!V HtComk By F. M. K1MMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. WINDMILL IRRIGATION. The current number of the Ir rigation Age contains a valuable article on “Irrigation by the Use of Windmills” from the pen of B. A. McAllester, laud commissioner of the Union Pacific railroad. His attention was drawn to this method of supplying the deficiencies of nature in the semi-arid region while attending the irrigation con vention held at Salina, Kansas, in September last. Believing that there was something in the meth od worth investigation, he immed iately secured reports from all the stations and laud agents of the Union Pacific in the western coun ties of Kansas and Nebraska and the eastern counties of Wyoming and Colorado. r rom these sources he secured the uames of over 200 farmers who are successfully irrigating their lands by means of miudmills, and from these men he proceeded to derive close and accurate in formation about their methods and the results reached. He gives a record of the amount of water raised, the amount required to supplement the average rain fall in the extreme western counties of Kansas and Nebraska, and con cludes that a few hundred dollars invested in a reservoir, a well and windmill will irrigate from ten to fifteen acres, with no expense for operation and a very slight out lay for repairs. His conclusions are stated in these paragraphs: It is my opinion that the future irrigation of the plains country is to be largely carried on by means of mindmill pumps. Each man can, independent of his neighbors, or any irrigation company, and at a cost not exceed ing $250, irrigate from ten to fif teen acres of his quarter section, and ten to fifteen acres properly irrigated and carefully cultivated is as much as any one man ought to undertake to cultivate under irrigation. On this irrigated ground he can raise those crops which will bring in the best financial returns, and can thereby insure himself and his family sufficient income to more than support them independent of the fluctuations of the natural rain fall. On the remaining portion of his 1G0 acres he can raise by dry farming, the same crops in charac ter and amount as he is now get ting, and two years out of three he is bound to get magnificent ciops from the non-irrigated land. I am further convinced that it ten acres out of each quarter sec tion of the plains country were ir rigated the resultant evaporation from the necessary reservoirs, and from the irrigated land, would so disturb the existing climatic con ditions that the long droughts which are new liable to be exper ienced would be permanently broken up. and that the average aunual rainfall instead of coming at frequent periods and in heavy, driving storms, always causing more or less damage, would be ob tained at frequent intervals, and in the shape of gentle rains, which would do the greatest amount of good. The result would be that from the non-irrigated land would! be obtained each and every year J fully as good crops as were obtain ed in western Kansas a n d N e braska in 1891 and 1892. There is a great field for wind mill irrigation in the w © s t e i n counties of this state, and we look forward with confidence to a time when every farmer in the west will provide himself with the means of lighting the drought on at least one corner of his farm, and thus save himself from a crop failure, no matter how unfavorable the season may be.- Journal. The Culbertson Era very feel ingly warns its readers against its poet. (PUBLISHED BV AUTHORITY.) Commissioners’ Proceedings. Indianola, Nebraska, January 12tb, 1894. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. On motion the following claims were audit ed and allowed: J. 8. Modrell, hauling lumber and work on bridge..— $ 5.25 J. 8. Modrell, annual settlement district No. 7... 31.00 Patrick ('ashen, hauling lumber and work on bridge. 3.00 Hoard continued examination of the county treasurer's accounts during the day. On motion board udjourncd to meet January 13th, 1894. Attest: Samuel Young, Geo. W. Roper, Clerk. Chairman. Indianola, Nebraska, Janaary 13th, 1894. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. On motion the following claims were audit ed and allowed: O. Woods, work on roads. $ 3.00 T. 6. Graham, work on roads. 4.50 H. N. Graham, work on roads. 6.00 8. S. Graham, transportation for pauper (Barber). 16.87 8. 8. Graham, assisting commissioners.... 34.20 F. M. Kimmell, bar dockets, etc. 27.75 F. M. Kimmell, blanks. 6.00 J. M. Short, meals fur ished jury. 6.00 Melvin H. Young, digging grave for T. J. Malone. 1.50 W. O. Bond, clerk's fees in state versus Williams . 13.53 E. K. Hanks, sheriff’s fees, state versus Williams. 