The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1892, Image 6

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    S. M. COCHRAN * CO. ,
Union Press Drills and
One Horse Hoe Drills ,
Absolutely Rust Proof Tinware
' *
Their prices on all goods are as low as the
lowest possible.
S. M. COCHRA J * CO. ,
Went DeuiiUoii Street *
xT. WARRRN. Manager.
Meat Market.
_ .
. . , .
S. WILCOX & CO. , Props.
Notary Public. Justice of the Peace.
Nebraska Farjn Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property.
Collections a Specialty.
IMIcOoos : ,
; Mustang
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
3ts use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , thw
Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
"Nro other application competes with it in efficacy.
* This well-known remedy has stoodthe test of .years , almost
: No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of
'Occasions arise for its ue a.most every day
druggists and dealers hae it.
d stamp for Price List and Descriptive
Circular'of Southwestern Nebraska to
AND STOCK RANCHES S. H. COLVIN , McCookwniour Co. . Neb.
A/ v/ . . .
Blghor Taxes , Txm-cr Wages , Mor <
pcrs , Smaller Saving *
I Greater National Debts in
Than In the United States.
[ Special Correspondence. ]
WASHINGTON , Oct. 17. Do the pet- '
\vho are clamoring for free trade
compare the conditions of the pat r.
present of this country with the ouo . , -
B'jntial free trade country of the world-
England ? Ifj not , it might ba a good
thing for them to do so. I have been
looking into the question a little of hito
and comparing the conditions in this
country and in free trade Great Britain.
HereareEomeof the things which I iiad :
The annual tax collected from the people
ple by the government of free trade
Great Britain is-$12.60 per capita , while
that of the United States is less than $0
per capita.
The deposits in savings banks in Great
Britain amount to $180,000,000 , or five
dollars per capita , while those in the
kavings banks of the United Statts
amount to $1,623,070,794 , or twenty-live
dollars per capita.
The amount of money in circulation
in Great Britain is $17.90 per capita
while the amount in circulation in the
United States is $25.62 per capita. In
deed there is scarcely a country of any
importance on the map of the world
which has as large an amount of money
per capita as has the United States.
The national debt of Great Britain
amounts to $90 for each individual in
her population , while that of the United
States amounts to § 13 for each individual.
The annual interest charge upon the
public debt in Great Britain is $3.23 PIT
capita ; the annual interest charge upon
the public debt in the United States is
85 cenid per capita.
Great Britain , under her free trade
system , has decreased her public debt in
the last thirty-five years $620,000,000 ;
the United Stales , under protection , has
decreased her public debt in twenty-five
years $1,551,000,000.
In free trade Great Britain there is
1 pauper for every 39 individuals , and
1 person in every 12 receives more or
less parish support : in protective United
States thuro is 1 pauper for every 643 in
The "balance of trade" is hundreds of
millions of dollars against Great Britain
every year. Under her vaunted free
trade she imports vastly more than she
sells. Her exports last year amounted
to $1,300,000,000 in round numbers , and
her imports amounted to $2,100,000,000 ,
making a balance on the "wrong side of
the ledger" of $800,000,000. Our exports
last year were $1,039,335,626 , and our
imports were $827,391,284 , thus giving
us a balance of $202,944,342 on the' 'right
side of the ledger. "
The balance of trade was $800,000,000
against free trade Great Britain last
year , while it was $200,000,000 in favor
of protected United States.
In the last ten years our exports bar *
exceeded our imports by § 706,383,314.
In that time the exports of Great Britai : ;
have fallen $8,515,000,000 below her im
ports. In other words , in the decml
just ended protective United States hrs
a balance of over $700,000,000 on tht
right side of the ledger , while free tra ' .e
Great Britain , whose "commerce nlt-i
the world , " shows $8,515,000,000 on th <
wrong side of the ledger.
In free trade Gi'eat Britain bricklayer.-
get § 1.17 per day ; in protected United
States , § 3 per day ; carpenters in Gmit
Britain get § 1.28 per day ; in the United
States , $2.35 per day ; in free trade Great
Britain engineers get $1.46 per day ; hi
the United States , $3.22 per day ; in
Great Britain machinists get $1.20 per
day ; in the United States , $2.50 per day :
in Great Britain compositors get 15 cents
per thousand ems ; in the United States.
