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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1893)
It ih impossible to determine from the vote on amendments to the anti-option bill what the fate of that measure is likely to be in the senate, but the impression they convey is that there is a majority favorable to the measure. This, however, does not insure its suc cess, for the opponents of the bill have at their command almost un limited means of delaying action upon it, and as ouly a few weeks of the session remain, and other matters are pressing for consider ation, the opposition may succeed in preventing the bill coming to a vote. Should they fail to do this however, there is still the possi bility of the bill being killed in conference committee. The out look for the measure in this con gress cannot, therefore, be re garded as promising. m iTTTU—ir—-1-1 in—g! Seen stringent measures as the Pennsylvania company lias been adopted in discharging the faith ful competent union men simply because they are union men must result in hardships undeserved by those upon whom they are visited. It widens the breach between cap ital and labor and makes more probable that irrepressible conflict which mutual concessions and a proper spirit of amity can avert. The company lias thrown down the gauntlet and flatly de clared to certain of its employes that it will not concede to them the legal rights which they enjoy under our free institutions. CMdest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. 8piendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 93.00 a On An Ideal Man—A Biblical Ideal. Who can find him, for his price is aSove diamonds. The heart of his wife doth safely trust in him, for she has no cause for jealousy. He will be kind and affectionate to her all the days of his life. He loveth industry, but having wis dom he taketh recreation in due sea son and asketh his wife and children to do likewise. He coiibidcrcth the price of a field and buyeth it and buildeth a house thereon, aud puttelh it on the records in the name of Ins wife. lie payetii good wages to his servants, and withholdeth not their hire when it is due. He giveth to the sick and to the needy, and hath compassion on the man who oweth him, and because of ill health and scarcity of labor, asketh for a little longer time. lie is not afraid of the blizzards for there is much coal in his cellars, and his barns are warm and well filled with hay and corn. His wife is known in the gates, for her purse is in her pocket and she giveth what it pleaseth her to good and charitable work, and she buyeth at her discretion. He payeth his debts when they are due, and never maketli an assignment. His sons are brought up to spend their evenings with the family until the time cometh when they seek wives among the daughter of their parents’ friends. His daughters are modest and virtu ous, and he showeth their, much kindly attention. In times of war he putteth on blue clothes and brogans and shouldereth his rifle and does honor to his country. And while enjoying the blessings of good health he rnaketh his will and wordeth it so that the inheritance shall be received by those he intendeth it for and not squandered in lawyers’ fees.— Georgia D. Runyan, in Womankind. Horses for Sale. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. One dollar will buy 18 pounds of Granulated Sugar at Kniriple’s. CURTIS & BATES ror a uean ^nave or^— -—S^=An Artistic Hair Cut. Rear of Citizens Bank. . Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.—35 cents. SHILOH’S VITALIZE!?. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: “Shiloh's VitaUzer-SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider it tliebest remedy for adebilitatedsystem I ever used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price .5 cts. .CATARRH REMEDY. Have you Catarrh? Tit this Remedy. It will relieve and Cure you. Price 50 cts. This In jector f or Rs successful treatment is furnished free. Shiloh’s Remedies are sold by us on a guarantee to give satisfaction. We are printing the date to which each subscriber lias paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the xhite and you will know it you are in arrears. If you are, please come and see us. EDWARD B. SHAW, Regimental Blacksmith, HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH SHOP ON MARSHALL STREET, Opposite Bullard’s lumber yard and in O’Neil’s carpenter shop. / Will Cure Interfering Horss & Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO HAVE A FIRST-CLASS WAGON MAKER. E^"l will erive you value received or no pay. Prices reasonable. xt is an agreeable Laxative for the Bowels; can be made into a Tea for use in one minute. Price 2ic., 60c. and JUO per package. Ifrt 1® A An Elegant Toilet Powder xtv for the Teeth and Breath—25c. __ CANCER Subjects need fear no longer from this King of Terrors, for by a most wonderful discovery in medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be permanently cured without the n>o of the knife. Mrs II. D. Colby, 2307 Indiana Are.. Chicago, Jays ** Was cured of cancer of the breast in six weeks by your method of treatment.