The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1892, Image 2
POPULISTS EXCITE ! ) . SENSATIONAL REPORTS ABOUT JERRY SIMPSON. CLAIS HE IS JO BB MURDERED. A Harper Man Tr.ivoli'nj UiuK'r an A.V Hiliucd Name , Sild : to Ifavn Hnusi Ol- forod $2,000 to Kill thu Sovuntli District Congressman IH It n Joke or Plot ? Some Very Ouecr Letters Written. WICHITA , Kan. , OcL 27. Congress man Jerry Simpson claims to have been warned that a conspiracy to kill him has been discovered by People's party managers and'whether he be Pi lieves the story or not , from now until k ! he has completed the tour of his dis trict he will be accompanied by a body guard. The Democratic and Populist con gressional committees for the Seventh district were considerably excited at the wild story which intercepted letters told and after a consultation with John W. Breidcnthal , chairman of the Populist state central com m mittee , to-daj' decided to make all the correspondence public. Whether someone has attempted to perpetrate a joke or whether some crazy man is the author of the letters , the effect has been the same. The leaders to whom the stoiy has been unfolded have been thrown into fever ish excitement and the conditions in the district are such that the masses will be similarly effected. Someone writing at different times , over the signature "F. A. P. , " from McPherson. Ernporia and Troy to Robert Swivell at Harper , Kan. , after carefully unfolding a scheme to' "plug" Simpson , entered into nego- § 2,000. Swivell is 'supposed to be an assumed name , but' mail in his name has been regularly called for at Har per for the past six weeks. SECURED DURING A DE1SAUCH. The letters were brought to the People's party congressional chairman yesterday by S. E. Cole , chairman of the Populist central committee of Har per county , who had received them from G. H. Coulsen of Anthony , repre sentative of Harper county , Monday. The latter said that Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock a friend went to him and said that he had informa tion in regard to a conspiracy to kill one of his best friends. He could not reveal the name unless he would give a solemn pledge that under no circumstances would the informer's name be revealed as he knew the man to be desperate. After receiving the promise the friend handed liim three letl ers which he had- gotten from the man while intoxicated. He claimed to have met the unknown on the street and the two had gone to ade- serted house near town where there was some whisky. The supposed "plug ugly" soon became beastly drunk , and was attempting to tell of the deep , dark mystery when the letters fell from his pocket Coulsen's friend picked them up and was horrified when he read them. It was midnight Saturday when the debauch ended , and Sunday afternoon the letters were delivered to Coulsen. After the chairman of the Populist congressional committee had read them , Cole went to Topeka and this morning returned with John W. Breidenthal , chairman of the state central committee. Upon the arrival of Chairman Breidenthal and Mr. Cole the chairmen of the Democratic and Populist central committees were called together and the letters were again carefully examined. The letters were all written by the same person. Each was carefully worded , plainly written and correctly punctuated. The first was'postmarked Canton , September 19 , but was written from McPherson , September 17 , and read : TIIE LETTERS. Mr. Robert Swivell , Harper , Kan. Dear Sir : I learned only to-day that you were in Harper county. I had almost lost track of you. Are you situated at present so as to do us a good turn ? If so wo have a good job for you. We dare not more than hint at the nature of the affair until we have your word. I suppose you will be with us , however , it we put up suffi cient money , and this we pro pose to do if ever we did. It is simply this : We want another objectionable one plugged. Let us know immediately whether you can serve us or not. Direct to James L. Cohort , North Topeka. It will come around all right. This is necessary in order to cover up any clue as deep as possible. Yours for business , P. A. P. The second letter was postmarked Marion , September ? 