The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 27, 1893, Image 6

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    “ (Astoria is ho well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.” II. a. Auoukr, M. D.,
111 Jk>. Oxford £5t., Brooklyn, N. Y.
“The use of ‘Castoria L* so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
uf supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.”
Cauuks BLumtn, I). D.,
New York City&
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomacli, Diarrhcoa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes <!i
Without injurious medication.
“For several years £ Iiavo recommend d
your * Castoria,’ and shall always continu-■ : .
do so as it has invariably produced benefiei .1
I'.itwis F. Pardei:, ?/f. I).,
l~>lh Street and ?th Ave., New York fit; .
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New Yore City.
. .... i
.... AN 1 >. . . .
tWAddress all orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE.
_ __tot-- -
• •
CEMENT, - ■ ■ mm |H Mk AND
,3, LUMBER. 80fI
• •
W“U. J. WARREN, Manager
B. Sc M. Meat Market.
F. S. WILCOX, Prop,
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods,
Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. A gent for Halliday,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24. inches to S8 inches high; the best
all-purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE for yards and lawns,
a,,d STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle.
The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country.
Write for • ireulars. r
DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, 111.
A. *.
: >11 i ! u j »•»*.»
, MANHOOD RESTORED! This wonderful remedy |
I guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases,such as Weak Memory, tossof Brain
1 Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Nervous
a ness,all drains and loss of power 1 n Generative Organs of either sex caused
I by overexertion, youthful error*, excessive nse of tobacco, opium or stlm
J ulants, which lead to lntirmltv, Consumption or Insanity. Can be earned in
T>n v<*«t pocket. per box. « for 05* by mail prepaid. With aS*» order wn
? •> —rUtra . or*-. i;i *o cure or refund the money. Sold by all
.' ; i. ,'v.rrhcr. Write for tree Medical Book sent sealed
r \ ■’ .TSSEEDtU,!:- '.Temple,CHICAGO,
; .r i . .i . r:—»** J Jt v.o», |
A Pleasing Ceremony Which I* Observed j
In Some Families—Tom and Sybilla Are
Petted and Patted by Uncles, Aunts and
Chums—The Happy Hour Alone.
Tom and Sybilla are engaged, and
the time has come when their friends
are to pay their compliments.
On the eventful day Sybilla is ready
to receive her congratulatory callers, a
picture of blissful loveliness in what
her dressmaker describes as an “an
nouncement gown.” It is not all of
white, for that would be too bridelike,
but there is a skirt of snowy embroid
ered crepe lisse, and over that a long
empire coat of white satin, brocaded in
pale pink rosebuds, with a waistcoat of
silver embroidery on pink satin and a
cravat of old Venetian point. Deep ruf
fles of the same lace fall over the hands
and almost hide the diamond which ev
erybody wants to see. Gloves are out
of the question.' Some ultra fashiona
ble girls may wear them, but not Sybil
la, who feels that it wonldbe wicked to
conceal so much splendor.
Add to this charming frock the wear
er’s shining blond hair, her big blue
eyes, her lovely color and the happy
smile that plays round her mouth un
consciously, and who can wonder that
she makes a picture fetching enough to
send all the old maids of the family
away sighing with envy and regret, and
to fill her former admirers with desper
ate resolutions of becoming “damp un
pleasant bodies” in the Charles?
