OUTING SHOES. It long ago seemed ns though shoes could never be better and never be cheaper , but they are better now and cheaper now than thev ever wore before. The great * * 3 every day favorite is our men's and ladies' shoe. It is as much a boon to the pocketboolc as it is to the feet. It won't wear you out to wear it out. You don't need to take care of it ; it takes care of itself. It will give you solid com fort for the simple reason that a better shoe for knockabout pur poses has never been produced. If prices never appealed to you before , the price of this shoe will , for it costs only $2.50. It will look nicer and wear longer than any shoe on earth. SATURDAY ONLY. 1C per cent off 011 all Cloaks and Hats. Li. LOWMAN & SON , McCook , Neb. Machine oil of all kinds at Preduior Bros. For Lamps , Chenery'.s City Druj Store. Paints and Oils , Cliencry's Cit ; Drug Store. Prediuorc Bros , keep the best cylin dcr oil in McCook. Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen cry's City Drug Store. Buy your school supplies at Chen ery's City Drug Store. . Wayson & Odell are putting out semi handsome rigs these days. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office it Union block , over Knipple. Try W. J. Palmer at Joe Spotts' olt stand for a fashionable hair cut or : clean shave. McCook's building boom has reached quite respectable proportions as the fall progresses. Noble , the leading grocer , makes s specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. The building first door south of Low- man's is being put in condition to re ceive a stock of groceries for J. W. McKenna. The painters , carpenters and decorators now have the room in hand. Stop Thief ! Any one whose Watch has a bow ( ringwill ) never have oc casion to use thistime-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case , and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. Residence propertj for sale in all parts oj the city by C. J. Kyan Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. am 35c. at KHIPPLE'S. Elegant Perfumes at Chonery's Cit ; Drug Store. iMcMillen has a large assortment o lamps cheap. Pure drugs can always be found a Chenery's City Drug Store. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repair for all kinds of machinery. H. P. Waitu has been awarded tin contract for building the new Congre gational church. Union Congregational and Baptisl services in Meeker hall , Sunday morning and evening. Knipple will pay 50 cents cash foi for 10,000 bushels of potatoes. Bring them in at once. Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the"west Den- tiison street hardwarcmcn. Domestic , White , Standard and New Home sewing machines on $5 .a month payments at Pade & Son's. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you [ nay desire in the livery line. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in : he city. His stock is the largest and lis prices correspond with the times. Don't sell your potatoes to outsiders , Knipple will pay you 50 cents cash for ; liem. Hevants 10,000 bushels at ) nce. IN QUEENS WARE Noble carries .he largest assortment and the richest leaigns of the season. His prices are reasonable. A fine line of Plush Goods , Album- : Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges Toilet Articles , etc. . at Chenery's Cit ; Drug Store. Mr. and Mr. Tom Bales mourn tin loss of a three months old girl baby The little one died on last Saturda ; and was buried Monday. , Purveyor tox- Common People , is now . e about the handsomest and largnst as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to bt seen in Southwestern Nebraska. That Nebraska farmer who raiset 1,100 bushels of potatoes on five acres this year proved that he knew the ad vantages of diversified farming. Tin price of potatoes is high while grain is away down. Nebraska soil appears to be well adapted to almost all crops urn the time is not far distant when the farmer of this state will raise a little o : everything. If more of them had po tatoes to sell this year it would be a good thing for the state. Invention is at a white heat contin ually in the circle of the electricians , and it is now announced that the Thompson-Houston-Edison company has by great good fortune stumbled upon an appliance whereby platinum , the most expensive material used in in candescent lights , can be superseded with iron and the cost of globes greatly reduced. Furthermore , another inves tigator has invented a globe that will be made in sections so that if the glass breaks it is only the work of a minute to detach it and put on a new one and everything goes on as merrily as before. This is good news to the consumers. Mr. Sheridan presents his side of the scraper case in tbis issue of the Courier. He naturally makes the best defense possible. Mr. Sheridan may have no great ability as a statesman , but his ability to smooth things out is second to none , and yet there are bad breaks in this scraper deal. Mr. Sheri dan admits that he was aware that the price was too high. Then why present his bill until the matter was adjusted between himself and the wholesale house. Besides this Mr. Sheridan had already a month's time and it requires scarcely more than a week to get a reply to a letter written to any part of the United States. We will , however , accept Mr. Sheridan's statement as uncolored - colored , and we find upon his own statement that he charged the county $45.04 profit