*’ Send for 1 treatise. Br. H. C. Bale, 3t>5 34th St., Chicago. 1 __———' Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen- i ;ry’s City Drug Store. ’ INDIANOLA ITEMS. William McCulluin was shelling com on Wednesday and Thursday. The county commissioners are about through the January settlement. John B. Horrell, ex-county clerk of Frontier^county, was in the city, this week. Esq. Henry Hilt of Tyrone precinct had business at the couuty seat on Wednesday. County Judge went to McCook, Tuesday, to hear evidence in the Moore Kelley case. I. S. Sliirey, one of Indianola's for mer residents, was in the city, Satur day, on business. J. M. Thomas, Esq., Justice of the Peace of Beaver precinct, was in our city on Wednesday. The personal property of the estate of John Fisher, deceased, will be sold at administrator's sale on January 27. W. M. Taylor, A. Utter and Samuel Bently of Bartley, came up on Tuesday evening, to attend Odd Fellows lodge. Mr. Peica of Mo. Ridge precinct was buried in our cemetery, Wednesday; we did not learn the cause of his death. County superintendent will hold his regular annual examination of teachers at his office on Saturday, January 21st, 1893. The Modern Woodmen Camp now have twenty-six members in good stand ing, the next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 1st. Several of the teachers met with the county superintendent on Saturday to arrange for teachers, association at Bart ley on February 25th. License was issued on the 14th for the uniting in the holy bands of wed lock of Mr. Isaac P. Moore and Mrs. R. R. Hanlein, both of McCook. License was issued on Frioay last for the marriage of Mr. John B. Fisher, of Missouri Kidge precinct, and Miss Kosa Conrad of same precinct. The suit in county court The State of Nebraska against Edward Fitzgerald was heard on Saturday and dismissed by county attorney for want of-evidence. Miss Alice Happersett returned from Washington City on Saturday, and assumed her old position in the county clerk’s office on Monday morn ing. The G. A. R. supper on Saturday was well attended, the hall and banquet rooms were full. The supper was fine, the program good, and everybody was happy. On Monday morning Mr. John E. Hill, of Sheridan, Wyoming, and Mrs. Kittie Honsing appeared before the county judge and subscribed to the re quired form and affidavit and were tied together by the county judge. Hints on Advertising. Hoes advertising pay f It does if done discreetly and carefully. Many thousands of merchants and manufac turers are losing money daily in adver tising, while others are piling up wealth as the direct result of their advertise ments. Do not advertise simply because your neighbor on the right does so. If you have something that the people want, and you want them to know about it, tell them of it. Never mind your neighbor. The most effective way of reaching the people is through the newspapers. The day of usefulness of handbills has passed. Make your advertisements attractive, so that the people will notice and read them; excite a little legitimate curiosity about your goods. Nothing draws like curiosity. John Wannamaker, the Philadelphia merchant, tells a million people daily what is going on in his store, if it be only the putting up of a aew shelf or the painting of a door. Determine how much you can afford :o spend in advertising, and place your idvertisements where they will do the nost good. You must keep your name and goods iontinuously before the public, and ceep them interested in what you are loing, the new goods you are buying, ;he changes’ you are making, the goods 70u are selling, to get the best results Never promise more than you can 'ulfil. Bombastic announcements may lo for a time, but nothing except hard, solid facts will live. If for want of time, or other reasons, rou cannot write your advertisements, •ring your “pointers” to the office of fnE Tribune, and we will take pleas ire in getting up an advertisement that rill meet your wishes and please you. RUTHERFORD fc, HAYES. Another distinguished American is dead. Rutherford B. Hayes, tha nineteenth president of the United States, illustrated in his life as fully as any man of his time the possibilities of American citizenship and the worth of integ rity, high purpose and true patri otism in a public career. Among the men who attained