The next younger sister sits at the tea
table, promoted for the first time to
that responsible post, impressed with
her new dignity of a Psyche knot re
placing the schoolgirl braids and the
immediate prospect of coming out, now
that Sybilla is disposed of. There is a
constant stream of visitors. Congratu
lations are hearty, though they are ex
pressed with little variety. Tom, half
proud, half embarrassed stands by her
side, taking all phlegmatically from the
tearful blessings of ins aunts to the jests
and rallvings of the fellows from the
club who have come primed with the
usual jokes intended for just such occa
sions. Now and then ho steals a glance
at Sybilla, whose blushes seem to have
burned themselves in indelibly, and
breathes an unconscious sigh of satis
Yes, he ha3 certainly made a very
good choice. So far as looks go, there
is hardly a girl in town who can hold a
candle to her; her figure particularly
is enchanting, and she wears her
clothes, simple (!) as they are, to perfec
tion. A3 to character, they have al
ways hit it off admirably, and as their
tastes are the same there is no earthly
reason why they should not be at the be
ginning of a long and very happy com
panionship. At the same time he realizes
all the joys of bachelorhood he is re
nouncing. Already he has felt a per
ceptible coolness in the warmth with
which the feminine portion of society
receives him, for he is no longer eligi
ble and surrounded with the becoming
halo which invests a possible husband.
He is left out of many jolly little par
ties of shooters bound for the cape, and
the fellows who are laying plans for the
salmon fishing next year are leaving his
name out of the question. Then, too,
as if by tacit consent. Well, to be sure,
just then he will be busy furnishing the
house he means to build for himself
and Sybilla and thinking of more seri
ous things than rod and reel, but on the
whole she is worth all he gives up. and
as their eyes meet again and he sees her
loving heart in her, he thinks himself
little better than a cur to have yearned,
even for a moment, for the flesh pots
of Egypt.
lhe nearest and dearest ot the rela
tives have been asked to remain for din
ner. The house is en fete, and the long
table in the dining room looks as if
royalty were to be entertained, with
all the best silver, glass and china dis
played—maidenhair and La France
roses, pink shades for the candles and a
menu which proves clearly that the
cook has realized the importance of the
occasion and means to outdo all her
previous triumphs. Sybilla, as the ob
ject of honor, sits at papa's right hand,
and Tom, who had cried out upon eti
quette, insists upon taking the chair
next her. The old aunt opposite has a
vague notion that he squeezes her band
once or twice under the table, but her
eyes are dim and her glasses poor, so it
remains forever unsettled.
A great deal of laughing and talking
goes on from oysters to ices, and then
there are to be speeches. Papa rises and
begins it. The uncles follow with good
wishes and congratulations, so cordially
and tenderly expressed that all the
aunts sniff audibly, and mamma disap
pears behind her handkerchief, not to
emerge for a good 10 minutes. Tom
says a few frank, manly words which
cause him to be regarded with open fa
vor, and then they all adjourn to the
drawing room again, Sybilla and he
bringing up the rear and lingering a
moment in the hall. Both look a little
confused when they enter, and the fam
ily discreetly forbear to engage either
in conversation at once.
There are singing and playing, and by
and by carriages begin to roll up out
side. It is time for the aunts and un
cles to go. The pretty niece who has
done so well for herself is kissed until
she blooms like a peony, and Tom comes
in for so many hearty handshakes that
his fingers fairly ache, but at last it is all
over, and they are left by the fire in the
parlor alone.—Boston Herald.
A Fatal Swelling.
At Eau Claire, Wis., a negro tramp
crawled into a car of lumber bound for
Burlington, la., and lay down on top
of the pile. He fell asleep, and the lum
ber, being wet, swelled up, crushing
him against the roof of the car. When
the car arrived here the following day,
the dead body was found.—St. Louis
Point* of Contrast Between the Rich In
America and In Kurope.
The English and the Americans are
both rich, hnt which are the richer?
Perhaps the statisticians know or can
find out, hnt it is not certain that the
statistical answer would give the infor
mation that one really wants and which
involves the distribution of wealth as
well as its mere existence. Most Amer
icans have to work; but, as is well
known, a considerable proportion of
English people toil not nor spin, and
make no pretense of doing anything tor
a living. Is that because the English
are richer than we. or is it a matter of
taste or a result of primogeniture? So
also it appears—from close study of
documents submitted by Anthony Trol
lope and other contemporaneous histo
rians—that British gentlemen in re
spectable circumstances employ from
five to fifty servants and have several
houses apiece, ail of which they live in,
and travel much besides. An Ameri
can who lives in that way is looked
upon as a man of very exceptional re
sources, hut it would seem that an Eng
lish gentleman who does not live in that
way is thought to he somewhat strait
ened. In England there are 300 or 400
hunt clubs, and something like 20,000
Britishers ride pretty regularly to
hounds. But hunting is an expensive
sport tbat takes both time and money.
