The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 20, 1893, Image 4
Jfy M|t®ook frib»?t. By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY & COUNTY PAPER. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. How We Grow. The following figures provided by Agent Hulaniski, and with which we have contrasted those given last year, will give an idea of the growth of Mc Cook and the business transacted at this point. The increase, will it be noted, is most gratifying in the bulk of business handled, especially in the shipments of grain and stock from this station. It will also be observed that the amounts given only cover the car lot transactions. NO. OF CARS RKC’D. 1892. 189!. Coal. 311 265 Lumber. 152 52 Beer. 38 20 Emigrant movables.. 30 17 Elour. 19 . 21 Agricultural impl’ts 17 . Oil. 13 11 Stone. 13 . Lime. 10 . Furniture. 7 . Salt. 9 . Barb wire. 3 . Canned goods. 3 2 Apples. 2 7 Corn. 64 Hay. 21 Wheat. 10 Cattle. 7 Oats. 3 Sugar. 1 Horses. . 9 627 510 NO. OF CARS FOR’D. 1892. 1891. Wheat. 169 83 Corn. 156 41 Cattle. 144 66 Hogs. 92 21 Miscellaneous. 33 . Rye. 29 27 Broom corn. 20. Horses. 8 10 Coal. 6 . F'lour. 3 . Oats. 3 . Flax. 2 . Barley. 1 . 666 248 The above are eloquent figures indeed, figures which 1S93 will largely increase no doubt. The McCook Electric Light Co. The annual meeting of the McCook Klectric Light Co. was held, Tuesday of this week, the choice of officers and directors falling upon the present incum bents without one change. The meeting was a harmonious one, and disclosed the fact that the affairs of the company are in satisfactory shape and competent management. We have one of the finest electric lighting plants in Nebraska, and outside of Omaha and Lincoln one of the very few all-night systems in the state, if not the only one. So well conducted is the plant that break-downs are unheard of, the McCook plant having a marvelous record for the round year ending Decem ber 2 2d last of not having one light out within the twelve months. No plant in the state can equal the record. Two young sharpers were taken from passenger train No. 6, Wednesday even - ing, by Marshal Dwyer. They were shortly afterwards released, however, as the victim of their wiles refused to prosecute. It appears that the “greeny” suggested playing the game ‘of cards which resulted in his bank account being diminished about $50, although at first he won some small amounts, as is usually the case. Conductor Frank Kendlen wired the police here of the transaction. The sharpers made no effort to evade ar rest, as stated in a sensational special to the Bee, but quietly left town at the first opportunity after their release from custody. _ The Iarmers meeting on \\ ednesday was not as successful as it might have been had the date not unfortunately fal len upon the same time the annual meet ing of the state agricultural society was held at Lincoln, which necessarily kept Governor Furnas ami Supt. Hartley of the Nebraska forestry exhibit away. The Tribune understands that the lease of the Commercial house embraces the sale of the furniture also, and that F. H. Elliott will be associated with Mr. Etter in the enterprise. The boys will make a spanking team and no mistake. Sendees in the Meeker hall, Sunday morning, by the Baptists and Congrega tionalists. Union services in the Metho dist church in the evening. Regular sen-ices in the morning at the Methodist church by the pastor. It is stated that Jos. Reizenstein will retire from the retail tobacco business with the close of this month, and that he will conduct his cigar manufactory in basement of E. L. Laycock’s building af ter February ist. David Berryer arrived from LaPlatte, Mo., Tuesday night, with a car load of effects. He will rent a farm here, this sea son, perhaps the Trowbridge farm in I'erry precinct._ This matter of paving the gutters of Main avenue should be agitated to a successful result. The people on the lots effected are in the main in favor of the enterprise.__ Remember the meeting of the county agricultural society at Indianola on Sat urday, February 4th, at i o’clocEin the afternoon. I Reserved seats at the usual place. Don’t miss hearing “Eii.” The court calendar for 1893 is in an other column, this issue. W. C. LaTourette drew the parlor suit in Nate Crawford’s raffle. It takes about 4,000 tons of ice to keep McCook cool through the summer. Is your name printed there? In the list of patents to be found elsewhere in this issue. Three ballots have been taken forUnited States Senator and the result is beyond mortal guessing. Mr. Butcher of Greeley county, this state, Wednesday, purchased a farm a few miles south of this city. Our real estate dealers are to be com mended for one redeeming feature at least; they deal in nothing but home production. J. S. Bell of Champion, says the Im perial Enterprise, is reported to be the latest applicant for the receivership of the McCook land office. Eli Perkins (Melville D. Landon) will lecture at the opera house on January 24th. Subject, “The philosophy of wit and humor and how to cause laughter.” How many of the farmers of the old eastern states are ready to come to Ne braska? If they don’t come pretty soon, a farm will cost as much here as there. Engineer G. R. Oyster has bought the right to sell the burners in Red Willow county. If they fill the high claims made for them, there ought to be a ready sale for the article. Ex-County Treasurer Doyle so badly mangled two fingers in a com sheller, Tuesday evening, at his place up on the Willow, that Dr. Davis