 last Friday morning. February 3rd, preparatory to departing on his *tfn, Charles W. Stoddard stepped be MTeen engine 448 and the first car to uncouple tlie wtr hose while they were sieving back upon track number five. $ii stooping, the tail of his overcoat was caught by the wheels under the tpnder, drawing him down and under. His left arm was crushed and torn frtm his body, while his collar bone and shoulder blade were severed, ex posing bis heart and lungs. He was carried to the depot, placed iu the east waiting room %Rnd Doctors Miller and 3n>ith called. ..They did all that lay in man’s power to ease and save him, sat his case was too severe, the’wound ’ being horribly lacerated, and he died on Saturday night at nine o’clock. Mr. Stoddard was a conductor on this di vision but owing to lack of business was breaking behind for Conductor 4wy. He began railroading in 1886, hi.'the train service at MoCook on the western division, where he was well and favorably known, and came to this division two years ago where his friends were legion. - He was a member of the A. O. U. YV. lodge of this place. His age was nearly thirty years, and his birthplace was Perry, Wyoming county, 'p(ew York, where his mother still re sides and at which point be desired to be buried. His life was insured for five thousand dollars, three thousand of which he carried as a member of the relief department of the company. He leaves a wife and two small child ren, and may God, our Heavenly Father, who notes a sparrow’s fall, have mercy upon them. Funeral services were conducted at the U. P. ohnrch, Wednesday evening, in a beautiful and impressive manner by Rev. Gordon. The members of the A. O. U. YV. marched in a body to the church. A vei-y large crowd of ladies and gentlemen in town attended the services, and there was scarcely stand ing room in the church. After the aervices the body was coveyed to the deoot, to be shipped to McCook for •nferment.—AHiance Grip I Agricultural Society Meeting. I INDIANOLA, Feb., I4th, 1892. The county board met pursuant to call of secretary. Present W. S. Fitch, pres ident; J. R. Neal, treasurer; W. A. Min nier, marshal; Isaac Vandervort, general superintendennt; Mrs. P. J. Taylor, J. C. Blackson, Stephen Bolles, William Wind hurst, Walter Rowland, J. I. Grundy. Treasurer^ bond was submitted and approved. Salary of the secretary was placed at $75.00. The premium list was carefully revised and printing of the same was given in charge of the execu tive committee. The date for holding the county fair was set for the week before the state fair, September 5, 6, 7, 8, 1893. Superintendents of the different classes were selected as follows: Class 1, A. P. Day; class 2, Samuel Ball; class 3, J. F. Black; class 4, Eugene Wolf; class 5, Mrs. William Windhurst; class 6, Will iam Coleman; Class 7, A. M. Anderson; class 8, Mrs. J. I. Grundy; class 9, Mrs. J. H. Bayston; class 10, Mrs. J. F. Helm; class 11, Mrs. Jesse Welborn; class 12, Mrs. G. W. Wyrick; class 13, Mrs. C. D. Cramer; class 14, J. B. Mather; class 15, Stephen Bolles; class 16—speed, Jesse Welborn. It was decided that no political speak ing should occur on the grounds during the fair. Also that articles competing for the premium in the best precinct dis play of agricultural products shall not compete for other premiums. Further that no superintendent shall exhibit in the class he has charge of. J. H. BEROE, Secretary. Give us a News Item. You like to read the news, don’t you? You like to know what is going on. You like to know it when people come to town and when they go away. You take the newspapet to get the news. The more news it contains the better you like it. Then you ought to be willing to contribute an item or two occasionally for its colums. When you catch onto a matter of news let us know it. When you intend going away on a visit come around and tell us. When your eastern friends come to see you we like to know it because other people expect us to tell who they are. When a bright eyed baby comes to your house arm yourself with a few cigars and call around and break the news to us. When there is a death or a marriage don’t be afraid to drop in and give us the facts. In fact try to make it a point to favor a paper with news of general interest whenever you can. It doesn’t cost anything. We make a busi ness of printing the news, and although we get up a few colums each week, there are items that escape our notice which we would gladly have printed. Do us a favor by handing in items. AT REST. On Sunday afternoon the remains of C. W. Stoddard were mingled with moth er earth in Longview cemetery of our city. The funeral was in charge of the A. O.U.W. of McCook, the lodge attend ing in a body and in large numbers. Rev. D. L. McBride preached an elo quent sermon full of comfort to the be reaved ones and of caution to those follow ing his