A lIGlf OLD TIME. A STOR. IN THE FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. THREE DUEL CHALLENGES ISSUED. High Government Olllcials Charged With Unblushing Jjrlbery In Conniption With the raimma Canal .scandal Member * Cull Each Other Thieves UouliiMglst.H Make u Demonstration. PAHIS , Nov. 23. There was a scene of wild excitement yesterday in the chamber of deputies. ,1 ules Delehaye , the Boulangist deputy from Chinon raised the question of the Panama canal prosecutions. He denoumed the government in the severest language , stating that the authorities had wholly neglected their duty , and had permitted the gravest and most colossal crimes to go unpun ished. He demanded that justice be done speedily , and that the men of in fluence and wealth , accumulated by fraud , be brought to exposure and punishment. There was a clamorous scene while Delehaye was speaking , some applaud ing and others denouncing his utter ances. Angry recriminations fol lowed , and deputies charged eajh other in express terms with a/lesire to protect the guilty. One speaker claimed he could point out men in the chamber who had shared in the spoils. A dozi-n deputies rose in an excited manner to ask whom he meant. The answer was lost in the clamor and con fusion.Members shook their fists in each others faces and several tried to climb the tribune at once. The presi dent rapped for order , but nobody seemed to heed. The melee wah more general and disgraceful than any wit' nessed in the chamber during the pres ent republic. Deputies called each other thieves and followed the insult ing words with a challenge to the death. No less than three challenges were given for duels. M. Alexis de Launey , moderator and deputy for Eeauvais , challenged Antoine Germaine , deputy for Trevoux and member of the Left Center ; Boissy d'Anglais , member from Ardeche , challenged M. Delehaye , and Paul Deroulede , the noted Boulangist , challenged M. Ilubbaod , of Seine-et- Pise , anti-Iioulangist It was a bitter struggle and the first really signal demonstration of the Boulangists since the downfall of their party. It was useless for the government to oppose the onset , and so the ministry yielded by consenting to the appointment of a preliminary commission to inquire into the charges of corruption in connection with the Panama canal , and especially the charges affecting the public officials , members of the chamber and others connected with the public service. The commission is to be named to day and will begin the inquiry forthwith. It is rumored that gigan tic scandals will be unearthed 4and that other suicides may be looked for in addition to Baron de Reinach , who was one of the men deeply involved in the alleged scandals. The baron left an immense fortune of about 300,000- oOO francs , much of it accumulated in " prises. There is great excitement in Paris , and the scene in the chamber of depu ties and the Panama inquiry are the leading subjects of discussion every where. The police are said to be keeping a quiec surveillance over sev eral wealthy men mentioned in con nection with the Panama frauds , and who are suspected of a design to leave France in order to escape prosecution. TO DIVIDE KANSAS. A Humor That Politicians Arc Figuring on Ano ther New State. TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 23. It was an nounced yesterday that a number of leading Republican politicians of Western Kansas had organized for the purpose of dividing Kansas into two states. The matter will be urged upon the Kansas legislature at the coming session , and it is believed that body will favor the plan. A committee of Democrats and Re publicans will go to Washington early in the session and lobby for the scheme. The object is to make a Re publican state out of the western coun ties and leave the Populists in control of the eastern counties. They propose to divide the state on the west line of Jewell , Mitchell , Lin coln , Ellsworth , Rice , Reno , Kingman and Harper counties , making West Kansas 200 miles square. The vote of this part ofthe state at the recent election shows a Republican majority of 5,01)0 , and if the scheme goes through they figure on population sufficient for three congressmen , who they claim will be Republican no matter how the new state is districted. Perkins , member from Finney county - ty , and one of the originators of the scheme , is making his canvass for speaker on this issue and the further fact that the West saved the house to the Republicans. THE VOTE OF MISSOURI. After Many Days the Official Count Is at Ia8t In. JEFFERSON-CITV , Mo. , Nov. 23. The returns from the recent election in this state have at last been received. They show that all the Democratic nominees were elected. Mr. Cleve land's plurality is ov r 41,000. The vote for Governor is as follows : Stone , 205,154 ; Warner , 235424 ; Leon ard , 37,202. For judge of supreme court division No. 2 , Judges Sherwood and Burgess , Democrats , are elected. The official vote .is : Sherwood , 266- 260 ; Burgess , 205,735 ; Shirk , 204.817. Mlown Up With Dynamite. SEAHCV , Ark. , Nov. 2 3.-The jewelry store of A. A. Ballard was blown up dynamite , causing a loss of 85,000. bv several also suffered court house The dollars' damage Ihe build ing thousand of JCrow was destroyed by fire at the same time. ALL PARIS MADLY EXCITED. The Panama Canal ScundulCUIMC i Nnniiitlon * In the Gay Capital. PAKIS. Nov. 23. The sudden death of Baron Reinach , one of the' wealth iest men of France , and one of the most deeply concerned in the Panama canal venture , under such circum stances as to make it more than prob able that , he committed sui- ceid , added to the excitement caused by the mad scenes in the chamber of deputies yesterday.has stirred Paris to a greater extent than at any time since the last war. Every one looks for the exposure of gigantic scandals and a series of sensational smokies of men concerned in the Pan ama bubble is confidently expected. The speech of Deputy Jules De la Ilaye , Boulanght from Chinon , gave the strongest hint of the scandals to be expected in connection with the canal investigation and caused a grand sensation , which was still' further in creased when the announcement was made that Reinach , who was referred to by the deputy as "the evil genius of the Panama company , " had died sud denly from apoplexy. Reinach was the head center of a syndicate of press and parliamentary wire pullers for the Panama canal company , who are charged with hav ing got away with nearly S16,0d,000 : ) of Panama canal funds. He had de stroyed all compromising letters , but a book containing copies is known to have been stolenand under the French law copies are held to be as good as the originals. The day before his ' death he was' summoned before the court of appeals with De Lesseps and others , but he had been examined by a magistrate and was greatly worried thereby and at the possibility of being again examined. Besides being a great business man he Was an accom plished musician. Just before his death he was engaged in composing a ballet for an opera. The report that Baron Reinach died from apoplexy is generally disbe lieved. The family refuses to allow the police commissionary to view the remains. The baron had a hobby for studying painless poisons , to which , it is alleged , he fell a victim. The theo ry of murder may be dismissed as without the range of probability. At a plenary meeting of the Repub lican members of the chamber of dep uties to-day it was deided that the commission to inquire into the af fairs of the Panama canal company should consist of 23 Republicans , 9 Conservatives and 1 Boulangist. The summons issued to M. de Les seps and other defendants charge them with having by meanj of fraudu lent tactics , and with the view to inducing belief in the existence of a chimerical event and imaginary credit , dissi pated moneys raised by issues of stocks entrusted to them for a deter mined use , thus swindling others out of their fortunes. It is reported this afternoon that M. de Lesseps is very ilL THE PROSECUTION A FARCE. No Case Made Out Against an Alleged Interstate Commerce Law Violator. CHICAGO , Nov. 23. In the United States district court to-day the case of the United States against Thomas Miller , the first of the many cases against Messrs. Swift , Egan , Spriggs and the commercial magnates and rail road officials under indictment for violating lating the anti-discrimination clause of the interstate commerce law , was called. An imposing array of counsel was present both for the government and the defendant. The defense waived an address to the jury and the examination oi witnesses was at once