The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1892, Image 4

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    If large stock , best assortment , and low prices are inducements , we certainly can please you.
Holiday Novelties without limit. Latest designs in HIGH JEWELRY.
Articles purchas
ed of us engraved
free. Carruth & Son
Tills is comt weak.
Only two jury cases tried.
County seal c mtest Monday.
County bar nearly all present.
Christmas tree Saturday night
The attorneys all like Judge Welty.
The jury was disciiarged on Wednesday.
C. W. Beck went to Lincoln on Thnrsdjiy ,
Judge Harvey of , Lincoln , attended dis
trict court.
T. E. Scdgwiek , editor of York Timeswas
in our city o Wednesday.
County judge issued six licenses , oneeacli
day for six consecutive days.
The ( t. A. 11. will hold a public installa
tion at their first niiHtting in January.
ThuEpworih league will given piiblicsup
per on Wednesday evening of next week.
The special meetings at Congregational
church conducted by Messrs. Billings and
Byers. closed on Wednesday night.
License was issued on Dec. 16th for the
marriage of James A. Pinkerlon and Miss
Ada G. .Reeves , both of Box Elder.
License was issued on the 17th for the
marriage of Mr. W. P. Grimes and Miss
Haddas ah A. Critser , botii of McCook.
The criminal case reported last week of
state of Nebraska against George C. Dye has
been dismissed , defendant settling claim and
paying costs.
Married at the Sargent hotel on December
19th by Charles W. Beck , county judge , Mr.
J. L. Uaun and Miss Anna Barnes , both ot
Decatur county , Kansas.
Married at Leland hotel on Tuesday evening
.by county judge , Mr. Will E. Allis and Miss
Laura A. Wilson , both of Stockville , Ne
braska. 'Who will bo the next. "
The complaint made in county court by E.
F. Quigley against William Sherley for
shooting quail on his premises , was heard on
Wednesday and prisoner discharged.
Mrs. Caroline Fischer , widow of John
Fischer , Jr. , made application in probate
court Wednesday asking tliat letters of ad
ministration be granted to Frederick M.
Goodmck as administrator of her late hus
band's effects.
Miss Luvia Furbush has returned to her
home in Iowa.
C. Armstrong , Jr. , was here , first of the
weeK , looking arouim lor a location tor a
W. H. Davis returned from Chicago , yes
terday , reporting his wife's condition as be
ing much more favorable , and the probabili
ties of her returning home next week as
good , all of which will be welcome news to
her McCook friends.
The Farmers Club will meet in the city
Jiall on Saturday afternoon , January 7th , for
the purpose of discussing the raising of win
ter wheat , deep plowing , and other topics ot
interest to the farmer. There is no fee re
quired for membership in this club. It is
proposed to hold the next meeting at In-
A Card of Thanks.
To our friends and brother Oddfellows
desire to express our deepest grati
tude for the kindness shown us in our
The School Fair and Entertainment ,
Which opened in the high schoc
building , last evening , is a trcmendou
and gratifying success. The buildinj
jfaa simply packed upon the openinj
night with an eager and appreciativi
audience , which enchored the varioui
items of the program rendered to tbi
echo. Everybody seemed to be gooc
uatured in the crush , and to enjoy tin
varied -entertainment provided in the
fullest measure.
Tlio Articles offered for sale were nu
merous , tasty , artistic and useful , and
the sales in this department , during
the opening evening , were highly en
couraging , delighting the pupils , whose
handiwork the articles were in the
The supper was a raarvelvof culinary
art , and it was also presided over und
provided by the school children. The
many other attractions , however , de
tracted somewhat from the descrvi d
patronage of this feature , a fact the
TRIBUNE hopes may be remedied at the
closing tonight.
Everything .so far has passed off
charmingly and there is no reason why
the closing tonight will not round the
affair off in a .blaze of glory , financial ,
literary , culinary and otherwise. At
tend tonight
On Tuesday evening of this week at
residence of bride's parents in Valley
Grange precinct , Mr. W. P. Grimes and
Miss Haddie A. Critser were united in
marriage by Rev. W. C. Stevenson of
the Congregational church , in the pres-
djce of relatives and friends. The
eo-oora is an exaniplary young farmer ;
tke bride n most estimable young lady ,
daughter of Dr. L. W. Critser. We
wffih them a prosper and happy voyage ,
which is the sentiment of a largo circle
ot friendsin this community.
Engineer Sharkey'a brother left for
home , Tuesday afternoon on 6.
11 0W IS
To buy your winter goods and the
place to buy is where you can
Clothing , Dress Goods , '
Blankes , Glo ; e Shawls
A. id everything warm for winter
wear IS NOW IN.
tine our stock before you buy.