These English s'crn to have both to
A returned traveler was speaking of
the shoals of agreeable English people
he met in the Riviera and in all the
play places of southern Europe. When
asked if they were rich people, he said
not, but that they were able to live as
they did because they knew how and
got their money’s worth. He thought,
too. that the well to do English bad a
more complete domestic apparatus ready
to hand than most Americans and
conld spend a larger proportion of tfieir
incomes on travel and amusement.
Houses aud furniture and such expen
sive vanities they had already by in
heritance and were not compelled to
spend useful money in providing them.
Regarding the English habit of pub
lishing novels in three bound volumes—
would the American buy novels in such
costly form? Are not all the habits of
living that we borrow from the British,
from dock tailed horses to indoor men
servants, more costly than the customs
they supersede? They must have a great
deal of money to spend, those enterpris
ing islanders. No one would hesitate
to say that the Americans are richer
than the Russians, or the Italians, or
the Germans, or even the thrifty French,
but the Briton -gives us pause. Is he
really richer than we are, or is he mere
ly an older son. and a dweller in a land
where servants work for small pay,
and clothes are cheap, and novels are
rented out by Mndie, and the tax on
stimulants is laid for revenue, and not
for prevention, and where to loaf and
invite one’s soul is esteemed a prefer
able thing to toil?—Harper’s Weekly.
flaying Cards.
The invention of playing cards has
been attributed to the Chinese, Hindoos.
Arabians and Romans, but cards as
now used were invented by Jacques
Gringonneur, a painter, in Paris in the
fourteenth century. They were sup
posed to have been first made for the
amusement of Charles VI of France,
who was deranged. The French had
particular names for the 12 court cards.
The four kings were David, Alexander,
Cffisar and Charles; the four queens,
Angine, Esther, Judith and Pallas; the
four knaves or knights. Ogier the Dane,
Lancelot, La Hire and Hector de Gar
land. Cards seem originally, however,
to have been taken to England direct
from Spain, having probably been in
troduced into that country by the Moors;
the clubs, in Spanish cards, not being
trefoils as with us, but cudgels—that is,
bastos—the spades or swords, espadas.
They were at first stamped from wood
blocks in outline and filled in by hand,
but after the invention of engraving the
best artists engraved tnem on copper
and struck them off at once. Colum
bines were spades; rabbits,clubs; pinks,
diamonds, and roses, hearts. Human
figures opposed to those of flowers and
animals were the ancestors of court
cards.—Brooklyn Eagle.
A Matter of Business.
"Mr. Bong,” said the secretary of
the Fearful Accident Insurance compa
ny, “he sure and drop in at old Cur
mudge's as you pass this morning and
express your sympathy over the^oss of
his brother in the railroad accident yes
terday. Express mine also to him.”
“But old Ourmudge had no brother
in the accident,” said the canvasser.
“What has that to do with it?” said
the secretary cheerily. "All he can do
is to tell you so.”
“But it might unnecessarily alarm
him,” persisted the canvasser.
“That’s the point; that’s exactly the
point,” returned the secretary cheerily.
“Alarm him as much as possible. His
own policy runs out next month, and it
is one of onr duties to remind our pa
trons that in the midst of life we are
surrounded by accidents.”—London
The word indeed was his tad, and the
young woman got tired of hearing it.
One evening he began a story.
“I have,” he said, “a very clever
friend indeed”—-—
“In Deed?” she interrupted question
“Yes. indeed.’’ lie reiterated inno
“In Deed?” she retreated.
