SHARP REBUKE. CLEVELAND FLEES FROM THE OFFICE SEEKERS. GIVES ? HEM A PIECE OF HIS MIND , * Tlio rriivhlunt-Ktoct Says lie Does Not Want to Ho Ilotlicrud liy Pluco Hunt ers Until After He IK luuugur.ited Ho Leave * Now York for u Much Ncmlcil Ko-it Other J.nto Political NUWH. NKW YOHK , Nov. 23. The President- , elect Cleveland left town to-day in search of rest. Since election he has been fairly overrun with callers , and the volume of his correspondence has been somethingenormous. . Talking before his departure to-day with a reporter. Mr. Cleveland .said : "I fully appreciate the good will and friendliness which these letters indi cate , and bliiill not omit , as time al lows , to read every one of them. These ( rood friends , of course , will not expect any replies to their communications , for that would be utterly out of the ques tion , and the most that 1 can do is to say through the press that I am not unmindful of their kindness. Many of the callers whom I have been obliged to receive would not , I think , have encroached upon my time if they had given the matter a moment's reflection. Those who have called upon me to talk about otliccs , it seems to me , have boon in considerate and oremature. I desire to give as much publicity as possible to the stutemcut that I do not propose to consider applications for office prior to my inauguration and 1 shall avoid all interviews on that subject. Those who , under any pretense , gain an op portunity to present their applications orally , and those who burden me at this time with written applications , cannot possibly do anything which would so interfere with their chances of success. Written applications will be so little regarded that L doubt if they ever see the files in Washington , for there is no reason or deceny in my being overwhelmed with such matters at this time. " Upon being asked how long he ex- peeted to be. away on his vacation. Mr. Cleveland replied : " 1 am not certain , it will depend upon various -onditions. 1 expect , however , tu be absent two weeks , and when 1 ivt.irn , unless I am somewhat relieved irum the un necessary dcuuinds upon my time to which I have been sub jected here thus far I shall shut up my city house and liml some more quiet plaee to spend the winter. Certainly between now and March 4 I ought , to have sonu- time to devote to other matters than receiving callers and considering- subjects which should be postponed. " MISSOURI'S OFFICIAL VOTE. Grovcr Cleveland Curries the State by 41.8GG l'Ianility. JEFFERSOX CITV. Mo. Nov. 23. The canvass of ollicial returns has pro gressed suffijiently to announce the following results : For president Cleveland 20S.G2S. Harrison 226,702. Weaver 41,183 , Bid well 4.2US ; Cleve land's plurality 41,806. For governor Stone 265,144 , Warner 235,354 , Leonard 37,276 , Sobieski 3,393 ; Stone's plurality 29,790. For judge of the supreme court , di vision one Maefarlauc 267,37. ) , Ed wards 228.155. Judges of the supreme court , , divis ion two Sherwood 266,260 , Burgess 265,835 , Shirk 264.SJ7. JJagle 229,033 , Moulton 38.538. Femulo Miil'ra gists. TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 23. Susan A.An thony and Mrs. Laura M. Johns have announced their intention of camping' with the Republican house of repre sentatives until it passes a bill submitting an equal suf frage amendment to the constitu tion to the voters of Kansas. Mrs. Anna L. Diggs and other female Pop ulist agitators will look after the sen ate and the chances decidedly favor the submission of the proposition. "Mrs. Lease Is Willing. TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 23. Mrs. Mollie E. Lease , who came here last evening and registered at the Dutton house , was at once besieged by callers and was forced to fly to a privrte house for rest. This morning she held a ' reception in the hotel parlor and announced to one and all that she would accept the senator- ship if it was offered to her. In speak ing of her ambition , \\cc favorite aphorism was , "The office should seek the woman as well as the man. " Anti-Snappers at Work. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. An Albany special indicates that in a secret meet- jug -'anti-snappers" have de termined that Edward Murphy shall , if he reaches the United States sen ate , have a rocky road to travel. It is stated that , counting McLaughlin of Brooklyn , a neutral at present , the anti-Murphy men have just nine state legislators upon whom they can rely on joint ballot for federal senator. Wyoming's Xcxt Senator. CHEVEXNK. Wyo. , Nov. 23. It is now certain that the Democratic and People's parties which fused in this state will have a majority on joint ballot in the legislature. The vote for United States senator will be 27 fu sion and 22 Republican. > V Penitentiary Employes May Strike. LEA.VEXWORTU , Kan. , Nov. 23. All .the employes at the state penitentiary declare that they will walk out in a V body whenever Warden Case is re moved. They saj' that this will com pletely upset'the institution. " A FolUh Priest Betrays a Trust. HAZLETOWX , Pa. , Nov. .23. The trustees of the Hungarian Catholic church of this city have sworn out a warrant for their pastor , the Rev. Jo- Rossalko for embezzling1 83,200. SAFE. , And BO beside the silent sea I wait the muffled oar ; No harm from him can come to ma On ocean or on shore. I know not whore his islands lift Their Trended palms In air ; I only know I cannot drift Beyond his love and care. O brothers ! If my faith Is vain , If hopes like these betray. Pray for mo that my feet may gain