40 cents per thousand ; in Great Britain
shipbuilders get $8 per week ; in the
United States , $16.
Thus it will be seen that in every par
ticular our condition is better than that
of our free trade neighbor. Our com
merce is in infinitely better condition
because we receive hundreds of millions
of dollars more for our products than
we pay out for the things we buy , whil"
the reverse is true with Great Britain.
Our public debt is less than one-sixth
per capita that of Great Britain , while
our annual interest charge is only about
one-tenth per capita that in Great Brit
ain. We have decreased our debt in
23 years 2 % times as much as Great
Britain has been able to decrease her
debt in 35 years. Great Britain has 1
pauper for every 39 persons , while we
have 1 for every G43.
Our government collects from her
people less than $6 per capita of taxeb :
that of Great Britain collects from her
people over $12 per capita of taxes. Tiie
deposits in savings banks in Great
Britain average $5 per capita of the
population ; those in the United States
average $25 per capita of population.
The money in circulation in Great Brit
ain is $17.90 per capita , while that of tht-
United States is $25.62 per capita. Wages
in the United States are from 75 to 100
per jent. higher than those paid in Great
Brit. i.
What good reason is there for desiring
to exchange English free trade for t
protection which gives us these con , . -
tions , which in every case are so mue'i
"better than-those of our British neighbor :
What business man is there who hi
seen his business grow up and prospi'i
'under the system which has been i. .
( operation < n tl is country for the pa't
'thirty ' years who wants to endanger i : -
Isteady progress by the adoption of . .
system which compares so unfavorably
with our own in its results ?
Republican * should not forget that thi-n
ro eigfct btates In which the plura2i (
four years ago traa less than 3,500 and I
ome cases leu than 1,000. The rex ; *
ibilitj- for success or defeat rests on 2
Individual activity. Tote , and ser
your neighbor * Jo so.
Name * Northern Democrat * Aptil
Union Soldiers When They TitlJc
Their Real Sentiments.
The following extract from the Ha-
Icigh News and Observer of Sept. ' 10 ii
an account of a speech delivered in th : %
city by ex-Congressman J. H. Murphy ,
of Iowa , Sept 15. It seems from tha
that the northern Democrats fully agree
with their southern associates in hating
Union soldiers , and don't hesitate to say
so when they think they are out of hear
ing of the old soldiers themselves :
"The speaker next called attention to
the infamous pension system. It now
amounts to $150,000,000 per annum. In
a few years more at the present ratio
of increase it will reach the limit of our
revenue. / / was a shame that we sliould
have to put our hands in our pocJtets to
pan pensions to a lot of cowards , deserters
o ; 2 bounty jumpers. ' '
J. H. Murphy was a member of the
Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth congresses
from the Dfvenport : ( la. ) district , a nu-
tiva of Massachusetts , and posed in his
candidacies and while in congress as u
friend of the soldier. This is the wj'.y
he talks when he thinks he is alone with
the southerners and is privileged to ex
press his real sentiments.
Mr. Cleveland's letter as a round whole
is as impermeable and elastic as caout
chouc. New York Sun.
Cleveland's Klectioii Means Control ol
House , Senutt ; und Presidency.
Chairman Carter has presented the
situation in plain , unvarnished language.
In a conversation at the Fifth Avenue
hotel in New York he said :
The people of this country are called
upon to say whether they desire to sub
stitute the policy of free trade for the
policy of protection ; to substitute the
wildcat state banking system for the
present reliable currency ; to abandon
the shipping policy and the trade treaties
known as reciprocity. There should be
no doubt about the result. This is not a
free trade country. The people do not
favor wildcat currency. They are in fa
vor of reciprocitv. Thev desire the mer
chant marine of the United States re
established , and are opposed to free trade
and bad inonej- and the reactionary pol
icy of the Democratic party.
The common sense of the people stands
as a bulwark opposed to any policy
which by any possibility may result in
hurling the nation down from its pre3e.t
prosperous condition into commerci. ! *
chaos , industrial distress and financial
1 think the people understand that both
brajiches of congress would necessarily
be Democratic in the event of President
Harrison's defeat. We cannot lose tbe
presidency and save either the senate or
the house.
We are therefore confronted with
what must seem to the ordinary citizen
as an appalling proposition to promptly
and absolutely revise the policies under
which our present prosperous condition
has been brought into existence.
