Two Bottles Cured Her. VI CAHROLI , , Iowa , July , 1889. I \ras suffering ton years from shoots in my r head , BO much BO , that at tlmoB I didn't oxpoot to recover. I took modiclnoa from nmny doc tors , but did not gc-t any relief until I took Pas tor Koonlg's Nerve Tonic ; tuo eocond doao relieved - liovod anil two bottles cured mo. 8.V. . PUCK. Worth It ? Weight In Gold. I EMMET , Dak. , July 28,1890. The young man concerned has not sow the slightest ByniiitomB of fits , since using Pastor Kounisu KIOTO Tonic. I consider it worth its weight in cold. J. J. 8I1EA , Pastor. Uov. Jolm Kodrckor. of Wospjialla , Kan. , wrllcu , Oct 13.1630 : "There is a K-ycar-old hey IIT.vho anfforcxl from flt iibout a ycur. I or- doriul a l.ottloof Pastor Koonig's Nerve Tonic for him , nud the BlckneBB left him altogether. Ho never hud it sinco. " . " " A Valuable Book on Norvonj f F.TOff"B" Dlscusou sent free lo any address , Xm f H on(1 I > ooi * patients can also obtain Httfcabi till * medicine frdt of charRo. This rnroodyhas been .prepared by the Reverend Paetor KoontK. of Fort Wayne. InJ. f since iSJC. and Isnow prepared under his llrcctlou by the KOENIC MED. CO. . Chicago , HI. Sold by Druffpists at SI per Bottle. Xarro Size , 81-75. C Bot'Jos lor . ' . > { . . f ? . Vf- Recently the following Notlco appeared In the San Franciscn Chronicle. "Judge & had been sck only about two I weeks , and it was not until the lft-t three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. I At the beginning of his illness he suffered from I diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the I krlneys refused to perform their functions and I he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life I of one of the most prominent men in Call-1 foniia. " Like thousands of others his un-j timely death was the result of neglecting early J symptoms of kidney disease. - . IF" YOU nrc troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any do I ratigemeiit of the kidneys or urinary organs , I < lon't delay proper treatment until you are ! forced to give up your daily duties ; > don't I waste your money on worthless liniments ! and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of I thedisease at once by usingthe greatest of all I known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid-1 . ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. [ I Whv should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely i xfjretablc and pleasant to take. Jl.OO a pack- | URC , < for J5.OO. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey * * Sneclflcs are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies , used for years In r-i Ivate practice and for orer thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific .A sj > cclal euro for the disease pained. Tnoy euro without drugging- , purging or reducing the sj stem , and ore In fact and deed the go verei eii HcincdlcB of the World. LIST OF NDHBEJU. CURES. FBICES. 1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammations. .25 a Worms , "Worm Fever , Worm Colic. . . .25 3 Teething ; Colic. CrylnfiT , Wakefulneea .25 4 Diarrhen , of Children or Adults 25 5 Dysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic 25 G Cholera Morbns , Vomiting 25 7 Couchs , Colds. Bronchitis. 25 8 Ncnrnljrla , Toothache. Faccaclie 25 ! > Headaches , Sick Headache.Vertigo. .25 10 Dyspepsia , Biliousness , Constipation .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 12 Whites , Too Profuse Periods 25 13 Croup , Linryncitis , Hoarseness 25 14-SaIt llucnm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25 15 Rheumatism , or Rheumatic Pains. . .25 16 Mnlarin , Chills. Fever and Ague 25 17 PIles.BUnd orBleedlng 25 IS-Ophthnlmy , Sore or Weak Eyes 25 19-Cntarrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head .25 20 Whooplntr Cough .25 21 Asthma , Oppressed Breathing 25 22 Ear Discharges , Impaired Hearing .25 23 Scrofula. Enlarged Glands. Swelling .25 24 General Debility , PhysicalWeakness .25 25 Dropsy , and Scanty Secretions 25 SC-Sea-Slckness , Sickness from Elding .25 27-Kidney Diseases 25 29 Sore Month , or Canker 25 30 Drlnary WeaknessWettlngBed. . .25 31-PaInful Periods 25 34 Diphtheria , Ulcerated Sore Throat. . .25 35 Chronic ConBCBtions&Eruptions. .25 EXTRA NUMBERS : 28 Nervons Debility , SemlnalWeak- ness , or Involuntary Discharges 1.00 32-Dl8ea e8oftheHenrtPalpltatIonl.OO 33 Epilepsy , SpasmsSt. Virus'Dance..l.OO Sold by DrugRlstB , or 8nt post-p ! < I on receipt of price. Da. HrxruHETs1 MANUAL (144 pagm , ) MAILED rue. UUUI'lIRETS' BED. CO. , 111 A11S ITIIIIim BL , Hew York. PEC1FICS. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE.OINTMENT. " For Piles External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of UioKectmn. The relief Is Immediate the euro certain. PRICE , 50 OTS. TRIAL SIZE , 25 OTS. Sold 1 > 7 Drnr.glsti , or lent post-paid ou receipt of price. S' SED. CO. , 111 k \ 1S ITlHIaja S L , 5EW YORK per month by harmless borbai remodleo that do not injure - > jure the health or interfere -with one's business or Sleasnre. It builds up and improves the general ealtn.clearstheBkinandbeautiuesthecomplexion. No wrinkles or flabbiness follow this treatment. Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladies. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL Qxnnleu. Ko Starring. S nd 6 ceab In itimpi forptrtlcaltn to OB. O.W. F. SflYDER , MlflCKER'STBEftTEB , CBICAEO , Hi. JONES , HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. 6-TON WAGON SCALES , $60. " BEAIi BO ! ? Freight Paid. TVarrantedforS Years AccnU Wnntei Send for Term * . FARMERS' Burn and Wnrehouw Scale * . JOKES OF BDTGFATiTTON. Binghamton.H'.Y. PRD/EHTIVE-WD-GURATIV& / LADIES-OfiLY. JAffHARMLESS -fiW 'WAL LlBLE * DRVGBIKG ; W WrRM Hl- -mtLD 'LIKE / r. RtE"ADOSESJ - um BKWAK 51. ; M ORQAHIC WEAKNESS AND PREMATURE DECAY IR lOBIJEAGEg snd life prolonged oven In advanced jycur * bra miracle of modern mcl- oii co. Cell or write enclosing 81 , state < ciiill7 nd jrt > r. a. trial treatment anfleadvice < i ar < uliirM'0 < 'i. < ! I-'tof many years * experience. . ; - ' 'i H UiiFFENBACH DISPENSARY , . - A' a. Street , MILWAUKEE , \fYIS. . "AKAKF.- ' . 31 Instant Irelif-r : nnd is . < . fallible -Careforl'ile * . I'riLBy ! ! . Si.mples Box 2410 , Sew York Otor. I The Superior EDICINE for all forms of blood disease , Sarsaparilla the health restorer , and health maintainer. Cures Others will cure you. limy come , iincl strikes may < jo , but the good old Nebras ka Stute Journal gets there just the sumo , by an entirely satisfact ory majority. ANY good , clean , able republi can , and we have nlenty of such material , will suit the republicans of Nebraska , and THE TiriBUNE , for United Stales senator. THE bill to establish state dis pensaries to retail drinks in South Carolina has passed the legislature. The managers of these places will be the biggest men in the state in side of a year. NEXT month the Bell telephone patent expires , which will leave the field open to competing com panies. Competition will doubt less result in a reduction of tele phone rates. Here is n cloud with a silver lining. THE postmaster general has made a contract for the laying of pneumatic tubes between New York and Brooklyn for the trans mission of mail matter , and the work is to be commenced at once. The initiation of this reform will greatly facilitate the mail service between the two cities , and this is very necessaiy judging from what is said of existing conditions. The tube service is not an experiment. It is successfully employed in Lou- don and Paris and of course can be in the larger cities of this country , where it is certain to be introduced sooner or later. THE late General James Shields illustrated the truth that the heart and soul are not always to be judged by the appearance of the tenement they inhabit. The world has before this been turned iipside down by men of five feet six inches , by chronic invalids and by those whose makeup was "lame and unfashionable. " A fiery and invincible valor has often burned in those whose bodies , as has been said , were hardly sufficient to con tain their souls. There was some thing of this discrepanay , as it may be called , between body and soul ; looks and deeds ; the casket and the contents , in General Shields. No allusion to this sing ular contrast should be construed as reflecting on General Shields , the whole man , body and soul. General Shields was not "heroic" in looks , but in life aud action. THE testimony of Mr. C. B. Coxe , a Pennsylvanian