“I beg your pardon,” she said;
“where is Deed?” And then he tum
bled indeed.—Detroit Free Press.
He Recovers.
The Youth—Does a man ever get too
old to take any interest in life?
The Sage—Oh, yes. But he generally
recovers by the time he is 25.—Indian
soolis Journal.
W. 8. Moklan. Attornej-, McCook. Net*.
Publication of Summons.
George H. 'l upper, Mary K. 'lupper,! leor&e
\V. Burton and Andrew K. llarsty, ;*irniis
doing business under the lirm name • >! bason
& Harvey, M; tlhew M. Blairjr., J. \V. Beebe,
and Mrs. JAVkiDebe.bis wde.wliosc first name
is to plaintiff unknown, and Hercules Rice,
defendants, will lake notice that Randolph 1..
Bullard, plaintiff herein, lias tiled his petition
in the district court ol Red Willow county,1
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object
anil prayer of which aie to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed May 2*1, 1887, by i!»** de
fendants, George II. lupper and Mary Ik
'l upper, to one A. Ik Harvey, and aftci wards
assigned to this plaintiff, upon the following
described real estate, to-wit: The north west
quarter ol section number twenty-two |22|, in
township number two j2| north, range num
ber twenty-six l J) J west, in Red \V i l 1 o w
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of
their eleven ceitain promissory notes, one
note for ,>000, due April 30th, 1S92, and ten
notes lor 821 each; the first one <*! said ten
notes maturing < )ctober 1st,1887, and one note
maturing every s x months thereafter until
the maturity of the last of said notes, which
matured April 1st, 1892. Tnat there is now
due on said notes and mortgage, including the
amount of tuxes on said premises paid by
plaintiff, the sum of 5782.73, with interest
thereon, at the rate of ten per cent.per annum,
from the first day of < )ctober,i887, and plaint
iff prays for a decree that the defendants be
required to pa\ the same, or that said premi
ses may be sold to satisfy said amount, with
interest as aforesaid and costs of suit.
Vou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the fifth day oi March,1894.
Dated this 22nd day of January, 1894.
Randolph Ik Bullard, Plaintiff,
Jan. 20, 4-t. By \V. S. Morlan, his Att'y
W. S. MmiiiAN. Attorney. Mi< <»ok. Nth.
Publication of Summons .
Siephcn < Voucher, Kachen*.G«#uchcr,Ge> »rge
\\ . Burton and Andrew E. Harvey, partners
doing business under the firm name of Burton
& Harvey, C. !\ Rinkcr, Edmund 1- Walker,
Dora Walker, and J. \\ . Gray ami Mrs. J. \V.
Gray, his wife, whose first name t» plaintiff is
unknown, defendants, will tase notice that the
Hartford Theological Seminary, a corporation
incorporated under the laws ot the state of
Connecticut, plaintiff herein, lias filed its pet
ition in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty, Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob
ject and prayer ot which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed August 23d,! 886, by
the defendants, Stephen < Voucher and Rachel
T. Goucher, to the plaintiff, upon t! • f**ih»w
ing described real estate, to-wit: The south
west quarter of section number thirty-one ! ;>i |
in township number »*ne (I) nmth.rarige num
ber thirty (30) west, in Red Willow county,
Nebraska, to secure the j>ayment of ‘heir elev
en certain promissory notes, one • ■ for £^00,
due August 5th, 1891. and ten note.i f r £17.50
each, the first one of said ten notes maturing
Februar y first. 1887, and one of sai i notes ma
turing wry six months ;h reafter, unt i the
maturity of the last one of said ter. 1. >‘es,which
matured August fust, 1891. 'That there i* now
due on said notes and mortgage, including the
amount of taxes on said premises, paid by
iiai .l 1 ii, the* sum of $605.40, with :::t irest
he -on at the rale ot ten per cent, per annum,
10 a the first day of February 1S87, an i plain -
iff prays for a decree that said defendants be
e juired to pay the same, or that said premi
se maybe sold to satisfy said amount.