hazardous avocation. W. C. Stevenson assisted in the services. There was a very large attendance of citizens, especially of these connected with the railway service. After the services in the Lutheran church the body was taken to the cemetery, the funeral cortege be ing headed by the A. O. U. W. band, followed by the order, relatives and friends, and a large course of sympathiz ing citizens. It was a most pathetic oc casion. The young wife, thus so sudden ly and tragically bereaved has the most heartfelt sympathy of all hearts in this community. A Little News. The McCook Tribune informs the publiic upon “reliable information” that “Mr. A. S. Campbell will be appointed register of the U. S. land office and that R. B. Walquist will establish a democrat ic newspaper here” etc., etc. The first part is true. There is no doubt but that A. S. Campbell will be the next register of the McCook land office, and the pub lic will not wait long either. But as far as R. B. Walquist is concerned, its differ ent. He is perfectly contented with editing one of the best papers in Nebras ka and has no desire or intention of severing his connection herewith or re moving from Hastings. We have said and do say that McCook should have a demo cratic newspaper at once—and a good one at that—a paper equal to The Tri bune and we will do w hat we can to see that one is established.—Hastings Demo crat. Moore-Hamilton. Tuesday afternoon, February 14th, at the residence of John W. Lewis in North, Rev. D. L. McBride united in marriage Mr. Samuel A. Moore and Miss Etta Ham ilton, both of our city. The ceremony was a private one, being witnessed only by relatives of the contracting parties and a few near friends. The bride and groom are well and favorably known as among McCook’s most estimable young people, and have the best wishes of a host of friends. They were recipients of a number of handsome and useful gifts. The happy couple left on 6, the same afternoon, for the bride’s old home in Morrison, Illinois, where they will make a brief stay. They will be at home in our city after March 1st. Here’s a happy and prosperous voyage. The cold wave flag is a winner, and must be respected. The Commercial house will pass into the hands of the lessee April first. C.T. Brewer shipped three cars of cattle to Brighatn of Colorado springs, Sunday. The publisher is absent in attendance upon the state editorial convention at Columbus, this state. The Endeavor society expect over 150 delegates to the district convention to be held here May sth-7th, 1893. The McCook Commission Co. is the name of the new flour and feed store, with John Garrard as manager. Lawyer A. F. Moore is mentioned as a candidate for the McCook post office with a pole as long as the north pole. At the Harris Hardware you can get a Sewing Machine a good one from $20 to $45 with the company's guarantee for five years._ There were about 50 persons down from along the Imperial line in attend ance upon the conductors’ ball at.d ban quet, Monday evening. The Endeavor Society will give a social on Tuesday evening, February 21st, in Meeker’s Hall to which all the young people of our city are invited. Wednesday of this week will be re membered by church people as Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. April second will be Easter Sunday. The McCook lodge of Workmen keeps up its marvelous growth. Sixteen appli cations in on Monday night. And still the members are rustling for more. McKenna sells a pure sun-cured Japan tea at 45 cents per pound. You will find it equal to what you have paid 60 cents for. Call at the C. O. D. and get a sam ple free. H. H. Easterday & Co., have just add ed about fifty feet to the old Hatfield crib recently bought by them, which gives them an immense storage capacity altogether. Messrs. McMillen and Chenery have put up this week about 40 tons of ice for their individual use during the coming summer. Private ice houses seem to be on the increase. The Baptist and Congregational ser vices will be held in future in the Luth eran church. Services as follows: Sun day school 10 o’clock; morning service 11 o’clock; evening service 7:30 o’clock. Even if Republicans did not have much to say about, the election of a United States senator the duty of filling a vacancy left by Judge Allen the sena tor-elect, devolves upon Gov. Crounse. The agricultural society is early mov ing toward the goal of making the meet ing of 1893 the best in the history of the society. And every hand in Red Willow county should be raised in the earnest and hearty support. II. B. Wales, a recent arrival from Iowa, has commenced to frame a house for his farm, and when same is completed the family will come on at once from Iowa to occupy the same,'and Mr. Wales will improve his place. The McCook Tribune is published every Friday afternoon (D. V.) for the the best interests of its