Republican Tariff Good for Silver Ttliners.
Governor Prince , of the territory of
New Mexico , injiis annual report to the
secretary of the interior says : "Mining
has had its ups and downs during the
year , but at present it is flourishing , and
now that cheap Mexican labor has been
got out of the way the miners receive
fair American compensation for their
work. " The report adds : "It would be
hard to imagine a case in which the
present tariff has been of such immedi
ate and obvious benefit as that upon sil
ver and lead ores. "
Democratic success next month means
that for the Srst time since 1861 the
Democrats will control house , senate and
presidency and bo able to reverse the
tarifl' system under which our spleiidi'l
prosperity has been built up. Yon will
be responsible for this reversal if vou do
not \ote for Harrison and sco that your
neighbors do no.
Thompson' * ItanU Note Detector ol
1858 published u list of 753 brolcen ,
closed and worthless bank : , iu the United
States , and showed that the notes < > i
other banks were subject to a discount
from 1 to 7 per cent. The Democratic
party now proposes to return to this kinil
of currency.
The Australian ballot , wherever use-- '
kept Republic-ails away from the polls
Ko Republican should permit the mj *
teries of this , new and apparently conip
catcd nystem to prevent him or his nci 'i
bor- . from voting. On your vote and thi.i
of your neighbor may depend the result.
Eiery county , ward and precinct shciuU'
have its "Tjallot .school" established . '
once to famillarUo Republican voters \\i' ' .
the new ballot sj.stem. E\ery Hcpublit .
Should see that this , is done , and du :
promptly. If jou neglect it , the rcsjiii :
y of defeat may be upon your sli
There are five states with 6c\ontj- .
electors in which a change of 1 per f.
of the vote of 1888 would change the ;
Utical complexion of their electors. '
responsibility rests upon jou to votr
eo that all members of your party > 'T <
Stiiles So Close That Neglectful Votc7
May CauHe the Loss of Any of Them.
The Australian Ilallot Must Ko Studied
and Voters Prepared to Uie It.
[ Special Corrcsi > onilcncc. ]
NEW YORK , Oct. 17. One thing the
voters of the United States ought to un
derstand very clearly. That is that thy
neglect of a few people to vote at the com
ing election may change the result anil
change the entire business condition of
the country. There are ten states in the
country in which a change of from 800
to 4,000 votes would change the result in
those states. There are five states in the
country in which less than 2,000 voters
remaining at home on election day would
changes the result. There are states in
which a change of a few hundred votes
from one side to the other would change
the result. There arc others in which a
mere handful of voters neglecting their
duty to go to the polls would allow the
opposing party to carry the election in
those states , and perhaps change the en
tire result of the presidential election.
What a Change in Administration Would
This is a matter of such vital impor
tance that the voters of the country can
not give it too much thought. A change
in the administration , it is conceded ,
means u general change in the policy of
this government. The chances are
ninety-nine out of 100 that if the Demo
crats succeed in electing their president
they will by the same stroke obtain a
majority in the house and senate as well
as control of the presidential chair.
That has not happened before for over
thirty years. When the Republicans
got into power in 1860 they changed the
general policy of the government from
a low tariff to the protective tariff. It is
not necessary in this connection to go
into the details of the wonderful pros
perity which has followed. Everybody
conversant with the history of the
country must realize that the prosper
ous condition of the people of the gov
ernment of the country generally is so
patent that nobody can doubt that pros
perity has attended "the protective
tariff" experience of the United States.
There is not a man in the United States
who can doubt that the election of a
Democratic president , a Democratic
house and a Democratic senate would
mean a reversal of the tariff conditions
under which this wonderful prosperity
has come.
Your Neglect May Change the Result.
Every voter of the country who does
not want to see this splendid condition j
of our country destroyed a condition i
which every nation of the world ha ? j
recognized as one of superior results I
ought to recognize the fact that on his , '
vote and the vote of his neighbor may j
depend the question of a change in the |
administration or no change in the ad- '
ministration. In the state of Connect- i
cut in the last presidential election the
Democratic plurality was 2,216 votes.
