The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1892, Image 8

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Leads All
IN :
Cornet and Sterling
Store open till the usual hours.
' we will receive within a few days an
elegant line of Ladies , Misses and Children's
Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; also
Shawls and want you to look at our stock
before purchasing.
Will also receive a large stock of Shoes ,
Rubber , etc.
Our new dress goods are now arriving.
For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child
ren's Underwear , Gents Furnishing Goods ,
Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on
} . A. WILCOX & SON.
Z * .
OtBBXBPOzroiBx : Chase National Bank , New York.
Would you AFTER.
Increase Your Business ?
Hon. J. E. Coohrun was down on
T. M. Sexton was up from Bartley ,
Mr. Kennedy is building an addition
to his bouse.
Deputy county clerk Barnes is on
the sick list.
Turkeys are in good demand today.
County commissioners were in ses
sion last Friday.
Rev. P. S. Mather spent Thanksgiv
ing with his family.
Remember the election of officers of
the agricultural society , on Saturday ,
Dec. 3d.
Several of the faithful went to the
demo-independent jubilee at McCook
Friday night.
Rev. R. N. Orrill and wife of Arapahoe -
hoe spent Thanksgiving day with D.
R. Carpenter's family.
Miss Eva Anderson of Bartley , was
granted a certificate to teach on Satur
day , by Supt. Baystdn.
Quail and jack rabbits had to suffer on
Thanksgiving day , when clerks and
students were turned loose.
License was issued for the marriage
of Mr. John McNeff , and Miss Clara A.
O'Neil of McCook , on Monday the 21.
The first regular meeting of the
Indianola camp of Modern Woodmen
will be held on Saturday evening , Dec.
Thanksgiving services were held in
the M. E. church , Rev. Gearheart
preached an excellent sermon to a good
audience , prayer was offered by Rev.
Orril of Arapahoe.
County treasurer's office was throng
ed all day Tuesday , the day advertised
to lease school land. Everything
offered was readilj taken some pieces
bringing a good premium , above the six
per cent interest.
Powell Bros , have decided not to
open their meat market on Sunday ,
during the winter , and we hope other
of our business men will follow their
example. Many persons do not seem
to realize that they are law breakers ,
when they keep their business open on
Sunday. If we have laws let us keep
The ladies of the Congregational
church provided an excellent Thanks
giving feast at Masonic hall , which was
largely attended , both for dinner and
supper , a fine program consisting of
music etc. helped to make the
evening pleasant for young and old.
Verily we have much to be thankful
Married on Tuesday , the 22 , at his
office by C. W. Beck , county judge. Mr.
Stephen A. Douglas Wilson , of Wray ,
Colorado , and Miss Elnora Edna
Bright of Beverly , Hitchcock county ,
and on Wednesday the 23 , also by the
county judge , Mr. Geo. E. Kellogg and
Miss May Runkle , both of Cambridge ,
Furnas county.
As we stated last week , Mr. F.
J. McHenry , deputy head consul and
organizer for the Modern Woodmen of
America , has been securing names for a
charter for a camp of the said
order. Mr. McHenry having served
several years in a like business is well
itted for the work in which he is
engaged , his aim not being to get
members only , but is very careful to
; et good risks , physically and morally
which speaks well for the orderand all
reports show that it is the cheapest
ife insurance in America , especially for
roung men from 18 to 28 years. The
camp organized here had 28 charter
members , and was duly started on
iVednesday evening last with the follow-
ng officers : J. S. Phillipps , venerable
consul , F. A. Untied , worthy associate ,
C. B. Hoag , excellent banker , C. W.
3eck , escort , I. M. Smith , watchman ,
Fred Stubbs , sentry , F. W. Eskey ,
ihysician , R. L. Duckworth , Will
Shumaker and J. A. Hammond , man
The beet sugar season in Nebraska
s now practically ended and it appears
hat the Grand Island factory has done
a large business. It has used 12,000
ons of beets and produced 2,110,000
lounds of sugar. Such figures as
hese show that the sugar industry is
one of great importance of the state ,
ts rapid growth affords ground for the
elief that it is destined to become one
f the largest industries in the state.
N w0 ? Note * About NebrMkn Plaon *
and People.
Winter started in early in Nebraska.
Oaoeola is gaining a reputa tion for
valuable horses.
Lincoln will doubtless have a now
democrat daily.
Ratification ! ware general all over
the state last week.
The Hastings Nebraskan has started
on its fifteenth year.
Township organization was sustained
in Cuming county at the late election.
JL lodge of Good Templars has been
organized at Fremont.
Burglars looted several houses in
North Bend , and escaped with their
The Nebraska'City News has been
on earth thirty-eight years and atill is
Mrs. Laura Martin of Hastings has
sued the Burlington for $5,000" for th * >
loss of her husband.
