The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 27, 1893, Image 8

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Is a Sale
Is a Sale.
$5§F“83 pairs of Men’s
Fine Calf Lace Shoes, all
size 7, worth from $3.50
to $4.25. We make the
For your choice.
Lot 2.
00 pairs Men's Congress
Shoes, New Staple Goods,
all sizes, per pair
Come Everybody.
For Us—
A Chance For You.
fW 59 pairs of Men’s Fine
Calf & Kangaroo Congress Shoes,
all sizes, slightly damaged.
Former Price
$4 to $6.
We will sacrifice this lot at
per pair
These will not last long.
You Kick
If You
Buy Boots
Before seeing ours and find your
self disappointed.
We sell....
Men’s Best Chicago Kip
Boots, worth $3.50, for. .$2.50
Men’s igii Grade Calf
Boots, for which other
dealers get $3.00, for. .. .$2.50
Men’s Split Boots, solid.... $1.25
Boys’ and Youths’ Boots at
propcrtiouote prices.
These Days
Is as Uncertain
As Congress or a jury—Warm to
day and cold to-morrow.
Prepare for sudden changes.
Strictly first quality.
Women’s. . 1.15
f^jjp’Cheap Arties, such as some
dealers sell for firsts:
They Are!
IFm ;
Prices That
Will Interest You.
j^iPLatlies’ Fine French Kip
Button Boots, top or plain,
Warranted Genuine and
Sewed Turns.
Little Giant
School Shoes,
For Misses and Boys, regu
lar price $2.00, our price, $1.50
Oil The
Best Place
To buy Boots and Shoes,
and you will find the street
and number agrees with
the location
Our Store.
We do not handle Job
Lot, Auction or Racket
We guarantee all Goods
to be as represented.
We sew all rips in our
shoes free of charge.
We have a First-class
repair department in our
stole. We also make Shoes
to order.
Feed and Baled Hay.
WauDeta High Patent. . 1.10
Oar Best. 1.10
Pore Gold. 1.00
Lion Patent.$1.00
White Fawn. 1.00
bakers’ grade.
Legal Tender.$ .90
Pride of Wauneta.85
JSPMill feed of all kinds. Baled
hay cheaper than you can buy the same
grade loose.
West Room A. 0. U. W. Building.
The McCook Com
mission Co. received
another car of Mono
gram flour.
Noble is tho only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
We don’t sell pack- '
lug- house lard, but
our own make.
F. S. Wilcox.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
BEWARE.—Do not
buy poor truck, but
go straight to the B.
& M. Meat Market
and get as choice a
cut of meat as can be
E^Noble, Purveyor to ttie Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
The best $1 flour
in town at the B. &
M. Flour and Feed
store. 211 Main St.
McMillen Bros, have a splendid as
sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets.
Their stock of Harness and Saddlery
is unequalled in western Nebraska.
Sewing machines at
$5.00 per month on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.
Nice assortment of writing papers
for sale at The Tribune stationery
Wanted: — Fat and
stock hogs at the B.
& M. Meat Market.
- ,
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book j
of 500 tickets at this office.
|3?=”Grocerie8 at Nobles’.
- ■ 1"
Try our Uncolored
Japan, English Break
fast, Gunpowder and
Basket-Fired JAPAN
Tea at C. O. D. Store.
Our prices defy Com
Treated Absolutely Free of Charge
by Dr. Hartman.
The announcement made in many of
the leadiug papers of the United States
last November that Dr. Hartman, of
Columbus, Ohio, would undertake the
treatment of 10,000 catarrh patients
free, was thought by many who would
have gladly availed themselves of his
offer to be a mistake. Nevertheless it
was a fact;and already the 10,000 have
applied and are already taking the first
month’s treatment. The elaborate
preparations which the doctor made,
and the great number of assistants re
quired to carry on this undertaking,
makes it possible for him to extend
the number to 12,000. Therefore 3,
000 more names will be accepted as
regular patients. All that is required
of the patient is to send name and
address to Dr. S. B. Hartman, Colum
bus, Ohio, and complete directions for
the first month’s treatment will be sent
at once. No charge is made at any
on catarrh, la grippe, coughs, colds
and consumption, will be sent prepaid
for a short time to any address, by the
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com
pany, of Columbus, Ohio.
Send your COAL orders to The
Barnett Lumber Co. We have
constantly on hand both eastern
and western hard coal: also all
kinds of soft coal. Special atten
tion given to the country trade.
By trading at Knipple's grocery
store vou are certain of receiving
the best and parest goods the mar
ket affords and at the lowest prices
consistent with safe business.
A nice coffee at Knipple's for
25 cents a pound. Try a pound.
For Sale!
Three Show Cases,
One Mirror, Fifteen
Store Stools, Tables,
Shelving-, Chairs and
Stools. Cheap For
If you are wanting anything in
the line of building material, do
not fail to see us. We carry a full
stock of building material of all
kinds, including Lath, Lime, Cem
ent and Plaster.
Barnett Lumber Co.
You can get a sack of Straight
patent flour at Knipple’s for §1.00.
No better value for the money can
be secured in the city.
Remember that Knipple fully
warrants every sack of flour that
he sells. You are sure of receiv
ing a good article every time.
Bartley’s newly organized band
is doing good work, and is rapidly
rising in the estimation of that
You can buy stationery right at
The McCook Tbibune Office.
l)r. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s.
Extra line, firm cabbage for 4
cents a pound at Kmpple’s.
Parsnips only 3 cents a pound at
Knipple's grocery store.
Onions, extra fine, at Knipple’s
for 35 cents a peck.
F. S. Wilcox’s old
stand is for rent. In
quire of Sam Strasser
for particulars.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in line
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran- j
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
To Whom it May Concern: / pro
pose to carry a finer line of meats
than any other house in the city.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
We invite inspection and defy com- ]
petition in quality and price of Meat
at the B. & M. Meat Market.
____ i
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot. besides having the best groceries on i
your table that the market affords.
----- I
Try the Cream Pork Sausage at
the B. & M. Meat Market.
Writing tablets at The Tribune
stationery department.
Ink. pens, pencils school tablets, etc., j
at The Tribune stationery department. '
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a ,
specialty of fresh, clean family grocei
ies. He will treat you right.
Put your S $ S where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble’s is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and 1
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat- j
ed in Western Nebraska.
« 1
t i'rade Kwx.)
B. <6 M. Flour and Feed Store.
Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack.
Boss, granulated 11. P... 1.35 per sack.
Monogram “ “ 1.20 per sack.
Charm “ 1.15 per sack,
91 •• “ 1.15 per sack.
Jack Fro9t, winter. 1.00 per sack.
Faultless.90 per sack.
Favorite.90 per sack.
Pride of McCook.30 per sack.
Rye Flour, Grahair, Buckwheat,
Flour and Corn Meal. Bran, Shorts,
Chop Feed, Grain and Hay. All goods
delivered free. J. J. Garrard,
211 Main street. Manager.
Knipple is making very reason
able prices on Hour. He is selling
an extra fine high patent flour for
only $1.20 a sack. Nothing finer.
Monogram F1 o u r
can’t be beaten for
making good bread.
$1.20 per sack.
A sack of Snowflake flour will
only eost you 85 cents at Knipple’s
grocery store. It’s worth a dollar.
Come in early and
often and see the fine' i
line of meats at the B.
& 31. 3Jeat 3Iarket.
Fine irrigated potatoes at Knip
ple's for 85 cents a bushels. They
are the finest in the market.
Pure Buckwheat at
5c per pound at the
B. & 31. Flour and
Feed store.