5.76 Charles Robertson, witness fee in state versus Williams. 5.30 Frank Kellogg, witness fee in state ver sus Williams —. 5.00 Ed. Ruby, witness fee iu state versus Williams. 5.40 Carl Kube, witness fee in state versus Williams... ... 5.20 Joseph Boss, witness fee in state versus Williams. 5.00 Mark Durham, witness foe in state ver sus Williams. 5.30 James Wingate, witness fee in state versus Williams. 5.30 Columbus Wise, witness fee in state versus Williams. 5.20 Due notice having been given that the board would ou this day receive sealed bids for pub lishing the commissioners’ proceedings, legal notices, and delinquent tax list, during the year 1894. The following bide were received and opened: Bid hy Indianoiu Courier: For printing delinquent tax list one-half the legal rate. For printing legal notices one-balf rateallowed by law. For publishing commis sioners' proceedings one-half legal rate. By Iudepcudeut of Indianola: For publishing commissioners' proceedings and legal notices free, provided the Independ ent is designated as the paper in which to pub lish the delinquent tax list for this year. By Independent Enterprise, McCook: For publishing commissioners' proceedings and all legal notices, free of cost. For pub lishing tax list, legal rate. By Times-Democrat, McCook: For publishing commissioners' proceedings, legal notices and delinquent tax list, at the rate allowed by law—less 40 percent. By McCook Tribune: For publishing delinquent tax list one-third legal rate. For publishing commissioners’ proceedings one-half cent a line. For publish ing legal notices one cent a line. On motion further consideration of bids laid over until January ITth, 1894. Board adjourned to meet January 16th, 1894 Attest: Samcel Yodng, Geo.W. Koper, Clerk. Chairmau. Indianola. Nebraska. January 16tb, 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Samuel Young and J. M. Thomas, commissioners, and Geo. W. Koper, clerk. On motion the following claim was audited and allowed: James Boatman, annual settlement dis trict No. 36..* 19.00 Board continued examination of treasurer’s accounts during tne day. Board adjourned to meet January ITth, 1894. Attest: Samuel Young. Geo.W. Koper, Clerk. Chairmau. Indianola, Nebraska, January ITth, 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. On motion the following claim was uudited and allowed: Ed. Ruby, work on road.$ 6.00 In the matter of printing commissioners’ proceedings, legal notices and tax list during year 1894. The board having given each bid due consideration find that the bid of The McCook Thibune to be the lowest and best bid, aud on motion the contract for printing tne commissioners' proceedings, legal notices and delinquent tax list, during the year 1894, is awarded to F. M. Kimmeli of The McCook Thibune at the prices bid, viz: Publishing delinquent tax list one-third the legal rate. Priutiugthe comm.ssioners' proceedings one hall cent a line. Printing legal notices for county one cent a line. Mr. Thomas voting no. Board continued examination of treasurer’s accounts during the day. Board adjourned to meet January 18th, 1894. Attest: Samuel Young, Geo.W. Koper, Clerk. Chairmau. Iudiunola, Nebraska. January 18tb, 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. On motion tbe following official was appoin ted to fill vacancy: J. F. Hollins, overseer road district No. 10. Petition of John Payton. John R. Young et al. asking for the location of a public road read and considered. The board find that al| owners of land along the line of proposed road have given consent in writing thereto, on mo tion same is granted establishing a public road as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of soe tion 26. township 3, range 26, thence west on the section line to the northwest corner sec tion 34, thence north to the northeast corner of section 28. terminating thereat, ail in town : ship 3. range 26. On motion the following claims were audit, ed and allowed; Q. R. Miles, work on road.? 250 Sam McClung, work on road. 6.00 N. D. Wyckoff, work on road. 5.00 Ira McClung. work on road. 8.00 F. P. Eno, hardware for bridges. T.CO HarrisoD A: Harrison, merchandise for pauper E. G. Smith. 5.00 E. J. Mitchell, stationery for treasurer and sheriff. John Newberry, work on road.... . 5.00 Eli Harger. work on road. 6.00 Fade & Son, coffin for child of Henry Walker. ,-®0 L. A. Admire, board for Samuel Sloan 3.00 C. L. Miller, board for Ben Stoddard.... 1.70 S. E. Hager & Co., coal for county. 44.80 j' T. Armstrong, superintendent, cloth ing lore. McCrosky. 20.46 L. W. McConnell & Co., medicine for F. W. Bennett. 8.25 P. A. Brower, medicine for K O. Smith.. 3.15 P. A. Brower, rent of building for elec tion, etc. 4.40 T. F. Wolborn & Son, stove etc. for oourt house . 