We carry full stock of GROCERIES.
C. L. DeGROFF & CO ,
Beyond a doubt there never lias been on exhibition in the
city of McCook , as large and rare a line of
as we are now displaying for the Holiday trade.
We have just opened a rich assortment of
And our stock embraces everything pretty in
Perfume Gases , Gut & Plain Glass Bottles
Call and see what we have to
show you in this line.
Has just received a fine stock of
INGS. Call and see him , two
doors south of the Famous ,
while the assortment is com
plete. -
Would you
Increase Your Business ?
Established 1886. Strictly One Price.
in Co , :
We desire to call your especial
attention to our Elegant Stock of
Mufflers , Gloves , Mittens , and the
Latest Effects in Tecks , Puffs , and
Four-in-Hands , of which we have a
superior line for the Holiday trade.
Would be pleased to have you
call to inspect our stock before mak
ing your Christmas purchases.
ENGEL Manager ,
Call at once to look
over Sutton's stock of
Xmas goods Largest
ever displayed in the
city of McCook.
Santford Lewis and family leave for
Denver tomorrow.
County Attorney Pierce of Dundy was
down from Benkelman , yesterday , on
business of the law.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson went down
to Plattsmouth , this evening , to eat
Xmas turkey with the home folks.
Conductor and Mrs. C. W. Bronson
went down to Minden today to spend
Christmas with Mr. Bronson's mother.
Mrs. James Eaton and youngest
daughter left for Connecticut , last even
ing , on a visit of considerable length to
relatives and friends back in the old nut
meg commonwealth.
Master Peter Hoge , delivery boy for J.
A. Wilcox & Son , was quite severely
hurt in a runaway , last evening , being
thrown out on his shoulder and head.
He will be around again in a few days.
First publication December 23,1802.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district courtof Ked Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D.T. Welty. judge of the district court
of Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the 20th
day of October. 1SU2 , iu favor of Mary J. Cole ,
as plaintiff , and against Stephen Tuttle etal.
as defendants , for the sum of six hundred
and ilfty-flvo ( $655) ) dollars , and 5C cents , and
costs taxed at $36.73 and accruing costs , and
C. 0. White , receiver , on his cross petition ob
tained a decree for $55.34. I have levied upon
the following real estate taken as the prop
erty of said detendnnt to satisfy said judg
ment , to-wit : South half of the northeast
quarter and north half southeast quarter of
section two (2 ( , ) township onol. ( ) north of range
thirty (30. ( ) west of thetith P. M. . in Ked Wil
low county. Nebraska. And will offer the
same for sale to'he highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 3d day of .January , A. D. ,
1893. in front of the south door of the court
bouse , in Indianola. Nebraska , that bemj ? the
building wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hoar of one o'clock P. M. . of said
day , when and where due attendance will be
jriven by the undersigned.
Dated December21.1892.
El. IV. DAil\S
. . \ > ,
Sheriff of said county.
First publication December 23.1892.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ked Willow county ,
Nebraska , on n judgment obtained before
Hon. D.T. Welty , judge of the district court
of Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the 20tu
day of October. 1892 , in favor of L. 31. Leach
as plaintiff , and against George Leland etal.
as defendants , for the sum of nve hundred
and fifty-eight ( $55S. ) dollars , and 40 cents , and
costs taxed at $26.18 and accruing costs. I
have levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said judgment , to-wit : Commencing
at the southeast corner of lot 7 , block lO.origi-
nal town of McCook , thence north 85 feet ,
thence west 25 feet , thence south SO feet ,
thence east 25 feet to place of beginning , and
being a part of lots seven and eight in said
block nineteen. And will offer the sumo for
sale to the highest bidder , for cash in iiand ,
on the 23d day of January. A. D. , 18l > 3 , in front
of the south door of the court house , in In
dianola. Nebraska , that being the nuilding
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated December SI , 1802.
Sheriff of said county.
Children's - : Table
Sets at Oarruth's.
H rpp Free !
JL 1 V/Vy
In order to increase our cash trade we
will give away the following list of presents
to our cash customers ,
1 Gold Watch , worth $100.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 50.00
1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00
2 Silver Watches at $2 5 each 50.00
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00
1OO Books , standard works of English
and American fiction , bound in
cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.00
118 PRESENTS WOKTH $790.00
We carry the largest stock of
Hardware , Stoves Tinware , Harness ,
Saddles , House Furnishing Goods ,
in Red willow county.
And we meet all competition and go them
one better. Call and examine these pres
ents and price our goods before buying.
W. C. LaTourette.