begun , the firsl being Thomas A. Wright of the firm of Wright & Hey , Chicago. At the ffrst vital question the de fense suggested that the court admonish ish him as to his constitutional rights , and Judge Bunn said : "The witness need not answer any question tending to incriminate himself. " After a similar experience with C. B. Hey , the next witness , and with others , including Vice President Peas- ley of the Burlington road , the dis trict attorney said with a sigh : "That is our case. " The court immediately instructed the jury to find a verdict of not guilty. District Attorney Milchrist there upon entered a nolle pros in the cases of Egan , Johnson , Firmenich and the Swifts. The case against Spriggs was continued on the ground that there was better evidence against him. , Attorney Safford , who represented the interstate commerce commission , said the result demonstrated the im mediate duty of congress to change the law. FOUR .TRAIN MEN KILLED. The Overland Flyer and Freight Train Collide in 'Omaha's Yards. OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 23. At 10:40 this morning a freight train which had been doing some switching pulled out of the yard when the overland flyer rounded a curve and the two trains crashed together. Both en gines were wrecked. The bag gage and postal cars were telescoped and the cars piled on top of ihe mass. The killed are : Engineer A. J. Barrett , Engineer B. McDonald , Conductor J. W. Keeker , and Fireman Dwens. Two trainmen were badly lurt , but the passengers escaped with out serious mishap. Mrs. Deacon May See Her Child. PAKIS , Nov. 23. The first chamber of the court of appeals to-day handed lown its decision in the Deacon case. Fudgment was for Mrs. Deacon , and it was ordered that the child , Gladys , > e returned to a convent where both jarents should be allowed to visit her. Deacon was ordered to pay the costs. Hanged Before Ten Thousand People. HUNTIXGTOK , W. Va. , Nov. 23. Al an Harrison was hanged for the murder of Bettie Adams , April 2 last , , his afternoon in a field two miles from the jaiL" The procession to the caff old was in carriages. . More than 0,000 people witnessed the hanging. Against Prof. Smith. CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 23. The pres bytery voted 19 ayes , 43 noes on the motion to declare the first charge against Prof. Smith in the heresy case nsufficient . This makes a trial on the first chanre certain. BLOWN TO ATOMS. Twrlble Explosion of Powder Twenty- Five Kegs Let Go at Once. STKUBENVILLK , O. , Nov. 23. A fera- ful powder explosion occurred shortly after noon yesterday at the Blanch coal mine , located at the west end of Colliers , W. Va. Twenty-five kegs of powder exploded , causing the instant death of three miners and the serious wounding of eight others , three o * whom will probably die. The names of those who are killed are as follows : John Poisky , Wesley Anderson , col ored ; Michael Choker. The explosion occurred as the men were returning from dinner , which was providential , for had it occurred ten minutes later the destruc 'on of life would have been something 7ful. The force of the explosion was fear ful , the ground being shaken as though by an earthquake. Wesley Anderson's body was blown through the air a distance of over 100 yards. It is sup posed that the explosion was Caused by a piece of fuse which became lighted in some manner and conveyed the fatal spark to the boxes in which the powder cans were kept. Ticket Ofllco Koblied. KEYTKSVILLE , Mo. , Nov. 23. The depot at Keytesville station was robbed yesterday morning about 3 o'clock. Two masked men entered the waiting room and one of them tapped on the wooden window of the ticket office. Night Operator Baker raised the'window , supposing some one wanted to buy a ticket , and both of the robbers leveled their revolvers at the operator and told him to dis gorge , which he lost no time doing. The robbers secured about § 2G. Arrested for Malpractice. GAKDEN CITY , Kan. . Nov. 23. Dr. Mary Cartright of this eity was ar rested yesterday on a warrant charg ing her with wilfully and carelessly causing the death of Mrs. Abigail Gregory. who died on the 10th of last month from the effects of a dose of corrosive subli mate administered by the doctor. The coroner's jury at the time found the cause of death to be criminal care lessness through ignorance on the part of the doctor. She gave bond for her appearance for examination on Satur day next Powderly Ke-Elected. ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov 23. The Kn tents of Labor elected the following officers : Grand Mas ter Workman , T. V. Powderly ; General worthy foreman , Hugh Cavanaugh - anaugh ; general secretary-treasurer , John W. Hayes ; general executive board T. V. Powderly , ex-officio. chairman , A. W. Wright , John Devlin , John Davis and T. B. McGuire. All of the foregoing except Mr. McGuire are re-elected. Appointments by the President. WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. The presi dent has appointed Manning M. Rose , of Ohio , to be assistant commissioner of the general land office. He is the present chief clerk of the offi e. Wil liam C. Anderson , of Tennessee , the present chief clerk of the contest di vision , will be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Mr. Rose. Willard G. Stanley , of Ok lahoma , was appointed as register of the land office at Beaver , Ok. Wheat in Store at Minne apolls. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Nov. 23. The Northwestern Miller reports the stock nf xvVif n.f. in nrivn.t.R fil i vn.t.nrs r\f Minne at 1,040.000 bushels , or 62,000 bushels more than last Monday. This gives Minneapolis and Superior and Duluth a total of 17,404,139 bush els , an increase for the week of 1,350- 823 bushels. A year ago the stock at the three point : : was 10,845,000 bush els. THE MARKETS. Kansas City. Prices were quoted as follows : No. 2 hard wheat , 5S@58 > c ; No. 3 hard wheat , 56 @ 57J c ; No. 4 hard wheat , 54@56c ; re jected hard wheat. 45@52c ; No. 2 red wheat , 62@62 > c ; No. 3 red -wheat , SSgGOc ; No.i red wheat , 54@57c NEW COKN Seemed a little firmer , but old corn was difficult to sell at any premi um , particularly white corn. Shippers were fair buyers. The local trade was dull. Much of the new No. 3 corn sold at 33c , though a few cars with very poor river billing sold at 3JW32 % . Closing cash prices were : No. 2 white , 35c ; No. 3 white , 33 > @ 31c ; No. 3 mixed , old , 34@34 > c ; new , 33@33 > c ; No. 3 mixed , old , 33 , < 233 > c ; new , 32a)33c ( ) ; No. 4 mixed , new , 31@32J c ; no grade quoted nominally at 30c. Shippers paid 37c river and 39c Memphis for No. 3 new mixed corn. OATS Were steady. Cash prices were : No. 2 mixed , 2S@28) c ; No. 3 , 27@ 27Kc ; No. 4. 25@26c ; No. 2 white , 30 31c ; No. 3 white , 29a30c. , RYE Was steady ; No. 2 , 47c ; No. 3 , at 45c : No. t4 , at 43c. FLAXSEED Steady , 95 @ 97c , according to billing on basis of pure ; small lots -'c less. BRAN Steady ; 56@57c , according to billing , 100-lb sacks. HAY Receipts , 29 cars ; market steady. Quotations are : Timothy , choice. S8.50 ; good , S7.50 u8 ; clover mixed , S5@7 per ton ; fancy prairie , new , $7.50 ; good to choice , ? ti@7 ; low grade , St. Louis. ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 23. Receiptswheat , 65,000 bu ; shipments , 34,00) bu ; corn , re ceipts , 87,000 bu ; shipments , 13,030 bu. Wheat November , GS c ; December , 68c ; May , 76Kc ; cash , 6SKc. Corn November , 39V c ; December , 3Sj c ; May , 43 c ; cash , J c. Oats November , 31c ; May , Goc- ; cash , Sic. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. IVANS AS CITY , Mo. . Nov. 23. Cattle Re ceipts , 9,000 ; calves , 331 ; shipped yester day , 1,871 ; calves , 210. The market gen erally was dull ; steers weak to 10@15c lower ; cows steady to lOc lower ; feeders steady ; Texas cattle lower. Dressed beef and shipping steers , § 3.30 @ 4.45 ; cows and heifers , 51.50@3.25 ; Texas and Indian steers , $2(22.55 ( ; stockers and feeders , $ -J@3.20 ; mixed , $1.70@7.25. flogs Receipts , 15,621 ; no shipments. The market opened steady and closed dull and o@10c lower. Sheep Receipts , 572 ; shipped yester day , 12G. The market was steady. The following are representative sales : No. Wt Piica. No. Wt. Pries. 18 lambs. . 78 5 S 10mixed.l03 375 2 mut ; . . . 79 490 lOOmut. . . 