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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
Uhilaren Cry Tor Pitcner s Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Cactoria, When the became Mitt, the clung to Cattorln, I When the had Children, she gave them Cactoria. Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment. A cert win cure for < h ionic Sore Byes. Tetter, Sail Itlieiiin. Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores. Fever Horen. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches. Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases hate been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 26 ami 60 cent boxes. For salo b> George M. Cbenery. Nov.20-lv ar. A. i. KITTEN HOUSE. C. H. llOYI.K. RITTENHOUSE & HOYLE, ATTORNEYS - AT LAW McCOOK, NEB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. OFFICE: In roiirof First Niitimnil Bunk. HUGH W. COLE, Lawybk, McCOOK. NEBRASKA. |*^Will practice in all court*. Coimnerei*. and corporation law a specially. Money r* loan. K ><>ti!H 4 and 5 old First National hid'*. It. II. DAVIS. W. V. GAGE. —DAVIS & GAGE,— Physicians & Surgeons. McCOOK. N F, It It ASK A. tST'Orinci: Horns: 0 to 11. a. m.. ‘2 to 5 an*1 7 to 0, p. in Knot*:* over P’r^t National hank •i A. T. RICE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I have located permanently in McCook, Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or night, in the city or country. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman’s store, south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence 2 doors south of brick school house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. ■one* branded on left blp or left shoulder j P. O. address, Imperial Chase County, and Geat rloe. Neb Kange,Stink Ing Water and French man creeks. Chase Co., Nebraska. Brand as out on side of some animals, on hip and sides of some, or arr there on the animat i. S. McBRAYER, lose Hover it Dram. McCOOK, NEBRASKA. !9*House and Safe Moving * Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE, — LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, has a fine stock of Cloths, Bind ings, and other trimmings always on hand. THE KANSAS CITY For the treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Rye aad Ear. The object of this Sanita rium la to furnish board, rooms and , medical attention to those suffering with _ _ Deformities, Diseases of Women, Dis eases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, Diseases of the Nemms System. Lung and Throat Diseases, Piles. Cancers, Tumors. Etc., Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free to Men amd Women. For farther information call on or address DR. C. M. COE, Kansas City, Mo. Xiaarara Tam it orsa. I Will Avoid Quacks* Frauds and Bogus Medical Institutes by going to the Old, Sellable DR. HENDERSON, 102 * 104 W. BIRTH STREET, KANSA8 CITY, MO. A Regular Graduate In Medicine. Over 26 yean/ practice—12 In Chicago. Established 1869, feJii THE OLDEST TS AGE, and LONGEST LOCATED, Authorized by tho State to treat Chronic, Nervous and “Special Diseases,’* Seminal Weakness,(night i os^es) Sexual Debility closs op sexual powerX NervousDebUity^Polaoned Blood Ulcere and Swell Inga of every kindf Urinary and Kidney NMMeta. Cures Guaranteed op Money .Refunded, Chareci Eow. Thousands of cases cured every year. Experience is important. No mer curv or Injurious medicine used. No time lost from business. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free from gaze or breakage. State your Ben(* for terms. Consultation free and confidential, per WS-iOFme. RlUla fall o* descriptive pictures. Bent UllUn sealed In plain envelope for 6c? In atamsa. N. B.—This book contains secrets *■ d useful knowledge which should bo read by every ssKSn? saaraaMWssg 2JSftoSS^*tt?c5ehSSr«yehI“Mi^S« TrtJS alone coat over *600. PwMoaOrty^^ -gTminfihiiitii e®** A POSITIVE CERE FOB BHECB1TI8B. I»a Ul for any caee this treatment fails to y ^ 1 cure or help. Greatest dlsoovery in I annals of medicine. One dose gives A relief; a few doses removes fever and ■sin m Joints; Cure completed In ESS; SklnSaiwmSnmMr A SNOW LEGEND. O yo cloud* that float above me, 0 ye winds that round mo blow. Can yo tell me from what quarter Comes inc driving snow? ••From tho north, inquiring maiden. Where an old man, stooping low By his grate, mourns e'er the ashes,* Said the winds that blow. “For the snowflakes are the ashes Of the summer’s glow. M8ec him as he ctoops and shivers. Hubs bis wrinkled hands and sighs— ‘Just one ember left a-glowing, And that ember dies; Como baelf, summer, come and warm me, 1 am cold,’ lie cries. “Then ho catches up the bellows. Tries to make tho embers glow; Only sets the ashes whirling. Dancing high and low. And the ashes of the summer Arc the flakes of snow.” —Anna Temple in Youth’s Companion. THAT SCARFPIN. It was the third week of my first visit to- Paris. The days had been passed mo»l pleasantly among the masters in painting and sculpture in the Louvre, among the modern paintings in the gal leries of the Luxembourg, and in wan dering about the parks and libraries. When I had first gone to the Hotel Nor mandie, I had found there my classmate and close friend, Melville, and we had whiled away several days most pleas antly in talking over our college joys and comparing our experiences since we had parted on the university campus the day of our graduation. When I first met him in the eorridoT of the hotel I noticed on his cravat a curious pin which at once attracted my attention In form it was oval, about a quarter of an inch in length, chocolate in