had to amputate them on Wednesday morning. This lecture of Eli Perkins has been the sensation of the year. It is full of philosophy, eloquent oratory and start ling thoughts, and keeps the audience thinking and laughing for two hours. City politics are already being forced upon the public thought and attention, although April is quite remotely in the future. Prospects and indications are that the coming city election will be a warm one. All those who turned over a new leaf on January first, 1893, and are now turn ning it back to look at the pictures, will please rise to their feet. As the greater portion of the congregation is standing, tile services will close by singing America. The Knights of Maccabees will hold an important session in Meeker hall on Tuesday evening next, to which all mem bers are urged to be present. The cer tificates have arrived and will be dis- j tributed to the members at this meeting, and a full attendance is therefore very earnestly desired. Our eastern friends may receive the information with several grains of salt, but it is nevertheless a cold, clammy fact that some spring wheat has already been sown in Red Willow county. John E. Helm of Red Willow being among the number who took advantage of the fine weather, last week. An exchange says that down in Mis souri there is a toper, who when he gets full, insists on paying his subscription to his town paper and that he is now paid up to the year 1926. The Tribune has ordered seventy-five barrels of that particular brand of whiskey, and the same will be placed on draught at this office. Word has reached Lincoln of an acci dent to General Dilworth, of Hastings, commander of the department of Ne braska G. A. R., which will prevent him from visiting posts and installing officers. While riding a horse he was thrown and severely- injured, but is improving at an encouraging rate.—Wednesday’s Journal. The steeple hat for men shows signs of popularity with certain classes. Stee ple-pointed caps, sometimes four feet in height, came into fashion in Italy and France in 1483. They fitted the head, ran to a sharp point above, and at the end the veil was fastened. It is hoped that the pointed and towering hats of today will not go to this extreme. It not being generally known that there is such an organzation in McCook is an A. O. U. W. brass band and or chestra, we take this means to acquaint the public with the fact, and also to an nounce their intention of giving a ball in Menard’s opera house on the evening of [anuary 26th, for the benefit of the band md orchestra. All are invited. A good time is guaranteed. Music by our own orchestra, Mr. Radtke, musical director, rickets one dollar. For sale by mem bers of the band. 34-2ts. Speaking of Red Willow county’s ex hibit at the com show, the Lincoln foumal has the following complimentary remarks to offer: “The east half of the center table is occupied by Red Willow county’s exhibit, in charge of William Coleman, of McCook. Mr. Coleman has a very fine individual display, and then the county display of about forty varieties is entered for the prize of $25 for the lar gest number of varieties from any coun ty west of the 100th meridian. The com is of fine quality, though with thicker cobs than that from most eastern coun ties. Some sod com of excellent quality that went forty bushels to the acre is a sample product of virgin prairie.” Eli Perkins will begin the lecture at 8 o’clock and continue until some one requests him to stop. The mercury was down to zero on Monday morning—a few thermometers registering a degree or two below. Oysters are out of sight, by reason of the severe weather east, and resultant high price of the succulent bivalves. About the only fellows in this section of Nebraska who did not go in to Lin coln, Monday night, didn’t have the re quisite paste board. It is proposed to try the coal oil gas burners in the heating of the east ward school house. Burners for that purpose have already been ordered. Four wagon loads of lumber went out to Frontier county, Saturday, for David Bellamy’s new residence and barn, now in course of construction. Word from Danbury announces that C. H. Oman, who is sick with typhoid fever, is getting along quite favorably. The report of his death was a mitake. The Tribune is sincerely pained to learn that Judge Cochran contemplates changing his field of usefulness to south ern climes, and is offering his property here and elsewhere for sale. The Workmen are endeavoring heroic ally to increase their already numerous membership. The prospects are favor able for the contemplated building en terprise to succeed, this summer. Trainer Harrison sports the finest and only pneumatic tire speed sulky in this section of Nebraska. It cost him a cool $250. Mr. Troxel is thinking of buying a pair of pneumatic wheels for his sulky. By actual computation there are at this present writing an even 4,000 super fluous dogs within the incorporated lim its of the city of McCook. Let the dog killer get in his perfect work, and all good citizens will applaud. The man that waves the banner doesn’t always lead the host. The man that talks the fastest doesn’t always say the most. The colt that kick’s the highest doesn’t pass the winning post. And you may mark it down.