on $127.76 , which he claims is the cost of the scrapers as first billed , including freight. Mr. Sheridan had but $10.26 invested yet he charges the county nearly $4.00 profit on each scraper. Mr. Sheridan says he refund ed the $88.80 without any demand. This may be technically true , but he will not deny that members of the board came and talked to him about the matter before he returned the $88.80. Courier. McM Hen IB headquarters for all kindn of lamps. Knipple wants 10,000 bushels ol potatoes at 50 cents a bushel cash. There is too much carelessness ex ercised in causing false fire alarms in McCook. The sidewalk war is over and white- winged peace has spread his pinions over all. The McCook land district has been added to John Major's territory as spe cial agent. The indications are that McCook will cast a splendid vote for Con. Ryan for commissioner. E. M. Woods should win the battle , November 8th , hands down , and by an overwhelming majority. A. C. Clyde is thoroughly overhaul ing his residence on Madison street and is making large additions to the same. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Two weeks from today you will know who knocked the presidential persimmon. If you could tell now to certainty you would have millions in your grasp. J. M. Hctiderson has commenced the rcction of a dwelling house on north Madison. It will be of the " 6 feet square type , with a 16x14 feet kitchen addition. McAdams is doing the work. Judge Ballard , the independent orator , did not appear hear , last Satur day evening , the opera company having the opera house engaged on that even- ng , and it being too cold for out door speaking. % The coal yard of the Burnett Lumber Jo. has received some extra trackage , this week , besides other improvements are contemplated which will add largely o the convenience and facility of the bain e. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip- ion to THE TRIBUNE along with the iddress. Watch the date and you will enow if you are in arrears. If you are , ilease come and see us. The race on Wednesday afternoon Between J. W. Holliday's black mare nd A. Gr. Bump's bay gelding resulted in a victory for the latter , whosecured _ a purse of $50 which had been hung up for the winner. The doctor and bis backers ; fro in mourning. Under the present system of our public schools the boon of education is furnished to the rich and poor , the win it ; aim LMUU& nit : iiiuiu aim , of every condition in life. The syston is without fault , and is imitated b ; many of the nations of the world. At the grand lodge and encampment of Nebraska Odd Fellows held it Omaha , last week , action was takei excluding wholesale and retail liquoi men , as well as brewers and distillers from membership in the order. Rev. P C. Johnson was chosen grand chaplain , Fair audiences greeted the Boston Comic Opera Co. , last Friday and Saturday evenings , upon their presenta tions of "Olivette" and the "Chimes of Normandy. " The company contains some good timber , and withal both their performances were quite satisfactory and meritorious Mr. Frank S. Reid wishes in this way to publicly acknowledge the kind ness of all concerned in the late testimon ial concert in his behalf ; and desires to express his gratitude and thankfulness to each and all engaged therein. He will ever hold the kindly acts in grate Ful remembrance. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good , where they will secure ; he best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Coble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. By strict attention to his personal ntereets and the interests of a few cronies , and by neglecting the welfare of the people generally , Commissioner Belles has clearly earned a retirement o private life. And the voters of this listrict should take strict pleasure in eeing that he secures a permanent vacation. W. R. Starr , the republican nominee for county attorney , comes before the people of Red Willow county on his merits and fitness for that office , and seeks election on these grounds. On this basis he asked the support of the people of Red Willow county , who should ever be interested in securing efficient servants for the several offices of the county. \ Sheridan's Story. To the editor of the Indianolt * Courier. DEAB SIR : Your political and uncalled foi attack on me in the Courier ol Get 14th , and the manner and toneofyoui write-up of the article on the scrapei question , together with the many mis statements made in jour column and a-half article , injustice to myself and my friends , calls for more than pass ing notice. Will you be so kind and do me the justice to publish facts con cerning this matter , omitting any slander or abuse that might appear in this article against yourself or your character as a business man , or any thing that might appear in the article that would injure the character of the parties at the court house or the bank that arc aiding in making this attack without sufficient cause and written for political purposes only. The plain facts are these. In July I Bold to the county commissioners , Mr. Belles , and Mr. Graham , twelve No. 1 road scrapers with runners. They asked me what 1 could furnish them for. I told them 1 could not tell what they would cost now , as I had not bought any of them lately ; but 1 would guarantee the price and make the price as low as they could get the same scraper of anyone. 