The sure and safer way. Whlttler. BETSY'S SLIPPERS , I was traveling in Irelandswith some friends. Wo were in the southeastern part of the island and were traversing Connemara , the poorest part of that poor country. If anything can give a horrible impression of drought and misery it certainly is Connemara. A profound dolor seems to rest upon that corner of the earth. Low plains destitute of verdure extend at the right to a chain of mountains , which are bare , as though they had been ravaged by lire. These immense spaces are without a vil lage , often without even a single dwell ing.The The few which we pass at long inter vals consist only of four stone walls piled up without cement , and with a black roof. From the back of these dreary cabins issues a thin thread of blue smoke. In front of them one sees children from five to twelve years old with naked feet , ' sun scorched skins and ragged clothing. They utter uncouth sounds in a language which is partly Irish , partly English. They usually run after the carriage for several miles. With a supplicating hand they extend to you some serb of rude merchandise ; it may bn ronrrhlv hewn woorlfin simps ; if ; inav be woolen stockings ; it may be a little bunch of flowers plucked from the mountain side. They run shouting , hurrying , hustling each other. "Penny , please ! penny , please ! " they repeat over and over. A penny is finally cast to them. Immediately there is brawling , strug gling and fist pounding. The conquerer deserts the ranks of our followers , but the others still pursue the carriage. One by one the small flock drop away. First the youngest become exhausted and stop. At last there are only three then two then only one , who in his turn rolls in the dust raised by the wheels , uttering a last "Penny , please ! " with labored and panting breath. About 11 o'clock we arrived at Ougterard , near Lake Corrib. This lake is said to contain as many islands and also as many inhabitants as there are days in the year. Here we took breakfast. For a long time a little girl of about twelve followed our carriage. She alone had persisted of five or six children- , the rest of whom had dropped away as we passed along. Tall and slender for her age , she had a charming face of the true Irish type of beauty. Her com plexion was darkly browned and she had large blue eyes. Her long run had put roses into her cheeks ; her parted lips showed her brilliant teeth. A ragged brown linen waist and skirt composed her costume. Her naked feet , which were remarkably small and pretty , seemed to fly through the dust. Poor little one ! Our hearts ached to look at her ! Suddenly she uttered a cry , extended her arms and fell forward. We stopped the carriage , but fortunately nothing serious had befallen her. A projecting stone had slightly cut her foot , which bled a little. We asked her who she was and from whence she came. She called herself Betsy and said that she lived at Ougterard. We told her to climb into the carriage and we would carry her to her home. She looked at us in bewilderment , as though she could not understand what we were saying. We repeated our offer. She blushed with pleasure and gave us a look which , although full of inquiry and wonder , was yet most grateful. She seemed to be overjoyed at riding in a carriage. It was her first experience of that kind. Ten minutes later we were in Oug- torard , a poor village of forty houses. We gave two shillings to the child as a parting present. She looked at it as though she could not believe her eyes. It occurred to me that the wound in her foot might be inflamed "by a walk in the dust. I therefore entered a shoemaker's shop , the only one the place afforded , and bought a pair of slippers for the poor child. Betsy watched this operation in pro found perplexity. When I extended the slippers toward her , saying they were for her , she was dumfounded , intox icated , dazzled. She dared not take them. Finally , as I firmly insisted that the slippers were for her and her alone , she seized them and fled with a bound of joy , and without even saying " Thank you ! " "Little savage ! " thought I ; "she does not even know how to thank anybody. " I rejoined my companions , who were already seated around the hotel dining- table , and we had soon finished our breakfast and were about to climb into our carriage , when I felt a little hand within mine which sought to detain me. "Come , sir ! " she said , "come ! " "And where do you wish to lead me ? " "To our house. It is very near. " I followed her. My companions were not a little puzzled. She led me to the bottom of a narrow street. There we paused before a humble cottage. She pushed the door open and we entered. The interior consisted of a single room. It was without a floor and contained scarcely any furniture. It was dimly lighted by the feeble rays which entered through a paper covered window , near which sat an old woman spinning. She was Betsy's grandmother. At our en trance three little .black pigs scampered Hnder her bench.gruntingv In the cor ner stood 4h6j lowly Tied of the grandmother - mother ; , at its side the little , cot of the chifyl. yjiEt above " -her pillow Betsy showed me a kind of roughstaging lean ing against the wall. Upon the middle board covered with a very white linen cloth , beneath an image of St. Patrick , and between two bunches of white flowers , I perceived the little slippers ! The poor child looked at her shrine of beauty with admiration and even with religious awe , as upon a precious relic. "But you should put the slippers on