eminence during the past thirty years, none made a cleaner record in the ser vice of the country than R. B. Hayes. He was an excellent sol dier, attesting his loyalty and pa triotism by serving throughout the rebellion, entering the army as a major and retiring from it with the rank of brevet major gen eral, the evidence of gallant and meritorious service. Three times elected governor of Ohio, an honor conferred upon no other citizen of the state, his administrations were free from any sort of scandal, and exerted an elevating influence upon politics. His great popular ity with the republicans of his state made him an available man for the presidency. llie memorable contest in 1876, in which Mr. Hayes was the re publican candidate, the dangerous uncertainty regarding the result, the menace of revolution, the crea tion of an electoral commission and its decision, are all familiar facts of history. Throughout the ordeal, which put a severe strain upon the country, Mr. Hayes bore himself with quiet dignity, pre pared to accept without complaint or criticism whatever should be the verdict of the tribunal created upon the suggestion of his polit ical opponents to decide the issue. He became president and entered upon the duties of that office with the patriotic purpose to conciliate the sections. He restored local self government to the south, gave that section representation in his cabinet, and in other ways showed an earnest desire to establish fra ternal relations between the north and the south. That he did not succeed in accomplishing more in this direction was due to no fault of his, but few will now question that what he did accomplish had most beneficent effects. It is to the administration of President Hayes that the country owes the maintenance of specie resumption, which was opposed by a majority in both branches of congress, and the first practical steps towards in stituting the policy of civil service reform. But, better than all, he gave the country an administration distinguished for its exceptional purity. Rutherford B. Hayes was not a politician in the ordinary accepta tion of the term. His political success owed nothing to the in trigue and chicanery of general politics. He was incapable of the low devices by which the ordinary politician and some of higher rank attain place and power. As a par tisan he w'as sincere and loyal, but he believed as he himself expressed it, “that he serves his party best who best serves his country,” and he was guided- throughout his public career by this principle. His private life was stainless and his example as a citizen was in every respect worthy of emulation. Few men have done more practical good in the cause of humanity than Rutherford B. Hayes. His tory will assign him a conspicuous1 place among. Americans who served their country with a sincere and patriotic desire to promote its highest interests and welfare, and with a lofty conception of its des tiny.—Bee. Mr. Cleveland, Senator Mur phy, of New York. Senator Mur phy, Mr. Cleveland. Glad to make you acquaintanted. In the senatorial contest John H. Powers leads the van, with A. S. Paddock a good second. BEFORE THE BLOSSOM* In the tassel time of spring Love’s the only song to sing; Ere the ranks of solid shade Hide the bluebird’s flitting wing. While in open forest glade No mysterious sound or thing Haunt of green has found or made. Love’s the only song to sing. Though in May each bush be dressed Like a bride, and every nest Learn Love’s joyous repetend. Yet the half told tale is best At the budding- with its end Much too secret to lie guessed. And its fancies that attend April's ipassion unexpressed. Love and Nature communing Gave ua A ready. Still ring— Vales across and groves among— Wistful memories, echoing Pan’s farofT and fluty song. Poet, nothing harsher sing; He, like Love and Nature, young In tiie tassel lime of spring. —Robert N. Johnson. A STRUGGLIN CHIEL. It’s a’ aboot my ainsel’, when I was yet i’ auld Dunblane. Fayther’s wee bit o’ a cottage was by the noo famous cathe dral ruins that are visited by tourists frao a’ parts. Some auld beeches pro tected us frae the simmer's heat an win ter’s cauld. an we were vera hoppy the gither afore oor separation. But we were sae puir i' those far back days! Mother wore the same manteelo year after year, an fayther’s claes an mine were always o’ raploch, a vera coarse cloth. Yetoorchimla lug was a warm spot an I hae na seen its equal sin’. Fay ther was simply unlucky, an ir.itlier an me offen suffered i’ consequence. Sae little o’ beuk learnin fell to my share, nor did I blame my parents for it. But 1 had my ain way to male’, an 1 sune re solved that 1 wad gae to Edinburgh to mak' it. But puir mither wasna willin. “Better bide at hame, laddie,” she wad whisper again un again. "Stay wi’ fay ther an me, an dinna fret.” “But we’ll a' be starvin,” I wad argue i’ turn. “Better let me gang awa’ i’ search o' siller." "No. .Jockie! Dinna think aboot it! Edinburgh is a braw town an a wicked one! Dunblane an the Allan are far better.” Sae. though I secretly rebelled, I still staid i' the auld home, wi' little to eat save waterbrose, which mither made o’ meal an water, wi’oot the pleasant addi tion o' milk an butter. An theu cam’ the struggle of which 1 maun tell, reeht there i' Dunblane. 