87 393 3 bucks..133 275 197 U mut 93 3 65 3 Col mut. 81 363 THE WAR LORD SPEAKS. Germany's Emperor Calls on the Itelch- tuc to Provide for 711 ere Soldiers. BERLIN , Nov. 23. The ceremony of opening1 the session of the reichstag took place in the knights' hall of the royal palace to-day amid the utmost pomp and splendor. Emperor William read the speech. In referring to for eign affairs , he said : In view of the friendly relations with all the.powers and the consciousness that in pursuing a common end wo shall continue to enjoy the effectual support of tbo allied statcs/I cherish the hope that Germany will not be disturbed in her peaceful en deavor to promote her ideal economic in terests. At the same time the dovclopment of the military power of other European states imposes on us the serious , nay , imperative duty of strengthening the defensive capacity of the empire by thor ough going measures. In tno iaco of thuso developments it is only by carrying out the tried principle of universal military service that we may expect those qualities in our army on which us strength and glory are based and which will maintain for Germany the position of honor she has occupied among the powers in the past. Unanimously fired with this conviction , the federal powers propose to you the adoption of a bill , which , while modifying the peace effective , renders possible the utilization of our defensive to its full ex tent. In this matter you will not fail to recognize the magnitude of the sacrifice of the nation. You believe with mo that the necessity for sacrifice will bs in creasingly recognized und that patriotism of the nation will be ready to assume t.ho burdens that must be berne for the honor and security of the fatherland. In order 10 lighten thesa burdens so far as possible , the period of service in the army will be reduced to the extreme limit which , fiom a military punt of view , can bo con ceded. At tiio same time , a more extended training and the employment of younger men for the military service * will not only lesson the much felt inequality in the fulfillment of military service , but will also diminish the economic military disad vantages arising from the older class of men being called to serve. This class will get more relief than they enjoy under the existing system. In order to enable the federal states to make budgetary provisions for the means required to strengthen th-j army , it be comes necessary to open up new sources of revenue. With this object bills will be p jiced before the bundosr.ith for the tur- ther taxation of beer and brandy and also for the further taxation of bourse transac tions. In inviting you to enter upon your labors I know that an appeal to you that jrou con duct your deliberations in a patriotic spirit is not necessary. The firm will of uu na tion to safeguard the inheritance of our fathers , to secure peace and to prasorvo for the fatherland its most cheris.iod pos sessions , will , I feel convinced , lead to your agreement to the course proposed by me and my high allies. Should this come to p-tss then the empire may regard the fu ture without an anxiety , trusting in God and its own strength. Critchlow's Case Beiufj Argued. PITTSBURG , Pa. , Nov. 23. In the Critchlow Homestead strike murder case to-day Critchlow was put on the stand and dcsied that he fired a shot of any kind on the morning of July 6 , or that he was even on the company's grounds. Mrs. Critchlow testified that on July 6 she reached her home at 4 p. m. and found her husband aseep. ? The defense rested here and the pros ecution called several witnesses in re buttal whose testimony was unim portant. The law arguments were then begun. Kurned la Their Bods. PITTSBURG , Pa. , Nov. 23. About 4:30 o'clock this morning the house in Sharpsburg , on the outskirts of this city , occupied by H. E. Dannehower , was destroyed by fire. Dannehower and his wife and child were burned to death. Shot by a Song and Dance Woman. NEW YORK , Nov. 23. News has been received in this city that Viola May , a well known singer and dancer , shot and killed a companion named Carrie Rogers at Calispiel , Mont. Pugilist Corbett Buys Property. NEW YORK , Nov. 23. Champion Jim Corbett yesterday purchased eleven lots and a road house on Jerome avenue , near Highbridge , for 833,000. NEWS IN BRIEF. Spain owes France about 4,000,000- 000 francs. Arizona offers $6,000 for "Kit , " the Apache renegade , dead or alive. At Mount Sterling , Ala. , a merchant waited for burglars , killed one and captured two. William P. Anderson , a crippled farmer , was assassinated while asleep near Dallas , Tex. The