Thomas Winter , formerly cashier of
the bank of Bayard , died recently in a
Chicago hofpltal.
Mrs. George Hengdon of York was
thrown from a buggy Dy a ruuaway
horse and severely injured , but it is
believed she will recover
The election of S. M. Elder of Clay
and Colonel Nowberry of Hamilton
county , will be contested.
James Mahoney of Tobias raised a
radish this season that measured twen
ty-one inches long and weighed three
pounds and tea ounces.
As a consequence of an election bet ,
W. E. Steinbach , a republican of Kear
ney was obliged to march in u demo
cratic parade and hurrah for Cleve
James Mahoney of Tobias raised the
champion radish of Nebraska. It
measured twenty-one inches long and
weighed three pounds and ten ounces.
Van Wyok is sixty-five years old , in
stead of 110 , as was reported during
the heat of political controversy. He
is just blossoming into mature man
The Blair Republican says : Hay is
as dear in Blair as in Omaha , and it
looks as though prices will tumble be
fore the vast quantities in the Missouri
valley are sold.
The barn , sheds and corrals of J. J.
.McCarthy , near Keystone , Keith coun
ty , were destroyed by fire and a cow
burned to death. Parties lighting
their pipes started the conflagration.
A dynamite fire cracker exploded
during a democratic parade at North
Flatte and robbed Matthew MoGue of
one of his hands. He will probably
lose his arm as far up as the elbow.
The sugar factory at Norfolk has
closed down. The output this season
is 1,670,000 pounds of sugar. A large
acreage of sugar beets has already
been contracted for next vear.
, G. H. Mallory of Fierce received
quite a severe accident Tuesday. While
cleaning out a stable a horse kicked at
him , and stuck a pitchfork in his hand ,
splintering it and throwing the tines
and splinters into his face , severely
bruising his eye and nose.
The First national bank of Ains-
worth , which failed recently had de
posits to the amount of $38,763. Ac
cording to the examiner's report , the
resources will amount to $41.619 ,
while the liabilities amount to $54,958.
The bank's "capital" was at $23,600.
The most unhappy man in Lincoln
is the chap who confesses to have
passed by innumerable chances to bet
on Cleveland only to stake his money
on the proposition that another party
would carry Nebraska.
Mrs. C. A. Marshall of Herman met
with a very peculiar accident In
turning off the gasoline stove it was
left partly open , so the oil dripped
down into the tea kettle , which she
set under the stove. She took the ket
tle and poured out what sha supposed
was water into the skillet on the stove.
No sooner had she done this than it
blazed up , burning her hands and
face severely.
Long before sunrise a large number
of pugilistically inclined citizens of
Gibbon were on the road to a point
about three miles south of town ,
where they said a match was to take
place between a pugilist from Omaha
and a slugger from Kearney and to
which affair all concerned had pur
chased tickets. After waiting sev
eral long , weary hours it dawied
upon the boys that they had been sim
ply duped. The gentleman having
the spoils of course was not present.
At Nebraska City , the other day , a
ten-gallon tank of gasoline exploded
in the office of the Otoe county alliance
and instantly the building , which is a
two-story frame , wae a sheet of flames.
J. Reed , one of the proprietors , with
an infant was within a few feet of the
tank when the explosion occurred , but
miracuously escaped injury. The
flames were speedily extinguished.
The loss to the building and stock is
about $1.000 , no insurance on the
building ; stock full covered.
Charles Neitnann of Grand Islanp
ratified the election by getting glori
ously and hilariously full of mixed
drinks. Not satisfied with the poor
privilege of rending the air with dis
cordant noise , he set about rending his
more sedate fellow citizens and not
until he had strewn two of them by
the wayside in a sadly demoralized
condition , was he captured by tha reg
ulators and carried'to jail. The fine
of $100 he was unable to pay and the
city will permit him to board it out.
Is this in fnct. s free countrv ?
Free ! Free !
In order to increase our cash trade we
will give away the foil owing list of presents
to our cash customers ,
1 Gold Watch , worth $100.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 50.00
1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00
2 Silver Watches at $25 each 50.00
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $2 5 , 90.00
100 Books , standard works of English
and American fiction , hound in
cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.OO
118 PRESENTS WORTH $790.00
We carry the largest stock of
Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness ,
Saddles , House Furnishing Goods ,
in Red willow county.
And we meet all competition and go them
one better. Call and examine these pres
ents and price our goods before buying.
W. C. LaTourette.
0 0
I wish to announce the arrival of my
Fall and Winter Stock of
o |
| GoottocReceioe
tn House ,
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods ,
Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday ,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
Has just received a fine stock of
INGS. Call and see him , two
doors south of the Famous ,
while the assortment is com
plete. _