color, and in the dim light of the hall seemed highly polished. It being so dif ferent from the usual scarfpin, I asked him where he got it. He did not reply to my question, but taking the pin from his tie handed it to me. Upon examin ing it I found its surface covered with what I took to be Egyptian hieroglyph ics. Having given no little attention to the study of these curious signs, my in terest was at once aroused, and I ex pressed a desire to keep it for a few days in order to examine it with a glass. But Melville, with a strange smile, took it without a word and put it back in his cravat, and I of course did not insist on examining it. A few days later Melville met me in the corridor, stopped me and said that by the morning paper he had noticed that the day before an acquaintance of his, having lost his last napoleon in the Casino, had committed suicide at Monte Carlo; that he believed he was the only person in Europe who knew the unfor tunate gambler, and he had decided to go to Monte Carlo and care for the body. While we were talking we had walked to the front of the hotel, and Melville had called a cab. Just before he got in he handed me his cravat pin, and with a smile said I could examine it while he was gone, and as he drove off he called back that he would be back in a few days and cautioned me to be careful of his pin. Two weeks from that day I received a telegram frv.-n Melville saying he would be back that evening and asking me to procure seats for “Faust" at the Grand Opera. In the meantime I had given considerable attention to the pin and had concluded that it was without doubt a genuine Egyptian charm or fetich not less than 3,000 years old. Such stones being very rar e and valuable, I was sur prised that my friend had intrusted it to me at all, and I was anxious to learn where he had obtained so great a curi osity. That afternoon I determined to take a walk in the garden of the Tuilleries, which is not far from the Normandie. After an exhilarating walk I had taken a seat and drawn a book from my pock et, intending to read an hour before re turning for dinner, but my attention was soon drawn from my book by a young lady sitting diagonally across the prom enade from me. She had taken the seat soon after I sat down, and was looking in such a direction that I could get only a profile view of her face, which seemed strangely familiar to me. After reading and watching alternately for half an hour I determined to get a better view of her face in order to decide whether I was mistaken in my idea that I had seen her. As I started toward her she rose and walked in the same direction. I had fol lowed her perhaps 30 yards when she stumbled, and the next instant with a groan fell to the ground. As qnickly as possible I had lifted her np and helped her to a seat near by. I then asked her if I should call assistance, but she said it would not he necessary as she would be all right in a moment, although she would be glad if I would remain with her. Such a request I could not refuse, nor did I care to, as I had discovered she was quite pretty', and from her accent I knew she was an American. W'en in a few minutes I asked her if I should call a cab, she thanked me and asked if I would not be kind enough to drive with her to 74 Rue de Blanc, a street not far away on which I knew were situated a large number of fashion able pensions or boarding houses. On the way she told me that her home was in Massachusetts, and with her father and brother she was making a long stay in Paris. When we reached her number, she insisted that I go in and meet her fa ther, and I of course agreed. As soon as I had paid the cabman and given him three times the usual gratu ity I followed my fair and new found friend into the parlor, where I remained while she went to find her father. She qnickly returned, saying that he was out, but would return in a short time, and that if I would wait she would try to entertain me. Inwardly*thanking the old gentleman for being so considerate, l was much pleased to wait. The time passed pleasantly and rapid ly, and I thought nothing of the father’s prolonged absence, but suddenly I re membered Melville and the opera, looked at my watch and found that I had bare ly time to get dinner, meet my friend and reach tno play. I was very sorry that I could not wait longer, and at her request I promised to call tho next after noon at!). Rising to go, I took my hat and was about to open the door, when I was much surprised to find a pair of arms around my neck. Half angry and wholly amazed I hardly knew what to do, but hearing a step without in an instant I bad slipped from her embrace and opened tho door. Coming up the steps was a middle aged gentleman, at tl. sight of whom tho girl shrieked and ran down tho hall. The gentleman stopped ino and asked how I happened to be with that lady. I told him that I had met her in the garden, had brought her to this house and had waited to meet her father. Ho smiled sadly and said ho had just left notice at the police headquarters to have tlio entire force on the lookout for her; that two months before her brothex had been lost in attempting tho ascent of the Matterhorn, and since that time she had been a manaic; he was keeping her confined in a suite of rooms at this house, hoping that entire rest would re store her reason. He thanked mo for what I had doue and asked me to call the next afternoon. Having eaten my dinner very rapidly, I met Melville and we went to the opera. During the time between acts lie told me of his sad trip to Monte Carlo, and it was not until we were slowly walking up the Avenue de