5 , and read as follJows : * EMPORIA. Kan. , Sept. 2i. Mr. Robert Swivell. Harper , Kan. , Dear Sir. Yours nt hand and carefully noted. I felt sure1 that we could depend on you. Now for business I and my pard , Jake , have agreed to dispose of Congressman Jerry Simpson , or have it done , for parties who we are not at liberty to name , and neither is it necessary to disclose to you. They mean business , however , and the money will bo forthcoming when the worlc is done. Now don't think that we want to get the dirt and dangerous part of the job off on you , and then keep the lion's share of llhe profits for ourselves. You know very well we have always done the square thing by you , and we expect to now. We cannot , as you Imow , do the real work ourselves , so we don't expect to act the hog in dividing the money. Yet there is great responsi bility resting on us asve have agreed to see that it is done and to stand between t-ween the leaders and the consequences should anything happen. We will give you $2,000 ( two thousand dollars ) to quietly dispose of th said gentleman any way you please. It makes no difference whether he dies with his socks on or off. Ha ! ha ! Now this is one of the inost daring things you have ever under taken and you must be systematic in your plans. We know your ability , though , and trust you will make a success. The consequences rest entirely on your head , remember , and we must not be implicated even iu your last resort. Work carefully now and do not hurry yourself. Direct to A. T. Dunball , Salina , this time. Yours for business , P. A. P. The third letter was mailed at Mc Pherson , October 8. It read : TROY Kan. , Oct. 8 , 1S92 To Mr. Robert Swivel , Harper , Kan.-Dear Sir : Yours at hand and carefully'noted. Yes , that 13 the best we can do ; but we will agree to give you all the secret help we can pro vided vou should need any. No , we can- not pay you anything ourselves until the worlc is don You mu t not allow your progress to Ing , however , on account of no means. If you rcn.iy must have some with which to prosecute your plans , why , of course let us know and wo will do the best we can. i * tsiiS&l As to your plan. I have no 'doubt Tit all but that itjiwouhl vork , at IcaslTtnjst in rour utility to .fnsko iQ'U. success. But still , it'secnss tofm it is"little more dan gerous than spmo other > v ys in whicb''tho same work mif'hi/be doije. But we. ought not to discuss these matters through the mail. Remember you must bo very careful for your own sake and not for ours for we h-vcso systematically ar ranged this correspondence and everything relating to this matter that ; ill the forces of Uivcs , gathered with a flne toothed comb from beyond hades1 blackest chaos cannot ferret us out or prove anything against us. Even you yourself cannot im plicated us should you try These letters. ; : s you know , are not writ ten diroi-ti.v by me. and like all others , they pass liirou.h n dozen or more hands at different plucjs before they reach their destination. So you see it is for yourself that you must be on guard. We had bet ter not write so piain hereafter on that ac count. I have persuaded Jake to come down and see you and give all the help he can. , Ho hates to put his footinto this mat ter , but then he is going back 'down to S. A. and soon wi.l i e our. of the way should anything happen. I am sure you and Jake can lis things u. well. You know him. He is a manipulator and a terrible smootn hand. He will perh.ips be down by .the 15th. .Should you have anything to communicate blor.i than address to C. R. F. Mitchell , of Sedan. Yours truly. F. A. P. BEARING HIS SORROW WELL. President Harrison More Composed , ISufc Still Sorely Stricken. WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. The president was more composed to-day than yes terday , lie is reasonably calm though deeply grief stricken. Private Secre tary Ilalford consulted him for ashort time during the morning about the de tails of the arrangements here and in Indianapolis and he made suggestions with reference to them , though his words were broken with sobs which he could not suppress try as lie might. The body of Mrs. Harrison rested this morning in the room in which she died , but this afternoon it was tender ly carried to the east room where the funeral" will be held. The emaciated features and form tell all too plainly of the' lwastin r illness of months that reduced the large matronly figure to a thin , frail form. But the face in death has the same kindly expression that it had in life and the appearance is natural , for there are no .lines of sulTering visible. She looks as if her last moinonts had been full of peace and her expression suggests that she was tired and had gently dropped asleep. Mrs. McKee superintended the preparation of the remains for burial and communicated the wishes of the family to the under taker. There has been no official recogni tion by the executive branch of the government of Mrs. Harrison's death , and there will be none except the dis play at half mast of flags on the gov ernment buildings. The departments will open to-morrow the day of the funeral the same as on other days , and