The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1893, Image 1

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    ' \
.... MILLINERY, . . . .
v^^WILL SELL*£~*
50 Cloaks for % Regular Price.
100 Pairs Ladies’ Hose Worth
25c. for 15c.
100 Ladies’ Vests for % Price.
100 Pairs Men’s Undershirts
Price $1 for 50c.
1,000 Yards Dress Goods
at 25 per cent from our
Regular Price.
This Sale is to Make Room for Spring Goods.
Remember Days and Secure Bargains.
20 Per Cent Discount
Short Length Dress Goods and Remnants of all
Kinds Included in This Sale.
Our Stock Must be Reduced
to make room for immense
stock of Spring Goods.
i :
No.l went through in to sections,Saturday,
both being late.
Fireman McCrary, who wbs scalded in the
Fairmont wreck, is recovering.
F. A. Thompson returned on 3, Sunday
night, from a visit to the family back in Illi
Dispatcher Simmons lias been promoted to
afternoon “trick,”and dispatcher Mills takes
ft. B.’s place.
Mrs. J. P. Burton and baby were passen
gers for the west on No. 1. today. They will
visit briefly at McCook.—Oxford Standard.
His many friends here will learn with
regret of the accident to Will Krauter at the
Aurora shops, recently, in which he lost two
Word was received at Western division
headquarters, Friday, of the birth of a prom
ising son and heir-apparent to ftoadmaster
and Mrs. W. W. Josselyn at Orleans.
Engineer C. A. Green, who was injured in
the Fairmont wreck, first of last week, died
in Lincoln on last Thursday, being buried by
the company at that point on the following
There is good reason to believe that the
Burlington system that never does anything
by halves when it starts in will next spring
erect a large depot and eating house north of
present site.—Hastings Democrat.
The Pullman company will soon equip the
Burlington with twenty new drawing room
coaches, which are the finest ever made.
They are lighted by electricity, heated by
steam, and have every modern convenience.
The Belief department statement for De
cember is out and shows disbursements for
the month $2S,199. Total since June 1, 1S89,
including the above S744 544.25, while the
number of cases of disability carried over to
this year are 599.
The company is gradually pursuing the
policy of gradually replacing the present
wooden and piling bridges by iron and stone
structures, and quite an amount of material
is now being dropped between here and Cul
bertson for that purpose.
The First National Bank of Spearfish, S.
D„ has been established with a capital of fif
ty thousand dollars paid in. Several promi
nent railroad men of this division are among
the incorporators. Our agent Ji. i{. Woods
of Sheridan, has five thousand dollars in the
venture.—Alliance grip.
S. I/. Knox of Wauneta has been given an
annual pass by Superintendent Campbell in
recognition of his services to the company in
the runaway cars episode of some weeks ago,
in notifying the company’s agent there of the
passage of the car, the company being thus
able to avert any accident by being on the
lookout lor the runaways, and finally cap
turing the same.
O. W. Stoddard, who was injured at Alli
ance, last Thursday morning, died at that
place on Saturday night. The remains
arrived here last night, and the funeral will
occur on Sunday. All the bereaved ones
have great sympathy from friends here,
where they formerly lived, and where the
deceased man was once in the company’s
Ye editor had the pleasure of reviewing
the plans of our Supt. Phelan’s new home to
be built this coming spring upon his property
west of the school house. It will be a two
story structure 30x36 feet in the main with
an addition 18x26 feet and will contain seven
teen rooms besides the closets. It will be
complete with all modern improvements and
an ornament to our town, worthy of a city.—
Alliance Grip.
it is a remarkable tact that one of the fast
est, if not the fastest, locomotive now run
ning was built 45 years ago. Its driving
wheels are feet, cylinders 17‘4 inches
with two inch stroke, and lias easily attained
a speed of 75 miles an hour. It is interesting
to know that the engine is still working the
forty-five minute express of the London
and Northwestern between Manchester and
Liverpool, one of the fastest services in the
kingdom, and it is stated that still, after her
forty-five years service with a load equal to
her power, she is capable of running at the
highest possible speed yet attained.
The Burlington is in the field with the latest
edition to the car service between Chicago
and St. Paul. Two compartment cars have
been added to the evening trains, eaeh car
having ten compartments and each compart
ment containing two double berths. The
woodwork is Vermillion, mahogany, rose
wood and ash. The upholstering is in em
bossed plush of peacock blue, old gold, green
and drab. The compartments are reserved
exclusively for ladies traveling alone. The
Pmtscli system of gas is used in gold-plated
trimmings and lamps. Tlie cars are termed
the best ever turned out by the Pullman
The new chair car in which the heating ap
paratus blew up at Red Cloud, Monday
evening, went through Lincoln at 7:45 yes
terday morning on its way to Plattsmouth
for repairs. The Baker heater made a sorry
reck of one end of the car. A hole about
three feet wide was blown out the side, and
the portion of the roof that was just over
the heater lies in fragments out near Red
Cloud just where it landed after being struck
with a hurtling slab of boiler iron over two
inches thick. The sensation of the passen
gers who were involuntary spectators of the
occurrence can be best imagined. It this
thing gets common it may be expected to ap
pear in next year’s “only startling realistic
play.”—Wednesday’s Lincoln Journal.
Mrs. Nettie ( ronklute made a business
trip to Hastings, Saturday.
A. H. Barnes, deputy county clerk, was a
city visitor, yesterday, briefly.