You are required to answer said petition on
jr before Monday, the fifth day of March, 1894.
Dated this 22nd day of January, 1894.
PI intiff. Jan. 20, 4-t.
By W. S. Morlan, -G \!V rnev.
W *v Moumn. Attorney. McTook. No! .
Publication of Summoi -5.
Sarah E. Griggs, Edith Bowen. Y\ .1 :.-n j.
>oper and Mrs. A dliani J. < oope~,! i> wife,
hose first name is to plaintiff unkn II.
. Spry, Mabel Spry, E. W. Me Da !e .ir.d Mrs.
W. McDade, his wife,whose first name to
aintiff unknown, and George W. Burton
id Andrew E. Harvev, partners doing busi
ss under the firm name of Burto:. 1 la. v v.
. fendants, will take notice that R mdolph f..
dlard, plaintiff herein, has filed hi.-. petition
the district court of Red Willo w county,
•braska, against the above name I D nd
lts, the object and prayer of which are to
reclose a certain mortgage executed Ypril
th,1886, by the defendant. Sarah E. Griggs,
■d one De I-os Griggs now decease upon
ie following described real estate, to-wit:
he south half of the north west quarter, and
ie east half of the south west quarter, • 1 sec
m number twelve [12J, in tow nship number
“ [2] north, range no thirty jjoj west, in
Re 1 Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the
lay ^°nt of their eleven certain promissory
notes, one nob; for £400.00 duo Mar 27th,;
1891. and ten notes for £20.00 ca. .. the first!
me of said notes due September :irD, 1 SSt>,
and one note maturing every .sit months
thereafter, until the maturity of the L*.st one of
said ten notes,which matured March fi M.lSoi.
That there is now due on said notes in ! mort
gage the sum of four hundred dollar-., vbh int
erest thereon, at the rate of ten pe per
annum, from the 27th day of Mare':, and
plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pav the same, «•: *h d said
premises many be sold to satisfy sai l amount,
with interest as aforesaid, and cost* >i suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the fifth day of March, 1894.
□ Dated this 22nd day of January, F894
Randolph E. Bci.i.akd, Plaintiff,
Jan. 2b, 4-t. By W. S. Morlan. hi* Att’v.
Sheriff’s Sale.
15) virtue of an order of sale, dirc.r _ . to me
from the District Court of Red Willow c *unty,
Nebraska* on a judgment obtained before
lion. I>. T. Welty, Judge of the district court
of Red Willow county. Nebraska, on the iSth
day of December, 1893, in favor • : Thomas
Lonergan, as plaintiff, and against Frank L.
McCracken, et al., as defendents, for the sum
of Six Hundred Seventeen. 15617/10) Dollar >.
and ninety cents, and costs taxed at. $37.I3,:ind
accruing costs, and the C.. 15.A Q- L- Co.,
on the same date upon their answer and cross
petition, obtained a decree for th2 sum of
$385.58. I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said de
fendant, to satisfy said judgment, l *it:
Lots number five and six, in b!o k No.
twenty-seven I27). in the Second addition t«.
the town of McCook. Red Willow < ir:ty,NY
braska. And will offer the same tor sale t*
the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on ‘he
26th day of February, A. I). 1804, 1; f- ■ > i
the south door of the court house, in iodian
<>11. Nebraska, that being the building where
in the last term of court was held, 1 the ir
of 1 o’clock p. M.. of said day,when 1: d where j
due attendance will be given by t •: • ■
signed. Dated January 24th, 1894
E. R. Banks, Sheriff of
J. A. Cor deal. Attorney. n _ 5
The devil is not taking unv special
pains to offset the testimony f the
man who always tells what •:o• ws
about God with a long face.