bride's dress burned just before the-wedding at Marshall , Mo. , but the festivities went on. Squire Jones of Taney county , Mo. , is said to have been ordered by con trolling Bald Knobbers to leave the county. The Spanish cabinet has decided to ask the cortesforftlSO.OOO for the Span ish exhibition at the world's fair at Chicago. Hungarian laborers on an Ohio rail road locked their boss in a tool chest and were burning him when he was rescued. The French troops under General Dodds , have conquered Dahomey and are now in the capital. King Behanzin having fled. The Grand Rapids , Mich. , folding chair and table company's factory burned. Loss on stock , 30,000 ; on building , § 40,000. The Confederate veterans' associa tion of Atlanta , Ga. , has resolved to buy a United States flag under which to march hereafter. The Rev. John Brown , one of the pioneer Methodist preachers in Illinois , died at Bloomington at the age of 91 years. He was a native of Virginia. The shopkeepers of Lisbon have de cided to close their shops for twenty- * four hours if a British fleet visits there in the interest of a renewal of the alliance. Catholics generally regard the de cision reached by the Catholic arch bishops' conference at New York as a vindication of Archbishop Ireland's Fairoauit school plan. At Lotus , Ind. , arsenic was put in the well on the Crawley farmand fail ing to kill the family , poison was next put in the flour barrel. Mr. Crawley and a son have died. The poor house of Christian county , Illinois , was burned and very little was saved except an organ and a few small things belonging to Warden Garden. There were several narrow escapes. M any people suffer for yen rs with trouble some and repulsive sores , linils and eruptions , without ever testing the marvelous curative propei tics of Aver's Snrsnpnriiln. The ex periment is , certainly , worth trying. 13e sure you } , ct Aycr's Sarsaparilln and no other. No man who tries to accumulate a great fortune has any mercy on himself. I hill's I lair kencwer enjoys the confidence and patronage of people all over the civilized world who use it to restore and keep the hair a natural color. Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic cures indigestion and constipation and tones up the entire system. Thursday the lordly turkey had its day. And it was all-day with the turkey. Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Winter's chilly grasp is gradually tight ening. First publication October 21,1893. LAND OFFIUK AT Mr-Coinc. NK . , ( . OcuilicrSO. I8tt. ! I Notice hereby jiiveii Hint tlio tollowinjr- mimed settler has tiled notice ol her intention to iniikc Until preemption proof in snppoit of her eltttin. und ( hut feiiid proof will hts iniiile liel'ore Ui-frister or Htvelver nt MeCoc It , Net ) . , on Saturday November : : ( > . I8'J3. viz : ANNA M. I.UND , who made I' . K. IX S. G)8ti ! ) for Hie Bout Invest quarter of see. 4 in town , 3 , N. of range 2 ! ) , W. ol ( Jth 1 * . M. Has mimes the following wit nesses to prove her continuous ic-Bldenee upon , und cultivation of , mud land , viz : Walter Hicklftitr. Kyinan S .Miller. John Show and Henry II. Mitchell , all of McCook. Nen. J. 1 * . LINDSAY. FiiKt publication October : . ' ! , 18- ! ) . LAND OFFICKAT McCnuic. NKII. . I OeiotierSO.lfc'JS. I Notice is hrjri'b.jfiveu lliattlie following- named settler lias tiled notice of her intention to iiiaUe final rive year proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made liefoio Heuisler or Keetiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. November 20. 18fti , viz : CHRISTINA L. UEBVES. who made H. E. 5042 for the S. E. } of sec. 28. in town. 4. N. of It. 21) ) . W. ot Gib P. M. She names ihu following witnesses 10 prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Walter Hickling of Me- rook. Neb. . Charles E. Werner of llox Elder. Neb. . Stephen Holies of llox Elder. Neb. . Alexander W. Campbell of llox Eider. Neb. .1.1' . LINDSAV. Register. First publication November 11.18L' ! . LAND OFFICU AT McCnoK. NEIJ. , i November ! ) . 1892. J Notice is hereby given that tlie following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and Unit said proof w'll be made before Register or Heeeiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. Dee. 17. 