who is said to be familiar with the coal quest ion , before the house committee appointed to investigate the an thracite deal , was to the effect that there is no profit in the business at present and ever since the war people who have invested in it have failed to realize a fair rate of interest on their money. This testimony exactly agrees with that of the coal barons themselves and it is not easy to believe that Mr. Coxe is in every way a disinterested witness , as he stated to be. The fact that he is called an expert seems to imply at least that he is or has been in the coal producing business. It is exceedingly strange that capitalists should have gone on putting their money into'a losing business for so many years. It is not at all like them to doit. And then , too , the statement that the coal business is not profitable even now , when the price of coal has been pushed up to a fancy figure by the combine , leads to the conclu sion that it must have been carried on at a great loss all these years. This is hardly credible. At any rate , the plea of the combine that it cannot make any money has not greatly softened the public heart. Bee. CURTIS & BATES For a Clean Shave or ; An Artistic Hair Cut. REAR OF CITIZENS HANK. EDWARD B. SHAW , Regimental Blacksmith , HAS Ol'KNKD A BLACKSMITH : - : SHOP OX MARSHALL STKKBT , Opposite Bnlliml's lumber varil and in O'Neil's / Will Cure Interfering Horss St. Contracted Hoofs or no Pay. I ALSO 1IAVK A FJltST-CLASS WAGON : - : MAKER. will jrlve yon value received or no pay. Trices reasonable. Wanted Sunshine. From the New York Ledger. It's a curious fact that the world hasn't the slightest use for us when we are sad or in trouble. Our best is all that it cares for and our worst it will not have under any circumstances. Some years a < * o a lady who had met with more mishaps and reverses than often fails lo the lot of mortals , invited an acquaintance whom she had not met for sonic time , to call upon her. This acquaintance was a man not unknown to fame , and one who had some reputa tion as a writer of helpful and comfort ing articles. He stood for a moment in a thoughtful attitude , and then said slowly : "Oh , well , I will come around some time when you get your affairs all straightened up. It gives me the blues to see you so full of mishaps and trouble . When it's all clear sailing again let me know , and 1 will come just as I used to. " It was a sort of brutal and cold blooded answer , but it voiced the senti ment of the world exactly. The world doesn't want us when we are in trouble , it doesn't want to come near us. It has no special sympathy to give us , but is an insatiable monster and is ever demanding. It will take even our heart's blood if we will give it , and sometimes takes it whether we will or not. Unpleasant as the fact is , there seems to be no gain saying it , and the only thing left to us is to accept it and make the best of it. We all know people whom we in stinctively shun because their entire conversatien is a recital of their misfor tunes. They are depressing and trying to the nerves ; and , after all , we cannot alame the world so much , for , as indi viduals , we are quite as much worried by them is in the community at large. There are two classes of people who are comfortable and comforting to have about. Those who are too easy going and indifferent to take or hold trouble , and others who have self control and philosophy sufficient to keep their mis fortunes to themselves. Estray Notice. Taken UD by the subscriber on his enclosed lands in Willow Grove pre cinct , Red Willow county Nebraska , on the 29th day of November , 1892 , one iIack gelding , horse supposed to be 14 years of age , weight about 1,300 ; no other marks or brands. Dated Dec. 17 , 1892. JOHN GERBOTU. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. We have many new special varieties , both in fruits , and ornamental to offer , which are con trolled only by us. We pay commis sion or salary. Write us at once for terms , and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS , Nurserymen , 26 lOts. Rochester , N. Y. Buy the best Machine OUs at Chen- ery's City Drug.Store. Children Cry for Pitched Castoria. A GREAT COMBINATION. THE OMAHA WEEKLY UF.E WITH THE CAN FAKMEII OH WOMANKIND YOU ONKDOM.AIt PEIt YKAlt. THE OMAHA WKKKI.V HKK ! acknowledged to bo the- best und lamest newspnper In the west , publishing more western and ire 11 era news than any other pupt-r In the country. The usual price U OIK ; dollnr per year. TIIK AMKIIICAN FAUMKII fa published at Surlucfleld. Ohio. N a 10 pnic monthly puper devoted to agriculture , hortfctilttne. the dairy , poultry and ireneral Interest Iri stories and other intutur for the home. The usiin ! price IB one dollar per year. WOMANKIND is mso published at Springfield. Ohio. It frt JO pajie monthly pulillcntlon. ie- votpil to uvcrvtltlnir that luleiesta the wife. mother and iiml < hn. It Is full of useful In formation and Intcrentltig- talks am ) tuorics that are instructive at > Well as intei : ininlnp both to you HIT and old. Ono dollar piijs fora yenr'p FtiliHeription to the Hee and either one of tliece JnurnaN. Address all orders to TIIK MKI : Ptnu.isiiiNO Co. . OMAHA , NKII. Winter Novelties for Ladles , A pretty walking costume is a pleasing picture , but a beautiful Ball Dress is a poem. Never before has a winter-season presented a wider rantje of fascinating stvles as are wit nessed this year. The taste of historical cos tumes is increasing as we go on. and indeed dressmaking , at the present time , absolutely requires some knowledge of the costumes of the past. Such knowledge is especially needed in Ball Dresses , as the latter more closely resemble their historical models. It is also in evening receptions that one sees those revived styles , such as the Henri II. , the Kcgence , the 1845 , etc. , which do not ap pear on the street in their pristine garb. In order to find one's way in this labyrinth of old and new fashions one has only to consult the McDowell Fashion Magazines published at 4 West I4th street , New Yoik City. They furnish every needed information in a most practical manner. "Paris Album of Fashion" and "La Mode de Paris" are invaluable , and and they each only cost 32.50 a year , 01-30 cents a copy. "La Couturiere , " price $3.00 or 30 cents a copy , gives the mo t practical styles in Paris. A premium book , "Dress making Simplified is given with each year's subscription for one of these journals. "La Mode'1 is the greatest magazine of fashion for family use , costing only 51.50 per annum , or 15 cents a copy. If you cannot get these journals from your newsdealers send to the publishers direct A NEW YEAR'S PRESENT. What to Give To Whom to Give And How to Give. Everybody is going to make some body a holiday present. What shall it be ? to which one of my many friends shall it be ? are questions not easily an swered by many people. To enable everybody to make a present which may prove to be of great value to all , and is an appropriate gift to nearly everyone in this catarrali-striclcen land , and at the same time cost only a few moments time and a postal card , is the purpose of The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company of Columbus , 0. Sund the iddress of as many of your friends as you believe will appreciate the gift to the above drug company and they will mail a copy of the new Illustrated Us of Life free and post-paid a beautiful , useful , truthful , helpful treatise on ca tarrh in all stages , coughs , colds , con sumption , bronchitis , arid all of the climatic diseases of winter. This offer liolds good until January 30,1893. The Call Leads the Procession. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of The Call in another column. Sinoe its reduction in price The Call is the cheapest daily in Nebraska , and its spicy ana independent policy is too well known to need comment from us. In reduc ing the price of The Call so as to put it within the roach of everybody , the management have placed themselves a decided step in advance of all other publishers in the state. This is an era of popular prices for the newspaper , and The Call is , as usual , at the head of the procession. Keep Your Cattle. While cattle are not paying the far mer all that they should pay it is not entirely a good plan to go entirely out of the cattle business. It should be kept in mind that the range cattle are gradually and surely being narrowed each year. The crop farmers are fast crowding the great cattle ranches of the west and