1 warked wi' fayther at any day's labor that cam’ to his diligent hand, an one au tumn mornin it chanced to be oot Kip penross way. We walked alang the Allan i' silence, niver ance lookin up at the grand auld beeches owreheid, for we were baith thinkin an thinkin hard. My een were on the groun, or I wadna hae foun w'at 1 did. It was something breeht an shinin directly i’ my path, an 1 stoopt an pockited it i’ a flash. “W'at was it?” askt fayther carelessly. "A braw bit o’ a pebble,” I answered. “It can gae on mither’s shelf.” An wi’ that we hurried on to the wark that waited us. But mouy times that day l drew forth the stane an leukt it owre. That it was mair than a pebble I had kenned at first glance. If it was really a diamond, who was its owner? There were lairds an ladies na sae far awa’, an they often cam’ to walk alang the bonnie Allan. Perhaps a hue and cry wad be raised aboot the lost jewel. Or it might hae lain for weeks, juist where I foun it, and there wad be na further question. I’ the latter case I could gae to Edinburgh an sell my lucky find, an sae get a start i’ life, such as 1 had lang hoped for. I didna stop to think how wrang it wad a’ be, for I had but my ain selfish advaueeuien’ in view. “Where’s the pebble you foun for mither, .lock?” askt fayther that nicht. "1 maun hae lost it again.” 1 stam mered. for it was my first lie to either him or mither. I wanted to tell them the trowth then an’ there, but yet I kep' it back because I was sae plackless, for they wad baith say, "Your pebble may prove a diamond, an you maun find its rightfu’ owner, Jockie Blacklock!” But that wasna at a’ to my notion, an I stole out under the moon an stars instead, to be alane wi’ my struggle ’tween reeht and wrang. An ivry ance an awhile I wad leuk the stane in my pockit owre. W’at a sparkle it had! Perhaps it was worth a hundred pounds or mair! An whose was it? Wcel, 1 hoped then that I might never ken. dul me vein utii nun;, as i cam slow from work along the Allan, I saw a man i' a braw velvet plaid seerckin’ the spot where I had foun my stane. Ho had a blackthorn stick i’ his han, an he was scatterin the beech leaves recht an lef’. A second glance tauld me it was auld Laird Kinross, o’ Edin burgh, who had a shootin bos near by. He didna leuk up at my approach, an I juist stood an watched him i’ silence. I wanted to pass on. but somehow I couldna do it. for the brecht thing he seercht for was in mypockit. Conscience whispert. "Be honest an time, Jock Blacklock!” But satan shoutit: “Keep the auld laird's stane! Ho has many anither. an this ane will gie you a stert i’ Edinburgh.” Sae I hesitated for a spell. But Laird Kinross leukt up at las’. “My gude lad.” he said kindly. “I hae lost a diamond o’ mooch value. It was yestermoim when we cam' through to the hunt, an it was recht here by the Allan. Perhaps you hae heard o’ its findin.” An the gude God aboon gied me strength to answer, “I hae, my laird.” His keen gray een quickly leukt me owre. “You may hae foun it your ain sel'.” An I answered again: “I did that, mv laird, an here is your precious stane. It has been a load on my heart an con science, though liclit as a bit feather i’ my pockit.” “You wanted to keep it?” he speirt as he tuk it frae my tremblin han.” “Yes, my laird.” “But you hae been an honest lad for a' that, an I snail reward vou« as vor de serve. Wat is your name?” “Jock Blacklock, my laird.” “Aye, mayhap a descendant o’ thopuir poet Burns’ gude friend, Dr. Blacklock." | “1 dinna ken. I fear na,” I returned. ; “I ma juist tho son o’ my fayther, James Blacklock, an he is Dunblane born." “How wad you like to gae to Edin burgh?” ho spcirt next. My heert gied a greet boun. “It’s the . ano wish o’ my life!" I cried. j The old laird smiled. "Ane o’ my friens there is a banker. * Ho needs an honest lad o’ your uin age, un you shall hao the place as sune as you wish.” I fell on my knees i’ gratitude, but ho • bid mo rise at ance. “Hae you a mither. Jock'?” he speirt again. “Aye, my laird.” “Then tak’ me to her an we’ll arrange aboot the Edinburgh matter." I led tho way to oor cottage wi’ falter ing footstep. I had lied to fayther aboot the "pebble,” an how could I