18U2 , viz : WILLIAM E. KETCH , D. a. No. G93T. for the S.V. . i. See. 22. Twp. 5. N. R. 29. W. Oth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot , said land , viz : Hubert Ueacli. of llox Elder. Nebraska. Matthew Stewart , of llox Elder , Nebraska , Severt Houge , of McCook , Nebraska. Anfln Houge , of McCook. Nebraska. .1. P. LINDSAV , Register. First publication October 21.1892. LAND OFFICK AT McCooK. NEUKASKA. I October 20. 1892. f Notice is hereby given that the followmg- namfd settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final preemption proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will lie made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday. November 20.1822 , viz : MARTIN IIOGAN. who made D S. No. 09110 for the W. 1A S. W. Sec. 28. in Town. 5. N. of Range21) ) . W.of Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Anfln Honge. Porter Maddox. John -i. Foley and .lames T Folcy.Sr. , all of McCooU. Neb. J. P. LINDSAV , Register. First publication Nov.25.18U2. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NF.B. . ) November 21. J8U3. f Notice is hereby given that tlie following lands to-wit : e.l , s. w. } .Fee 10. twp. . " > . and s. w. X B. w. } , sec. 8. twp. 4. n. all in range 29 , west ol theO P. M. will be ottered at this otlice at public sale , at not less than S1.25 per acre , on December 111. 1892 , at'J o'clock a. ui. central tinir > .1. P. LINDSAV , Register. Homestead Notice. In the county court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mathias Macho , deceased. To the heirs at law and all persons cl&iniing an interest in the following described real estate In Red Wil'ow ' county , viz : The N. E. ii ot section 12. town. 3. north of range 30 west. You will take no tice thatW.T. Heuion. county treasurer , Oeo. W. Roper , county clerk , and August Droll , a frpeholder , have been duly appointed by the judge of this court to appraise the above de scribed irac' . of laud as being the homestead of Mathias Macho , deceased , and to make re turn under oath , of said appraisal to said court on the 5th day of Dec. . A. D. 1892. at the hour of one o'clock. P. M. A nd at 2 o'clock on the same afternoon.the judge of said court will make an order in suid matter as required by law. All objections , motions or suggestions must be in writing and en file on or before the hour last mentioned. witness my hand and the seal of said court this 23d day of November , 1S92. CHAHLKS W. DECK , County Judge. Dr. Hathaway , ( Regular Graduate. ) The Leading Specialist of the United States In His tine. Private , Blood , Skin and Nervous Diseases. Young and Middle Aged Blen : Remark able results have followed my treatment. Many YEARS ot var ied and success ful "EXPERI ENCE In the use of curative meth ods that I alone n and control | for all disorders % ol MEN. who shave -weak or un- Ideveloped or dis- leased organs , or \who are suffering Jfrom errors of 'youth and excess or who are nerv ous and IMPO TENT , the scorn of their fellows and the con tempt of friends and companions , leads me to GUARANTEE to all patients , if they can pos- siblv be RESTORED , MY OWN EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT will AFFORD A CURE t -KE.1IE3IBEK , that there Is hope for YOU. Consult no other , as you may WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at once. Female Diseases cured at home without In struments ; -wonderful treatment. Catarrh , and Diseases of the Skin , Blood , Heart , Liver and Kidneys. Syphilis. The most rapid , safe and effective treatment A complete cnro guaranteed. Skua Diseases of all kinds cured vrhere many Others have failed. Unnatural Discharges promptly cured In a , few days. Quick , sure and safe. Tius Includes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. 1. Free consultation at the ofnce or by mall- 2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis. & That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience , ana a specialty Is made of his or her disease. 4 Moderate charges and easy terms of payment A home treatment can be given In a majority Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men. No. 2 for "Women. No. 3 for Skin Diseases. Send lOc for M-page Reference Book for Men and Women. . , _ All correspondence answered promptly. Bus iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment sent free from observation. EefertobankslnSU Joseph and business men. Address or call on e J. N. HATHAWAY , M. D. , Corner 6th and Edmond Sts. , St. Joseph , Mo Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sere Eyoa. Tetter , Salt Itlieiitn. culd Head' Old Chronlo Sores , Fever Soren. Eczema , Itch , Prairie Scratches. Sore Nipples and Piles. It Is cooling > id soothing.