—Walt Mason. The Trowbridge farm out near Perry has been purchased by Thomas W. Lew is of Dubuque, Iowa. Consideration $2,000. Mr. Lewis will have some im provements made on the buildings, and expects to rent the property during the coming season. Marsh Phillippi writes from Illinois that he is up to his chin in snow, and that it has been so cold ever since his ar rival in the Sucker state that he lias hardly been able to get around at all in his missionary work. Oil, what a differ ence in Nebraska. January is known throughout the shopping world as the linen month of the year. It is now that the counters throughout the city are covered with new goods, and the prudent housewife examines her stores and replenishes her stock from the fulness of the market. We understand that the half mile track here will either be thoroughly overhauled and placed in shape in the spring, or another track, possibly a mile track, will be made. There is a prob ability that speed interests will look up considerably in this section the coming season. Prospective candidates, and the slate makers generally, are anxious to know whether or not Mr. Charles T. Brewer will stand again for the mayoralty, com ing spring. All official announcement, soon, might relive some burdened souls and clarify the atmosphere of municipal politics a little. The Commercial house has been leased for a period of two years by Mr. Johns ton to Geo. L. Etter, who for a number of years past has been the popular chief clerk of that elegant hostelrie. It is ex pected to make the transfer on March i st. Mr. Johnston will devote his time to farming and to the stock business. The publishers of Red Willow county formed a publishers’ association, last Saturday at Indianola, to promote their general welfare, with William Smith of the Bartley Inter-Ocean as president; E. J. Mitchell of the Indianola Courier as vice-president; F. M. Kimmell of The Tribune as secretary and treasurer. The next meeting of the association will be held in McCook, Saturday, April 1st. The Benefit ball, Tuesday evening,, at tracted a fair crowd to the opera hall, and the occasion was altogether a pleas ant one. The music was provided by the A. O. U. W. orchestra, a new candi date for public favor, and their efforts were withal very commendable. Prof. Sutton and his peerless aggregation gave a brief but delightful concert, in front of the opera house preceeding the ball, which attracted the usual and appreciative audience. The proceeds of the ball were quite satisfactory, however. Pastor Stevenson went down to Kear ney on No. 2, Monday morning, to at tend the board meeting of the state Y. P. S. C. E., returning home. Tuesday night. The B. &. M. has been recom mended by the board as the route to Chi cago for all Endeavorers who propose attending the great international En deavor convention at Montreal, Canada, July 9th to I2th, 1893. Mr. Stevenson is planning for a large Endeavor con vention to be held in our town some time during the month of April, when the state officers will be present to help. Famous Clothing Co. JANUARY 1893. OUR THIRTEENTH REGULAR -sBALANGR OF==_ ♦♦ Winter floods Must eo. ♦♦ WE SHALL OFFER SPECIAL—DISCOUNTS—SPECIAL Come, Look through our btock, and take Advantage of this Opportunity. McCook, Neb. JONAS ENGEL, Manager. George hellew is in thecompany’semploy now as car checker. Superintendent Bayston was in the city, today on business. Banker Eubank of llayes Centre was a city visitor, last evening. Mrs. Free Thomas is visiting her sister Jessie Koper at Cambridge. George E. Thompson of Omaha arrived in the city, last night, on business. Miss Hannah McBride left for Illinois, this morning, on a visit to old time friends. Thomas D. Morgan and family were down from Trenton, Wednesday, to take in the farmers’ meeting, and to do some shopping in this busy mart. There will be a public installation of the J. K. Barnes Post G.A.K., and Woman’s Belief Corps on January 24th, 1893. Department Commander, Department President and oth ers from abioad will be present. All friends of the Post and Corps especially invited. Bv Or.DEit of Committee. The man who drinks water instead of budge, is unconsciously solving for others the only dead sure method of suppress ing the traffic ill tanglefoot. There are many, oh so many, who would find the experiment worth all it costs. There were evidences of quite a fire, yesterday afternoon, on the divide south east of the city, but there are no tidings from that section up to the time of go ing to press, and the extent, damage or character of the fire are consequently unknown. Court Calendar. , Chase County:—March 27th. jury; June 30th, no jury: November 13, jursT. Dundy County:—March 13th, jury; Septem ber 5th, no jury; November 20tli, jury. Frontier County:—April 3d.jury;Septem ber 14th, no jury; November 6th jury. Furnas County:—April 17th, jury; Septem lltb, no jury: October 30th, jury. Gosper County:—February 27th, jury; Sep tember 1st, no jury :December 4th, jury. Hitchcock County:—March 6th, jury; June 27th, no jury: October 23d, jury. Hayes County:—April 24th. jury; Septem temberSth, no jury: December 11th, jury. Red Willow County:—May 8th, jury; Sep tember 18th. no jury: December 18th, jury. Dated at Cambridge, Neb., Jan. 1. 1893. D. T. Welty. Dist. Judge 14th Jud. Dist. List of Patents Received nt the McCook land office January 17th. 1893. Brissey Heury M McKee Joseph Bush Robert Newell Samuel A Collumburg Henry O'Neil Bernard the Cook Henry heirs of Cailigan Michael Phillipi Allen A Connolly Patrick F Richards John Denney Lyman D RiebardBon George H Edwards Swithin Robbins William H Fagan Charles E Schlick Jacob H Gridley Andrus S Sevsrin Charles F Hunter Gallant V Schmidt Philip Hilliker Samuel F Taylor John W May Richard Wolfe SilasC Young Jarvis A HORSE