In the state of Nevada the margin of
plurality was only 1,615 votes. In In
diana the Republican plurality was only
2,348 votes. Out of an enormous num
ber of votes cast in West Virginia th *
plurality was but 526 votes. In a num
ber of other states the plurality was but
a few thousand. In many of the state ?
a change of 1 or 2 per cent , from one
side to the other would have changed
the result. In some of the states the
neglect of less than 1 per cent , of the
Republican voters to go to the pollb
would change the result. This bringb
us to a point which is very important
for every voter to remember.
Farmers and Worlcingnicii Should Be Sure
to Vote.
In nearly every one of the close states
the Australian ballot or something pat
terned upon that has been adopted since
the last presidential election. The ex
perience which has accompanied the use
of this system in the state elections has
shown in nearly every case a falling off
of the farmer vote. The farmer does
not like the Australian ballot. He looks
upon it as a device of the city schemers
and as a troublesome , uncomfortable
method which his fathers did not use ,
and which he thinks he should not be
compelled to use ; the result is that it
has kept thousands and thousands of
farmers away from the polls. Not only
this , but the workingmen do not like to
be compelled to call upon others to help
them out in unraveling its mysteries.
The honest farmers and the honest
workingmen form a very large element
of the Republican party. Hence a bal
lot system which is not acceptable to
them , and which res-nits in manv nf
them staying away from the polls ,
naturally reduces the Republican vote.
The experience in all elections in which
khe Australian ballot or anything like
it has been tried shows a falling off in
the Republican vote. This is accounted
for by the fact already indicated that
the honest farmers and workingmen of
the country do not turn out and vote un
der fhis new fangled arrangement as
they did before. If the honest farmers
and honest workingmen in the Repub
lican party are not careful to do their
full duty this time regardless of the
fact that they do not like this new
fancied way of voting they are liable
to wkkt * up on the morning after the
election and find that their state has
gucw Hk * wrong way ; that by staying
away from the polls they have caused
that change.
A Solemn Duty of Kvery Kepubllcan.
It is the duty of every Republican
voter to begin to-day , now , and make a
study of the new voting system of his
state , and not only to study it for him
self , but to instruct his neighbor and hi
neighbor's neighbors in it. It is also his
duty to go to the polls and vote on elec
tion day , whether he likes this sew fan
gled way of voting or not , and also to
see that his neighbor and his neighbor
neighbors do the same thing.
If he does it , if you do it , the contiu
ued prosperity of this country under ii-
present and splendid system is assured.
J ) < Mith Cniijtlil Him C <
. , . .
E. Lowur. fniumitii of tliu U & M. |
jnrrt t'liu'iiio , \ \ > IH iMiiL'lihi'Livuun the
cu'-s hist iiighi mid t.-rriltly unshed. J
lml oilier car ! * w.'n * Ijoiny I
h.v 'Hi-mis of u dn-hj. and 1
wi-Mi iiiiuicii lliu cnrn'l"i > 4o ( > den !
the chain , 'I lirm > r | | berne niliTnmlor- i
landing the un-jino btu-kt-il up nnd
Lower waa caught hotwvvn tin- cure , J
one of which had no dmulmud He
WHS picked up and cnn-i.-d into the
roundhouau and Dr. Everett w s sum
moned. i
The injut it ; * were on the left side ,
und huii.ynliroly iiUonml , nlmoat
nothing rinld ; no Junu for him. About
11 o'clock lie was iiilctMi in iho | ; < | trol
wnnon to his room in MmM. . nfove
block , where a numhei of bis friends
and fellow niilroml nu-n uatclied his
sufferings in liolj.r | > r-ymputhy. At
} X\2 \ death tonic liitn ontof his misery.
J.O-.UT has u sihlor. Mrs. W. H. Kitn-
biill. U. n.rat lt:51 F .street , but. moat
of his p-.M , i , . ijveat Albia. I , , . Ilohaa-
been ciitio\ | | ( > | in v.-u-.oii * capiiuilUM nt
niilroml u- . . - bout Ii. r. , fr - . , . * . . nil
yt-aiv. und \\is wrin.Milar wins his
associate. . . . . . *
IJo wjiai. , ' : m.d | us likely
to bo promoted from In.- present posi
tion. U. . XVJIH L'7 yeuit , old nnd un
married. His remain * will probably
be cent btujir to AUn.i.