your feet. They are for you to wear , " said I. I could not help laughing to see them set up as sacred objects of devo tion. tion.She She appeared astonished , almost an gry. "Oh , never ! " she said earnestly. They are too beautiful ! " Wo slipped some money into the pocket of the old grandma and bade adieu to Betsy ; but she could not bear to leave us yet , and followed us quite to the carriage , and looked after it with eyes full of tears as long as it could be seen. * * * * * * 'A month later we passed through the same place on our return trip and made a halt there as before. We did not see Betsy. Before quitting that country , to which I never expected to return , I wished to see her again , if only for a minute. I sought out and knocked at the door of the poor little cabin. No one opened it. I lifted the rude latch and entered. A sad spectacle presented itself to my eyes. Around the little bed of Betsy , lighted by three smoking candles , some old women were kneeling and reciting prayers in a monotonous voice. Upon my entrance the chant stepped and one of the old women arose and came to me. It was the grandmother. She recog nized me immediately , and two large tears ran over her wrinkled cheeks. "Betsy , " murmured I ; "where is Betsy ? " In a few broken words she explained to me that Betsy had taken a fever and had just died. I approached the cot. The pale face of'the child wore a peaceful expression. Her long black hair lay over her shoul ders in heavy curls , but her beautiful bright eyes were shut. Clasped in her thin , blue veined hands and pressed closely to her heart were the image of St. Patrick and the two little slippers. During all the time she had been sick , the old dame told me , she had held them in her hands. I begged the old woman to bury them with her. A tear came to my eyes. I leaned over the poor Irish child and imprinted a kiss upon her forehead. Translated from the French of Jacques Normand by Harriet L. B. Potter for Romance. Bread Blade of Peanuts. The imperial German health authori ties have been engaged in experiments , the object of which was to ascertain whether a healthful bread could be made of a mixture of rye flour and peanuts. Incidentally it was discovered that the refuse left after the oil has been ex tracted from peanuts contains 50 per cent , of albuminous matter. Such being the case , bread made with an admixture of peanuts or peanut refuse would cer tainly be highly nutritious , inasmuch as the nutritive element of any kind of bread is mainly albuminous. Wheat and rye flours have only about 11 or 12 per cent , of albuminous matter in them. When oil has been extracted by pressure or otherwise from a vegeta ble substance , the residue is called "oil cake. " All qilcakes are largely albumi nous. Flaxseed oilcake contains more than 40 per cent , of such elements , and the oilcake of cotton seed is about the same. It is generally supposed that pea nuts are very indigestible. Another question involved is whether they could be grown more cheaply than wheat , which would seem to be very doubtful. Perhaps , however , peanut bread is to be looked forward to as a luxury of the future. Washington Star. Nutcrack Night. All Hallow Even , or Halloween , the evening before All Saints' Day , the 1st of November , has yet another title in the north of England namely , Nutcrack Night , the derivation of which is ob vious enough. Impartially weighed against the others , it is perhaps the very best time of the whole year for discov ering just what sort of husband or wife one is to be blessed withal. Of old time , to go back to the usual source of such things , the Romans had a feast of Pomona at this time , and it was then that the stores laid up in the summer for use in the winter were opened. The appropriateness of the use of nuts and apples at this time thus be comes apparent. But when a festival flourishing in the British isles has fires connected with it , look sharp for a Drnidical origin and it will not usually be necessary to look far. Now Hallow een has fires connected with it and a Druidical connection , if not actual ori gin , seems highly probable. New York Tribune. TVhat "Winkers" Are For. One of the employments of electricity just now is to make "winkers , " to hang from high places. They are incandescent lights , hoisted on a flagpole or run out from a window , and the current is inter rupted and turned on again by clock work mechanism. A man sees the light , then he notices that it is gone. While wondering what has become of it it re appears. This is supposed to rouse his interest to such an extent that he will ask somebody what it is for , and the man who displa3s the light will then get an advertisement if he has luck. New York Sun. Learning Dentistry in Japan. A twelve-year-old Japanese boy sat on the floor in a dentist's office in Japan having before him a board in which were a number of holes into which pegs had been tightly driven. He was at tempting to extract the pegs with his thumb and forefinger. As the strength of this natural pair of forceps develop by practice the pegs are driven in tighter. After a couple of years at peg pulling the young dentist graduates and is able to lift the most refractory molar the same mauuer that he now lifts wooden pegs. St. Louis Globe-Demo crat. The lawsot health arc tnupht in our schools but not in a way to he of much practical ben efit and arc never illustrated by living cxnm pies , which in nfariy cases could easily be done. It some scholar who had just contractci a cold was brought before the school , so tha all could hear the dry loud cough , and know its significance ; see the thin white coating on the tongue , and latei as the cold develops , see the profuse watery expectoration anil thir watery discharge from the nose , not one o ; them would ever forget what the first symp toms of a cold are. The scholar should'then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely that all might see that even a severe cold can be cured in one or two clays , or at least greatly mitigated , when properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. For sale by Chen- cry , druggist. Nov. I mo. The time when it makes a man the maddest to call him a liar is when he knows you tell the truth. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable language for the benefit of the public. One of my children took a severe cokl and got the croup. I gave her a teaspponful of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gathering in her throat. Then she went to sleep and slept good for fifteen minutes. Then she got up and vom ited ; then she went back tobecland slept good for the remainder of the night. She got the croup the second night and I gave her the same remedy with the same good results. I write this because I thought there might be some one in the same need and not know the true merits of this wonderful medicine. Chas. A. Thompseen , Des Moines , Iowa. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chenerydruggist. Nov. If there were no stingy people in the church the devil would have to work a great deal harder. ? A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed , and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine , one trial will convince you that it has wonder ful curative powers in all diseases of Throat , Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be re funded. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's drug store. Large bottles 5oc. and $1.00. Only about one prayer in a thousand offered in a church has any real meaning in it. SHILOH'b CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without out- extra charge. Price 5oc. Sold by A. Alc- Millen. Patience is the gold we get by going through the fire of trial. A great many persons who have found no relict from othei treatment have been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Do not give up until you have tried it. It is only 5p cents a bottle. For sale by Chenery , druggist. Nov.imo. About the poorest man you can find is the rich man who never gives. The smallest "cat-boil" is large enough to show that the blood needs purifying a warn ing which , if unheeded , may result , not in more boils , but in something very much worse. Avert the danger in time by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Cured others , will cure you. If you want to preach right , live well. Scalding pains while urinating indicate kidney troubles that lead to Bright's disease. Oregon Kidney tea will stop them. V What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's , prescript ion for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers * Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieve * teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Outoifo la an excellent medldno for chil dren. Mother * hare repeatedly told me of IU good effect upon tbdr children. " DR. O. 0. OSGOOD , Lowell , KaaL " CMtori * to the best remedy for children of s which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not for distant when mo them will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria In- ( teed of the rations quack nostrumsirhlch are destroying their tared ones , by forcing opium , morphine , oothlng syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature grftrea.1' Da. J. F. KINCHKLOK , Conway , Ark. Castoria. M Castoria Is so well adopted to children thai I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa knows to ma. " IL A. AKCHX * , U. D. , Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. T. " Our physicians in thechildren's depart * ment hare spoken highly of their experience enceIn their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only hare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular product * , yet wo are Ireo to confess that th merit * of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UMITXD nosrrru. AND Disrcnoisr , Boston , : ALLEY O. SMITH , Pre . , The CentaHr Company , TT Murray Street , New York City. ' GEO. J. BURGESS , Dealer in All Kinds of First-Class Implements and Machinery Wagons , Road Carts , Buggies. A Square Deal. The Best are the Cheapest , COME AND SEE ME. Yard West of First National Hank , McCOOK , NEB. The Citizens Bank of McGook , Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO -DOES A- General Banking Business. Collections made an all accessible points. Drafts drawa directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FtfANKLIN , President JOHN K. CLAKK , Vice Prea. A. 0. EBERT , Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. first JYaticmaJ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCK NELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. VJ. F. LAWSON , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. THE McCOOK ROLLER MILLS , E. H. DOAN. PROPRIETOR , Is Now Open and Ready for Business , ISgr'I am prepared to handle all business in my line promptly and "with the most approved machinery. DOAN & HART are also prepared to handle wheat for -which they are paying tha highest market price. 'Mills ' and Elevator on East Railroad street Say That You Saw it in Tie Tribune.