reducing the area of the grazing grounds. Irrigation in Colora do and Wyoming is assisting in this and cattle raising must soon become a good paying industry. A filthy habit once contracted is hard to control or leave off. We notice many many small boys are trying to assume a a robust style of manner far in advance of the real status of the case and 111 violation elation of physical law as well. The habit of smoking cigarettes or cigars by mere boys is not only Glthy , but detrimental to health as well , and should be frowned down by older people. In fact , the law regarding the use of to bacco by minors should be remembered and observed by those who sell cigars , cigarettes or tobacco. Section 245 of the Nebraska criminal code says that any person selling to a minor under the age of sixteen years shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon con viction shall pay a fine of not less than $25 for each offense or stand committed. Now let the law be observed , and a bet ter lot of healthy young men will be the result of the observance. Guaranteed Cure. We authorise our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds , upon this condition. If you are afllicted with a Cough , Cold or any Lung , Throat or Chest trouble , and will use this remedy as directed , giving it a fair trial , and experience no benefit , you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery C9uld be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles tles free at A. McMillen's drug store. Large size bottles 5oc. and Sl.oo. A starving man won't find fault with the table cloth. Hall's Hair Kenewer contains the natural food and color-matter for the hair , and medi cinal herbs for the scalp , curing grayness , baldness , dandruff , and scalp sores. A successful-hypocrite is never a success at anything else. People are wishing each other the compli ments of the season and exchanging gifts. Did it ever occur to you to send an ailing friend a package of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ? If not , do .so now ; and try this medicine your self , if you need a first-class blood-purifier. Love never has to be watched lo ec that it does a full day's work. , j - The question is frequently asked , "Why is Ayer's Cherry Pectortal .so much more effec tive than other cough remedies ? " The ans wer is , simply because it is the most skilful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical science. Some men tire themselves almost to death looking for an easy place. A Leader. Since the first introduction , Electric Hitters has gained rapidly _ m popular favor , until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant , it is recognized as the best and the purest medicine for all ailments of stomach ach , liver or kidneys. It will cuic4 > ick head ache , indigestion , constipation and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guar anteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 500. per bottle. Sold by A. McMillen. If poor men knew how hard rich men have to work , and how little pay they get , they would be better satisfied with their own lot. A Mammoth Competition. $6,500 in prizes for the best seven stories was what the Youth's Companion offered : $5,000 for the best Serials , and 1,500 for the best Folk-lore tales. The successful stories are just announced to appear in the Compan ion during 1893. By sending Si.75 at once you will obtain the paper free to January and for a full year , to January , ' 94. Address The Youth's Com panion , Boston , Mass. eJHALF POUND (9 ( FULL WEIGHT HIGHEST GRADE GROWH. CHASE &SANBQRH JAPAN. C. M. NOBLE , LEADING GROCER , McGOQK , - NEB. SOLE AGENT. WOO2 > S The Great Ensllih Remedy. Promptly and permanent ly cures all forms of Ken-ova l VTeokneu , ILmittiorvt , Sperm * \atorrhea. \ Jmpoteneyand all effect * ofAbiutorExcestes. Baen prescribed .over , .85 year I In thounndi of casts ; ii ti only Reliabl * and Hon est Medicine known. Alt _ [ arnssls for WOOD'S PHOS- Sefart and Jlfter . FHODIXE ; If he offers fome ana jyejore jyter. wortWM8 nj.ajoin * inpUoo of this , leave his dUhonMt ttora. IncloM prlc la letter , and we will send by return mall. Price , ono jmckOKO. 31 ; six. 05. One tciU pleate. rlx tcfllcure. 1'amphletla Dloln s le < 1 nTelooe. 