A Sou. h
ST. PAUL. Minn. , Oct. 2,1 A
Pi-rr. . . S I ) . . HH..J.-I , | to the Pioneer %
Press says : The chances uro that
Sontl , Dakota will bo unable to clear
up. the mmi.llo about b.ilJoU being
printed sic-cording : to the now law. Yes-
tuiday tliu MHJietary of state accepted
thoiv.iignuiioii of Wood , one of the
democratic nominees for congress.
Half of the tickols already print
ed and will now have to bo reprinted.
The law requires that the ballots shall
bo in the hands of county auditors at
len-t. ten days before election. Even
now the new ballots could bo printed
in iliittiine , but the prohibitionists
yesterday applied to the courts to compo -
po , the secretary of flUite to add them
to the ofliuial ballot. The case will bo
heard Tlmrs.lay and if they win the
names will have to be printed on the
tickets. I3ut it will bo a physical im-
ponsibUity to have ihe ballotd printed
in the time allowed by the law.
Sin , i n Is Girl's Fntlior.
\VKKPIN WATER. Neb. . Oct. 27. _
Tom Andrew * , a cook in the I' inpean
hotel , last evening shot five times utC.
D. Sitxer , hitting him once in the arm.
Andrews , is in love with with Air. Sit-
zer's , daughter und called on her yes
terday afternoon in the absence of her
father. Whnn Sitxer returned he
found the door locked. During the
war of v.ords that followed Andrews
ihol through a glass in the door. The
wound it , not o' a serious nature. Mar
shal Wood ward has Andrews in charge
low and since his arrest he has at-
: empted to end his life by the lauda-
Mini route , but ho will recover Then
nucr is of an emotional nature and
i.aueiiuently re.-orlcd to knife or re-
I voltor in bollling his dispute- , and is
considered a lit. .subject for tbe asylum.
( ; r.ui < l il
LINCOLN. Out. 2/ . _ Thereis
no loner : . ! bt that the rccom-
mendation . . . . -lute board of public
lands ami l-u. ! < ' . . ! - in regard to the
asylum \viii \s \ carried out. A special
grand jury lias boon called to meet on
November Kith. ? nd although the
reasons for culling the jury are not
given by Hi court , it is generally un
derstood ih. : ; , [ he methods of purchas
ing supplies foi the sisylum are to be
thoroughly nm-stigated , und it is fur
ther believed thai the inquiry will re
sult iu the indictment of two if not
three parties whose names have
already been mixed up in the af
A Death Trap.
GKAND ISLVND. Neb. . Oct. 27 Last
night Henry Joeluik , yard master for
the Oxnard beet sugar factory , waa
crossing the Union Pacific at one of
worst localities in the yard , when he
was run into by a switch engine and
escaped only by jumping quickly from
his buggy The engineer of the en
gine had seen him in time to slack
speed somewhat and a more serious
accident was avoided. The horse
broke loose nnd ran away but the
buggy is somewhat demolished. The
tracks at the crossing were replaced
* o run into the new depot and the
crossing is still in a terrible condition
a veritable death trap.
Found Coal.
PJ.ATTS.MOUTH , Neb. Oct. 27. It 15
not every day that coal is discovered
in paying quantities , but nevertheless
it remains for two of Plattsmouth's
be t eiti/ens to unearth a vein of jrenu-
ine coal , o\di * flve fee t in thickness and
located on the old Kock Bluffs road ,
only five miles from this city. The
coal was tested with the best of re
sult : ; and is identical with the famous
Ohio cannel coal. Richley Bros , , lum
ber dealers , who discovered the pay
ing qualities of the coal , leased over
700 acres of the land which surrounds
the vein and will put in a large force
men immediately. The fact that the
coal lies so near Plattsmouth will in-
i sure a great increase of business.
Injured by a Fall.
BL-KCHAKD , Neb. , Oct. 27 William
Madden , a young man living about
four miles south of this place , was
thrown from his horse last night ,
shortly after the republican torch
light parade , and was i-endered uu-
conscious , in which condition he re
mained for several hours. It is thought
he will recover , as no internal injuries
have been discovered.
Nebraska Lutheran Synod.
POXCA , Neb. , Oct. 27. The Ne
braska synod of the Lutheran church
convened at this place yesterday , with
thirty-five ministers in attendance and
as many more expected to arrive.
There is considerable business to be
transacted and the session will proba-
blv laat OTRP R wpolr