19.90 .1. C. Shumaker, oil and glass for court room. • 5 20 W. O. Bond, clerk of the district court, postage and express. 7 00 Imiianola Hardware and Implement Co., hardware for bridges. 23 37 O. I). Mosher, stove for treasurer. 15.25 N. J. Johnson, work in bridge. 6 25 C. H. Newberry, work on roads. 5.00 W. 8. Fitch, annual settlement district No. 9 tor the year 1891. 10.00 W. 8. Fitch, animal settlement district No. 9 for the year 1892.. . 10.00 Andy Barber, annual settlement of dis trict No. 28 for 1893.. 32 50 Adelbert West, annual settlement dis trict No. 37 for 1893. 15.00 J. W. Dutcher. annual settlement of dis trict No. 20 for the year 1893. 27 29 T. J. Buggies, aunual settlement of dis trict No. 10 for the year 1893. 13.90 Joseph Monard,merchandise for paupers 57.30 P. Walsh, work on roads. . 12.00 S. M. Cochran & Co., bridge material— 16.13 W. O. Bond, drawing jury eto. 3.00 W.O.Rond, fee in case of Matie Chenery, iusane. 5.75 F. W. Eskey, fee in case of Matie Chen ery, insane. 8.00 J. H. Berge, fee in case of Matie Chen ery, insane . 3.00 W. T. Henton, cash advanced, same. 40.00 On county bridge iund levy 1893 as follows: Barnett Lumber Co., bridge material...$134.32 S. E. Hager & Co., bridge material. 89.80 Barnett Lumber Co., bridge material... 130.05 ( Barnett Lumber Co., bridge material... 9 25 W. C. Bullard & Co., bridge material— 127.85 J. A Cass, bridge material. 333.19 On motion board adjourned to meet January 19th, 1S94. 8amuel Young. Attest: Chairman. Geo. W. Koper, County Cierk. Indianoia, Nebraska, ! January ltKh. 1894. Board of county commissioners met uursu ant to adjournment. Present Samuel Young, C. J. Ryan and J. M. Thomas, commissioners, and Geo. W. Roper, county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion following claims were allowed and warrants drawn for same on the county bridge fund levy 2893: George Younger, bridge work.$ 7.00 Board continued examination of treasurer's accounts during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet Janua ry 20th, 1894. Samuel Young, Attest: Chairman. Geo. W. Roper, Countv Clerk. Indianoia, Nebraska. January 20th, 1894. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present Samuel Young, C. j. Ryan and j. M. Thomas, commissioners, and Geo. W. Roper, county clerk. Minutes of J previous meeting read and approved. The following county official was appointed ( ami his official bond examined and approved: \ Andy Baiber, couuty surveyor. The following claims were allowed and war- j rants drawn on 1893 levy couuty general fund: j State Journal Co , stationery.$ 57.20 j ,108. Spotts. work on bridges. 5.00 ’ W. T. Henton, tax erroneously paid. 5.70 ■ j. W. Torney, repairs on plow and sera pers. 1.05 Matthias Stadler, work on road. 30.00 j Mrs. S. Young, board of Lizzie Craig_ 7 00 j Frank Schmoidt. two plow beams .. . 5 00' Board continued examination of treasurer’s ' accounts during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet January . 22d, 1894. Samuel Young, Attest: Chairman. Geo. W. Roper, County Clerk. Grover’s team does not seem' to be growing any more tractable. J = . Uncle Grover has sent in to: the senate the name of Judge' Peekliam for the associate supreme ’ judgeship. It is not thought he will meet with Hornblower’s fate. Cambridge is preparing to put on a whole lot of style iu the spring: Water works and elec tric lights are among the contem plated frills. Cambridge is the best town of its weight in the val ley. Good luck to her and her enterprising, genial people. It only required four rounds for the Hon. James Corbett, U. S. A., to polish off the Hon. Charles Mitchell, B. I., with neatness and dispatch. Twenty thousand people witnessed the brutal affair, and Governor Mitchell’s puissant mili tia, without arms, gallantly encir cled the enthusiastic multitude. TYRONE NEWS. The chinook winds are said to be the cause of our warm winter. Rev. Carmichael preached last Sabbath, and piesided at the S. S, election. Frank Moore was re-elected Supt.: Mrs. Richmond, Ass’t Supt.: Wm. Crosby, Secretary : August Bromau, Treasurer, and Louie Walton, Librarian. The cross-roads literary society will debate the question,Resolved: “That a man should not be requir ed to pay tax on any more than the assessed value of his property, less his indebtedness.” _— 18 pounds of granulated sugar for One Dollar at Knipple’s. Established 1886. Strictly One Price. •. \ .. —— We Continue this Our Fifteenth SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE .OF. WINTER COOPS. Liberal Discounts in Prices to Make Them Move Rapidly. "WiST JONAS ENGEL, Manager. ——u—i——i———ii———m——1o—amam■wawaiiit— i i.vmwm.ct' uhmj—poo—ft—————————— The Lincoln Call, always one of the very foremost of newspaper dailies.con tinues to improve. It has recently add ed Walt Mason, the best known of western humorists and authors, to its staff Its condensation of the news of the world and its "Fresh Nebraska News” are features of especial excel lence, and these, with its increased As sociated I’ress reports, makes it in every sense a complete newspaper. Its price, fit per year, is little over half that ol the oilier dailies, and it is not to be wondered at that its list is mak ing a wonderful growth The Weekly Call is $i a year. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION . .OF THE McCOOk CO-OPERATIVE Building and Savings Association Or MCCOOK, NEB., on tl’.e loth day of December, iHop ASSESTS. First Mortgage Loans.§48,250.58 Loans secured by Stock of this Asso ciation . 1,350.00 Real Estate. 1,920.93 Insurance and Taxes Raid. 133-15 Cash with Treasurer. 1.525.49 Totai.S53,180.15 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid up...549,591.57 Premiums Unearned . .. 3.120.51 Dues Prepaid. 12.50 Contingent Fund. 455-57 Total. /.553,180.15 State of Nebraska, ) Red Willow County. ) J, G. W. Kaime, Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that the foregoing Statement of the condition of said Association, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. W. KAIME, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before rue this 10th day ot January. 1894. A. C. Ebert, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. 2, 1S08. Approved: Frank Harris, 1 T. B. Campbell, >- Director.--. J. A. Wilcox, 1 3ts. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON MCCOOK.NEBRASKA. pr-OFFlCfc-Fioiit rooms over Low man A: Sou’s store. Residence-402, McFarland st., two blocks north of MeEniee hotel. Prompt attention to all caiis. “Xoic, sec here, yon jist sec u'liat you ki7 do for us.'” kin do for us! He”—nodding her heaf toward tho wagon—“he’s a stick, yot I know.” I 1 faithfully promised the Mumfori rplirt that I would kpb thpm all out o CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to NUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years’ experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of in- , formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world, S3 a vear. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the lai \\ all Paper ... Rdiuiiaiifs VERT CHEAP. We can sell you a very Good Paper for what you will pay for a Cheap One. L. W. McConnell & Co. —CALL AT— LENNART'S LAUNDRY For First-Class L&undry Work, —o McCook, - - - Nebraska. J. S. McBbayee. Miltos Osbok.y. ^cBB^ER & OSSOff(V Proprietors of tae McCook Transfer Line. “ Bus, Baggage and Express. ONLY FURNITURE VAN ....In tbe City ... Leai e orders tor Bus Caiis at Commercial Hotel or our office opposite depot J. S. McBrayer also has a first class house-moving outfit. The Drovers Journal. Largest, Brightest, Cheapest and Best. Send For Free Sample Copy. The leading live stock newspaper ana market reporter of the west. A paper for stock raisers, farmers, fine stock breeders and grain dealers. \ ery latest and correct market reports by telegraph from all the principal stock markets. Daily.$4.00 per year Semi-Weekly.. 2.00 per year. Weekly. 1.50 per year DROVERS JOURNAL. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. ■ a ■ m i|*w i% SALESMEN to repre ill HU I I I Iseut Ur> ill the sale of our mi ii re ] r ll've;. kno"i; ha *>■u,,,: nil 1 !■ l#ehoice Nursery Stock for the North and W est. Local or traveling. Work every day in the year. Special inducements to tietriuners. Stock guaranteed. Good pav week ly Apply uuick. stating age. and obtain good territory ST. PAUL NCKSEKY OO.. Dee. Mts. St. Paul. Minn. JOHN A. REED, Veterinary Surgeon. McCOOK. NEBRASKA. JSlC’Horse Dentistry a Specialty Castrating and Spaying. Leave orders at residence over Straseer’s Liquor Store. Dr. W. MOORE, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON (Late oe Denver, Colo.) TRENTON.NEBRASKA. E^"Daj or night calls, any piace in the vai ley. promptly attended to. Office—Dr.Thomas drug store. —Vi. Y. GAGE,— Physician & Surgeon MCCOOK, NEBRASKA. CS^Ofucf. Hours: 9 to 11. a. m.. 3 toS and T to 9, p. m Rooms over first National bans £g“Nigbt calls uuswered at office. A. J. KITTENHOt'SE. C. If. BOYLE. RITTEXHOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS - AT LAW McCOOK, NEB. J. E. KULLEY, ATTORNEY -> AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office : In rear o‘ First National Bank. R. A. COLE. -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR CF MCCOOK. Has just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able as possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice. on Dennison ftreet.