l’Opera that I told him of my unusual experience of the afte-’ noon. With a shade of that same strange smile I had before noticed ho asked me the appearance of the man, and when 1 described him he half muttered, “1 thought so.” Nothing more was said for several blocks, when lio suddenly asked, the smile being fully developed, “And where is my pin?” I put my hand to my cravat—the pin was gone! I knew that I had worn it in the afternoon, and j now it was mi ssing. Melville noticed my surprise and said again, “I thought so.” After walking a moment in silence he continued; “That pin was very highly valued by one of Europe's most noted gamblers. Some months ago, on account of severe losses, he was compelled to pari with it at a very low figure, as its real value was not known. I recently dis covered it in a pawnshop, recognized it as having belonged to this gambler and bought it for the ridiculous price of 10 napoleons. One day I met its formet owner in the hotel. He recognized the pin on my tie, looked wistfully at it, but said nothing. Several times after that I noticed a rather pretty young lady watching me very closely. Yon have perfectly described both this woman and the gambler. Now yon know where my pin is.” I said nothing; what could I say? But tlio next day I called at 74 at the appointed hour. When I presented my \ card and asked for the gentleman, the I reply came: “Ze zlientheman an hees daughter go’dees moruin, hut ze zben tlieman leave ze note for monsieur.” And she handed me an envelope contain ing a thousand franc note, upon one corner of which was written, “Many thanks for the pin.” Both Melville and \ I were satisfied.—T. C. B. in Pittsburg Dispatch. Illustrating the Solar System. The solar system is well illustrated by the following statements: Let 'the sun be represented by a globe 2 feet in diam eter. A grain of mustard seed at the circumference of a circle 164 feet in di ameter will adequately represent the size and distance of Mercury. The earth will be represented by a pea on the cir cumference of a circle 284 feet across, and Venus by another pea on the out side of a 430-foot circle. Mars will be adequately represented by a pinhead at 654 feet, and the asteroids by grains of sand 1,000 to 1,200 feet away. An orange at the distance of half a mile will stand for Jupiter, a very small apple at four fifths of a mile will stand for Saturn and a cherry on the circumference of a circle H miles across will represent Uranus.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Profitable Pish Raising. In conversation with an acquaintance who is a fish culturist from a love of the business, and who fortunately combines the interest with a means of making a livelihood (happy the man so situated), he gave me some interesting notes. He said: “It is a mistake to suppose that there is money to be made raising trout in artificial ponds for the market. The chances of raising fish to a good size are so small that nothing is in favor of the undertaking. To a man of means who can afford to invest the money and pay largely for a few fish, and have them whenever he wants them, well and good, but to the person bound to make the most of his chances, why, he will quickly learn that yearlings and fry sold for stocking are the best paying means.”— American Angler. Elaborate Dinner Gowns. Dinner dresses are this winter ex tremely rich and magnificent. Velvet, satin and brocade of gorgeous hues are 1 bordered with sable and priceless lace, and gold and silver embroideries give ad ditional brilliancy. The bishop’s purple, so much admired, keeps its color well under artificial lignt and is seen at its best when subdued by the lights and shades that play over the thick pile of Genoa velvet, and the same may be said of the moss greens and sapphire blues, which are apt to look harsh and obtru sive in silk or satin. Some of the paler tints, moonlight bine, seagreen and cedar are also very beautiful in velvet, as well as the shot opalescent tones that defy description.— Manchester Guardian. Milo Was a Great Eater. Milo, the famous athlete of ancient Greece (bom 520 B. C.) was victor at both the Olympic and Pythian games for six times in succession. On one occasion he ran four miles with an ox on his shoul ders, killed the animal with a blow of his fist and then ate the entire carcass in one day. An ordinary meal for this gluttonous Titan was 20 pounds of bread, twice that much meat and 15 pints of wine.—S,t. Louis Bepnblio. The Citizens Bank of McCook. Incorporated unaer State Laws. Paid Up Capital, 350,000 -DOES A General Banking Business. Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts dram directly on principal cities in Europe. Xaxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS: V. FRANKLIN, President JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Pre*. A. 0. EBERT, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTSt The First National Hank, Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank, New York CRf. Tfte First JYatioual BanL AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $100,000. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNEIL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W. F. LAWSON, Cashier A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. rHE McCOOK ROLLER MILLS, E. H. DOAN. PROPRIETOR, Is Now Open and Ready for Business. am prepared to handle all business in my 1 line promptly and with the most approved machinery, _^_ i? DOAN & HART \ are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are paying the highest market price. 