patrons, the glory of McCook and Red Willow county, and incidentally for $i .50 per annum in ad vance strictly. And now is the time. William Nicklas of Cliarleb City, Iowa, who recently purchased C. J. Ryan’s half-section up in 4-30 for |4,ooo, arrived in the city on Monday morning, He will shortly commence to build upon and to improve his splendid farm on the fer tile big flat. Pastor Stevenson went down on No. 2, Thursday morning, to Loomis, Neb., to speak before the Phelps county V. I’. S. C. E. convention, also to present the matter of transportation on the B. & M. to the international convention Montreal, Canada, July 5-9, 1893. * If you want a luxury go to the C. O. D. store and get a pound of McKenna’s English breakfast tea—the price ? Well, the price is not higher than you pay for common Black tea. But heretofore you had to send to Denver or Hastings for a Tea like this. Try it. At the meeting of the stockholders of the McCook Co-operative Building and Savings Association held on Monday evening, February 13th the following directors were elected: E. E. Lowman, L. W. McConnell, Frank Harris, J. A. Wilcox, T. B. Campbell, C. H. Boyle and F. M. Kimmell. The board will organ ize at the next meeting on the 20th in stant. Man has been justified in his predic tions again. For years and years men on the street cars and in public places have had bitter quarrels in their minds with the woman who brings her baby wrapped up like a cocoon. The men have held that the forty shawls and five veils which envelope the infant would some day smother it; they have raged ve hemently against the brutal and sense less practice; today they can gloat. The baby is at last dead. It died in the hands of Mrs. Johu Johnson of Janesville, Wisconsin, and she did not know it until she took the smothering rags off. Now let the men stand around and say ,-I told you so.” It will help things so much. Famous Clothing Co., FEBRUARY 1893. >1 SPRING STYLES K * Miiis' and ISoijs' Hats, - Are new ready. An Immense variety of the Latest Shapes =~5~^s=s-^and Colors in~5F5~~~= STIFF AND SOFT HATS To Which Your Attention is Called. a♦a a DUliING THIS MONTH WE Continue our Clearing Sale of Winter Goods. We are making Very Liberal Concessions in Price' .to Clear this Stock. February 3, 1893. McCook, - Nebraska. Manager. The Hoop Skirt Coming. We are to have hoop skirts, gentle maiden. Imagine yourself out in a 20 below blizzard with hoop-skirts on—not a blizzard with hoop-skirts on, but your self. Register a heaven reaching vow never to wear the horrid things—hoop skirts, not blizzards—before it is too late. Be not lulled into fancied security of the hideous monster—hoop-skirts, not bliz zard—-do not appear in their ugly pro portions at the start. The approach of hoop skirts will be like the advance ol the liquor habit, slow and insiduous. But they are coming and ladies will have to pay extra to gain admission to the World’s fair. Imported Stallions. Mr. C. G. Chandler, horse importer, from Macomb, Illinois, arrived last week with an excellent car load of stallions and jacks, consisting of French Coach, Norman, Shire, Clydesdale, and trotting bred horses and jacks. Mr. L. F. Allen who was here last season is here with Mr. Chandler, and they will be glad to see the farmers and horse raisers at Corey & Maddux’s barn. They have some cheaper stallions to trade for land and will take grade horses as part pay for full blooded stock. Major Hayden (old sport) is engaged in business at North Platte and the local sportsmen do not see as much of the old boy as they would like to, but they will all be pleased to know that he is doing well, and can flash his eye along the cylinders and smash the saucers or double up a chicken or grouse in mid air the same as of of yore. Long live the major; may his iron narve never desert him, and his keen eye never grow dim. —Hastings Nebraskan. This section of Nebraska was visited by quite a blizzard, Monday night, the unwelcome visitor swooping down upon us from the northwest with the speed of a race horse, commencing about aix o’clock Monday evening and continuing through the night and until the middle of Tuesday morning, when the sun beam ed forth in all his accustomed brightness. Some snow accompanied the storm, but it came so fast that most of it past by without stopping. It was short, but Oh my! Come my friend and let us talk over those hideous valentines you sent out on Tuesday last. It cost you at least a littl„ movement of the gray matter under your hair to think out those of your friends and neighbors whom you wished to ridi cule; it also cost you postage and the price of the caricature. What did you get in return? You can never be sure that they inflicted the pangs of wounded sensibility which you intended, but may be reasonably sure that most of them found their way into the fire. - i ■ , '• ; BASE > BUHNERS,