by the wishes of the family the business ofthe government will run on as though the chief magistrate had not lost the wife of many years. A meeting of the cabinet officers was held 'this ' morning at the state department - ment to determine whether all of the cabinet should go to Indianapolis. It was decided best to halve one cabinet member remain here. Secretary Tracy will be the only member who will not g-o. Secretary Charles Foster , who is absent from the city , will join the party in1 Indianapolis. Mrs. Miller , wife of the attorney general and $ Irs. Harrison's most" intimate friend in Washington , will accompany the party. * HOME , Oct 27 The pope was "deep ly interested in the -illness of Mrs. Harrison and expressed much sym pathy for her in her sufferings. When the gravity of the malady * , , was de clared he sent to her the apostolic benediction and was very much grie'ved when" he was informed of her death' . " JAI.LAS , Tex. , Oct 26. The follow ing was transmitted to-PresidenQIar- rison" last night : Whereas , We the undersigned Con federate veterans of the Transmississippi department , assembled in reunion at Dal las this.25th day of October , 1S93. have re ceived the melancholy news of Mrs. Har rison's death , the wife of the president of the United States ; therefore , Resolved. That our sympathy be ex tended to the family in their bereavement and declare Mrs. Harrison not only a warm Christian woman but a true American woman. The Kodak in Detroit Politics. DETROIT , Mich. , Oct. 27. ; The boards Eepubli can city and county committees , went from.pne registratipn board to another in river districts , with which he securedjsop piclures of persons marked by , detectiyesjinthe ; employ of the Re publican committee as either repeaters * J- . . . - * - K..ifc i.Vr- or aliens. Two Firemen Asphyxiated. . PITTSBURG , Pa , , Oct. . ' During the * * progress of 'a fire" , in 'the'.boat ' supply store of D. Chestnut' & Co. , Second" avenue and Wood street ; , eleve'n fire men were overcome with the fumes of burning oil and waste. Two were taken out dead" and the others were taken , to a homoeopathic hospital , 'some of them in a serious condition. Two Dyins : Convicts rardonctl. WASHINGTON , Oct 27. The president forgot his sorrow to-day long enough1 to order pardons issued to Marshal Wheeler and Lee Sing , two federal convicts who are lying at the point of death , ' ' the former in the York county , South Carolina , jail of typhoid fever and'the latter in the Albany prison of cancer. A Clean Sweep. LEXINGTON , Mo. , Oct. 27. Sam Short , a single man aged 19 , eloped with Mrs. Eugene Severance , and some of Mr. Severance's clothing and $ SO in money. They had only been married four months. Severance has offered a re- ward-for the return of both parties and says he will prosecute. Martial I.atv Wanted at Homestead. HOMESTEAD. Pa , , Oct 27. The at tacks on non-union men by some of the strikers still continue. There is a Btrong feeling among the law abiding citizens of petitioning the governor to have the troops returned and the town put under martial law. * . . WHEAT MOVEMENT. FARMERS HAVE SOLD HALF THEIR SUPPLIES , . ALREADY ' _ v' * ' * > ' Id ' SOMETHING BEFORE ONHEARD'-OF , The Primary Market Jtecelpts Since Julj 1 the Largest ou JCecorcI Very Largo Stocks of Wheat Every where StorrhouscH at Market Centers l Ulinfl Up : it an Unprecedented ICutf. CHICAGO , Oct 20. For four months American farmers have been selling wheat at a rate that has astounded the world. The receipts at all primary markets have been so great that ii they do not let up aoon the channels of trade will be literally blocked and railroads will have to stop hauling grain from sheer force of neces sity. Storehouses everywhere are fuller or are filling up rapidly and supplies at market centers are piling up at an unprecede , ted rate. In this city there are ) , GOO loaded grain cars and there * no place to unload them. The "visib supply" now amounts to almost GO ' 00.000 bushels , and there is little doubt that it will reach 70,000,000 bushels before the ac cumulation ceases. The crop of wheat this year is as sumed to be nearly 100,000,000 bushels less than last year's crop. Yet since July 1 the receipts of wheat at pri mary markets have been 20,000,000 bushels more than in the correspond ing time last year. The record of re ceipts in bushels for the first sixteen weeks of the crop year in 1891 , 1890 and in the big year of Ib8(5 ( is as fol lows : 1892. 1S91. 1836. Chicago. . 28,191,0 0 25,491,000 7Gi3,000 Minn'p'lis 19,527,000 1G,308OJO lt)99,000 : Toledo. . . . ) I4.4G8.UOJ 9.495.000 St. Louis. 1GS75,00) ) 14.840'WO 8,8GO , 00 Kan City. 14ir > 0,000 5,810.00) 1,018,000 Duluth. . . . 13,3r. . , ( ) 0 1 ,740,000 ll28GuOO Milwa'ke.,7fGn.O ) 3,308,000 3,0l8t0 ) ( Detroic.I , 78,0 0 4.2,000 f.-i76,000 Total. 119.08 ,000 9S-41,000 57,450,030 It is difficult to understand why farmers should be in such haste to market their wheat with prices almost the lowest on record. It is true that the conditions for marketing have been unexampled. The finest of weath er has prevailed , but with short and infrequent periods of storm , ever since harvest , and farmers have learned to take advantage of fine weather and consequent good roads to haul their grain to market. IJut , even considering that , it is impossible to understand why the farmers should deliver during the first three months of the year more wheat out of a 520- 000,000 bushel crop , at low prices , than they delivered last year out of a 615,000,000 bushel crop at high prices. Last year's movement was a normal one. The hold-your-wheat circulars had little effect. Dispite them more than the usual proportion of the crop was delivered in the first few months. The primary market re ceipts in July , August and September 1891 were 35 per cent of the entire year's receipts. In 1890 and 1889 only 27 per cent of the entire year's move ment occurred in the first quarter. This year , before four months are ended , the farmers have sold fully half of their surplus wheat , and they have sold it at almost the lowest prices on record. There had been a heavy export movement the largest ever known prior to last year. In three months fully one third of the exportable sur plus crop has gone out of the country. But despite the large sales for ex port , wheat has accumulated at the centers at a rate never known before. The stocks of wheat at the principal centers are as follows : New York , 14,500,000 bushels ; Chicago , 10,000,000 ; St. Louis , 0,250- 000 ; Duluth , 5,000,000 ; 'Minneapolis , 4,500,000 ; Toledo , 4,000.000 ; Baltimore , 2,000,000 ; Kansas City , 2,000,000. A GIANT STRIKE PR.OBABLE. Fifty-Two Thousand English Cotton Operatives Slay Resist a Reduction. LONDON , Oct. 27. With a view to avoiding the threatened strike among the cotton operatives , the mayors of Liverpool and Manchester are trying to induce the disputants to arbitrate .their differences. The opinion is gen eral , however , that the negotiations to bring about the arbitration of the trouble will prove fruitless. It is estimated that the threatened strike will affect 13,000,000 spindles. The Masters' confederation controls 18,000,000. The spindles in North and Northeast Lancashire and Bolton will .not be affected and the 5,000,000 spin- fdles in these districts will be run as usual , paying the federation fine of one farthing per spindle a week. If 13,000,000 spindles stop , 52.000 persons , a large proportion of whom are wo men and children , will be idle. The funds of the Operatives' organization are large and already support has been received from the spinners in the unaffected districts. After the liurial Trust. TOPEKA , Kas. , Oct 27. Fifty-eight Kansas undertakers are to be arrested to-day and to-morrow for violating the United States anti-trust law , war rants having been issued last night for the members of the Undertaker's asso ciation on the charge that they con spired to control prices and prevent competition. Tl > e fight is being made by J. M. Knight , assisted by the undertakers of Leavenworth and Atchison , the only towns of importance in the state where the trust is not in control. Omaha Democrats Against Fusion. OMAIIA , Neb. , Oct. 27. It is stated here that there is no foundation for the recent report that the Jackson and Jeffersonian Democratic clubs would give their support to the Weaver elec toral ticket At a meeting1 the matter was referred to but the feeling in favor of giving undivided support to the Cleveland electors was so pronounced as to leave no room for discussion. A WONDERFUL OFFER. Twice as Much for Your Money a : you get Elsewhere. It is this : We will send you The Semi Weekly Journal frojn now until Jaii.1 , 189' for one dollar. jRemcmhcr we t\v papers each weekTticsdays and Friday ; All the telegraphic iiews'an'd'niarkets1 twice ! week/Tnaking it almost as good as a daily. < rThis' twicc-a-week feature has proven : remarkable success the past year. The Semi Weekly Journal now having the largest circu latipn of any paper in the mid-west. This big dollar's worth will carry yoi through the great fall campaign" , and al through the next legislature. We reach yoi with tlie news a hall a week earlier than tin old fashioned weeklies. No use reading stall news when youcan get it frjcsh from the \vire at the same price. We have our own tele graph wires , and correspondents all over tin country. It takes money to get news , and w are spending it. We can afford it hecausi our circulation has quadrupled the past year We have a few of our great Stanley hook : left.- Will send paper to Jan. i , 1894. and tin boob prepaid for § 1:40 , or if you send us you own and another name with $2 , we will sem you the book free. This will be your las chance to get this great book. We "give tin paper and our Oxford liible for $2.75. W < give you the N. Y. Weekly Tribune a yea and the Journal to Jan. I , 1894. for $1.25 Regular price of Tribune is Si.oo. Or , if yoi send us yoiu own and another new name will $2.00 , we will send you the Tiibuncayca tree. tree.Don't Don't delay but send your orders at once , a the sooner , the more papers you will get. NEHRASKA STATE JOURNAL , Lincoln , Neb. A Great Popular History of the World. The story of the world's histpiy , is , after all the most interesting and most instructh e his tory which has ever been told. It was prob ably never better presented , for general rend ing and reference , than in Alden's cyclopedii of history , recently published. Every natioi of the earth , ancient and modern , is treated ir its alphabetical order , excepting , only , thi United States , which is to form a separate work. You have ancient history as far bad as 15. C. 5004 and modern history down to A 0.1892. All countries are described in thei physical aspects , as well as historically , so yoi have the equivalent of a book of travel : around the world. There are many illustra tions , none for mere ornament , but all help full for instruction. Considering the magni tude of the work , its small cost , is astonishing The entire history comprises about Soo.oc words equivalent , you will find by compari son , to about 10 vojumns of ordinary size and yet is issued in two handy volumes , ii small but clear type , well and handsomely made , and sold in cloth binding for only $1.2 ; for the set , plus 20 cents for postage , if b } mail. For 10 cents the publisher sends post paid a paper-bound volume of 160 pages , con taining the complete history of several nations by which you can judge the character of the entire work. Every home ought to have i good universal history ; this is probably the best for general use. The publisher's cata logue of choice books , over icopages , a ricl feast for book lovers , is sent post-paid for : cents. JOHN 13. ALDEX , publisher , 57 Rose St. New " T" ork. A reported outbreak of cholera at llelmetta N. J. , created much excitement in thai vicinity. Investigation showed that the dis- cease was not cholera but a violent dysenterj which is almost as severe and dangerous as cholera. Mr. Walter Willard , a prominent merchant of Jamesberg , two miles from llelmetta , says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholen and Diarrhoea Remedy has given great satis faction in the most severe cases ot dysentery , It is certainly one of the best things eyei made. For sale by G. JM. Chenery , druggist , Nothing is better for nervousness than celery tea. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday , November ! , 1892 , lit residence ofV. . S. Fitch , three miles southwest of McCook , Neb. . I will offer for sale a stray Texan bay mure , having white strip in face , white on both left feet , and is about four years old. Said sale to take place at 2 o'clock , P. M. , of said day , to the highest bidder for cash. J. E. KELLEy , Justice of the Pence. McCook , Nebraska , Oct. 21,18U2. First publication October 2 ! , 1892. LAND OPFICK AT MCCOOK , NKU. . i October 20.1892. f Notice is hereby fe'iven that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention o make flual preemption proof in support of icr claim , and that said proof will bo made before Kepister or Receiver ut McCoc If , Neb. , on Saturday November 26.1892 , viz : ANNA M. LUND , ivho made P. E. D. S. 6986 for the southwes quarter of sec. 4 in town. 3 , N. of range 2'JV of f th P. M. She names the following wit nesses to prove her continuous icsidence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz Walter HJcklinp.iyman S. Miller , .lohn Show and Henry H.Mitchell , all of McCook. Neb J.P.LINDSAY , Register. First publication October 21,1892. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I October 20,1892. j Notice is hereby given thatthe following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final five year proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at' McCook , Neb. , ou Saturday , November 26,1892 viz : CHHISTINA L. REEVES , who made H. E. 5042 for the S. E. X of sec. 28 in town. 4. N. of K. 29.V. . of Gth P. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Walter Hickling of Mc Cook , Neb. . Charles E. Werner of Box Elder. Neb. . Stephen'Holies of Dox Elder. Neb. . Alexander w. Campbell of Dox Elder. Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. First publication October 21.1892. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. 1 October 20.1892. f Notice is hereby given that the followmg- nnnif d settler has filed notice of his intention to make flual preemption proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , November 26.1822. viz : MARTIN HOGAN , who made D. S. No. 6930 for the W. > S. W.i ; Sec. 2S , in Town. 5. N. of Range29. W. of 6th P. M. He names the foIloAving witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Anfln Houge , Porter Maddox. John J. Foley and James T Foley , Sr. , all of McCook , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochran.judpe of the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the sixth (6) ( day of October. 1S91. in favor of Adams County Bank as plointiffa. and against Abra ham Loeb et al. as defendants , for the sum of two thousand seventeen dollars ( $2.017)and ) no cents , and costs taxed at $42.48 and accruing costs , which judgment was on the first day of September , 1892 , assigned to Louis Lowestine. I have levied upon the following-real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment and costs to-wit : The southeast quarter ( S. E. & ) and lots number ftve [ 51 and six (6) ( ) and the south half ( S. ) of the northwest quarter IN. W. J J of section thirty-fire (3oin ( ) township | 3Z north of range thirty 130 I , west of the 6th P. M. in Red Wil low county. Nebraska , and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in ifand. on the 28th day of November. A. D. , 1892. in front of the south door of the court house , in [ ndianola. Nebraska , that being the building ivhcrein the last term of court was held , at the ] our of 1 o'clock P. M. . of said day , when and where due attendance will be Riven bytheun- lerslgned. Dated October 20th. 1692. 23-4ts. E. U. BANKS. Sheriff of Said County. THE BEST COUCH-CURE f and anodyne ' * 'expectorant , AVER'S Cherry Pectoral the inflamed membrane and induces sleep. Prompt to Act sure to cure. Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment A certilth euro for Chronic : Sore Hvcs , Totlur Suit Ulictiin. Sculcl Ilencl. ( ) M Chronic Sores Fever Port's. ECZPIHII. Itch , Prairie Suratcheg Sore NipplfB and Pllt-K. It is cooling uiu soothing. linmlrcils ot'ciiBC8 Imvohcon uiirei by it utter all other treatment Imd failed. I Is put up In - ' . " > and 50 cent boxes. Kor siilo li ; George M.CIieiiury. Nov.I.0-lytur. PROCLAMATION. WHEKEAS. A resolution wnsmlopted by tin Legislature of the Suite of Nebraska ut tin Twenty-second session thereof , and nppruvec April 4ili. A. 0. 1891. proposing : m inneiid inent to Seeliuii One (1) ) , or Article b'lvu ( G ) , o the constitution of said state , and that t-nii section us amended t-lmil re-id as follows , to wit : SECTION 1. ( Ollicore. ) The executive dc partment. sluill consist of a trovcrnor , lienteii tint governor , secretary < > 1 state , auditor o publi J accounts , trunstirer , superintendent n public instruction , attorney general , eotnnils sioncr ol public lands and buildings and thrc ( railroad commissioners , whoso powrrsand du tics slnill lie such us may be prescribed bylaw ' 1 lie llrst niimeil ei ln (81 ( oilieers shall holt ofiici ! for the term of two years from the lira Thursday alter the first Tuesday in January next after his election , and until ills tuiccci-s oris elected and qualified : PROVIDED- now EVUit. That the first election of said first eighl named officers shall be held on thu Tuesdnj succeeding thu first Monday in November 1892. and each succeeding election shall lie Itch at the same relative time in each even yeai thereafter. The three last named oilieers 01 railroad commissioners shall be elected l > \ tlu electors of the state at large- , and their tcrnu of ollicc , except of those chosen at the ilrt > l election , as liereimU'lcr provided , shall IK three years. The flint election for railroad coinmissionc'is shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the Hist Mondby in Noveiubcr.lSKJ ! and shall lie held : it the enme relative timt in each succeeding year. The railroud commis sioners shall , immediately itltci-the first said election in 18'.U. be ckissilU-d by lot. so that oiu shall hold his olliec lor the term of one year , ' ono for the term of two yeaip , and one lo'r the term of tliri'is years. No person shall he eligi blc to the ollice of railroad eomnvfesioner who be in the employ ol any common currier , ot the owner of any railroad bonds or stock , 01 in any manner