0 PSjPMills and Elevator on East Eailroad Btreet. W———————MilWi—Mi———————I——— ...cjLttii Leads the Procession. We call the attention of our readers to the advertise cut of The Call in another column. Since its reduction in price The Call is the cheapest daily in Nebraska, and its spicy and independent policy is too well known to need comment from us. In reduc ing the price of The Call so as to put it within the r- ach of everybody, the management have placed themselves a decided step in advance of all other publishers in the state. This is an era of popular prices for the newspaper, and The Call is, as usual, at the head of the procession. A GREAT COMBINATION. The Omaha Weekly Bke with The Ameiii can Farmer or Womankind for one dollar per year. The Omaha W eekly Bee is acknowledged to be the best and largest newspaper in the west, publishing more western and general news than any other paper in the country. The usual price is one dollar per year. The American Farmer is published at Springfield, Ohio, is a 16 page monthly paper devoted to agriculture, horticulture, the dairy, poultry and general interesting stories and other matter for the home. The usual price is one dollar per year. Womankind isalso published at Springfield, Ohio. It*is 16 page monthly publication, de voted to everything tbnt interests the wife, mother and maiden. It is full of useful in formation and interesting talks and stories that are instructive as well as entertaining both to young and old. One dollar pays fora year's subscription to the Bee and either one of these journals. Address all orders to The Bee Publishing Co.. Omaha, Neb. ” Latest Thing Out” 111 Fine Stationery Printing' -AT Fite Mtiwk friiiM. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. L W. McConnell & Co. DRUGGISTS To Our Advertisers. You are entitled to have your display advertisements changed once a month at the regular price. Changes more frequent will be charged extra accord ing to the amount of composition. Local advertisements may be changed every week at usual price. Copy for new advertisements and for changes of regular advertisements must be in this office by Wednesday of each week to insure prompt insertion. Notice of discontinuance of any dis play advertisement must be given not later than Wednesday. Local adver tisements may be discontinued at any time before Thursday evening. A strict observance of these necessary rules is respectfully requested. Tiie Publisher. January 1, 1803. S3T°Noble, Purveyor to tne Great Common People, is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Coughs and Colds. Humphrey’s Specific Number Seven, cures Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Never fails. Price 25 cents at all drag stores. Dr. Hathaway, (Regular Graduate.) The Leading Specialist of the Hotted States in His Line. Private, Biood, Skin and Nervous Diseases. Young anti Middle Aged Men: Remark able results have followed my treatment Many YEARS of var ied and success ful E X P E RI ENCE in the use of curative meth ods that I alouo sown and control ifor all disorders of M E N. who have weak or un developed or dis eased organs, or who are suffering from errors of youth and excess or who are nerv ous and IMPO TENT, the scorn of their fellows and the con tempt of friends and companions, leads me to GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos sibly be RESTORED, MY OWN EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT will AFFORD A CURE rT’UE.viEMUEK, that there is hope for YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at once. Female Diseases cured at home without in struments; a wonderful treatment Catarrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneya , Syphilis* The most rapid, safe and effective treatment A complete cure guaranteed. skin Diseases of all kinds cured where many Others have failed. Unnatural Discharges promptly.' cured in a fpw days. Quick, sure and safe. This includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. 1. Free consultation at the office or by mail. 2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis. 3. -That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience,'and a specialty is made of his or her disease 4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment. A home treatment can be given in a majority of cases Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men. No. 2 for Women. No. 3 for Skin Diseases. Send 10c for 64-page Reference Book for Men and W omen. All correspondence answered promptly. Bus iness strictly confidential. Entire tr.-atment sent free from observation. Refer to baDks in Si. Joseph and business men. Address or call on *•* J. N. HATHAWAY, ?Ar D., Corner 6th and Edmond Sts.. St. Joseph. Mi WE TELL YOU nothing new when we stat«- that it pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi ness, that returns a profit for every day’s work. .Such is the business we offer the working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions ! faithfully the making of &SOO.OO a month, i Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no question about it: others now at work. . are doing it, and you, reader, can do the *ume This is the best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If you giasp the' situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours’ work will often equal a week’s wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, — do as we tell you, and sue cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. ’ Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to day for full particulars, free ? K. C. A ELEN & CO., 15ox No. 420, Augusta, Me. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria i