S. M. COCHRAN * CO. , ARE AGENTS FOI6 THE CELEBRATED Union press Drills and One Horse Hoe Drills , WAGONS AND BUGGIES. ALSO KEEP REPAIRS FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Rust Proof Tinware ineir prices 011 all goods are as low as the lowest possible. s. m. COCHRAW & cok , Wont DeiiulHoii Street , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. W. G. BULLARD & CO. -JoJ- LIME , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , L BER WINDOWS , SOFT SOFTCOAL. BLINDS. COAL. BBD CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. : J. WARRRN , Manager. B. . Meat Market , FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , TURKEYS , AC. , Ac. F. S. WILGOX , Prop. Notary Public. Justice ofthB Peace. zee. REAL > : ESTAT : LOANS AND INSURANCE. Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Properly. Collections a Specialty. Mexican Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Fanner , thu Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years , almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG LINIMENT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. Ail druggists and dealers have it 4O TO 200O ACRE TRACTS , TO $15 PER ACRE. Ep-Senrf stamp for Price List and Descriptive Circular of Southwestern Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES. S. H. COLVIN , McCook/erf wiitow Co. , Neb. THE BEST COUCH-CURE and anodyne expectorant , AVER'S Cherry Pectoral soothes the inflamed membrane and induces sleep. Prompt to Act sure to cure. Modern Fashions and History. The present season opened $ with a rioh display of new styles , and what makes them particularly attractive is the fact that , for the greater part , they are derived from a historical source. Thus the Louis XV and Louis XVI , pretty conceits are seen by the picturesque Directoire and Em pire Costumes , and the graceful fancies of the 1830 period all these , to be sure , in there modern modifications and relieved by the artislic touch of our contemporary taste. A great freedom of selection is , consequently , afforded to every lady , for no single leading style will prevent her from following her natural taste. To fully understand the past origin of the varied Modes of our coming season , and the develop ment into their present adaptions , no surer guides could be obtained than the McDowell Fashion Journals. "Paris Album of Fashion" and "La Mode de Parir" are great favorites and sell each , for 35 cents a copy , or $3.50 a year. "La Couturiere" has a wide sue cess , being 30 cents a copy , or $3.00 a year. "La Mode" is the best Home Fashion Journal , costing onlj 15 cents a copy , or ยง 1.50 per anum. They are supplied by newsdealers , or by applying directly to the house , at No. 4 Wes 14th Street , New York City. The Call Leads the Procession. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of The Call in another column. Since its reductioi in price The Call is the cheapes daily in Nebraska , and its spicy and independent policy is too well known to need comment from us. 'In reduc ing the price of The' Call so as to pu it within the reach of everybody , the management have placed themselves a decided step in advance of all other publishers in the state. This is an era of popular prices for the newspaper and The Call is , as usual , at the heac of the procession. Christmas. CANDY : To enlarge the market for our candies we will send from now un til Christmas a sample pail of our very best mixed cream candy to any address on receipt of $1.00 (2c. ( stamps taken and express charges paid. ) Only one pail sent to one person , and all orders must be made on or before Dec. 20th , if you want to get your candy in time for Christmas. State your nearest ex press shipping point. Please show pail of Candy to your friends and neighbors. Address THE FANCY CANDY Co. , 702 ChouteauAve.j St. Louis Mo. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. We have many new special varieties , both in fruits and ornamental to offer , which are con trolled only by us. We pay commis sion or salary. Write us at once for terms , and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS , Nurserymen , 26 lOts. Rochester , N. Y. The farmers of Iowa probably are not more trustful of strangers and un sophisticated in the ways of this wicked world than those elsewhere , but it is a remarkable fact that they have allowed lightning rod swindlers to bunco them out of from $20,000 to $30,600 during the past summer and are still signing their names with singular freedom to swindling contracts. Not only farmers , mt all other people should refrain from signing papers presented to them by iraveling strangers , whom they know nothing about. The wonder is , not that these sharpers should pratice such nefarious schemes , but that they should > e able to find anybody to practice hem upon in an age when newspapers are in the hands of all classes of peo- ) le. It is clear that the citizens of his great republic are paying too much or their lightning rods. North Divide Nubbins. Several jobs < threshing to do here and , there. Bcnse Gockli-y is picking corn on the Cain farm. The Chris.tiuiiK tree question is be ing talked over ajiain. It lias bt > en rumored that the "Nub bins" weie about gathered. The North Divide literary society is about to organize again. Fred Carter is said to be taking the lead with that Leader shcllcr. Chas. iMundy , that staid old lijudge" of literary fame , is now Will Johnson's right hand man. Will llider has purchased the place formerly owned by Ham Cain , and will build thereon poon. Herr M. iVIohler is putting up build ings on his timber claim and will move there tin : coming spring. We are told that the climate at Ex Commissioner Bolles' ranch on the "crick" no longer agrees with him. The J. M. Henderson farm will bu occupied by Fred Carter whom we will be pleased to have nearer in our midst. .Everyone seems to be gathering corn just now , and those chaps who always did hustle , can be seen early and late. That donation or pound party for the new minister was quite a success. Rev. Meyart was formerly located at Palisade. Geo. Mohler is helping A. F. Reeves manipulate-that new corn shelter which was purchased by the latter recently. Here's success to you lads. It may not be generally known nor believed that the writer has taken unto himself the arduous duty of raising a boy. Our kind friends however , have a little book telling all about it. James Robinson expects to erect a dwelling house on his farm , and with that object in view has been negotiat ing with that all around peer of politi cal preceptors and 'jack plane pusher , W. M. Boillns. Those North Divide cribs that have been empty for these many months are now fairly groaning under their weight of king corn , so much so in fact that the new one put up by Uncle Billy Johnson has almost collapsed. CONNIE. LITERARY NOTE. "Christmas Stories of All Nations" for the distinguishing feature of the December number of Romance , nearly every country which celebrates the greatest of festival-days being repre sented in this remarkable collection. Here are stories of Christmas angels , and stories of Christmas beggars ; stories with a laugh in every line , and stories which touch the fount of tearp ; but all of them pure , strong and fascinating. There is also a variety of other tales for those who do not care for the Christmas element , among them a true ghost story , a brilliant society sketch , the history of an interesting cat , and a vivid picture of a southern protracted meeting. Among the contributors to this most interesting issue are George Ebers , Marion Harland , Francois Copee , Lucy C. Lillie , Berthold Auerbach and Alphonse Daudet. The number is an other testimony to the judgment and taste of the Romance's editor Mrs. Kate Upson Clark. This magazine is issued by Romance Publishing Com pany , Clinton Hall , Astor Place , New York , at 25 cents a number , or $2.50 a year ; and the Christmas number will be sent free to subscribers for 1893. Dr. John W. Scott , father-in-law of President Harrison , whose life closed at the White House Tuesday afternoon at the great age of 1)3 ) years , led an ex ceptionally fortunate existence. He was born of a good family in the United State of America , which is a piece of jood fortune to begin with ; he received a good , and for the time , a superior education ; he was enabled to follow the promptings of his conscience and jecome a minister of the Gospel , and ater to become an eminent teacher. Children were born to him and he saw them all , with one exception , grow to > e men and women. He was given a all and robust frame and so survived he shock of years that he considered limself in his physical prime at GO and ivcd on in unabated mental vigor for 33 years. He experienced tbe sad condition inevitable with extreme age , that of outliving those nearest and dearest to him , but. save this , few lives have ever been more full of hap piness than his. j What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverislmess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieve * teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency * Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. * Oastorfa Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ma of its good effect upon their children. ' " Da. G. C. OSOOOD , | Lowell , Mass. Castoria 13 the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers trill consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful gents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Da. J. F. Krxcn&LOK , Conway , Ark. DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY 1 Maybe you think this is a new business , Bending' out bnbics on application ; it has been done before , however , but never have those furnished been so near the original samnleus this one. Everyone will exclaim , " well I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw ! " This little black-and-white engraving can give you buta faint idea of the exquisite original , . * ! * ' * fJfVy" > ly + vtryf * 'Sifvr'\irjfr4ji * vftvwp .gigvvi'v - - & & - * * xl"v , r > &f-x i ; - > - -"v % " I'M A DAISY. " which we propose to send to you , transpor tation paid. The little darling rests against n pillow , and is in the act of drawing1 off Its pink sock , the mate of which has boon pulled off and fluns aside with a triumphant coo. The flesh tints are perfect , and the eyes follow you , no matter where you stand. Theexqui- eitereproductionsof this greatest painting of Ida Waugh ( the most celebrated of modern painters of baby life ) are to be given to those who subscribe to Demorest's Family Maga zine for 1S93. The reproductions cannot be told from the original , which cost SlOO. and are the same size U7x 2 inches ) . Tbe baby is life size , and absolutely lifelikeWe have also in preparation , to present to our sub scribers during 1893 , other great pictures by such artists as Percy Moran.Maud Humphrey , Louis Deschamps , and others of world-wido renown. Take only two examples of what we did during the past year , "A Yard of Pansies - sies , " and "A White House Orchid" by the wifeot President Harrison , and you will see what our promises mean. Those who subscribe for Demorest's family Magazine for 1SD3 will possess a gallery of ex quisite works of art ot great value , besides a Magazine that cannot be equaled by any in the world for its beautiful illustrations and subject matter , that will keep everyone post ed on all the topics of th3 day , and all the fads and different items of interest about the household , besides furnishing interesting reading matter , both grave and gay , for the whole family : and while Demorest's is not a fashion Magazine , Its fashion pages are per fect , and we give you. free of cost , all the pat terns you wish to use during the year , and In unvsizo you choose. Send in your sub scription at once , only 82 , and you will really ect over $25 in value. Address the nubUsher , W. Jennings Dcmorest , 15 East 14tnSt. New York. If you are unacquainted with tbe llag-uzlne , send 10 ceata fora specimen copj * . Castoria. 14 Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A. AUCTTM , K. ! > . , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment hare spoken highly of their expert- cnce In their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only ha-ro among our medical supplies what Is known as regular produuui , yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It. " UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPBHSAZIY , BostonT MUB , O. SKTTH , The Centaur Company , 17 Murray Street , Ne'er York City. GEO. J. BURGESS , Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class ; s and Machinery Wagons , Road Carts , Buggies. A Square Deal , The Best are the Cheapest. COME AND SEE ME. Yard West of First National Bank , McCOOK , NEB. THE total vote of New York shows an actual loss of 23,000 votes as compared with 1888 , where a gain of 150,000 was ex pected. Either there were many Toters who remained at home or that state is rapidly losing popu lation. THE republican party in Ne braska lias just won a. signal vic tory , and yet it can throw away all the fruits of that victory by a few unwise acts precipitated by the boodle element of the party. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ! ; i THE absence of the American flag is often commented upon un favorably by travelers in the south. It is geunerally held to be an evi dence of the lingering disloyalty of that section. Northern people will be very glad to hear that the confederate veteran's association of Atlanta has decided to march hereafter under the stars and stripes. The men who have reached this determination are not to be commended for it particular ly , but the members of similar associations in the south who have not passed on so far towards re construction are open to severe criticism. If the people of the south are really in earnest in their expressions of loyalty , the best way for them to show it is to fol low the lead of these Atlanta veterans and "old " give glory" a chance to flutter in the southern breeze. THE astonishing fact concerning 3 the wheat crop of Minnesota and the Dakotas is that it will exceed all estimates. The figures have been placed at 85,000,000 to 100- 000,000 bushels , but the increase is so rapid in every section that it now seems probable that it will reach to the enormous amount of 135,000,000 bushels. This is cer tainly an agreeable surprise. THE public debt was increased $43,000,000 last year. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona.7 nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent , most healthy and pleasant busi ness , that returns a profit for every day's work. Such is tiic business we offer the working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly , and guarantee every one who follows ou'r instructions faithfully the making of 9300.00 a month. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings ; there can be no question about it ; others now at work are doing it , and you , reader , can do the same Tin's is the best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a. grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once If you grasp the situation , and act quickly , vou will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business , : U which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wa e Whether you are old or young , man or woman It makes no difference , do as we tell you , and suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Tbo e who work for us arc rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars , free ? E. C. AT.LEX CO Box > 'o. 420 , Augusta/Mc. i M