2 mumps. . \dirr < i The Wood Chemical Co. 131 Woodward Ave. , Detroit. Mich. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , G. M Chenery , Albert McMillen in McCook and by druggists everywhere. /Salary and expenses paid weeklr fromstart. I Permanent position. Good chancefor advancement. EicJosIve territory. Largest jjrowera of Norsory t < Clean , hardy clock , true to name. Fair treatment guar anteod. Liberal comaf Mi 9 'Wel mission to local Mn In- | part time f \ J tcrest any | | Bgont * . _ t y * . onenotcarn-1 * ! ntr 75perinonthl and expenses. Don't ] hesitate because of pro-1 riousfaUureslatWsorotcer KIRK'S DUSKY DIAMOND HEALTHFUL. AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics * A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei WONDERFUL ! Bronchitis , Rheumatism. , and all chronic dis eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment , are indeed marvelous. If you arc a sufferer from any disease whicu your physician has failed to cure , write for in formation about this treatment , and their book of two hundred pages , giving a history of Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with numerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for still further information , will be promptly sent , without charge. This book aside from its great merit as a medical work , giving , as it does , the result cf years of study and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALKN , 1529 Arch Street , Philladelphia , Pa. 120 Suiter St. , San I'ranci.sco , Cal. Please mention this paper. It is much easier to be contented without riches than it is with them. Thousands of Suffering Women. Delicate women who complain of a tired feeling , pnins in the back and loini > , desire t sleep , dizziness , painful or suppressed men struation , will find in Oregon Kidney Tea : i faithful friend. It can be relied upon hi every instance to give immediate relief from kidney and urinary troubles. Thousands of women are suffering every day with some disorder of the kidneys or liver , who inig ht be permanently cured by using Oregon Kid ney Tea. Don't look for much growth in grace along - > long as you keep your hands in your pockets. Her Face Her Fortune. Is commonly said of famous beauties. She who uses with artistic taste Wisdom's Famous Robertine has fortune in the possessing of a complexion to which nothing but the blush of a rose or the freshness of a lily can be com pared. This preparation is just what it is claimed to be the mobt delightful toilet ar ticle and onlv perfect beautifier known. Read the testimonials from famous artistes , celebrated chemists and eminent physicians. If ve had no troubles but real troubles there wouldn't be a round shouldered man in the world. A great many persons who have found n relief from other treatment , have been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Do not give up until you have tried it. It i- > only 50 cents per bottle. For sale by G. M. Chenery. There isn't a poor man in the world who would be willing to carry a millionaire's load for the pay he gets. Buck fen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price a c. a box. For sale by A McMillen. May23-iyr. People whose feet are shod with the prepar ation of the gospel of peace will not be found stamping them with delight at a theater. GANG Snbjectsneedfearno longer from this Kin ; ? of Terrors , for by a most -wonderful discovery in medicine , cancer on any part of the body can be permanently cured -without the use or the knife. MRS. II. D. Cor.BT. 2307 Indiana ATC. , Chicago , /ays "Was cured of cancer of the breast in six weeks by your method of treatment. ' ' Send for treatise. Dr. XX. C. JDule , 305 34th St. , Chicago. Oar PE3FECTIOK STEISQE tnt uhl every bott ! . 1 CLEAN. Doe not BTA1K. PBEVEXTS STRICTURE. Cam GOXORRHffiA and GLEET la Oil to Foes dajfe A QUICK CUBE for LEUCOBRIJCEA or WHITES. Sold t > v all DROGOISTS. Sent to any Addrru fcr H.OV K. D. BUR.QE1SS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NOETH MAIN AVE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. NEBRASKA LOAN AND BANKING GO. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $52OOO.OO , FARM LOANS , CITY LOANS. LOANS MADE ON ALL KINDS OF APPROVED 8ZCUBITY. P. A. WELLS'TKCAI. AMD M * * . Tor * . '