1 ordered the scrapers at once and the company bill ed them to me at fifteen dollars each , making the scrapers at their price , $180.00 , with thirty five per cent dis count , making , with discount off , $117.- 00 , drayage , 50 cents ; freight , $10.26 : total , $127.76. 1 thought this price was too high ; but it takes time to get these things righted when they once occur. In the meantime I billed them to the commissioners ai list price from the catalogue with ten per cent off , calcu lating to make price right when I got settlement with the company , and just as soon as I got settlement with the company I corrected the same to the county without any demand from any of the county commissioners or anyone else , and made the price seven dollars each or eighty four dollars for the No. 1 scrapers with steel runners , You misstated my bill to the county in your article. My bill was for 12 No. 1 steel scrapers with steel runners , and not 12 scrapers at sixteen dollars with ten per cent off for cash , as you stated in your paper. The fact is , I have not got one cent of the county's money. It took the scrapers and $41.56 in cash to pay my taxes , which was $125.56. Now , Mr. Editor , if there is any thing dishonorable about this deal don't you vote for me to go down to the legislature , and if there is nothing dis honorable , then you vote for me to go to the legislature and you will be as good a reformer as you was two years ago when you belonged to the independent party and wanted me to join hands with you and leave the old democrat party and help you , this country and vote for McKcighan. Respectfully , I. A. SHERIDAN. To the Indianola Courier and other papers that copied the article. Cour ier. Quite an Ovation. That was a splendid audience tha greeted Hon. Sterling P. Morton in th opera house , Monday evening , am should be very gratifying to all person concerned. The eloquent and able frei trader was at his best and delivered ; most affective political speech fron the democratic point of view ; spieinj the whole effort with some clever roast ing of General VanWyck. A small torchlight procession , carry ing a number of banners and headei by the band , preceded the speaking. S. N. Wolbach , the democratic nom inee for lieutenant governor , made : few remarks at the opening. F. H. Spearman , the clever local dis ciple of Cobdera , introduced Mr. Mor ton with marked satisfaction and pleas ure. ure.Mr. . Morton did not state , however among other things , why the late over whelmingly democratic congress did not amend or repeal the McKinley tarifi bill. Perhaps it was a mere oversight. Even the ' -Sage of Arbor Lodge" had to play to the gallery ; as witness- eth his reference to assafcetida and the republican party. On the question of finance the speak er is a stalwart gold-bug and decidedly out of tune with his friend Bryan of Lincoln , whose district he religiously avoids in his political pilgrimages. Hold on Quaker. Some of the independents seem in clined to go back on Mr. Sheridan. The Courier is , as we have said before , in favor Mr. Sheridan , in favor of the present war , also the next. The way to accomplish a reform is to vote for the nominees on the independent ticket no matter who they are or how they were nominated. It is different with the republican ticket. We trust this is clear to our independent friends and needs no further explanation. Cour ier. AtOsborn. There was a splendid republican rally up at Osborn postofficc , a large gathering of farmers being present from a wide scope of surrounding county , and the attention and enthus iasm was quite marked. Hons. T. J. Majors , J. C. Allen , W. E. Andrews , W. S. Summers and J. C. Gammill were" the speakers. It was a most gratifying meeting to republicans. I I" * r " * ' * " * l - : . ' ? Y Used in Millions of Homes.us ; thu't in7 ; . . ' . Municipal Matters. The city council met in regular ses sion Wednesday evening , present Mayor Brewer , Clerk Warren , Councilmen - men , Menard , Spickelmicr and La- Tourette. Following bills were allow ed : W. C. Bullard & Co. , $ 79.20 Berry & McConnclI , 85 H. H. Berry , 14.60 P.T.Francis/ 6.00 Sylvester Cordeal , 75.00 The marshal was instructed to re move all hitching posts , signs and awn ing posts on Dennison street between Marshall and Manchester streets. The band was notified not to use the city hall in future as a place for re hearsal. Keport of J. H. Bennett accepted. The clerk was instructed to notify city attorney to sue persons delinquent on occupation tax , and if such action is not taken within 48 hours , to hire an attorney , the cost to be tak'en out of city attorney's salary. Adjourned. Frank/in Academy. Students and friends of the Franklin academy will be pleased to learn that the State University , of Nebraska , has placed the academy first in its list of accredited schools , thus giving it first rank among the preparatory schools of the state. This school is at the front in all lines of work and we advise all young people to investigate and find out what it can offer them before going elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep tember 18th. Send for catalogue arid information to ALEXIS C. HART , Franklin , Nebraska. The Best Yet. The Omaha Weekly Bee for the bal ance of the year , with a large colored lithograph of President Harrison , will be sent to any address in this country for 25 cents. This elegant picture is the best likeness of the President pub lished , and would cost at least one dollar lar in any art store. Don't miss this chance , but send in your order at once. THE BEE PUBLISHING Co. , Omaha , Neb. Take Notice. To all whom it may concern. All trespassing with dogs and guns is pro hibited on my farm under penalty of the law. 2l-3ts. D. H. BABBITT. Horses for Safe. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. The average salary a month pai ( each man teaching in the public schools of the United States is $42.43. The highest average salary paid a month in any state tn a man teaching in the public schools is to be credited to Mas sachusetts , $108.88 ; but the next high est salary paid is that found in Colora do , $95.21. Colorado pays its teachers more than Massachusetts ; Ohio gives its teachers twice as much as Maine ; and the teachers of Illinois receive more than twice what the teachers of Vermont receive. To those who think Mr. Sheridan had no cause for leaving the rotten old parties ( it is said he has belonged to ill of them ) we would point them to Mr. Sheridan's financial standing in 1890 when his taxes were $72 and in 1891 only $52. This is certainly evidence enough that the value of his personal property shrunk almost one third. At ; his rate , in two years Mr. Sheridan will be without a dollar. Courier. Ryan stock is going up daily. Mc- ook owes it to herself and her future jrosperity and improvement to see that le is elected. In the county-seat removal matter , ndianola has filed an amended petition nd McCook has thirty days in which o answer. The { < Q' ' system is now in the midst f a genuine grain blockade. STAND UP FOR NEBRASKA. There Will be Republican Meet ings at the Following : Places and Dates. Meetings to Begin at73O P. M. FRIDAY , OCT. 28. Banksville , Grant Precinct ; II. H. Berry and Dr. Welles. FRIDAY , OCT. 28. Moore's school house , Tyrone ; R. S. Baker , W. R. Starr and others. SATURDAY , OCT. 29. School house , district 33 , Missouri Ridge ; Wm. "Weygint and J. J. Lambom. TUESDAY , Nov. ist. Vailton postoffice , Driftwood precinct ; H. H. Berry and Win. Weygint. TUESDAY , Nov. ist. Lebanon , Lebanon precinct ; J. W. Dolan , J. P. Lindsay and E. M. Woods. WEDNESDAY , Nov. 2nd. Danbury , Beaver precinct ; J. P. Lind say. J. W. Dolan and W. R. Starr. WEDNESDAY , Nov. 2nd. Fritsch school house , Fritsch precinct ; C. W. Beck , F. W. Eskey and Win. Weygint. THURSDAY , Nov. 3d. Pulliam school house , Alliance pre cinct ; J. J. Lamborn , R. S. Baker and E. S. Hill. THURSDAY , Nov. 3d. Ash Creek school house , Bondville precinct ; Wm. Weygint , E. A. Sexon and J. S. Shaw. THURSDAY , Nov. 3d. Modie school house , Coleman pre cinct ; J. E. Cochran and Dr. Welles. FRIDAY , Nov. 4th. Box Elder school house , Box Elder ; H. H. Berry , Dr. Welles and E. M. Woods. SATURDAY , Nov. sth. Red Willow school house , Red Willow ; Wm. Weygint , E. M. Woods and J. E. Cochran. MONDAY , Nov. jth. Peyton school house , East Valley ; J. J. Lamborn and H. W. Keyes. The coniniitteemen of each precinct will see that proper arrangements are made for these meetings. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH FAIR. Will open next month in Menard's op era house on November I5th , continuing three evenings. The ladies in charge of the different tables have been busy at work the past month endeavoring to make the display of fancy and useful articles more attract ive than ever. Great interest is being manifested among the different contest ants , as many articles will be voted to the most popular ladies and gentlemen of McCook , During the fair an orchestra will be in attendance each evening , adding to the many attractions which will be announc ed latter. The second evening will be given to the contest of McCook's beautiful babies under one year of age , for a handsome silver goblet , to the one receiving the most votes. Refreshments each evening from 6 to 12 o'clock. Father Hickey extends a cordial invi tation to all the people of McCook and vicinity to be present during the fair , at the same time thanking them for their liberal patronage in the pasi. PROGRAM. Red Willow county teachers' associa tion at Indianola , Saturday , Nov. 12 , 1892. Morning Session. 10:00 : O'clock. Devotional Exercises. Roll Call. "Arrangement andjjUse of School Programs. " Prof. C. Howard. "Intermediate Spelling , " . .Edwin Piper. "How to Interest the Ten Year Old Boy , " Edna Meserve. Select Reading , Kitty Shackelton. "Non-Professional Reading for the Teacher , " J. C. Moore. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 1130 P. M. Opening Exercises. "Reading Circle Review , " Supt. Bayston. . Paper , Mrs. E. Wilson. "Friday Afternoon Exercises , " Miss Mary Newton. Paper , Angie Horn. Discussion , "What Constitutes a Successful School , " Led by Miss Eva Bayston. General Business. ADJOURNMENT. The democratic meeting announced o be held in the opera house , last even- ng , and to be addressed by Mat.Gering. the democratic candidate for attorney jeneral , was a conspicuous fizzle , as the mdience did not appear. The gentleman las been swinging around the circle with McKeighan , lately , attesting the quality of McKeighan's democracy , and the ac- ion here last night is claimed to be a ) ractical repudiation of both Gering and tfcKeighan by the McCook democracy. The political pot has taken on quite a igorous simmer in this vicinity. Highest of all in Leavening Power. I.atc .t U. - . Gov : , . . . ABSOUSTEDf PU !