Better find out what kmu r ». ‘ *un
dation you have under you before you
spend your wliolejlite injtry.ngjto build
a house on it.
Many a man who isjanxiou* to re-j
form the world has a gate that is :.»ng- j
ing by one hinge.
A fool empties his head <?®.*ry time
he opens his month.
ML— ii — hi i— mt urn r-• j i y
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case nianufactur
i;;g concern in the world, is now
fitting upon the Jus. Boss Filled .
md otiic-r cases made by it, a bow '
* ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled o!T the watch.
i t is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents l
that befall watches fitted with the
old style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can lie twisted off
with the fingers. It. is called the
and CAN ONLY BE HAD with JmL,
cases bearing their trade mark— \vljy
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet,
or send to the manufacturers.
Failing eyesight
Oregon Kioney Tea.
That tho diseased of domestic ani•
I mals, nooses, Cattle, Ehef.i*, Doom,
' nooo, and Poui.thy, arc cured by
Humphrey** Veterinary Speci
fics, Is as true ns that people ride on railroads,
send messages by telegraph, cr sowr with sewing
machines. It is as irrational to bottle, ball and
bleed animals in order to cun* them, as it i.» to
take passage in a sloop from Neiv York to Albany.
Used In the best stabled arid rf-commcuded by
the J,r. S. Army Cavalry Officer*.
C3f"500 PAGE BOOK on treatment a:t). careof
Domestic Animals, rnd stable chart
mounted on rollers, sent free.
CUBES j Fever*, Congestions, Inllnmninlin/i,
A. A. i Spinal .HeDiugilis Jiilk Fever.
B. B.—Strain*, Lameness, itheumutisiu
C. C.— Distemper, Nasal Discharge*.
D. II.—Bot* cr (>rnle« Worm*.
E. K.— Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
F. F.—Colie or ripen, fieiiyacbe.
(*. €*•—Miscarriage. Hemorrhage*.
K.H.—Urinary aud Kidney Discuses.
I. I.—Eruptive Diseases. Mange.
J. H.—Diseases of Digestion,
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual.
Vet. Cure Oil and Medicator, $|,0$
Price, Single Dottle (over 50 doses), • ,(>0
spec i f i c s.
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Corner William and John Sts., New York.
In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over work or other causes.
$1 per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $».
bold by Drumris}*. or «rnl postpaid on receipt of pcie*
Comer William and JoUo Sts.. New Sort.
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The following graphic statement will ’vs
r«*.i with intense interest: ‘I cannot describe
numb, creepy sensation that existed in my
• ?■'ii-. hands and legs. I had to rub and beat
t !•<»-.• parts until they were sore, to overcome
. . measure the dead feeling that had taken
pn—.c--:on of them. In addition, I had :t
-11")ng>* weakness in my back and around my
am:-!, together with an indescribable ‘gone*
feriing in my stomach. Physicians said 1'
wa-.-iveping paralysis, from which, accord
in- to their universal conclusion, there is j »
relief. Once it fastens upon a person, they continues its insidious progress until
’ • -.edies :i vital point and the sufferer die
Such w as my prospect. 1 had been doctoring
a year and a naif steadily, but with no par
ticalaj benefit, when I saw an advertisemec
of Dr Miles’ Restorative Nervine, procured *.
Untie and liegan using it. Marvelous as i’
iii.iv seem, but a few days had parsed before
every bit of that creepy feeling had left me
and there has not been even the slightest,
indication of its return. I now feel as
well m- I ever did. and have gained ten
pounds in weight, though I had run down
from 170 to 137. Four others have used Dr
Mile-’Restorative Nervine on my recomen -
fiat ion, audit-has been as satisfactory in then
.•M-e- ;is in mine.”—James Kane, La Rue, O.
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is sold by ai
druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent
direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart.,
Ind.. on receipt of price, |1 per bottle, si.:
bottles for 16. express prepaid. It Is free from
opiates or dangerous drugs.