whatever pecuniarily interest ed in any railroad company. The governor , secretary of thostatv , railroad commissioners , auditor of public accounts and treasurer shall reside at the seat of government during theii term of ollicc and keep the public records , books and papers there , and shall perform sucn duties as may be required by law ; PRO VIDED , HOWEVER , ALSO , That the governor shall appoint three railroad commissioners who shall hold the.r ollico until their success ors are elected and quaUiled as provided here inbefore. SEC. 2. That each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have written or print ed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to the constitution re lating to executive ofi'eers. " Therefore , 1. .lames E. Hoyd. Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section ono ( "l ) . article sev enteen (17 ( ; . of the crnstitutinn and the provi sions of the act entitled "An act to provid the manner of proposing all amendments U the constitution and submitting thu same t < the electors of the state. ' * Approved Febru ary 13tb. A. D. 1877. that said proposed amunc ment will be submitted to the qualified voter of this state for approval or rejection at th general election to bo held on the 8th day o November. A. 1) . 1892. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto set mj hand and cause to be ullixnd the great seal o the State or Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this20th day of July. A. D 1892. and the 2Gth year of the State and of the. Independence of the United States the one. hundred and seventeenth. [ SEALJ JAMES E. I1OYD. By the Governor. J. U. AM.EN. Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nobraski at the twenty-second session thereof , and ap proved April Gth. A. D. IbOl , proposing in amendment to section nine (9) ( of article eight (8) ( ) . of the constitution of said state , and that said section as amended shall read us follows , to-wit : SECTION 1. All funds belonging to the state for educational purpose. " , the interest and in come whereof only are to be used , shall be deemed trust lunds held by the state , and the state shall supply all losses thereof that.may in any manner accrue , so that the same shall remain forever inviolate and undiminishcd. and shall not be invested or loaned except on United States or State securities , or registered county bonds , or registered school district bonds of this state , and such lunds with the interests and income thereof , are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they are granted and eet apart , and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses. SECTION 2. At such election on the ballot cf each elector voting for or against this pro posed amendment shall be written or printed thewords : "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to permanent school fund. " and "Against said pronosed amend ment to the constitution relating to perma nent school fund. " SEC. 3. Itsuchamendmcntsball be approv ed by a majority of all the electors votmir at such election , said proposed amendment shall constitute section nine (9 ; of article eight (8) ( ) 3f the constitution of the State of Nebraska. Therefore I. James E. Boyd. Governor of the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section (1 ( ; article seven teen (17) ( ) , of the constitution and the provi sions of an actc-ntitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the zonstitution and submitting the same to the slectors ot the state. " Approved February 13th , A. D. 1877. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters if this state for approval or rejection at the reneral election to beheld on the 8th day of November , A. D. 1892. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set ny hand and caused to be atlixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 2Uth day of July. A. D. 1892 , and the 26th year of the State , and of the Independence of the United States the one mndred and seventeenth. [ SEAL ] JAMES E. BOYD. By the Governor. JOHN C. ALLEN , Secretary of State. Order of Hearing. STATE OF NEBRASKA , I ss. { ED WILLOW COUNTY , f In the matter of the estateof Smith Gordon , I ( . ' "cased. On reading , filing and recording petition nd final account of Matella Gordon , adrninis- ratrix of the estate of said Smith Gordon , de- eased , filed October Gth. Ib92. Praying that icr said final account be allowed and she dis- ibarged as administratrix of said estate. ) -dered tlmtSaturdoy , November 3th. 1892 , at me o'clock p.m. . is assigned for hearing said letition when nil persons interested in said natter may appear at the county court held n and for said county , and show cause why he prayer of petitioner should not be grant- d. And that notice of the pendency of said etition and the hearing thereof be given to II persons interested In said matter by pun ching a copy of this order In THK MCCOOK 'RIBUNE. ' a weekly newspaper printed in said ounty. for three successive weeks prior to aid day of hearing. Dated October 8th. 1892. CHARLES W. BKCK , County Judge. Wisdom's Robertlnel Is meeting with great success everywhere , and is rapidly supplanting every other preparation of ' : i like nature. , * tl t The juice of n lemon applied to the roots of the hair will prevent its falling out. _ _ _ _ Canada to CapeHorn. ' KV TV dmgglHi In l blc vital territory kcepH nnil i-i'ciiinmiiiN Humphreys' specifics and iliey gl e tint bi-tit put Inflict Ion of tiny- ho Hells. The beauty of the arm rfiay he developed - * ( veloped by nibbing it energetically. A. .1. KITTKNIIOUSK. C. II. HOYI.K. IUTT.KKIIOUSK & HOYLK.H , ATTOKNKYS - AT - LAW , MeCOOK' . NBM. . " J. H. KKLLBY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - AilKNT LINCOLN LAND CO. McCOOIC. - - NEIMtASKA. OFFICE : In rear of Flrt National Hank. HUGH W. COLIO , LAWYBII , McCOOK. NRIUIASKA. l pructico in all courts. CommerciN. and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. IlooniH 4 neil 5 old First National bld'K * B. l { . DAVIS , IMIYSICIAN ANDSUKGKOJJV McCOOK. NEIIItASKA. f 4 HOUHH : U to II. a. in. . 2 to 5 and 7 to ! ) . p. in Uooms ovi-r F'rst National A. T. RICE M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON1. I have located permanently in McCook , Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention ? iven to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 r > . in. Residence 2 doors south of brick school hoiihc. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. ffonea branded on left hip or ) ett shoulder P.O. address , Imperial. Chase County , and Beat rice , Nob. Kango.Stlnlc- Ing- Water and French man creeks. Chase Co' . , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on hip an4 sides of some , or any where oa the animal. J. S. McBWER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Moving z Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A , COLE ; -LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not jrot the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has Rot thu Largest and Best stock of Cloths nnu Trim- ininKfi this Bide of Hastings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the samp kind of goods. ' Shop 3 doors west of t'h e ! Citizens Hank. NOTICE. Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys , And any other breed easily obtained by using Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! It never fnils. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Kor testimonials and fur ther information see circular. Price .7) ) cents. sola by byc c- Dealer In Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods. Mccook , Xeb. Ligbt track harness 11 specialty. I'JL * I "Will Avoid Prnnd * and Hoc Medical Institutes l > y Kolns to the Old , 102 i 104 W. HINTH STREET , KANSAS CITY , K1O. A Regular Graduate < n 3fedicine. Over 26 yeartf practice 12 i Chtcaao. stabli8hedl8G5. TTTE OI.T > EST UT ACE , - - andIX OESTXOCAXEI > . Authorizedbr the State to treat Chronic. Nervous md " Special Diseases. " Seminal Weakness.CflGHT .OSSES ) . Scrnnl Debility CLOSSOP SEXUAL POWERJ , s-ervoua Debility. I'oisoned Blood. Ulcers and Swell- IIRS of every kind. Urinary and Kidney Diseases etc. 2ure Guaranteed or Money JRefunded , Jhnrirca 1.0-w. Thousands of ccaes cured ivory year. Eipcrience Is Important. No mer- ury or Injurious mediclno used. No tlmo lost rora business. Patients at o distance treated by call and e spress. Jledlclncs sent everywhere free romgare or breakage. State your case and Bend 'or terms. Consultation free and conHdcatial , per- onally or by letter. For particulars see n fflALT ron BOTII SEXES. so Pases re III IK full of descriptive pictures , sent Ul WIm scaled In plain envelope for Cc. in tamps. N. B Thl book contains SECKETS acd iseful knowledge which should bo read by every nale from 15 to < 5 years of age and keptunder ockand key. rKEE MTJ8EUM OP AXAT- JMTV replete wltb a thousand Interesting speci- nens. Including the celebrated French Mmnlkla. fhlcb alone coat over $600. For Men Only. XUblJb : U JgATISM. I HE GREAT TOBtlSH RHEOHATIC CU8E. L A FOSITin CSBE FOR E1IXCHAT1SH. ( SO I or any case this treatment , falls to I uro or help. Greatest discovery in I nnals of medicine. One dose gives [ Ellef ; fewdo&es removes fever and I HQ IQ Joints * Cnro coinplctGd tn Ai ewdays. Send statement of case with BtaspfDC rcuiftts. OR. HEMDEBSOH , KAMSAS CITY , M0.t ' i - :