- Hundreds of eases havobcen cured by it after nil other treatment had failed. It In put up In 25 and f 0 rout boxes. For iwlo by George M.Cbenery. Nov.20-lyear. Lucky Numbers. Humphreys' specifics may well be called lucky numbers , and lucky indeed , are the persons who use them. The thirty-five specifics cover all diseases from infancy to old age. A. J. ItlTTKNHOUSK. C. II. HOYLE. KITTEN HOUSE & BOYLE , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW McCOOK. NER. ' ,1. E. KKLLKY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - liAAV , AGKNT LINCOLN LAND CO. NEIiltASKA. McCOOK. - - OFFICE : In rear of First Ntitlonal Bunk. HUGH W. COLE , LAWVKU , MCCOOK. NEHHASKA. t2f7 \ Vpracticu \ \ \ In nil courts. ComtnorcU. and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'jr. IT B. DAVIS , PHYSTCIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. NEHUASKA. 12ff QvviCK HOUIIS : 0 to 11. a. in. , t ! to 5 and 7 to S ) . p. in Uoomt ? over F'rst National bank. A. T. RICE , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I have located permanently in McCook , Neb. AH calls answered promptly by day" or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence 2 doors south of brick school house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Kones branded on left hip or Jeft shoulder. P.O. address , Imperial Chaie County , and Beat- krloe. Nob. Rango.Stlnlc- ir Water and French man creeks. Chase Co' . , [ Nnbraska. Brand as cut on tide of 1 gome animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. J. 8. McBFtfYER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Movine z , Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE , LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got tbo Largest and Best Block of Cloths and Trim mings this side of Hastings , which be will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Dank. Dank.NOTICE. NOTICE. Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , And any otier breed easily obtained by using Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! It never fails. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For testimonials and fur ther information see circular. Price 50 cents. Sola by byC Cv Dealer in Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods. Mccook. Neb. Light track harness a specialty. TO ? I "Will Avoid Qnncti. Fraud * and Been * Medical Jnitltutes "by going to the Old , DR. HENDERSON , IO2& I O4W.HIHTH STREET. KANSAS CITY , MO. A Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over 26 veari practice 12 in Chicago. Eitablithedl&Go. THE OI/DE8T TV AGE , = - and LONGEST LOCATED. Authorized by the State to treat Chronic. Nervous and "Special Diseases. " Seminal Weakness.Nionx BOSSES ) . Sexual Debility .ossoFSEXUAi.ppwxnX Nervous Debility. Poisoned Blood. Ulcers and 8 well- In or every kind. Orinary and Kidney Diseases etc. Cure * Guaranteed or- aloneyKefnnded , CharBca Ijoiv. Thousands of cases cured every year. Experience Is important. No mer cury or Injurious medicine nsed. No time lost from business. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free from gaze or breakage. State your case and send for terms. Consultation free and conBdenUal , per- onallyorbyletter. For particulars see nflAC FOB BOTH SEXES. SO Page * Kill IK ful1 of descriptive pictures. Bent if W Vim scaled in plain envelope for Go. in stamps. N. B. Thi book contains BECUETS ana useful knowledge which should bo read by every male from 15 to 45 years of age and keptunder lock and key. FBEJS MUSEUM OP A3TAT- OMY replete with a thousand Interesting speci mens. Including the celebrated French Which alone cost over CGCO. for Mca < THE GREAT TURKISH IHEOMATIC COKE. JL FOSmTM CSOB FOE BHEUUTISS. SiO tor any case this treatment falls to cure or help. Greatest discovery In tnnals of medicine. One do e gives relief ; s few doses removes fever and pain In joints ; Care completed. In a few days. Send statement of case with stam tot Circulars. OB , HEMDERSOH , KANSAS CITY ,