confess it a’ to mither? She met us at the door stane wi' wond’rin een, courtesyin low. as was her humble fashion. “1 am Laird Kinross.” the auld noble man began. "Your son Jock fonn an re stored to me the diamond I had lost, an” But juist here uiy ain fayther stepped oot. “Was it the pebble you lied to me aboot, Jock?” An I had to admit that it was. Oil, the shame an sorrow o’ w’at wad other wise hae bin tho proodest minute o’ my life. “It was a sair temptation," said gudo Laird Kinross. “Dinna bo hard on the lad. He is as honest as you an his mither would wish him, an I hae come to tak' him awa’ to Edinburgh, wi’ your con sent.” Fayther leukt at mither, mither leukt at fayther, an then they baith leukt at Laird Kinross. But I couldna leuk ane o’ them i’ the een, because o’ yestreen’s falsehood. “Ye want Jock/ he stammered. “Oor puir, weak Jock. Ye wad trust him aifter a’?” “Yes,” said Laird Kinross, “a gude place i’ an Edinburgh bank awaits him if he will but tak’ it. wi’ your permis sion.” "Oh, Jockiel” sighed mither, “I wad hae staked my ain life on your trowtli, but noo” “Ho shall inak’ a fresh start!” pit i’ the gude auld laird. “An you maun trust him again for his youth’s sake!” “That we will, mither!” cried fayther. “Jock’s a steady goin lad, but the lindm o’ the diamond turned his heid. It was his first lie, an” “It shall be my las’!” I cried, wi’ a burst o’ tears. Mither kissed mo then, an Laird Kin ross tuk frae his pockit a heavy purse, also pittin a han fu’ o’ gowd on the ha’ table. “It’s for Jock’s ootfit an his find in o’ my diamond,” he said. “Dinna re fuse it! the laddie deserves it a’; an on the morrow he shall gao wi’ me to Edin burgh.” Sae fayther an mither thanked him heartily, but I couldna say a word. Laird Kinross pit his ungloved han on my worthless heid at parting—“Puir laddie.” ho said. “It will bo a gude les son to you, an one you will niver forget. God beep you a’ till the morrow!” An wi’ that ho ganged awa’, liis braw plaid flyin back on the stiff momin breeze. Then I turned mo quick to dear fay ther an mither. “Forgie!” I cried. “I hae deceived you baith: Cut it shall na occur again! I promise to bo true an honest to the day o’ my death an ne’er disgrace the name you hae given me!” “You hae our blessing to tak’ wi’ you to Edinburgh,” said fayther. “Mither an mo will forgie an try to forget if we can, but it was a lie you told me, Jock; always remember that. When you are tempted again say to yoursel’, ‘I told fayther my first and las’ lie. I canna tell anither!’ ” “Nor will I,” I cried sadly, as mither kissfrme ance rnair. ****** I went to Edinburgh the next day wi’ Laird Kinross, as agreed upon. Mr. Brayham, the banker, proved a gude maister. My position at the first was a lowly ane, but step by step I rose, as any ither laddie can an will. Laird Kinross’ generous handfu’ o’ gowd kept fayther and mitlier free frae want till I was able to help them my ainsel’. I cam’ to America at las’, and they didna hesitate to come wi’ me. I prospered here also an am noo called a mon o’ means. But the foundation o’ my suc cess was laid the autumn mornin I re stored to Laird Kinross his braw dia mond against my own selfish desire. Fayther and mither died five years apart, an they baith died blessing me. “You have been a gude son,” they said i’ turn, “honest an true, as you promist. God keep you, Joekie, to the end!” An their loving blessing follows me still like a constant benediction. Surely they are watchin and waitin aboon. An I maun meet them there.—Mrs. Finley Braden in New York Observer. Proper Ventilation of Rooms. There are various contrivances for ventilating rooms, all of which are more or less expensive and a large majority of them quite worthless. The best way to ventilate a room is by means of open fires. However, open fires are not suf ficiently warm in winter, and there are few houses that are provided with the ideal heating arrangement of modified steam heat with grates. Lacking this and indeed under any circumstances, a sleeping room or a sitting room should be, so to put it, washed out with pure air every day. Whatever the temperature outside, every window should he opened, and the outer air allowed to pour through it from ten to twenty minutes each day. j| As a rule rooms are kept too warm. No room should be kept heated beyond a temperature of 68 degs. The system of a person living in a superheated atmos phere becomes so vitiated that it shivers at the slightest change and takes cold on the least provocation.—New York Tele gram. One Test of Economy. The Husband—You're not economical. The Wife—Well, if you don't call a woman economical who Rives her wed ding dress for a possible second marriage, rd like to know what you think economy is.—Exchange.