Garey Starbuck is visiting bis sister, Mrs.
George Goodwin, at Omaha.
C. A. Hafer was in the city, Monday, re
newing contracts for the Chamberlain Medi
cine Co.
Oscar Callihan of the Bank of Benkelman
was a business guest of the valley’s finest,
H. G. Terrill and family left on Wednes
day evening for the farm north of Cam
•I. D. McNeely is up from St. Joe looking
after his large interests in McCook and
Frank 11. Selby, Cambridge’s 3,000 candle
power legal luminary, was a metropolis
visitor, Sunday.
Mr. Spencer is back from Republican City,
where he lias been visiting his sister for a
number of weeks.
J. W. McKenna of the C.O.l). grocery has
been enjoying a visit from his brother T. A.,
of Hastings, this week.
Charlie Hine lias laid aside his paint and
brush and is visiting oldtime scenes and peo
ple over in the land of suckers.
T. E. Sedgwick, of the Nebraska newspa
per union, and of tile York Times, sojourned
in the city, Saturday, on business bent.
Jack Bullard came down from Palisade,
Tuesday evening, to remain briefly with the
family, being slightly under the weather.
Mrs. S. E. Taylor, who has been visiting
at her old Iowa home for a number weeks,
joined her husband here, first of the week.
Judge LeHew couldn’t withstand the
temptation any longer, and went down on 0,
Wednesday evening, to congratulate his
friend Boyd.
Mrs. A. 15. Goodlier, who has been visiting
in McCook and vicinity for past few weeks,
departed for her home in Denver, Tuesday
on tlie flyer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell expect to make
southern California their future home, and
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Weaver will accompany
them with a similar purpose.
C. G. Chandler, the Macotnb, Illinois, horse
dealer, arrived in the city, last Saturday, and
is helping Mr. Allen dispose of the car load
of horses brought in, last week by the latter.
B. F, Troxel left, yesterday morning, on a
land selling excursion in eastern Nebraska.
He expects to be absent a number of days,
and will visit Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice and
other points.
S. M. Cochran is home from Omaha,
where he has been purchasing two or three
carloads of agricultural implements, of which
they will carry an unusually complete line
during the coming season.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark departed, Tues
day morning, for their home in Arkansas
City, Kansas, taking with them Mr. Clark’s
brother Kendrick, who is almost helpless
from an attack of paralysis.
Grandma Bacon celebrated her 80th anni
versary at the home of her son M. H. Bacon,
on the farm out in Perry precinct, last Sun
day. A few neighbors and friends were in
vited in and enjoyed a dinner with the aged
lady. The table and table cloth upon which
the dinner was served are the same articles
upon which was spread Grandma Bacon’s
wedding supper over sixty-two years ago.
Matt Lawler is in from Omaha today.
The infant child of J. J. Larkey died last
Lawyer Moore is in Champion on business
of the law.
Engine 164 is in from the west end with n
broken driving journal.
Switchman Conklin is resting up a few
days with an inj ured knee.
Mrs. L. J. Burtless is visiting up in Hayes
Centre, guest of her neice, Mrs. Geo.Gowing.
The funeral services of C. W. Stoddard
will will be held in the Lutheran church at 2
o’clock Sunday afternoon.
L. I. Meserve started for Havelock shops,
last night, with engine 86. The old mill is to
have a much needed general overhauling.
Kansas City, Feb. 3.—A dispatch from
Tampa, Fla., announces the death in that
city of Col. A. C. Dawes of St. Joseph, Mo.,
formerly general passenger agent of the Bur
lington lines in Missouri. He was well
known both in the railroad world and politic
al field.
Once again we are called to record a de
plorable accident to one of Alliance’s rail
road boys. This time it is C. \V. Stoddard
who was tlie unfortunate. For sometime he
lias been braking, as the result of some dis
agreement with the officials, but was former
ly conductor. He was to have been one of the
crew of a freight going east at about two
o’clock this morning, but while the cars were
in motion in making a coupling of the air
hose preparatory to starting out, his coat was
caught under one of the wheels and he was
drawn down to the rail and one pair of
trucks passed over his left arm crushing
along the left side of his body and inflicting
a severe scalp wound. He was carried into
Agent Phelp’s room and Drs. W. H. Smith
and W. K. Miller summoned. The left arm
was amputated and liis other injuries dressed,
but it is hardly possible that he will survive.
Charlie’s wife and children live here and he
has many friends and associates who sincere
ly lament his terrible misfortune and proba
ble sad ending.—Alliance Times.
42nd. 42nd. 42nd. 42nd.
C T. F. A R T N G
HIS week we inaugurate our
42<l Semi-Annual Clearing Sale
in Nebraska. Heavy Goods in a 11
lines will be sold at Extraordinary
Reductions. Every article in our
store will be sold at discounts never
before given by us. Come in and see
our prices. No other Mercantile Es
tablishment in Western Nebraska
will save you the same amotsnt of
We expect to go east soon; you
know what that means.
Yes, it's a fact. I am over-stocked with pants, and as I need
more room for my new spring stock, I have marked the price
down to such astonishingly low figures that ANYBODY can
now afford to wear pants. In fact my ENTIRE STOCK OI'
Overcoats, Heavy Clothing
Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings
(and many other things too numerous
to mention,
aid Regardless
General Slaughter Sale!
and will continue for 80 days only. Come and see me.
I can save you money.
TRs Ea^te^lofRin^ House,